In my code I have a mutually recursive tree structure which looks something like the following:
enum Child<'r> {
A(&'r Node<'r>),
struct Node<'r> {
children : [&'r Child<'r>,..25]
impl <'r>Node<'r> {
fn new() -> Node {
Node {
children : [&B,..25]
but it doesn't compile as-is. What is the best way to modify it to make it do so?
Here is a version where the nodes can be modified from outside the tree, which I presume is what was asked for.
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
struct Node {
a : Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>,
b : Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>,
value: int
impl Node {
fn new(value: int) -> Rc<RefCell<Node>> {
let node = Node {
a: None,
b: None,
value: value
fn main() {
let first = Node::new(0);
let second = Node::new(0);
let third = Node::new(0);
first.borrow_mut().a = Some(second.clone());
second.borrow_mut().a = Some(third.clone());
second.borrow_mut().value = 1;
third.borrow_mut().value = 2;
println!("Value of second: {}", first.borrow().a.get_ref().borrow().value);
println!("Value of third: {}", first.borrow().a.get_ref().borrow().a.get_ref().borrow().value);
Rc is a reference counted pointer and allows a single object to have multiple owners. It doesn't allow mutation however, so a RefCell is required which allows runtime checked mutable borrowing. That's why the code uses Rc<RefCell<Node>>. The Option type is used to represent potential children with Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>.
Since, the Rc type auto dereferences, it's possible to directly call RefCell methods on it. These are borrow() and borrow_mut() which return a reference and mutable reference to the underlying Node. There also exist try_borrow() and try_borrow_mut() variants which cannot fail.
get_ref() is a method of the Option type which returns a reference to the underlying Rc<RefCell<Node>>. In a real peogram we would probably want to check whether the Option contains anything beforehand.
Why does the original code not work? References &T imply non-ownership, so something else would have to own the Nodes. While it would be possible to build a tree of &Node types, it wouldn't be possible to modify the Nodes outside of the tree because once borrowed, an object cannot be modified by anything else than the borrowing object.
struct A {...whatever...};
const MY_CONST_USIZE:usize = 127;
// somewhere in function
// vec1_of_A:Vec<A> vec2_of_A_refs:Vec<&A> have values from different data sources and have different inside_item types
let my_iterator;
if my_rand_condition() { // my_rand_condition is random and compiles for sake of simplicity
my_iterator = vec1_of_A.iter().map(|x| (MY_CONST_USIZE, &x)); // Map<Iter<Vec<A>>>
} else {
my_iterator = vec2_of_A_refs.iter().enumerate(); // Enumerate<Iter<Vec<&A>>>
how to make this code compile?
at the end (based on condition) I would like to have iterator able build from both inputs and I don't know how to integrate these Map and Enumerate types into single variable without calling collect() to materialize iterator as Vec
reading material will be welcomed
In the vec_of_A case, first you need to replace &x with x in your map function. The code you have will never compile because the mapping closure tries to return a reference to one of its parameters, which is never allowed in Rust. To make the types match up, you need to dereference the &&A in the vec2_of_A_refs case to &A instead of trying to add a reference to the other.
Also, -127 is an invalid value for usize, so you need to pick a valid value, or use a different type than usize.
Having fixed those, now you need some type of dynamic dispatch. The simplest approach would be boxing into a Box<dyn Iterator>.
Here is a complete example:
struct A;
// Fixed to be a valid usize.
const MY_CONST_USIZE: usize = usize::MAX;
fn my_rand_condition() -> bool { todo!(); }
fn example() {
let vec1_of_A: Vec<A> = vec![];
let vec2_of_A_refs: Vec<&A> = vec![];
let my_iterator: Box<dyn Iterator<Item=(usize, &A)>>;
if my_rand_condition() {
// Fixed to return x instead of &x
my_iterator = Box::new(vec1_of_A.iter().map(|x| (MY_CONST_USIZE, x)));
} else {
// Added map to deref &&A to &A to make the types match
my_iterator = Box::new(vec2_of_A_refs.iter().map(|x| *x).enumerate());
for item in my_iterator {
// ...
Instead of a boxed trait object, you could also use the Either type from the either crate. This is an enum with Left and Right variants, but the Either type itself implements Iterator if both the left and right types also do, with the same type for the Item associated type. For example:
use either::Either;
struct A;
const MY_CONST_USIZE: usize = usize::MAX;
fn my_rand_condition() -> bool { todo!(); }
fn example() {
let vec1_of_A: Vec<A> = vec![];
let vec2_of_A_refs: Vec<&A> = vec![];
let my_iterator;
if my_rand_condition() {
my_iterator = Either::Left(vec1_of_A.iter().map(|x| (MY_CONST_USIZE, x)));
} else {
my_iterator = Either::Right(vec2_of_A_refs.iter().map(|x| *x).enumerate());
for item in my_iterator {
// ...
Why would you choose one approach over the other?
Pros of the Either approach:
It does not require a heap allocation to store the iterator.
It implements dynamic dispatch via match which is likely (but not guaranteed) to be faster than dynamic dispatch via vtable lookup.
Pros of the boxed trait object approach:
It does not depend on any external crates.
It scales easily to many different types of iterators; the Either approach quickly becomes unwieldy with more than two types.
You can do this using a Boxed trait object like so:
let my_iterator: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = _>> = if my_rand_condition() {
Box::new(vec1_of_A.iter().map(|x| (MY_CONST_USIZE, x)))
} else {
Box::new(vec2_of_A_refs.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, x)| (i, *x)))
I don't think this is a good idea generally though. A few things to note:
The use of trait objects means the types here must be resolved dynamically. This adds a lot of overhead.
The closure in vec1's iterator's map method cannot reference its arguments. Instead the second map must be added to vec2s iterator. The effect of this is that all the items are being copied regardless. If you are doing this, why not collect()? The overhead for creating the Vec or whatever you choose should be less than that of the dynamic resolution.
Bit pedantic, but remember if statements are expressions in Rust, and so the assignment can be expressed a little more cleanly as I have done above.
I'm quite new to Rust programming, and I'm trying to convert a code that I had in js to Rust.
A plain concept of it is as below:
fn main() {
let mut ds=DataSource::new();
let mut pp =Processor::new(&mut ds);
struct DataSource {
st2r: Option<&Processor>,
struct Processor {
st1r: &DataSource,
impl DataSource {
pub fn new() -> Self {
DataSource {
st2r: None,
impl Processor {
pub fn new(ds: &mut DataSource) -> Self {
let pp = Processor {
st1r: ds,
ds.st2r = Some(&pp);
As you can see I have two main modules in my system that are inter-connected to each other and I need a reference of each in another.
Well, this code would complain about lifetimes and such stuff, of course 😑. So I started throwing lifetime specifiers around like a madman and even after all that, it still complains that in "Processor::new" I can't return something that has been borrowed. Legit. But I can't find any solution around it! No matter how I try to handle the referencing of each other, it ends with this borrowing error.
So, can anyone point out a solution for this situation? Is my app's structure not valid in Rust and I should do it in another way? or there's a trick to this that my inexperienced mind can't find?
What you're trying to do can't be expressed with references and lifetimes because:
The DataSource must live longer than the Processor so that pp.st1r is guaranteed to be valid,
and the Processor must live longer than the DataSource so that ds.st2r is guaranteed to be valid. You might think that since ds.st2r is an Option and since the None variant doesn't contain a reference this allows a DataSource with a None value in st2r to outlive any Processors, but unfortunately the compiler can't know at compile-time whether st2r contains Some value, and therefore must assume it does.
Your problem is compounded by the fact that you need a mutable reference to the DataSource so that you can set its st2r field at a time when you also have an immutable outstanding reference inside the Processor, which Rust won't allow.
You can make your code work by switching to dynamic lifetime and mutability tracking using Rc (for dynamic lifetime tracking) and RefCell (for dynamic mutability tracking):
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::{ Rc, Weak };
fn main() {
let ds = Rc::new (RefCell::new (DataSource::new()));
let pp = Processor::new (Rc::clone (&ds));
struct DataSource {
st2r: Weak<Processor>,
struct Processor {
st1r: Rc<RefCell<DataSource>>,
impl DataSource {
pub fn new() -> Self {
DataSource {
st2r: Weak::new(),
impl Processor {
pub fn new(ds: Rc::<RefCell::<DataSource>>) -> Rc<Self> {
let pp = Rc::new (Processor {
st1r: ds,
pp.st1r.borrow_mut().st2r = Rc::downgrade (&pp);
Note that I've replaced your Option<&Processor> with a Weak<Processor>. It would be possible to use an Option<Rc<Processor>> but this would risk leaking memory if you dropped all references to DataSource without setting st2r to None first. The Weak<Processor> behaves more or less like an Option<Rc<Processor>> that is set to None automatically when all other references are dropped, ensuring that memory will be freed properly.
I have a function that will create one of several structs (all of which have a method of the same signature but have other, different, methods and traits); I would like to instance one of the structs in a function and return a reference to its method that can be called elsewhere.
// Pseudocode
type SizeGetter = fn()-> isize;
fn get_ref()-> &SizeGetter{
let catch = Fish{weight: 12};
//Fish.get_weight() is used here but it may be any struct.method() -> isize
fn main() {
let getit = get_ref();
println!("{}", getit());
In the above my goal is to define catch.getweight() in a function, return a reference to that function and then call it later to get the size.
That original attempt could not work because you cannot return a reference to something created in a function. In this case, returning something equivalent to a method to a locally created struct value requires the value to outlive the function's lifetime as well.
We can reference a method bar in a struct Foo with Foo::bar, but this one isn't bound to a receiver value. There is no syntax specifically for referencing a method call on a value. The solution instead is to create a closure that captures the value and calls the method.
let foo = Foo::new();
move ||
Considering this Fish struct and implementation (adjusted to comply with naming conventions):
struct Fish {
weight: usize,
impl Fish {
fn weight(&self) -> usize {
A function returning another self-sufficient function would be written like so:
fn fish_weight() -> impl Fn() -> usize {
let r#catch = Fish { weight: 12 };
move || r#catch.weight()
let get = fish_weight();
println!("Fish weight: {}", get());
Most of this is boilerplate, provided as a compilable example. Scroll down.
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::any::{Any, AnyRefExt};
struct Shared {
example: int,
struct Widget {
parent: Option<Weak<Box<Widget>>>,
specific: RefCell<Box<Any>>,
shared: RefCell<Shared>,
impl Widget {
fn new(specific: Box<Any>,
parent: Option<Rc<Box<Widget>>>) -> Rc<Box<Widget>> {
let parent_option = match parent {
Some(parent) => Some(parent.downgrade()),
None => None,
let shared = Shared{pos: 10};
Rc::new(box Widget{
parent: parent_option,
specific: RefCell::new(specific),
shared: RefCell::new(shared)})
struct Woo {
foo: int,
impl Woo {
fn new() -> Box<Any> {
box Woo{foo: 10} as Box<Any>
fn main() {
let widget = Widget::new(Woo::new(), None);
// This is a lot of work...
let cell_borrow = widget.specific.borrow();
let woo = cell_borrow.downcast_ref::<Woo>().unwrap();
// Can the above be made into a function?
// let woo = widget.get_specific::<Woo>();
I'm learning Rust and trying to figure out some workable way of doing a widget hierarchy. The above basically does what I need, but it is a bit cumbersome. Especially vexing is the fact that I have to use two statements to convert the inner widget (specific member of Widget). I tried several ways of writing a function that does it all, but the amount of reference and lifetime wizardry is just beyond me.
Can it be done? Can the commented out method at the bottom of my example code be made into reality?
Comments regarding better ways of doing this entire thing are appreciated, but put it in the comments section (or create a new question and link it)
I'll just present a working simplified and more idiomatic version of your code and then explain all the changed I made there:
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
use std::any::{Any, AnyRefExt};
struct Shared {
example: int,
struct Widget {
parent: Option<Weak<Widget>>,
specific: Box<Any>,
shared: Shared,
impl Widget {
fn new(specific: Box<Any>, parent: Option<Rc<Widget>>) -> Widget {
let parent_option = match parent {
Some(parent) => Some(parent.downgrade()),
None => None,
let shared = Shared { example: 10 };
parent: parent_option,
specific: specific,
shared: shared
fn get_specific<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
struct Woo {
foo: int,
impl Woo {
fn new() -> Woo {
Woo { foo: 10 }
fn main() {
let widget = Widget::new(box Woo::new() as Box<Any>, None);
let specific = widget.get_specific::<Woo>().unwrap();
First of all, there are needless RefCells inside your structure. RefCells are needed very rarely - only when you need to mutate internal state of an object using only & reference (instead of &mut). This is useful tool for implementing abstractions, but it is almost never needed in application code. Because it is not clear from your code that you really need it, I assume that it was used mistakingly and can be removed.
Next, Rc<Box<Something>> when Something is a struct (like in your case where Something = Widget) is redundant. Putting an owned box into a reference-counted box is just an unnecessary double indirection and allocation. Plain Rc<Widget> is the correct way to express this thing. When dynamically sized types land, it will be also true for trait objects.
Finally, you should try to always return unboxed values. Returning Rc<Box<Widget>> (or even Rc<Widget>) is unnecessary limiting for the callers of your code. You can go from Widget to Rc<Widget> easily, but not the other way around. Rust optimizes by-value returns automatically; if your callers need Rc<Widget> they can box the return value themselves:
let rc_w = box(RC) Widget::new(...);
Same thing is also true for Box<Any> returned by Woo::new().
You can see that in the absence of RefCells your get_specific() method can be implemented very easily. However, you really can't do it with RefCell because RefCell uses RAII for dynamic borrow checks, so you can't return a reference to its internals from a method. You'll have to return core::cell::Refs, and your callers will need to downcast_ref() themselves. This is just another reason to use RefCells sparingly.
I have the following code (as a cut-down example):
class Item {
attributes: ~mut [~str];
class ItemList {
items: ~mut [ ~Item ];
fn read_item(rdr : Reader) -> ~mut Item {
fn load_item_list(rdr : Reader) -> ~mut ItemList {
When trying to implement these functions, I keep running into errors like "unresolved name ItemList" and conflicts between pointer/mutability types (&~mut vs ~mut, etc.)
Could someone give me a cut-down example which just allocates and returns the empty objects? From there I should be able to fill in the data.
I'm not sure what problem you are hitting but here are a few pointers. First of all, I recommend moving to Rust trunk - the class syntax you are using indicates a fairly old version of Rust. On trunk, mut is no longer a valid modifier for the interior of owned types, meaning ~mut T cannot be written, nor struct { mut field: T }. Instead mutability of owned types is inherited through its root in the stack. So if you have type Foo = ~[~str], that type is deeply immutable when declared in let foo = ~[~"bar"] and deeply mutable when let mut foo = ~[~"bar"].
Here's an example based on your types.
struct Item {
attributes: ~[~str]
struct ItemList {
items: ~[ ~Item ]
fn read_item() -> ~Item {
~Item {
attributes: ~[~"puppies"]
fn load_item_list() -> ~ItemList {
~ItemList {
items: ~[read_item()]
fn main() {
let mut my_items = load_item_list();
my_items.items[0].attributes[0] = ~"kitties";
You can see that the types don't mention mutability at all, but because we load them into a mutable slot (let mut my_items), the values in the inner vector can be mutated.
This can take some time to get used to, but Rust deals with interior mutability this way to avoid some potentially confounding errors related to borrowed pointers.
The exception to this inherited mutability is with managed types, which can also be the root of mutability, as in #mut T.