Compare two strings in FASM - string

I'm a newbie when it comes to FASM, and pretty new to ASM in general, but I'm trying to compare two strings stored in the "variables": user_input and exit_cmd:
At the moment, it assembles fine but when I enter anything in the prompt it crashes. Yes, my code is messy and the task I'm trying to accomplish may seem out of my reach for the level of ASM I know, but I've done it in other languages so I'm trying it out in ASM.
You can see I'm using the macro CompareStrings (source unknown; it's not mine) to set EAX to 1 if the strings match, but when I compare EAX to 1 using CMP and then JE to a label it refuses to work. Any help?
Here's the buggy code:
format PE console
;,, and
include ''
entry main
; Define macros for things like printing strings ('print') and pausing (well, waiting for the user to press enter ('pause'))
macro print str {
push str
call [printf]
push 0
macro pause {
invoke system,'pause>nul'
macro getinput prompt {
print prompt
invoke gets,user_input
macro CompareStrings str1, str2
lea edi, [str2] ; edi -> address of string2
dec edi ; edi = edi - 1
.lab1: ; loop through all chars and compare each of them
inc edi ; ds:di --> next character in string2
lodsb ; al = next char from string1. loadsb increments si automatically
cmp [edi], al ; compare characters
jne .notfound ; jump out of the loop if they're unequal
cmp al, 0 ; chars are equal, but make sure we compared the entire string
jne .lab1 ; if not, continue the loop
mov eax, 1 ; else: strings are equal -> eax = 1
ret ; return; result: strings are equal
.notfound: ; chars are not equal
mov eax, 0 ; unequal -> eax = 0
ret ; return; result: strings are not equal
section '.text' code readable executable
print header_msg
jmp input_loop
getinput cmd_prompt
print newline
CompareStrings user_input,cmd_exit
cmp eax, 1
je exit_cmd
jne input_loop
print header_msg
section '.data' data readable writable
header_msg db "Basic Programming Language in ASM | Version 0.0.1",13,10,0
cmd_prompt db "> ",0
newline db "",13,10,0
user_input db "",0dh,0ah,0
chrarr db '%s',0dh,0ah,0
cmd_exit db 'exit',0
section '.idata' import data readable
library msvcrt,"msvcrt.dll"
import msvcrt,\

There are many problems in this program and it is not strange it crashes.
Problem 1
You didn't allocated enough room for the string you input. Use rb directive to allocate some big enough space to handle your input:
user_input rb 1024
Put it at the end of the data section in order to not take place in the result executable.
Problem 2
I don't know how the CPP library have to be used, but probably the calling convention is not STDCALL and the parameters are not exactly these. For example gets probably needs some kind of CPP self expandable string, not simple buffer address. Otherwise it is very easy to overflow the buffers and there is no way to check such a problem.
So, better use plain WinAPI - ReadFile and WriteFile to read and write to the console.
Problem 3
On the above background, it is nitpicking, but anyway:
push str
call [printf]
push 0
This push 0 looks weird here. What is is supposed to do?
Problem 4
Your style. Try to implement this program without using "{" and "}" characters. It will help you to understand assembly language better.


How do I handle the stack pointer register when returning from an assembly function call to a C program?

My program is composed of two files: main.c and core.s and runs on a 32 bit virtual machine of lubuntu linux.
Main.c takes in an integer and passes it to the assembly function void printFunc(int x). The assembly function in turn calls to a C function to check the parity of x. If x is even the function will print 4x and if x is odd it will print 8x. The print call must be done within the assembly function.
section .text
global printFunc
extern c_checkValidity
extern printf
section .data ; data section
fmt: db "%d", 10, 0 ; The printf format, "\n", '0'
push ebp ; code for handling stack I've seen from
mov ebp, esp ; other examples online
mov ebx, eax ; copy and input value
push eax ; Move input onto stack
call c_checkValidity ; Call C function, return value is in eax
cmp eax, 1 ; Check result, 1 indicates even
je multby4 ; If even, do mult by 4
jmp multby8 ; Otherwise odd, do mult by 8
multby4: ;INPUT WAS EVEN
sal ebx, 2 ; left shift by 2 is equivalent to multiplying by 4
jmp exitcode ; print and exit code
multby8: ;INPUT WAS ODD
sal ebx, 3 ; left shift by 3 is equivalent to multiplying by 8
jmp exitcode ; print and exit code
mov eax,ebx ; move value to eax to keep as default return value of func
push ebx ; Push final answer to the stack
push dword fmt ; Push print format to the stack
call printf ; Print answer
mov eax, ebx ; Copy final answer as return value
mov esp, ebp ; return stack pointer to what it was before operation
pop ebp ; get rid of saved pointer
ret ; return state to caller
The integer input is received, parity tested, and printed to stdout correctly. A segfault occurs somewhere after call printf has successfully executed. When I use gdb to try and backtrace the segfault the report says "0x0804a0f in exitcode ()". Presumably this is the address of the code during operation that causes the segfault?
It is clear to me that I have failed to properly handle the stack pointer register (esp?) in some way. I've tried searching this site and others for examples of how to properly address the stack before returning control to the caller but to no avail. Certainly I would love to make the code work and any advice on how to fix the code is appreciated but I am primarily asking for an explanation on what I should be tracking and maintaining in general to return from an assembly function to a caller (extra appreciation if that explanation includes how to pass back values to the caller).

How do I edit an 8 character string with a NASM Assembler based on user input? [duplicate]

Ok, so I'm fairly new to assembly, infact, I'm very new to assembly. I wrote a piece of code which is simply meant to take numerical input from the user, multiply it by 10, and have the result expressed to the user via the programs exit status (by typing echo $? in terminal)
Problem is, it is not giving the correct number, 4x10 showed as 144. So then I figured the input would probably be as a character, rather than an integer. My question here is, how do I convert the character input to an integer so that it can be used in arithmetic calculations?
It would be great if someone could answer keeping in mind that I'm a beginner :)
Also, how can I convert said integer back to a character?
section .data
section .bss
input resb 4
section .text
global _start
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, input
mov edx, 4
int 0x80
mov ebx, 10
imul ebx, ecx
mov eax, 1
int 0x80
Here's a couple of functions for converting strings to integers, and vice versa:
; Input:
; ESI = pointer to the string to convert
; ECX = number of digits in the string (must be > 0)
; Output:
; EAX = integer value
xor ebx,ebx ; clear ebx
movzx eax,byte[esi]
inc esi
sub al,'0' ; convert from ASCII to number
imul ebx,10
add ebx,eax ; ebx = ebx*10 + eax
loop .next_digit ; while (--ecx)
mov eax,ebx
; Input:
; EAX = integer value to convert
; ESI = pointer to buffer to store the string in (must have room for at least 10 bytes)
; Output:
; EAX = pointer to the first character of the generated string
add esi,9
mov byte [esi],STRING_TERMINATOR
mov ebx,10
xor edx,edx ; Clear edx prior to dividing edx:eax by ebx
div ebx ; eax /= 10
add dl,'0' ; Convert the remainder to ASCII
dec esi ; store characters in reverse order
mov [esi],dl
test eax,eax
jnz .next_digit ; Repeat until eax==0
mov eax,esi
And this is how you'd use them:
lea esi,[thestring]
mov ecx,4
call string_to_int
; EAX now contains 1234
; Convert it back to a string
lea esi,[buffer]
call int_to_string
; You now have a string pointer in EAX, which
; you can use with the sys_write system call
thestring: db "1234",0
buffer: resb 10
Note that I don't do much error checking in these routines (like checking if there are characters outside of the range '0' - '9'). Nor do the routines handle signed numbers. So if you need those things you'll have to add them yourself.
The basic algorith for string->digit is: total = total*10 + digit, starting from the MSD. (e.g. with digit = *p++ - '0' for an ASCII string of digits). So the left-most / Most-Significant / first digit (in memory, and in reading order) gets multiplied by 10 N times, where N is the total number of digits after it.
Doing it this way is generally more efficient than multiplying each digit by the right power of 10 before adding. That would need 2 multiplies; one to grow a power of 10, and another to apply it to the digit. (Or a table look-up with ascending powers of 10).
Of course, for efficiency you might use SSSE3 pmaddubsw and SSE2 pmaddwd to multiply digits by their place-value in parallel: see Is there a fast way to convert a string of 8 ASCII decimal digits into a binary number? and arbitrary-length How to implement atoi using SIMD?. But the latter probably isn't a win when numbers are typically short. A scalar loop is efficient when most numbers are only a couple digits long.
Adding on to #Michael's answer, it may be useful to have the int->string function stop at the first non-digit, instead of at a fixed length. This will catch problems like your string including a newline from when the user pressed return, as well as not turning 12xy34 into a very large number. (Treat it as 12, like C's atoi function). The stop character can also be the terminating 0 in a C implicit-length string.
I've also made some improvements:
Don't use the slow loop instruction unless you're optimizing for code-size. Just forget it exists and use dec / jnz in cases where counting down to zero is still what you want to do, instead of comparing a pointer or something else.
2 LEA instructions are significantly better than imul + add: lower latency.
accumulate the result in EAX where we want to return it anyway. (If you inline this instead of calling it, use whatever register you want the result in.)
I changed the registers so it follows the x86-64 System V ABI (First arg in RDI, return in EAX).
Porting to 32-bit: This doesn't depend on 64-bitness at all; it can be ported to 32-bit by just using 32-bit registers. (i.e. replace rdi with edi, rax with ecx, and rax with eax). Beware of C calling-convention differences between 32 and 64-bit, e.g. EDI is call-preserved and args are usually passed on the stack. But if your caller is asm, you can pass an arg in EDI.
; args: pointer in RDI to ASCII decimal digits, terminated by a non-digit
; clobbers: ECX
; returns: EAX = atoi(RDI) (base 10 unsigned)
; RDI = pointer to first non-digit
global base10string_to_int
movzx eax, byte [rdi] ; start with the first digit
sub eax, '0' ; convert from ASCII to number
cmp al, 9 ; check that it's a decimal digit [0..9]
jbe .loop_entry ; too low -> wraps to high value, fails unsigned compare check
; else: bad first digit: return 0
xor eax,eax
; rotate the loop so we can put the JCC at the bottom where it belongs
; but still check the digit before messing up our total
.next_digit: ; do {
lea eax, [rax*4 + rax] ; total *= 5
lea eax, [rax*2 + rcx] ; total = (total*5)*2 + digit
; imul eax, 10 / add eax, ecx
inc rdi
movzx ecx, byte [rdi]
sub ecx, '0'
cmp ecx, 9
jbe .next_digit ; } while( digit <= 9 )
ret ; return with total in eax
This stops converting on the first non-digit character. Often this will be the 0 byte that terminates an implicit-length string. You could check after the loop that it was a string-end, not some other non-digit character, by checking ecx == -'0' (which still holds the str[i] - '0' integer "digit" value that was out of range), if you want to detect trailing garbage.
If your input is an explicit-length string, you'd need to use a loop counter instead of checking a terminator (like #Michael's answer), because the next byte in memory might be another digit. Or it might be in an unmapped page.
Making the first iteration special and handling it before jumping into the main part of the loop is called loop peeling. Peeling the first iteration allows us to optimize it specially, because we know total=0 so there's no need to multiply anything by 10. It's like starting with sum = array[0]; i=1 instead of sum=0, i=0;.
To get nice loop structure (with the conditional branch at the bottom), I used the trick of jumping into the middle of the loop for the first iteration. This didn't even take an extra jmp because I was already branching in the peeled first iteration. Reordering a loop so an if()break in the middle becomes a loop branch at the bottom is called loop rotation, and can involve peeling the first part of the first iteration and the 2nd part of the last iteration.
The simple way to solve the problem of exiting the loop on a non-digit would be to have a jcc in the loop body, like an if() break; statement in C before the total = total*10 + digit. But then I'd need a jmp and have 2 total branch instructions in the loop, meaning more overhead.
If I didn't need the sub ecx, '0' result for the loop condition, I could have used lea eax, [rax*2 + rcx - '0'] to do it as part of the LEA as well. But that would have made the LEA latency 3 cycles instead of 1, on Sandybridge-family CPUs. (3-component LEA vs. 2 or less.) The two LEAs form a loop-carried dependency chain on eax (total), so (especially for large numbers) it would not be worth it on Intel. On CPUs where base + scaled-index is no faster than base + scaled-index + disp8 (Bulldozer-family / Ryzen), then sure, if you have an explicit length as your loop condition and don't want to check the digits at all.
I used movzx to load with zero extension in the first place, instead of doing that after converting the digit from ASCII to integer. (It has to be done at some point to add into 32-bit EAX). Often code that manipulates ASCII digits uses byte operand-size, like mov cl, [rdi]. But that would create a false dependency on the old value of RCX on most CPUs.
sub al,'0' saves 1 byte over sub eax,'0', but causes a partial-register stall on Nehalem/Core2 and even worse on PIII. Fine on all other CPU families, even Sandybridge: it's a RMW of AL, so it doesn't rename the partial reg separately from EAX. But cmp al, 9 doesn't cause a problem, because reading a byte register is always fine. It saves a byte (special encoding with no ModRM byte), so I used that at the top of the function.
For more optimization stuff, see, and other links in the x86 tag wiki.
The tag wiki also has beginner links, including an FAQ section with links to integer->string functions, and other common beginner questions.
How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library? is the reverse of this question, integer -> base10string.
Is there a fast way to convert a string of 8 ASCII decimal digits into a binary number? highly optimized SSSE3 pmaddubsw / pmaddwd for 8-digit integers.
How to implement atoi using SIMD? using a shuffle to handle variable-length
Conversion of huge decimal numbers (128bit) formatted as ASCII to binary (hex) handles long strings, e.g. a 128-bit integer that takes 4x 32-bit registers. (It's not very efficient, and might be better to convert in multiple chunks and then do extended-precision multiplies by 1e9 or something.)
Convert from ascii to integer in AT&T Assembly Inefficient AT&T version of this.

NASM Comparison Always Falls to Default [duplicate]

Ok, so I'm fairly new to assembly, infact, I'm very new to assembly. I wrote a piece of code which is simply meant to take numerical input from the user, multiply it by 10, and have the result expressed to the user via the programs exit status (by typing echo $? in terminal)
Problem is, it is not giving the correct number, 4x10 showed as 144. So then I figured the input would probably be as a character, rather than an integer. My question here is, how do I convert the character input to an integer so that it can be used in arithmetic calculations?
It would be great if someone could answer keeping in mind that I'm a beginner :)
Also, how can I convert said integer back to a character?
section .data
section .bss
input resb 4
section .text
global _start
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, input
mov edx, 4
int 0x80
mov ebx, 10
imul ebx, ecx
mov eax, 1
int 0x80
Here's a couple of functions for converting strings to integers, and vice versa:
; Input:
; ESI = pointer to the string to convert
; ECX = number of digits in the string (must be > 0)
; Output:
; EAX = integer value
xor ebx,ebx ; clear ebx
movzx eax,byte[esi]
inc esi
sub al,'0' ; convert from ASCII to number
imul ebx,10
add ebx,eax ; ebx = ebx*10 + eax
loop .next_digit ; while (--ecx)
mov eax,ebx
; Input:
; EAX = integer value to convert
; ESI = pointer to buffer to store the string in (must have room for at least 10 bytes)
; Output:
; EAX = pointer to the first character of the generated string
add esi,9
mov byte [esi],STRING_TERMINATOR
mov ebx,10
xor edx,edx ; Clear edx prior to dividing edx:eax by ebx
div ebx ; eax /= 10
add dl,'0' ; Convert the remainder to ASCII
dec esi ; store characters in reverse order
mov [esi],dl
test eax,eax
jnz .next_digit ; Repeat until eax==0
mov eax,esi
And this is how you'd use them:
lea esi,[thestring]
mov ecx,4
call string_to_int
; EAX now contains 1234
; Convert it back to a string
lea esi,[buffer]
call int_to_string
; You now have a string pointer in EAX, which
; you can use with the sys_write system call
thestring: db "1234",0
buffer: resb 10
Note that I don't do much error checking in these routines (like checking if there are characters outside of the range '0' - '9'). Nor do the routines handle signed numbers. So if you need those things you'll have to add them yourself.
The basic algorith for string->digit is: total = total*10 + digit, starting from the MSD. (e.g. with digit = *p++ - '0' for an ASCII string of digits). So the left-most / Most-Significant / first digit (in memory, and in reading order) gets multiplied by 10 N times, where N is the total number of digits after it.
Doing it this way is generally more efficient than multiplying each digit by the right power of 10 before adding. That would need 2 multiplies; one to grow a power of 10, and another to apply it to the digit. (Or a table look-up with ascending powers of 10).
Of course, for efficiency you might use SSSE3 pmaddubsw and SSE2 pmaddwd to multiply digits by their place-value in parallel: see Is there a fast way to convert a string of 8 ASCII decimal digits into a binary number? and arbitrary-length How to implement atoi using SIMD?. But the latter probably isn't a win when numbers are typically short. A scalar loop is efficient when most numbers are only a couple digits long.
Adding on to #Michael's answer, it may be useful to have the int->string function stop at the first non-digit, instead of at a fixed length. This will catch problems like your string including a newline from when the user pressed return, as well as not turning 12xy34 into a very large number. (Treat it as 12, like C's atoi function). The stop character can also be the terminating 0 in a C implicit-length string.
I've also made some improvements:
Don't use the slow loop instruction unless you're optimizing for code-size. Just forget it exists and use dec / jnz in cases where counting down to zero is still what you want to do, instead of comparing a pointer or something else.
2 LEA instructions are significantly better than imul + add: lower latency.
accumulate the result in EAX where we want to return it anyway. (If you inline this instead of calling it, use whatever register you want the result in.)
I changed the registers so it follows the x86-64 System V ABI (First arg in RDI, return in EAX).
Porting to 32-bit: This doesn't depend on 64-bitness at all; it can be ported to 32-bit by just using 32-bit registers. (i.e. replace rdi with edi, rax with ecx, and rax with eax). Beware of C calling-convention differences between 32 and 64-bit, e.g. EDI is call-preserved and args are usually passed on the stack. But if your caller is asm, you can pass an arg in EDI.
; args: pointer in RDI to ASCII decimal digits, terminated by a non-digit
; clobbers: ECX
; returns: EAX = atoi(RDI) (base 10 unsigned)
; RDI = pointer to first non-digit
global base10string_to_int
movzx eax, byte [rdi] ; start with the first digit
sub eax, '0' ; convert from ASCII to number
cmp al, 9 ; check that it's a decimal digit [0..9]
jbe .loop_entry ; too low -> wraps to high value, fails unsigned compare check
; else: bad first digit: return 0
xor eax,eax
; rotate the loop so we can put the JCC at the bottom where it belongs
; but still check the digit before messing up our total
.next_digit: ; do {
lea eax, [rax*4 + rax] ; total *= 5
lea eax, [rax*2 + rcx] ; total = (total*5)*2 + digit
; imul eax, 10 / add eax, ecx
inc rdi
movzx ecx, byte [rdi]
sub ecx, '0'
cmp ecx, 9
jbe .next_digit ; } while( digit <= 9 )
ret ; return with total in eax
This stops converting on the first non-digit character. Often this will be the 0 byte that terminates an implicit-length string. You could check after the loop that it was a string-end, not some other non-digit character, by checking ecx == -'0' (which still holds the str[i] - '0' integer "digit" value that was out of range), if you want to detect trailing garbage.
If your input is an explicit-length string, you'd need to use a loop counter instead of checking a terminator (like #Michael's answer), because the next byte in memory might be another digit. Or it might be in an unmapped page.
Making the first iteration special and handling it before jumping into the main part of the loop is called loop peeling. Peeling the first iteration allows us to optimize it specially, because we know total=0 so there's no need to multiply anything by 10. It's like starting with sum = array[0]; i=1 instead of sum=0, i=0;.
To get nice loop structure (with the conditional branch at the bottom), I used the trick of jumping into the middle of the loop for the first iteration. This didn't even take an extra jmp because I was already branching in the peeled first iteration. Reordering a loop so an if()break in the middle becomes a loop branch at the bottom is called loop rotation, and can involve peeling the first part of the first iteration and the 2nd part of the last iteration.
The simple way to solve the problem of exiting the loop on a non-digit would be to have a jcc in the loop body, like an if() break; statement in C before the total = total*10 + digit. But then I'd need a jmp and have 2 total branch instructions in the loop, meaning more overhead.
If I didn't need the sub ecx, '0' result for the loop condition, I could have used lea eax, [rax*2 + rcx - '0'] to do it as part of the LEA as well. But that would have made the LEA latency 3 cycles instead of 1, on Sandybridge-family CPUs. (3-component LEA vs. 2 or less.) The two LEAs form a loop-carried dependency chain on eax (total), so (especially for large numbers) it would not be worth it on Intel. On CPUs where base + scaled-index is no faster than base + scaled-index + disp8 (Bulldozer-family / Ryzen), then sure, if you have an explicit length as your loop condition and don't want to check the digits at all.
I used movzx to load with zero extension in the first place, instead of doing that after converting the digit from ASCII to integer. (It has to be done at some point to add into 32-bit EAX). Often code that manipulates ASCII digits uses byte operand-size, like mov cl, [rdi]. But that would create a false dependency on the old value of RCX on most CPUs.
sub al,'0' saves 1 byte over sub eax,'0', but causes a partial-register stall on Nehalem/Core2 and even worse on PIII. Fine on all other CPU families, even Sandybridge: it's a RMW of AL, so it doesn't rename the partial reg separately from EAX. But cmp al, 9 doesn't cause a problem, because reading a byte register is always fine. It saves a byte (special encoding with no ModRM byte), so I used that at the top of the function.
For more optimization stuff, see, and other links in the x86 tag wiki.
The tag wiki also has beginner links, including an FAQ section with links to integer->string functions, and other common beginner questions.
How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library? is the reverse of this question, integer -> base10string.
Is there a fast way to convert a string of 8 ASCII decimal digits into a binary number? highly optimized SSSE3 pmaddubsw / pmaddwd for 8-digit integers.
How to implement atoi using SIMD? using a shuffle to handle variable-length
Conversion of huge decimal numbers (128bit) formatted as ASCII to binary (hex) handles long strings, e.g. a 128-bit integer that takes 4x 32-bit registers. (It's not very efficient, and might be better to convert in multiple chunks and then do extended-precision multiplies by 1e9 or something.)
Convert from ascii to integer in AT&T Assembly Inefficient AT&T version of this.

Reading to and from arrays in Assembly?

I'm having a bit of trouble reading to and from arrays in assembly.
It's a fairly simple program (albeit at this point, far from finished). All I'm trying to do at this point is read a string of (what we're assuming is numbers), converting it to a decimal number, and printing it. Here's what I've got so far. As of now, it prints str1. After you enter a number and hit enter, it prints str1 again and freezes. Can anyone offer some insight as to what all I'm doing wrong?
buffersize equ 80
buffer DWORD buffersize DUP (0)
str1 BYTE "Enter numbers to be added together. Press (Q) to Quit.", 0dh, 0ah,0;
str2 BYTE "The numbers entered were: ", 0dh, 0ah, 0
str3 BYTE "The total of numbers entered is: ", 0dh, 0ah, 0
error BYTE "Invalid Entry. Please try again.", 0dh, 0ah,0
value DWORD 0
main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET str1
call Writestring
call readstring
mov buffer[edi], eax
cmp buffer[edi], 0
cmp buffer[edi], 9
call cvtDec
mov edx, buffer[edi]
call WriteString
jmp endloop
mov edx, OFFSET error
call writestring
mov eax, buffer[edi]
AND eax,0Fh
mov buffer[edi],edx
main ENDP
First off, Mr. Irvine created the function called WriteString, but you use 2 variations - writestring and Writestring; you do use the correct case of the function in one place. Get into the habit of using the correct names of functions now, and it will cut down on bugs later.
Second, you created a label called Notdigit but yet you use JL NOTDIGIT and JG NOTDIGIT in your code. Again, use the correct spelling. MASM should of given you an A2006 error "undefined symbol"
You also declared your entry point as main, but you close your code section with END MAIN instead of END main.
If you have MASM set up properly (by adding option casemap:none at the top of your source. Or just open and uncomment the line that says OPTION CASEMAP:NONE)
Let's look at the ReadString procedure comment in irvine32.asm:
; Reads a string from the keyboard and places the characters
; in a buffer.
; Receives: EDX offset of the input buffer
; ECX = maximum characters to input (including terminal null)
; Returns: EAX = size of the input string.
; Comments: Stops when Enter key (0Dh,0Ah) is pressed. If the user
; types more characters than (ECX-1), the excess characters
; are ignored.
ReadString takes an address of the buffer to hold the inputed string in edx, you are using the address of your prompt str1, maybe you meant to use buffer? You also did not put the size of the buffer into ecx
Your using edi as an index into your buffer, what value does edi contain? Your trying to put the value of eax into it, what does eax contain??? Both edi and eax probably contain garbage; not what you want.
Look at this carefully:
mov eax, buffer[edi]
AND eax,0Fh
mov buffer[edi],edx
Your putting a value (That you think is an ASCII value of a number) into eax then converting to a decimal value... ok... Next, you are putting whatever is in edx back into your buffer. Is that what you want?

How do I ignore line breaks in input using NASM Assembly?

Learning NASM Assembly, I am trying to make a program that reads two one-digit number inputs.
I have two variables declared in the .bss:
num1 resb 1
num2 resb 1
Then, I ask the user to write the numbers like this:
; Get number 1
mov EAX,3
mov EBX,1
mov ECX,num1
mov EDX,1
int 0x80
; Get number 2
mov EAX,3
mov EBX,1
mov ECX,num2
mov EDX,1
int 0x80
Since I am only interested in one-digit number inputs, I set EDX to 1. This way, whatever the user types, only the first character will be stored in my variable (right?).
The problem is that everything that follows after that first character will be used for the future reads. If you type 5 and then press ENTER, the ASCII code 53 will be stored in num1 just fine, but the line break you generated by pressing ENTER will carry on to the next read instruction, which will be stored in num2. Clearly that's not what I was intending. I want the user to type a number, press ENTER, type another number, and press ENTER.
I am not entirely sure how to work around this in the simplest way possible.
The dumbest idea was to put a "dummy" read instruction between num1 and num2, which will capture the line break (and do nothing with it). This is obviously not good.
Here's a very basic way of reading input until you get digits you want. It will skip anything but digits. This approach is fine if it provides the functionality you want. If you need different behavior depending upon other non-numeric input, then you need to specify that behavior. Then that behavior can be programmed as well.
; Get number 1
mov ECX,num1
call GetNumber
; Get number 2
mov ECX,num2
call GetNumber
pusha ; save regs
mov EAX,3 ; system call for reading a character
mov EBX,0 ; 0 is standard input
mov EDX,1 ; number of characters to read
int 0x80 ; ECX has the buffer, passed into GetNumber
cmp byte [ecx],0x30
jl get ; Retry if the byte read is < '0'
cmp byte [ecx],0x39
jg get ; Retry if the byte read is > '9'
; At this point, if you want to just return an actual number,
; you could subtract '0' (0x30) off of the value read
popa ; restore regs
Meddling with stdin to disable I_CANON will work, but may be the "hard way". Using a two byte buffer and doing mov edx, 2 will work if the pesky user is well behaved - either clear the second byte, or just ignore it.
Sometimes the pesky user is not well behaved. Dealing with "garbage input" or other error conditions generally takes much more code than just "doing the work"! Either deal with it, or be satisfied with a program that "usually" works. The second option may be sufficient for beginners.
The pesky user might just hit "enter" without entering a number. In this case, we want to either re-prompt, or perhaps print "Sorry you didn't like my program" and exit. Or he/she might type more than one character before hitting "enter". This is potentially dangerous! If a malicious user types "1rm -rf .", you've just wiped out your entire system! Unix is powerful, and like any powerful tool can be dangerous in the hands of an unskilled user.
You might try something like (warning: untested code ahead!)...
section .bss
num1 resb 1
num2 resb 1
trashbin resb 1
section .text
; prompt for your number
; ...
; get the number (character representing the number!)
mov ecx, num1
mov edx, 1
mov ebx, 0 ; 1 will work, but 0 is stdin
mov eax, 3 ; sys_read
int 0x80
cmp byte [ecx], 10 ; linefeed
jz got_it
mov ecx, trashbin
jmp reread
cmp byte [num1], 10 ; user entered nothing?
jz re_prompt ; or do something intelligent
; okay, we have a character in num1
; may want to make sure it's a valid digit
; convert character to number now?
; carry on
You may need to fiddle with that to make it work. I probably shouldn't post untested code (you can embarrass yourself that way!). "Something like that" might be easier for you than fiddling with termios. The second link Michael gave you includes the code I use for that. I'm not very happy with it (sloppy!), but it "kinda works". Either way, have fun! :)
You will have to deal with canonical disabling, raw keyboard.
This is how linux manages entering console password for exampe without showing it.
The assembly to do this is nicely described here:
