I need the string recognizes the comma
script2 : string;
script2 := 'javascript:doSubmit(13,'S', 'S');'
ExecuteScript(webbrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2, script2, 'javascript');
however I am getting the following error message
The error message is due to the embedded apostrophes (single quotes) in your string. From the help, "Two sequential apostrophes in a quoted string denote a single character", so your code should be:
script2 := 'javascript:doSubmit(13, ''S'', ''S'')';
My installer has Components which come associated with downloadable files. These things are changing from build to build, so I'm using #insert to create the [Components] section as well as the appropriate entries in the [Files] section.
Some of these components rely on common downloadable files.
To now include the correct urls in the downloads page, I'm currently defining array variables that are named like the component and have as values the names of the required downloadable files, for example:
#dim myfeature[2] {"01aed27862e2087bd117e9b677a8685aebb0be09744723b4a948ba78d6011bac", "677756ac5969f814fd01ae677dbb832ab2e642513fea44ea0a529430d5ec1fdc"}
In the code for the download page I'm checking which components where selected via WizardSelectedComponents() and after converting the string to an array of strings, I'm trying to get to the previously defined variable and that is where I'm failing:
function GetDownloads(): Array of String;
Downloads: Array of String;
SelectedComponents: String;
SelectedArray: Array of String;
SelectedComponents := WizardSelectedComponents(False);
// a custom procedure to parse the comma seperated string
SelectedArray := ParseArray(SelectedComponents, SelectedArray);
// trying to get to the constant array now this works:
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{#myfeature[0]}'), mbInformation, MB_OK);
// same but trying to use the selected component value returns this as a literal
// '+SelectedArray[0]+' instead the expanded value
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{#' + SelectedArray[0] + '[0]}'), mbInformation, MB_OK);
So I understand something is up with the # mark but I could not find a way to solve this properly.
Thank you!
ExpandConstant expands Inno Setup "constants", not preprocessor values. See also Evaluate preprocessor macro on run time in Inno Setup Pascal Script.
You cannot access elements of a preprocessor compile-time array using run-time indexes.
If you know C/C++, it's like if you were trying to do:
#define VALUE1 123
#define VALUE2 456
int index = 1;
int value = VALUE ## index
I'm not really sure I completely understand what are you doing. But it seems that you need to create an array on compile time from various sources and use it on runtime.
There are several approaches that can be used for that. But you definitely need runtime array initialized on run time. But the code that initializes it can be generated on compile time.
An example of the approach follows (and some links to other approaches are at the end).
At the beginning of your script, define these support functions:
FeatureDownloads: TStrings;
function AddFeature(
Feature: Integer; CommaSeparatedListOfDownloads: string): Boolean;
if not Assigned(FeatureDownloads) then
FeatureDownloads := TStringList.Create();
while FeatureDownloads.Count <= Feature do
if FeatureDownloads[Feature] <> '' then
RaiseException('Downloads for feature already defined');
FeatureDownloads[Feature] := CommaSeparatedListOfDownloads;
Result := True;
#define AddFeature(Feature, CommaSeparatedListOfDownloads) \
"<event('InitializeSetup')>" + NewLine + \
"function InitializeSetupFeature" + Str(Feature) + "(): Boolean;" + NewLine + \
"begin" + NewLine + \
" Result := AddFeature(" + Str(Feature) + ", '" + CommaSeparatedListOfDownloads + "');" + NewLine + \
In your components include files, do:
#emit AddFeature(2, "01aed27862e2087bd117e9b677a8685aebb0be09744723b4a948ba78d6011bac,677756ac5969f814fd01ae677dbb832ab2e642513fea44ea0a529430d5ec1fdc")
If you add:
#expr SaveToFile(AddBackslash(SourcePath) + "Preprocessed.iss")
to the end of your main script, you will see in the Preprocessed.iss generated by the preprocessor/compiler that the #emit directive expands to:
function InitializeSetupFeature2(): Boolean;
Result := AddFeature(2, '01aed27862e2087bd117e9b677a8685aebb0be09744723b4a948ba78d6011bac,677756ac5969f814fd01ae677dbb832ab2e642513fea44ea0a529430d5ec1fdc');
Now you have FeatureDownloads Pascal Script runtime variable that you can access using FeatureDownloads[SelectedArray[0]] to get comma-separated string, which you can parse to the individual downloads.
This can be optimimized/improved a lot, but I do not know/understand the extent of your task. But I believe that once you grasp the concept (it might be difficult at the beginning), you will be able to do it yourself.
Another similar questions:
Evaluate a collection of data from preprocessor on run time in Inno Setup Pascal Script (simple example that be easier to grasp initially)
Scripting capabilities in the Registry section (slightly different approach from times event attributes were not available yet – and that's YOUR question)
I want to modify the parameters of a FileName in the [Run] section according to the state of some radio and check buttons. In my code section I have added:
function GetParameterString:String;
I: Integer;
s1, s2: String;
for I := 0 to WizardForm.RunList.Items.Count - 1 do
if (wizardform.runlist.items.checked[i] = true) then begin
if (wizardform.runlist.items.itemcaption[i] = 'View Whats''s New in ' + {#MyAppVersion}) then
s1 := GetShellFolderByCSIDL(CSIDL_APPDATA, True) + '\Positron Studio\What''s New.pdf';
if (wizardform.runlist.items.itemcaption[i] = 'Positron Studio Dark' then
s2 := '-d'
else if (wizardform.runlist.Items.itemcaption[i] = 'Positron Studio Light' then
s2 := '-l'
Result := s1 + s2
and I am calling it from the [Run] section like this:
FileName:"{app}\{#MyAppExename}"; parameters: Code: GetParameterString; \
Flags: postinstall nowait
It fails on the wizardform.runlist.items.checked[i] = true with:
Unknown Identifier Checked
How do I get the Checked value of a checkbox or radiobutton?
Lookup Pascal Scripting: Scripted Constants where it states:
The Pascal script can contain several functions which are called when Setup wants to know the value of a scripted {code:...} constant. The called function must have 1 String parameter named Param, and must return a String or a Boolean value depending on where the constant is used.
So try:
FileName: "{app}\{#MyAppExename}"; Parameters: {code:GetParameterString}; Flags: postinstall nowait
The above has not been tested. It may not fix the underlaying issue with what you are actually doing in the GetParameterString method.
Your immediate problem is that there's indeed no wizardform.runlist.items.checked (nor wizardform.runlist.items.itemcaption).
You want WizardForm.RunList.Checked (and WizardForm.RunList.ItemCaption).
See the TNewCheckListBox documentation.
Your next problem will be the invalid syntax of the reference to your scripted constant in the Parameters parameter (as Andrew has already shown in his answer). It should be:
Parameters: {code:GetParameterString};
Your next problem will be "Invalid prototype":
"Identifier Expected" or "Invalid Prototype" when implementing a scripted constant in Inno Setup
It should be:
function GetParameterString(Param: string): string;
Depending on how you application handles the argument, you also might need to the path to the .pdf, as there are spaces in it.
It also bit strange, how you add the -d and -l to the path. Did you really intend to pass something like this to the application?
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Positron Studio\What's New.pdf-d
It also bit unclear to me, how are you combining multiple "run list" entries states into arguments of one particular entry. But I assume you know what you are doing.
I want to implement a Delphi function which returns the line number and occurrence of a specific string inside a text file. say in the given text file one of the line is: #1.1 Torsional Stiffness [Tz] along with other text data.
If I want to find out where Torsional Stiffness is seated in the text file, what Delphi code should be implemented??
The below program works and helps me find a particular string inside the text file.
The string is visually found on line number 4 (sl[i] = sl[4]) of the assigned text file (using RAD debug layout). But I want my program to automatically output the line where my string is located and also count the number of occurrences of the same in the .txt file.
program findingText;
procedure FindText;
sl: TStringList;
i: Integer;
searchText: string;
//fileName: TextFile;
searchText := 'Torsional Stiffness matrices';
sl := TStringList.Create;
for i := 0 to sl.Count-1 do
if Pos(searchText, sl[i])>0 then
As with any problem, there will many possible approaches. I don't have a particular solution but I would start by loading the text into a string list. TStringList has a LoadFromFile method and the ItemIndex property will then provide the line number. You would still need to work out the best method to search for a given string. A for/next loop iterating through the items in the string list would be easiest. If the file is relatively small then this approach is very simple and effective. You'd need to experiment as to how large the file could go before speed became an issue.
I'm using Lazarus to build a simple app that builds Outlook signatures based on a template. The idea is to extract the template (a ZIP file), and replace variables within the files it contains.
For example, I may want to replace {fullname} with the name provided by the user.
I am currently using the implementation below, but it seems to be ineffective. The file is read and written to, but it appears the replacements are not being made. I have tested to see if my implementation of TFileStream is not correct, but using WriteAnsiString to append dummy text onto the end of the output file works.
Please would you kindly have a look at my code below and let me know what I may have done wrong, or if there are any better alternatives to StringReplace? I am aware that one can use TStringList - however, doing so breaks line endings. As memos and rich edits use TStringList, using those won't help either.
I have seen this, but using AnsiString makes no difference. If I'm not mistaken, FPC uses it by default anyway, instead of UnicodeString.
Update 2:
Indeed, AnsiString is the default. Using a unicode string (which makes the replacements work) adds ? to the beginning and end of the file. Why would it do that?
function multiStringReplace(const s: string; search, replace : array of string; flags : tReplaceFlags): string;
var c : cardinal;
assert(length(search) = length(replace), 'Array lengths differ.');
result := s;
for c := low(search) to high(search) do
result := stringReplace(result, search[c], replace[c], flags);
procedure fileReplaceString(const fileName: string; search, replace: array of string);
fs: tFileStream;
s: string;
fs := tFileStream.create(fileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
setLength(s, fs.size);
fs.readBuffer(s[1], fs.size);
s := multiStringReplace(s, search, replace, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
fs := tFileStream.create(fileName, fmOpenWrite);
fs.writeBuffer(s[1], length(s));
fileReplaceString(currentFile, ['{fullname}'], ['Full Name']);
Thanks to Abelisto's comment above, it appears the issue is due to the fact that Outlook saves the three files it creates with different encodings. To get around it, I simply used convertEncoding and guessEncoding from lconvencoding, as below:
// Read string
s := convertEncoding(
multiStringReplace(s, search, replace, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]),
guessEncoding(s), encodingAnsi
// Write modified and converted string back to file
encodingAnsi appears to be the best conversion, at least in my case. Converting to UTF8 (with or without BOM) caused a bit of a headache with certain characters, specifically EmDash or EnDash.
I am trying to make a chat application that will post a message into a memo in the form like this:
USERNAME-> Message
but it is posting to my memo like this:
Here is my code:
cnMaxUserNameLen = 254;
sUserName: string;
dwUserNameLen: DWORD;
text : string;
dwUserNameLen := cnMaxUserNameLen - 1;
SetLength(sUserName, cnMaxUserNameLen);
GetUserName(PChar(sUserName), dwUserNameLen);
SetLength(sUserName, dwUserNameLen);
text:= sUserName + '-> ' + edit1.Text;
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
The value returned in dwUserNameLen includes the null-terminator. And you are thus including it in the text. When the string is send to the Windows edit control behind the TMemo, the string is passed as a null-terminated string. And so the stray null from the user name terminates the data transfer.
Change the code like this:
SetLength(sUserName, dwUserNameLen-1);
You should also check the return value of GetUserName in case there is an error, but I will leave that detail to you.