I'm a Lua developer. My development environment is SSH into a central server and using VIM.
Vim comes with the following Lua syntax file.
What I noticed is the syntax file does not include Relational Operators (e.g.: =, >, etc) and instead treats relational operators as normal text syntax (color).
I tried adding the following to my .vim/after/syntax/lua.vim but it didn't work
syn keyword luaOperator < > <= >= == ~=
Any ideas how I can make relational operators a different syntax color in Lua?
By reading this article, I figured out how to get VIM to syntax highlight the following Lua operators: <, >, <=, >=, ==, ~=, =.
Put the following in your .vim/after/syntax/lua.vim file
syntax match potionOperator "<"
syntax match potionOperator ">"
syntax match potionOperator "<="
syntax match potionOperator ">="
syntax match potionOperator "=="
syntax match potionOperator "\v\~\="
syntax match potionOperator "="
highlight link potionOperator Operator
Then to set the operator to whatever color you want, in your .vimrc file put:
hi potionOperator ctermfg=COLOR
where COLOR is whatever color you want (e.g. yellow, red, etc)
Am a hardware engineer and I use Embedded Ruby Language to simplify writing my hardware verilog/system verilog code. In my *.sv and *.v files, i have a lot of ERB variables starting with "__" (double underscore). E.g. <% __MEM_DEPTH = 64 %>. Is there any way by which I can make vim display the words starting with the double underscore in a different color?
You can extend the built-in syntax highlighting. For example, put the following into ~/.vim/after/syntax/verilog.vim:
syntax match verilogErbVar "\<__\w\+\>"
hi link verilogErbVar Identifier
This assumes that the corresponding text fragments aren't yet matched by the original syntax (in my short test, they weren't). Else, you need to find the syntax groups that contain them and add a containedin=... to the :syntax command.
To find out which syntax group causes the highlighting. :syn list shows all active groups, but it's easier when you install the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin.
Consider the following vim syntax rules, which I am using to change the color of words surrounded by *.
syntax match boldme /\*.\{-1,}\*/
highlight boldme ctermfg=Red
For some reason, this rule only works if the word is at the beginning of a line, *hello* is red in the first line below but not the second line.
*hello* works
Another word and *hello* does not work.
How can I make syn match work in the middle of a line for the scenario above?
Update: This problem appears to be specific to using the literal * character as part of the match. The following match works fine for using _ instead.
syntax match boldme /_.\+_/
Thus the question is really, how do I force vim to treat a literal * character correctly in syn match?
try this:
syntax match boldme /\*.\+\*/
I don't know how did you do the test, see this gif animation with vim -u NONE:
I am attempting to write a syntax file for Vim.
One of the lines of code reads
syn match constant "\**\*"
while one of many other lines reads
syn keyword aiOperators up-build
The code for highlighting is the following:
hi constant gui=bold
hi aiOperators guifg=green
However, the result of the above is that only the following is highlighted:
The asterisks of every constant, but not the characters between them.
Characters up until the first hyphen of aiOperators.
What seems to be the issue?
The regular expression for your constant specifies a literal asterisk, zero or more times, followed by a literal asterisk. If you intend to match characters delimited by asterisks, you need something like \*\w\+\*: a literal asterisk, followed by one or more word characters, followed by a literal asterisk.
The :syn keyword only works for keyword characters; by default, the hyphen is not included, so the match stops there. If, for your filetype, the hyphen belongs to the set of keyword characters, use
:setlocal iskeyword+=-
This should not be placed into the syntax file itself, but into ~/.vim/ftplugin/myfiletype.vim. Otherwise, use :syn match.
I want to write bison syntax file for vim. I've managed to write syntax rule for definition section. Now I'm trying to compose syntax rule for bison rule. So, I have
rule : identifier ":" rightHandSidePart ( "|" rightHandSidePart )* ";"
rightHandSidePart : listOfIdentifiers "{" /* some C code here */ "}"
listOfIdentifiers : listOfIdentifiers identifier | /* nothing */
and identifier may be declared as [_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]* regular expression.
So the question is: how do I translate this grammar to vim syntax rules?
You might be able to use autohighlight to convert your grammar to vim's syntax regex.
Autohighlight generates vim and emacs syntax highlighting from a BNF grammar and a description of which terms should be highlighted which colors.
I have a syntax highlighting file for the q/kdb+ language and I'd like to convert it to a vim compatible file so my q code won't look any more ugly than usual.
Are there utilities available to automatically convert notepad++ xml syntax highlighting files to vi versions? I had a look around but I couldn't find anything.
Alternatively does anyone have a vim q syntax highlighting file?
a q/kdb+ vim syntax highlight files:
The answer to both questions is no (I don't know of any converters and I don't have a q syntax highlighting file), but the Notepad++ syntax highlighting XML format looks extremely simple. I don't have the 'Q' one to hand, but I had a look at one of the ones from the website and the translation looks pretty trivial. In that case, you could do most of the work with:
" Remove all the lines that aren't lists of keywords
" (there doesn't seem to be anything much more complicated
" than that in the definition file)
:g!/<Keywords name=/d
" Convert the lines (fairly poor XML parsing here!)
:%s/\s*<Keywords name="\([^"]\+\)">\([[:alpha:]_ ]\{-}\)<\/Keywords>/syn keyword \1 \2/
This generates lots of lines that look like:
syn keyword Words1 case then do while
You'll have to tweak the syntax class (Words1 in this case) to be something that will be highlighted in Vim (or syn-link it to something that will be highlighted in Vim).
You could probably then deal with the symbols with a regexp, but it might be easier to just do them by hand, so convert:
<Keywords name="Operators">- ! " # $ & * , . ; ? # \ ^ { | } ~ + < = ></Keywords>
syn match Operators /\<[-!"#$&*,.;?#\\^{|}~+<=>]/
(this is \< to mark a word boundary, followed by a character class [..] with all the symbols in it).
You would then just need to add:
if exists("b:current_syntax")
at the start and:
let b:current_syntax = "q"
at the end.
Of course, this doesn't get you all the way, but hopefully it will give you a lot of what you need to get the syntax file that you want. There is plenty of help available in:
:help syntax
and by looking at the examples in the syntax directory of the runtime folder.
Good luck!