Independent but not identically distributed - statistics

Let X1, X2,...,Xn be discrete random variables. I'm looking for a way to prove the random variables are independent but not identically distributed.
Can anyone suggest some ideas ?

Independence test is simple, and works for any distributions, X and Y are independent iff
testing whether they come from different distributions requires more advanced statistical tests - for example test whether the differences between these distributions are statistically significant using t-test
Both can be easily tested using R statistical software or any other similar tool (Matlab, Octave)


Does fitting a linear regression and performing t test will give similar results?

I am trying to predict the statistically significant variables out of a list of binary variables. I am having a conceptual doubt in the below mentioned 2 approaches to find the relevant variables.
Dependent variable:
Height of a person
Independent variables:
Gender(Male or Female)
Financial_Status(Below Poverty Line or not)
College_Graduate(Yes or No)
Approach 1: Fitting a linear regression while taking these as dependent/independent variables and finding the statistically significant variables
Approach 2: Performing an individual statistical test for each dependent variable(t-test or some other relevant test) to compute the statistically significant variables
Are both of these approaches similar and will give similar results? If not, what's the exact difference?
Since you have multiple independent variables, than clearly no.
If you would like to go for the ttest approach for each of the values of the different independent variables (Gender, Financial_Status and College_Graduate) then it means you'll perform 3 different tests. Performing multiple tests is something that is risky in terms of false positive results, and thus should be adjusted with a multiple comparison adjustment method (Bonferoni, FDR, among others).
On the other hand, if you'll use a single multiavariate linear regression you wouldn't have the correct for multiple comparisons, which is why, in my opinion, is the better approach.

Bayesian t-test assumptions

Good afternoon,
I know that the traditional independent t-test assumes homoscedasticity (i.e., equal variances across groups) and normality of the residuals.
They are usually checked by using levene's test for homogeneity of variances, and the shapiro-wilk test and qqplots for the normality assumption.
Which statistical assumptions do I have to check with the bayesian independent t test? How may I check them in R with coda and rjags?
For whichever test you want to run, find the formula and plug in using the posterior draws of the parameters you have, such as the variance parameter and any regression coefficients that the formula requires. Iterating the formula over the posterior draws will give you a range of values for the test statistic from which you can take the mean to get an average value and the sd to get a standard deviation (uncertainty estimate).
And boom, you're done.
There might be non-parametric Bayesian t-tests. But commonly, Bayesian t-tests are parametric, and as such they assume equality of relevant population variances. If you could obtain a t-value from a t-test (just a regular t-test for your type of t-test from any software package you're comfortable with), use levene's test (do not think this in any way is a dependable test, remember it uses p-value), then you can do a Bayesian t-test. But remember the point that the Bayesian t-test, requires a conventional modeling of observations (Likelihood), and an appropriate prior for the parameter of interest.
It is highly recommended that t-tests be re-parameterized in terms of effect sizes (especially standardized mean difference effect sizes). That is, you focus on the Bayesian estimation of the effect size arising from the t-test not other parameter in the t-test. If you opt to estimate Effect Size from a t-test, then a very easy to use free, online Bayesian t-test software is THIS ONE HERE (probably one of the most user-friendly package available, note that this software uses a cauchy prior for the effect size arising from any type of t-test).
Finally, since you want to do a Bayesian t-test, I would suggest focusing your attention on picking an appropriate/defensible/meaningful prior rather then levenes' test. No test could really show that the sample data may have come from two populations (in your case) that have had equal variances or not unless data is plentiful. Note that the issue that sample data may have come from populations with equal variances itself is an inferential (Bayesian or non-Bayesian) question.

Determine the distribution for a number list

I have a list of numbers. Below are some basic statistics:
N > 1000
Max: 9.24
Min: 0.00955
Mean: 1.84932
Median: 0.97696
It seems that the data is right skewed, i.e. many small numbers and a few very large numbers.
I want to find a distribution to generalize these numbers. I think Normal distribution, Gamma distribution, and Laplace distribution all look possible. How do I determine which distribution is the best?
I have to say that I usually do it in the same way you did it, by plotting the data I seeing its shape.
When being more accurate, and only for the normal distribution, I perform the Shapiro Wilk test for normality, which at least will tell me that the null hypotesis was not proven, which means that it was not possible to prove that the date does not follow a normal distribution. Usually, this is more than acceptable in scientific environments.
I know there exists equivalent tests for Laplace and Gamma distributions, although still in newly research like this. Instead, there are many sites that offer the Shapiro Wilk test online, like this one.
With all positive values and the mean being about double the median, your data are definitely skewed right. You can rule out both normal and Laplace because both are symmetric and can go negative.
Scope out some of the many fine alternatives at the Wikipedia distributions page. Make a histogram of your data and check it for similarities in shape to those distributions. Exponentials, log normals, chi-squares, and the gamma family could all give numeric results such as the ones you described, but without knowing anything about the variance/std deviation, whether your data are unimodal or multimodal, or where the mode(s) are, we can only make guesses about a very large pool of possibilities.

Matlab, is there any way to manipulate random variable

In Maple, there is some feature that allows you to calculate the pdf of a function of a random variable. For example, if X is exponentially distributed, and you want to know the distribution of X^2, then there is a function that will do that for you.
My question is , is there a functionality in matlab that allows you to do so? I have looked through the matlab's guide, but I didn't see it.
The Statistics toolbox includes many probability distributions for you to choose from, both parametric and non-parametric distributions. For each it provides functions for PDF, CDF, fitting, random number generation, etc..
I suggest you start with the "Distribution Fitting app": dfittool.
In addition, MuPAD has support for a number of distributions, which you can manipulate symbolically. Example:
The function intlib::changevar might be of interest here, though it seems intended for integrals...
Also, if you're interested in getting the values of the PMF, or discrete PDF, then, given x some RV with some distribution,
my_pmf = hist(x)/sum(x);
So try,
doc hist

Compare and Contrast Monte-Carlo Method and Evolutionary Algorithms

What's the relationship between the Monte-Carlo Method and Evolutionary Algorithms? On the face of it they seem to be unrelated simulation methods used to solve complex problems. Which kinds of problems is each best suited for? Can they solve the same set of problems? What is the relationship between the two (if there is one)?
"Monte Carlo" is, in my experience, a heavily overloaded term. People seem to use it for any technique that uses a random number generator (global optimization, scenario analysis (Google "Excel Monte Carlo simulation"), stochastic integration (the Pi calculation that everybody uses to demonstrate MC). I believe, because you mentioned evolutionary algorithms in your question, that you are talking about Monte Carlo techniques for mathematical optimization: You have a some sort of fitness function with several input parameters and you want to minimize (or maximize) that function.
If your function is well behaved (there is a single, global minimum that you will arrive at no matter which inputs you start with) then you are best off using a determinate minimization technique such as the conjugate gradient method. Many machine learning classification techniques involve finding parameters that minimize the least squares error for a hyperplane with respect to a training set. The function that is being minimized in this case is a smooth, well behaved, parabaloid in n-dimensional space. Calculate the gradient and roll downhill. Easy peasy.
If, however, your input parameters are discrete (or if your fitness function has discontinuties) then it is no longer possible to calculate gradients accurately. This can happen if your fitness function is calculated using tabular data for one or more variables (if variable X is less than 0.5 use this table else use that table). Alternatively, you may have a program that you got from NASA that is made up of 20 modules written by different teams that you run as a batch job. You supply it with input and it spits out a number (think black box). Depending on the input parameters that you start with you may end up in a false minimum. Global optimization techniques attempt to address these types of problems.
Evolutionary Algorithms form one class of global optimization techniques. Global optimization techniques typically involve some sort of "hill climbing" (accepting a configuration with a higher (worse) fitness function). This hill climbing typically involves some randomness/stochastic-ness/monte-carlo-ness. In general, these techniques are more likely to accept less optimal configurations early on and, as the optimization progresses, they are less likely to accept inferior configurations.
Evolutionary algorithms are loosely based on evolutionary analogies. Simulated annealing is based upon analogies to annealing in metals. Particle swarm techniques are also inspired by biological systems. In all cases you should compare results to a simple random (a.k.a. "monte carlo") sampling of configurations...this will often yield equivalent results.
My advice is to start off using a deterministic gradient-based technique since they generally require far fewer function evaluations than stochastic/monte-carlo techniques. When you hear hoof steps think horses not zebras. Run the optimization from several different starting points and, unless you are dealing with a particularly nasty problem, you should end up with roughly the same minimum. If not, then you might have zebras and should consider using a global optimization method.
well I think Monte Carlo methods is the general name for these methods which
use random numbers in order to solve optimization problems. In this ways,
even the evolutionary algorithms are a type of Monte Carlo methods if they
use random numbers (and in fact they do).
Other Monte Carlo methods are: metropolis, wang-landau, parallel tempering,etc
OTOH, Evolutionary methods use 'techniques' borrowed from nature such as
mutation, cross-over, etc.
