I'm currently testing porting our build system from make to shake and have hit a roadblock:
Given the following project structure:
That is, various input extensions map to identical output extensions, so a straightforward "build//*.js" %> rule isn't going to work.
I wanted to avoid using priority if possible, and writing an ad-hoc build rule that checks for the existence of either possible input felt clunky (especially since this situation occurs with other filetypes as well), so I wrote the following:
data StaticFileMapping a = StaticFileMapping String String (FilePath -> FilePath -> Action a)
staticInputs :: FilePath -> StaticFileMapping a -> Action [FilePath]
staticInputs dir (StaticFileMapping iExt _ _) = (findFiles (dir </> "static") [iExt])
staticInputToOutput :: StaticFileMapping a -> FilePath -> FilePath
staticInputToOutput (StaticFileMapping _ oExt _) = (remapDir ["build"]) . (-<.> oExt)
staticTargets :: FilePath -> StaticFileMapping a -> Action [FilePath]
staticTargets dir sfm = (map $ staticInputToOutput sfm) <$> staticInputs dir sfm
rules :: FilePath -> StaticFileMapping a -> Rules ()
rules dir sfm#(StaticFileMapping _ _ process) = join $ mconcat . (map buildInputRule) <$> staticInputs dir sfm
where buildInputRule :: FilePath -> Rules ()
buildInputRule input = (staticInputToOutput sfm input) %> (process input)
That way I can define a mapping for each input type (.coffee -> .js, .svg -> .png) and so on, with only a tiny amount of code implementing the transformation for each. And it almost works.
But it seems impossible to go from (Action a) to Rules _ without throwing the value inside the Action away first, as far as I can tell.
Is there a function with type (Action a) -> (a -> Rules ()) -> Rules () or (Action a) -> (Rules a)? Can I implement either one myself, or do I need to modify the library's code?
Or is this entire approach hare-brained and I should take some other route?
First off, using priority would not work, as that picks a rule statically then runs it - it doesn't backtrack. It's also important that Shake doesn't run any Action operations to produce Rules (as per the two functions you propose) since the Action might call need on a Rule that it itself defines, or is defined by another action rule, thus making the ordering of those Action calls visible. You could add IO (Rules ()) -> Rules (), which might be enough for what you are thinking of (directory listing), but it isn't currently exposed (I have an internal function that does exactly that).
To give a few example approaches it's useful to define plausible commands to convert .js/.coffee files:
cmdCoffee :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
cmdCoffee src out = do
need [src]
cmd "coffee-script-convertor" [src] [out]
cmdJavascript :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
cmdJavascript = copyFile'
Approach 1: Use doesFileExist
This would be my standard approach, writing something like:
"build/*.js" %> \out -> do
let srcJs = "static" </> dropDirectory1 out
let srcCf = srcJs -<.> "coffee"
b <- doesFileExist srcCf
if b then cmdCoffee srcCf out else cmdJavascript srcJs out
This accurately captures the dependency that if the user adds a .coffee file in the directory then the rule should be rerun. You could imagine sugaring up the doesFileExist if this is a common pattern for you. You could even drive it from you list of StaticFileMapping structures (do a group on the oExt field to add one rule per oExt than calls doesFileExists on each iExt in turn). An advantage of this approach is that if you do shake build/out.js it doesn't need to do a directory listing, although likely that cost is negligible.
Approach 2: List the files before calling shake
Instead of writing main = shakeArgs ... do:
import System.Directory.Extra(listFilesRecursive) -- from the "extra" package
main = do
files <- listFilesRecursive "static"
shakeArgs shakeOptions $ do
forM_ files $ \src -> case takeExtension src of
".js" -> do
let out = "build" </> takeDirectory1 src
want [out]
out %> \_ -> cmdJavascript src out
-- rules for all other types you care about
_ -> return ()
Here you operate in IO to get the list of files, then can add rules by referring to that previously captured value. Adding rulesIO :: IO (Rules ()) -> Rules () would allow you to list the files inside shakeArgs.
Approach 3: List the files inside the rules
You can define a mapping between file names and outputs, driven from the directory listing:
buildJs :: Action (Map FilePath (Action ()))
buildJs = do
js <- getDirectoryFiles "static" ["*.js"]
cf <- getDirectoryFiles "static" ["*.coffee"]
return $ Map.fromList $
[("build" </> j, cmdJavascript ("static" </> j) ("build" </> j)) | j <- js] ++
[("build" </> c, cmdCoffee ("static" </> c) ("")) | c <- cf]
Then lift that into a set of rules:
action $ do
mpJs <- buildJs
need $ Map.keys mpJs
"//*.js" %> \out -> do
mpJs <- buildJs
mpJs Map.! out
However, that recomputes the directory listing for every file we build, so we should cache it and make sure it's only computed once:
mpJs <- newCache $ \() -> buildJs
action $ do
mpJs <- mpJs ()
need $ Map.keys mpJs
"//*.js" %> \out -> do
mpJs <- mpJs ()
mpJs Map.! out
This solution is probably closest to your original approach, but I find it the most complex.
This is a bizzare behavior, even for Haskell. Look at the code segments below:
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
-- This spins infinitely
loadCtx :: FilePath -> IO ()
loadCtx dir = do
lsfiles <- listDirectory dir
let files = mapM (dir </>) lsfiles
putStrLn $ "Files " ++ show files
-- This does what I'd expect, prepending the dir path to each file
loadCtx dir = do
lsfiles <- listDirectory dir
let files = map (dir </>) lsfiles
putStrLn $ "Files " ++ show files
Both definitions are accepted from the typechecker but give completely
different behavior. What is the output of the first mapM? It looks like an infinite loop on reading some files. Also is it possible to compose the listDirectory do-arrow line with the map (dir </>) that prepends the path, in one-line?
What is the output of the first mapM? It looks like an infinite loop on reading some files.
It is not an infinite loop -- merely a very, very long one.
You are not using mapM for IO; you are using mapM in the nondeterminism monad. Here is the type of mapM, specialized to that monad:
Traversable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [t b]
Read this in the following way:
First, give me a way to turn an element of a container (type a) into a nondeterministic choice between many possible replacement elements (type [b]).
Then give me a containerful of elements (type t a).
I will give you a nondeterministic choice between containers with replacement elements in them (type [t b]). (And, this part is not in the type, but: the way I will do this is by taking all possible combinations; for each position in the container, I'll try each possible b, and give you every which way of making one choice for each position in the container.)
For example, if we were to define the function f :: Int -> [Char] for which f n chose nondeterministically between the first n letters of the alphabet, then we could see this kind of interaction:
> f 3
> f 5
> f 2
> mapM f [3,5,2]
In each result, the first letter is one of the first three in the alphabet (a, b, or c); the second is from the first five, and the third from the first two. What's more, we get every list which has this property.
Now let's think about what that means for your code. You have written
mapM (dir </>) lsfiles
and so what you will get back is a collection of lists. Each list in the collection will be exactly as long as lsfiles is. Let's focus on one of the lists in the collection; call it cs.
The first element of cs will be drawn from dir </> filename, where filename is the first element of lsfiles; that is, it will be one of the characters in dir, or a slash, or one of the characters in filename. The second element of cs will be similar: one of the characters of dir, or a slash, or one of the characters from the second filename in lsfiles. I guess you can see where this is going... there's an awful lot of possibilities here. =)
Also is it possible to compose the listDirectory do-arrow line with the map (dir </>) that prepends the path, in one-line?
loadCtx dir = do
files <- map (dir </>) <$> listDirectory dir
putStrLn $ "Files " ++ show files
Well according to the documentation,
type FilePath = String
That is,
type FilePath = [Char]
So in this line,
let files = mapM (dir </>) lsfiles
you have that the argument of mapM, which is (dir </>), is of type FilePath -> FilePath. Now look at the type of mapM,
mapM :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
So the type a -> m b is instantiated to FilePath -> FilePath, which is FilePath -> [Char]. So you're performing a monadic mapping using the list monad, which is the "nondeterminism" monad in this case for values of type Char.
To complement Jorge's answer, here's an exponential blowup, demonstrated:
> map ("XY" </>) ["a","b","c"]
> mapM ("XY" </>) ["a","b","c"]
Indeed, mapM = sequence . map, and sequence in the list monad performs the cartesian product of a list-of-lists, ["XY\\a","XY\\b","XY\\c"] in this case, so we get 4*4*4 combinations. (Ouch!)
I am using a library that I can provide with a function a -> IO (), which it will call occasionally.
Because the output of my function depends not only on the a it receives as input, but also on the previous a's, it would be much easier for me to write a function [a] -> IO (), where [a] is infinite.
Can I write a function:
magical :: ([a] -> IO ()) -> (a -> IO ())
That collects the a's it receives from the callback and passes them to my function as a lazy infinite list?
The IORef solution is indeed the simplest one. If you'd like to explore a pure (but more complex) variant, have a look at conduit. There are other implementations of the same concept, see Iteratee I/O, but I found myself conduit to be very easy to use.
A conduit (AKA pipe) is an abstraction of of program that can accept input and/or produce output. As such, it can keep internal state, if needed. In your case, magical would be a sink, that is, a conduit that accepts input of some type, but produces no output. By wiring it into a source, a program that produces output, you complete the pipeline and then ever time the sink asks for an input, the source is run until it produces its output.
In your case you'd have roughly something like
magical :: Sink a IO () -- consumes a stream of `a`s, no result
magical = go (some initial state)
go state = do
m'input <- await
case m'input of
Nothing -> return () -- finish
Just input -> do
-- do something with the input
go (some updated state)
This is not exactly what you asked for, but it might be enough for your purposes, I think.
magical :: ([a] -> IO ()) -> IO (a -> IO ())
magical f = do
list <- newIORef []
let g x = do
modifyIORef list (x:)
xs <- readIORef list
f xs -- or (reverse xs), if you need FIFO ordering
return g
So if you have a function fooHistory :: [a] -> IO (), you can use
main = do
foo <- magical fooHistory
setHandler foo -- here we have foo :: a -> IO ()
As #danidaz wrote above, you probably do not need magical, but can play the same trick directly in your fooHistory, modifying a list reference (IORef [a]).
main = do
list <- newIORef []
let fooHistory x = do
modifyIORef list (x:)
xs <- readIORef list
use xs -- or (reverse xs), if you need FIFO ordering
setHandler fooHistory -- here we have fooHistory :: a -> IO ()
Control.Concurrent.Chan does almost exactly what I wanted!
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
setHandler :: (Char -> IO ()) -> IO ()
setHandler f = void . forkIO . forever $ getChar >>= f
process :: String -> IO ()
process ('h':'i':xs) = putStrLn "hi" >> process xs
process ('a':xs) = putStrLn "a" >> process xs
process (x:xs) = process xs
process _ = error "Guaranteed to be infinite"
main :: IO ()
main = do
c <- newChan
setHandler $ writeChan c
list <- getChanContents c
process list
This seems like a flaw in the library design to me. You might consider an upstream patch so that you could provide something more versatile as input.
Is it possible to split a Shell in Turtle library (Haskell) and do different things to either split of the shell, such that the original Shell is only run once ?
/---- shell2
---Shell1 --/
For instance, how to do
let lstmp = lstree "/tmp"
view lstmp
view $ do
path <- lstmp
x <- liftIO $ testdir path
return x
such that lstree "/tmp" would only run once.
Specifically I would like to send Shell 2 and Shell 3 to different files using output.
You won't be able to split a Shell into two separate shells that run simultaneously, unless there's some magic I don't know. But file writing is a fold over the contents of a shell or some other succession of things. It is built into turtle that you can always combine many folds and make them run simultaneously using the Control.Foldl material - here
foldIO :: Shell a -> FoldM IO a r -> IO r -- specializing
A shell is secretly a FoldM IO a r -> IO r under the hood anyway, so this is basically runShell. To do this we need to get the right Shell and the right combined FoldM IO. The whole idea of the Fold a b and FoldM m a b types from the foldl package is simultaneous folding.
I think the easiest way to get the right shell is just to make the lstree fold return a FilePath together with the result of testdir. You basically wrote this:
withDirInfo :: FilePath -> Shell (Bool, FilePath)
withDirInfo tmp = do
let lstmp = lstree tmp
path <- lstmp
bool <- liftIO $ testdir path
return (bool, path)
So now we can get a Shell (Bool, FilePath) from /tmp This has all the information our two folds will need, and thus that our combined fold will need.
Next we might write a helper fold that prints the Text component of the FilePath to a given handle:
sinkFilePaths :: Handle -> FoldM IO FilePath ()
sinkFilePaths handle = L.sink (T.hPutStrLn handle . format fp)
Then we can use this Handle -> FoldM IO FilePath () to define two FoldM IO (Bool, FilePath) (). Each will write different stuff to different handles, and we can unite them into a single simultaneous fold with <*. This is an independent FoldM IO ... and can be applied e.g. to a pure list of type [(Bool, FilePath)] using L.fold and it will write different things from the list to the different handles. In our case, though, we will apply it to the Shell (Bool, FilePath) we defined.
The only subtle part of this is the use of L.handlesM to print only the second element, in both cases, and only those filtered as directories in the other. This uses the _2 lens and filtered from the lens libraries. This could probably be simplified, but see what you think:
{-#LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Turtle
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Control.Lens (_2,filtered)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
main = IO.withFile "tmpfiles.txt" IO.WriteMode $ \h ->
IO.withFile "tmpdirs.txt" IO.WriteMode $ \h' -> do
foldIO (withDirInfo "/tmp") (sinkFilesDirs h h')
withDirInfo :: Turtle.FilePath -> Shell (Bool, Turtle.FilePath)
withDirInfo tmp = do
let lstmp = lstree tmp
path <- lstmp
bool <- liftIO $ testdir path
return (bool, path)
sinkFilePaths :: Handle -> FoldM IO Turtle.FilePath ()
sinkFilePaths handle = L.sink (T.hPutStrLn handle . format fp)
sinkFilesDirs :: Handle -> Handle -> FoldM IO (Bool, Turtle.FilePath) ()
sinkFilesDirs h h' = allfiles <* alldirs where
allfiles :: L.FoldM IO (Bool, Turtle.FilePath) ()
allfiles = L.handlesM _2 (sinkFilePaths h)
-- handle the second element of pairs with sinkFilePaths
alldirs :: FoldM IO (Bool, Turtle.FilePath) ()
alldirs = L.handlesM (filtered (\(bool,file) -> bool) . _2) (sinkFilePaths h')
-- handle the second element of pairs where the first element
-- is true using sinkFilePaths
It sounds like you're looking for something like async to split off your shells from the first shell and then wait for them to return. async is a pretty capable library that can achieve much more than the below example, but it provides a pretty simple solution to what you're asking for:
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Turtle.Shell
import Turtle.Prelude
main :: IO ()
main = do
let lstmp1 = lstree "/tmp"
let lstmp2 = lstree "/etc"
view lstmp1
view lstmp2
job1 <- async $ view $ do
path <- lstmp1
x <- liftIO $ testdir path
return x
job2 <- async $ view $ do
path <- lstmp2
x <- liftIO $ testdir path
return x
wait job1
wait job2
Is this what you're looking for?
I currently have this code which will perform the main' function on each of the filenames in the list files.
Ideally I have been trying to combine main and main' but I haven't made much progress. Is there a better way to simplify this or will I need to keep them separate?
{- Start here -}
main :: IO [()]
main = do
files <- getArgs
mapM main' files
{- Main's helper function -}
main' :: FilePath -> IO ()
main' file = do
contents <- readFile file
case (runParser parser 0 file $ lexer contents) of Left err -> print err
Right xs -> putStr xs
Edit: As most of you are suggesting; I was trying a lambda abstraction for this but wasn't getting it right. - Should've specified this above. With the examples I see this better.
The Control.Monad library defines the function forM which is mapM is reverse arguments. That makes it easier to use in your situation, i.e.
main :: IO ()
main = do
files <- getArgs
forM_ files $ \file -> do
contents <- readFile file
case (runParser f 0 file $ lexer contents) of
Left err -> print err
Right xs -> putStr xs
The version with the underscore at the end of the name is used when you are not interested in the resulting list (like in this case), so main can simply have the type IO (). (mapM has a similar variant called mapM_).
You can use forM, which equals flip mapM, i.e. mapM with its arguments flipped, like this:
forM_ files $ \file -> do
contents <- readFile file
Also notice that I used forM_ instead of forM. This is more efficient when you are not interested in the result of the computation.
We're working on a model filesystem that uses a state monad internally. We have a type class with operations like these:
class Monad m => FS m where
isDirectory :: Path -> m Bool
children :: Path -> m [Path]
We're working on a little interactive interpreter that will offer commands like cd, ls, cat, and so on. An operation in the interpreter can be written this way:
fsop :: FS m => Operation -> m Response
The definitions of Operation and Response aren't important; if you like, take them to be strings.
The problem I am trying to solve is to write a top-level loop in the I/O monad that interprets filesystem Operations and prints responses. If IO were an instance of FS (that is, if we were working directly with the IO monad), life would be simple: we could write
loop :: Path -> IO ()
loop currentDir = do
op <- getLine
case read op of
ChangeDir d -> loop d -- should test 'isDirectory d', but let's not
Ls -> do { files <- children currentDir
; mapM_ putStrLn files
; loop currentDir }
Exit -> return ()
But that's not what I want. I want to use Control.Monad.State:
newtype Filesystem a = Filesystem (State (Data.Map.Map Path Contents) a)
and to declare
instance Monad Filesystem ...
instance FS Filesystem ...
Using the FS abstraction, I can write a single-step function that should work with any instance, and indeed the following code compiles:
step :: FS fs => Path -> Operation -> fs (Path, Response)
step currentDir op =
case op of
ChangeDir d -> return (d, "")
Ls -> do { files <- children currentDir
; return (currentDir, unlines files) }
At this point I am totally stuck. What I want to do is write an interactive loop in the IO monad, which can read Operations and print Responses, but which works on a state monad that is not necessarily IO. (One of the reasons for having a model that is not in IO is that so we can test QuickCheck properties.)
I feel like this has to be a standard problem—an interactive read-eval-print loop on top of a stateful abstraction that is not IO—but I must be missing something breathtakingly obvious because I can't seem to figure it out. I've looked online but have not been enlightened.
Any help writing an interactive, IO-performing computation that can call step would be greatly appreciated.
What about using monad transformers? They are more or less standard way to combine monads. Here an simplistic example:
type Foo a = StateT String IO a
replT :: Foo ()
replT = do
str <- liftIO getLine
state <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn ("current state: " ++ state)
liftIO $ putStrLn ("setting state: " ++ str)
put str
Below are results of running replT from within ghci.
*Main> runStateT replT "Initial state"
current state: Initial state
setting state: asd
current state: asd
setting state: zxc
There are three monad transformers libs. mtl, transformers and monadLib. I cannot recommend any of them since I don't use them much.
Disclaimer: I can't promise the following is a good way to go about it, but working through it sounds fun. Let's take it for a spin, shall we?.
A few obligatory imports
First, let's toss some data types out there. I'm going to fill in some details and tweak things a bit, in order to define a simple "file system" that we can actually interact with.
type Path = String
type Response = Maybe String
type Contents = [String]
data Operation = Cd Path
| Ls
| MkDir Path
| Quit
deriving (Read, Show)
Next, we'll do something a bit edgy... strip out all the monads. What? This is madness! Perhaps, but sometimes all the hidden plumbing that >>= provides hides things just a bit too much.
For the file system itself, we'll just store the current working directory and a map from paths to their children. We'll also need a handful of functions to interact with it.
data Filesystem = Filesystem { wd :: Path, files :: M.Map Path Contents }
deriving Show
newFS = Filesystem "/" (M.singleton "/" [])
isDirectory p fs = M.member p $ files fs
children p fs = fromMaybe [] . M.lookup p $ files fs
cd p fs = fs { wd = p }
create p fs = let newPath = wd fs ++ p ++ "/"
addPath = M.insert newPath [] . M.adjust (p:) (wd fs)
in (newPath, fs { files = addPath $ files fs })
Now for a monad-less version of the step function. It needs to take an Operation and a Filesystem, and return a Response and a (possibly modified) Filesystem:
step :: Operation -> Filesystem -> (Response, Filesystem)
step (Cd d) fs = (Just "Ok\n", cd d fs)
step (MkDir d) fs = first (\d -> Just $ "Created " ++ d ++ "\n") $ create d fs
step Ls fs = let files = children (wd fs) fs
in (Just $ unlines files, fs)
step Quit fs = (Nothing, fs)
...hmm, that type signature already looks a lot like the guts of a State monad. Oh well, just ignore it for now, and charge blindly onward.
Now, what we want is a function that will provide a general-purpose interface to a Filesystem interpreter. Particularly, we want the interface to be at least somewhat self-contained so that whatever uses the interface doesn't have to step through manually, yet we want the interface to be sufficiently oblivious to the code using it that we can wire it up to the IO monad, some other Monad, or even no monad at all.
What this tells us primarily is that we'll need to interleave the external code with the interpreter in some fashion, rather than having either part be in control. Now, Haskell is a functional language, so that means that using lots of higher-order functions is good, right? Sounds plausible to me, so here's the strategy we'll use: If a function doesn't know what to do next, we'll hand it another function that we assume does. Repeat until everybody knows what's going on. A flawless plan, no?
The heart of it all is the step function, so we'll start by just calling that.
interp1 :: Operation -> Filesystem -> (Response, Filesystem)
interp1 op fs = step op fs
...well, it's a start. I guess. But wait, where is the Operation coming from? We need the external code to provide that, but we can't just ask for it without getting all mixed up with unsavory characters like IO. So we get another function to do the dirty work for us:
interp2 :: ((Operation -> (Response, Filesystem)) -> t) -> Filesystem -> t
interp2 inp fs = inp (\op -> step op fs)
Of course, now all we have is some stupid t that we don't even know what it is. We know it has to have a Response and a Filesystem in it somewhere, but we can't do anything with it, so we'll hand it back to another function, along with some instructions on how to proceed... which will of course involve passing in yet more functions. It's functions all the way down, you know.
interp3 :: ((Operation -> (Response, Filesystem)) -> a)
-> (a -> ((Response, Filesystem) -> b) -> c)
-> (Filesystem -> b)
-> (String -> Filesystem -> b)
-> Filesystem
-> c
interp3 inp check done out fs = check (inp (\op -> step op fs)) test
where test (Nothing, fs) = done fs
test (Just s, fs) = out s fs
...well that's pretty ugly. But don't worry, all is going according to plan. We can make a couple observations next:
The type a only exists between inp and check, so in hindsight, we might as well combine them ahead of time and just pass the composed function to the interpreter.
When we call done, it ought to mean exactly what it says on the tin. So the return type for done should be the same as the whole interpreter, meaning b and c ought to be the same type.
Now, if done ends the whole thing, what's out? As the name none-too-subtly implies, it's providing output to the external code, but where does it go after that? It needs to loop back into the interpreter somehow, and we might note that our interpreter is not yet recursive. The way forward is clear--the interpreter, like Jormungand, thus seizes its own tail; looping back around indefinitely till the interpretation finishes (or until Ragnarök, whichever comes first).
interp4 :: ((Operation -> (Response, Filesystem))
-> ((Response, Filesystem) -> r) -> r)
-> (Filesystem -> r)
-> (String -> Filesystem -> (Filesystem -> r) -> r)
-> Filesystem
-> r
interp4 checkInp done out fs = checkInp (\op -> step op fs) test
where loop = interp4 checkInp done out
test (Nothing, fs) = done fs
test (Just s, fs) = out s fs loop
...oh, did I mention that it works now? No, seriously!
Here's some IO code to use the interface:
ioIn f k = putStr "> " >> (k . f =<< readLn)
ioDone fs = putStrLn "Done" >> return fs
ioOut x fs k = putStr x >> k fs
ioInterp :: IO Filesystem
ioInterp = interp4 ioIn ioDone ioOut newFS
And here's code that runs a list of commands, producing a list of output strings:
scriptIn f k (x:xs) = k (f x) xs
scriptDone fs xs = ["Done\n"]
scriptOut r fs k xs = r : k fs xs
scriptInterp :: [Operation] -> [String]
scriptInterp = interp4 scriptIn scriptDone scriptOut newFS
Examples of running both in GHCi here, if just the code doesn't tickle your imagination sufficiently.
Well, that's that. Or is it? Frankly, that interpreter is code only a mother could love. Is there something that would tie it all together elegantly? Something to reveal the underlying structure of the code?
...okay, so it's pretty obvious where this leads. The overall design of functions tail-calling each other in circles looks an awful lot like continuation-passing style, and not once but twice in the interpreter's type signature can be found the characteristic pattern (foo -> r) -> r, better known as the continuation monad.
Unfortunately, even after all that, continuations make my head hurt and I'm not sure how best to disentangle the very ad-hoc structure of the interpreter into a computation running in a MonadCont.
I can think of two solutions here:
1) Use a monad transformer library. I can't improve on Shimuuar's reply, except in some details on the libraries. Transformers by itself doesn't provide the necessary instances; you would need to use transformers and either monads-tf or monads-fd, which offer implementations based on type families and fundeps, respectively. I prefer monads-tf if you go this route. The api is almost identical to that of mtl. I don't have experience with MonadLib, but it looks quite good also.
2) Write your main loop in IO, and for each loop iteration call runState to evaluate the state monad. Something like the following:
loop path state = do
op <- readOp
let ((newpath, resp), newstate) = runState (step path op) state
print resp
loop newpath newstate
This should work, but it's far less idiomatic than using monad transformers.
Require your instances of FS to be instance of MonadIO, not just Monad:
class MonadIO m => FS m where ...
Then you will have available the liftIO method to lift FS into IO:
liftIO :: MonadIO m => m a -> IO a
so you can write in the IO monad:
files <- liftIO $ children currentDir
etc. Of course, that means you will need to implement liftIO
for each FS before you even write the FS instance, but for
this application (without having seen the actual details)
it sounds like that should be simple.