C# 4.x Antlr Runtime - antlr4

I was looking for the C# Runtime for Antlr 4, and there is direct download a v4 runtime on the www.antlr.org website.
After reading the documentation it says to use NuGet to get the Antlr4 Runtime.
However on searching NuGet for Antlr, Antlr4, Antlr 4, There are no Antlr4 runtimes there atm. There is a package for StringTemplate4 when you search for Antlr4, but no direct Antlr4 Runtime.

Instructions for installing the C# target of ANTLR 4 can be found in the readme.md file located at the bottom of the following page, including instructions for installing the NuGet package(s):

You need to change your filter options in the Nuget Package Manager from "Stable Only" to "Include Prerelease"

From my own attempts, I have found that the ANTLR extension for Visual Studio is only available in VS2010 and below.


Installing ANTLR in Visual Studio 2012 (using Nuget)

Can not to generation classes.
1. I have VS 2012 version 11.0.61219.00 Update 5
2. Antlr4.Runtime.Standard 4.7.2
After that I made all steps what were described in this guide:
Then I saved the project and run it, but classes were not generated.
What do I make wrong? Anybody can help me?
enter image description here
OK. I found solution. We need upload two Nuget packages.
ANTLR 4 Runtime (version 4.6.6) and ANTLR 4 Code Generation (version 4.6.0)
Delete all command like java -jar $(TargetDir)antlr-4.7.2-complete.jar -Dlanguage=CSharp Calculator.g4 from pre-build event. It doesn't to have any sence.
Than need to save project and build it.
I hope this will help somebody.

Visual Studio 2015 C# ANTLR

To convince my employers of the benefits of ANTLR and StringTemplate, I constructed a small demonstration first in Java. But Java is not one of our preferred languages, so I translated it to C#. Using VS2015 (Community Edition) and various instructions on the net I got only so far. I now get
ANTLR cannot generate 'org.antlr.v4.codegen.CSharp_v4_5_2Target' code as of version 4.3
Incompatible versions? Which versions of what libraries are compatible for a successful build. I could not work out how to use GitHub. There didn't seem to be a package to download, and I could not see how to download a set of files to compile.
Update 1
Randomly installing versions of whatever I can find, I have now got it down to loads of errors like this from the generated code.
CS0103 The name '_errHandler' does not exist in the current context
Update 2
I have subsequently tried (and failed) to get it going in VS2010(Express). I think that version is seriously hobbled. I can't get NuGet working on it. I am now going to try to install VS2013 as that seems to be the most commonly referred to in this ANTLR context. With VS2015 I have been through all the .NET versions I have installed on my machine back to v3, with no success. It now fails to generate the parsing code.
Update 3 - Solved
Problem solved! Use VS2013 and follow Sam Harwell's clear instructions. Some minor differences between Java and C# to work out when using StringTemplate

Catel 4.0.0 and Dependency on Microsoft.Bcl.Build

When updating a project to use current Catel version (4.0) I am getting this warning:
All projects referencing MyInfrastructureProject.csproj must install nuget package Microsoft.Bcl.Build. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=317569.
The error is reported for projects that references MyInfrastructureProject.csproj.
I find it odd that I need to add additional libraries to other project especially when it is concerned with nuget (if I am getting the picture correctly) and not with actual functionality of my code (or maybe even Catel). But in any case, I don't really understand the issue.
I searched a little for this issue but didn't find relevant details or explanations.
Should I go ahead and add the Microsoft.Bcl.Build reference everywhere in my project?
If you don't know what is Microsoft.Bcl.Async you should study it.
Catel uses this feature pack so as to use async/await on .NET 4 and Silverlight 5. So if you use Catel in a .NET 4 project, you inherit the same dependencies, which is what the warning says.
Thus, yes, please go ahead and add the NuGet package to the necessary projects, or simply upgrade your projects to .NET 4.5 and reapply the NuGet packages.

Force NuGet to download packages built to project .Net version

This should be a simple question but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.
I've got a project that I'm building to .Net 3.5. I'm trying to include Newtonsoft JSON.Net as a reference, but NuGet is installing a version built to .Net 4.0. This makes it impossible for me to use my compiled assembly in an environment that does not support .Net 4.0.
Is there any way to configure NuGet so that it ensures that the reference is not built to a version of .Net beyond the project settings?
Maybe you can use this answer to a similar question:
Download old version of package with nuget
It says that you can install an old version of a package
You can try to install a version compatible with .NET Framework 3.5, and it will be solved!
;) I hope this helps
NuGet will use the project's target framework to pick the correct assembly from the NuGet package. You cannot override this behaviour.
The latest version of the Json.NET NuGet package (6.0.1) contains an assembly specifically for .NET 3.5 so NuGet should automatically pick that one if your project has a target framework of 3.5.
Changing my project's target framework to 3.5 results in the following element being added to the project:
This is what NuGet uses to determine which assembly to use.
When Json.NET is installed into this project the Newtonsoft.Json.dll file is referenced from the packages\Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.1\lib\net35 directory. That assembly targets .NET 3.5

Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions in Xamarin Mono projects

I have built a NuGet package for my Simple.OData.Client with support for Xamarin Android and iOS. This library uses Microsoft.Bcl.Async. Tests using Android and iOS simulator went OK, but when I install this new NuGet package into another project, it fails to compile Droid/Touch projects with the following message:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(720,2): error : Exception while loading assemblies: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load assembly 'Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. Perhaps it doesn't exist in the Mono for Android profile?
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(720,2): error : File name: 'Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll'
Of course there is no Microsoft.Bcl.Async pack (yet) for Mono platforms, on the other hand since the library tests pass on these platforms, I guess this more of a challenge to make Visual Studio happy rather than do some code modification.
Has anyone managed to use on Mono PCLs dependent on Microsoft.Bcl.Async?
Generally, if the code in your package depends on another NuGet package, you need to declare a package dependency so that anyone installing your package will get the one you depend on too. That should take care of issues like this.
However, in this case it is a lot more complicated. Since Microsoft.Bcl.Async doesn't support Mono platforms, you can't declare that package dependency (or if you did it would always fail to install). Unfortunately the license for Microsoft.Bcl.Async restricts it to "Windows platforms". I'm not a lawyer but I think that means you shouldn't distribute Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll as part of your package. Finally, there's no official PCL support for Mono platforms yet, so if you do come up with a solution that works now it may change when official PCL support comes out.
If you want to attempt getting this to work, what you basically need to do is create your own DLLs with the same names as are in Microsoft.Bcl and Microsoft.Bcl.Async for use on Mono platforms. In those assemblies, put type forwards for the types that Mono already implements (which should probably be the types in the System.* DLLs), and create an implementation of your own for the other ones (the AsyncBridge source code is useful for this). This is what I did for one of my BUILD 2012 PCL demos. The code for that is here. AsyncFacades and AsyncBridge are the relevant projects.
For those stumbling into this issue when getting the Simple.oData.Client from nuget, just install the following packages from nuget:
Microsoft Bcl Async Portable
Microsoft Bcl Async
I believe I've found the problem.
Earlier I had the following line in Simple.OData.Client nuspec file:
<file src="Simple.OData.Client.Core\bin\Release\Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll" target="lib\portable-net403+win8+sl5+wp8+MonoAndroid16+MonoTouch40\Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll" />
This is not how it should be because Microsoft.Bcl.Async should have taken care of copying Tasks.Extensions.dll. I reported this to Microsoft and expected this to be fixed in the RTM version of Microsoft.Bcl.Async. Apparently it was not, so all NuGet packages dependent on Microsoft.Bcl.Async should still copy this file. Then it will work.
for who has the same issue I think you can downgrade
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.4.0
