Start osgi + JavaFX - javafx-2

I have a basic example of JavaFX application into Felix framework. I start the Java App using the bat file with content
java -jar bin\felix.jar
Then the Java app is successfully started. The problem is the terminal prompt. How I can execute the command from the bar file without showing the windows prompt?

Try starting Java with the javaw command instead of plain java. See here and here.


Running Spring Boot application in embedded Tomcat server in Linux

I am running Spring Boot application in embedded Tomcat server. I am placing the executable jar file with Tomcat server embedded in it in a path in Linux server, logging in to Linux environment using putty, navigating to the path where I have kept my jar file and running as
java -jar my-jar.jar
The problem is using this way the embedded tomcat server will stop and the jar file will stop running when putty is exited. Can you suggest a way how to execute the executable jar file so that it keeps running in the Linux environment without stopping.
One solution I found is to run the jar as a service of Linux. Is there any other way of doing this?
You can start it as background process:
java -jar my-jar.jar &
But the Linux service is the better way.

Executing Java Mission Control from command line

I have copied the JMC 7.0 binaries in linux. Any idea on how to start the application from commandline or do we need GUI to be enabled in linux ?
There is no headless mode of JMC, but you can start a recording and open it from the shell.
java -XX:StartFlightRecording:filename=dump.jfr -version
./jmc -openFile dump.jfr

Blank screen appears when i try to open Jmeter in GUI mode in Cent OS

I am setting up a new Jmeter 5.0 on Cent OS. I tried to open it in GUI mode using terminal.
I also tried to replace all lib jars and open Jmeter using terminal.
Jmeter must open in GUI mode so i can debug my scripts.
Navigate to Jmeter/bin/
execute the below command in the terminal
Hopefully you can see the GUI.

Hawtio doesnt display Connect screen

I'm running Windows 10 and I have installed JDK 9, Maven, IntelliJ, ActiveMQ and now I have started hawtio-app-1.5.4.jar.
When I click on any of the tabs, example "Connect" there is no content loading.
Anyone know the issue and a fix?
Please try the following command to boot your hawtio-app when you use JDK 9 according to Get Started.
java --add-modules jdk.attach,java.xml.bind -jar hawtio-app-1.5.5.jar
By the way, hawtio 1.5.5 is already released; I recommend using the latest version.

JUnit 4.x and Selenium run program from script (windows and linux)

I have a few testcases that are written using Selenium and JUnit. I would like to write a windows script to start the programs. I referred to the solution # Simple Script to Run Java Applications on Linux and Windows. The solutions # how to run junit test cases from the command line provide a method to run the Junit test cases using:
java -cp /path/to/directory/java/junit.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore [test class name]
I am however interested in creating a generic script for windows which would run the harness. I have little or no knowledge about the windows powershell, I would love to hear about a solution that could make use of powershell scripts to do the same.
Having said that, it would be great if you could guide me to do the same for Linux.
To summarize:
Windows script to run JUnit 4.x and Selenium programns
Approach to do the same in windows powershell
Similar script for Linux
