Redirect when two strings are matched - .htaccess

Trying to make the url:
Redirect to:
But also need it to keep everything else intact because for example the link can be:
And need sortby portion to be there upon redirect.
What the redirect needs to do is look for forumdisplay.php and fid=6 and when both are found in the same url it redirects to blog.php and removes fid=6 but keeps any other parameters there.
I searched and found how to do it with one string but not two.
Also, what's the difference between redirect and rewrite?
This is related to MyBB forum software. I made a separate php file that uses forumdisplay but with a new name.

Using mod_rewrite you could use a condition to verify the id and grab what comes after if anything:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/forumdisplay.php
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^fid=6(&.*|.*)
RewriteRule ^.*$ /blog.php?%1 [R=301,L]


Redirect and keep the parameter in the url on .htaccess

It should probably be an easy setup, but without familiarity with the terms used, I can't come up with a solution. I tried several examples that I found on the internet.
I just wanted that when the user accessed the site via a url he would be directed to
Changing the page and keeping the parameter.
The last thing I tested:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$$1 [QSA]
You may use this redirect rule at the top of .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)foo= [NC]
RewriteRule ^/?$ /new-nice-page [L,R=301]
Note that query string is automatically carried forward to target URL.
Looking at this thread : simple .htaccess redirect : how to redirect with parameters?
you simply redirect , without worying about the parameters, because they are automatically passed :
Redirect permanent /jsn.php

Redirect certain subfolders by removing the parameter question mark

I am using .htaccess to redirect certain subfolders of my domain, to remove the question mark to improve my URLs.
Currently my URLs are like this:
I am trying to remove the question mark, so it is the following URL:
Currently I have the following code in my .htaccess file:
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /post/?([^\s&]+) [NC]
RewriteRule ^ /post/%1 [R=302,L,NE]
i am using php GET parameters, i am attempting for when the browser visits that the page that is currently is displayed
In that case you need to the opposite of what you are asking in your question: you need to internally rewrite (not externally "redirect") the request from to
However, you must have already changed all the URLs in your application to use the new URL format (without the query string). You shouldn't be using .htaccess alone for this.
I also assume that /post is a physical directory and that you are really serving index.php in that directory (mod_dir is issuing an internal subrequest to this file). So, instead of /post/?sometitle, it's really /post/index.php?sometitle?
For example:
RewriteEngine On
# Rewrite /post/sometitle to filesystem path
RewriteRule ^post/([\w-]+)$ /post/index.php?$1 [L]
So, now when you request /post/sometitle the request is internally rewritten and handled by /post/index.php?sometitle instead.
I have assumed that "sometitle" can consist of 1 or more of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and -. Hence the regex [\w-]+.
If this is a new site then you can stop there. However, if you are changing an existing URL structure that has already been indexed by search engines and linked to by external third parties then you'll need to redirect the old URLs to the new. (Just to reiterate, you must have already changed the URL in your application, otherwise users will experience repeated redirects as they navigate your site.)
To implement the redirect, you can add something like the following before the above rewrite:
# Redirect any "stray" requests to the old URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ([\w-]+)
RewriteRule ^post/$ /post/%1 [R=302,NE,QSD,L]
The check against the REDIRECT_STATUS environment variable is to ensure we only redirect "direct requests" and thus avoiding a redirect loop.
(Change to 301 only when tested as OK, to avoid caching issues.)
In Summary:
RewriteEngine On
# Redirect any "stray" requests to the old URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ([\w-]+)
RewriteRule ^post/$ /post/%1 [R=302,NE,QSD,L]
# Rewrite /post/sometitle to filesystem path
RewriteRule ^post/([\w-]+)$ /post/index.php?$1 [L]
UPDATE: If you have multiple URLs ("folders") that all follow the same pattern, such as /post/<title>, /home/<title> and /build/<title> then you can modify the above to cater for all three, for example:
# Redirect any "stray" requests to the old URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ([\w-]+)
RewriteRule ^(post|home|build)/$ /$1/%1 [R=302,NE,QSD,L]
# Rewrite /post/sometitle to filesystem path
RewriteRule ^(post|home|build)/([\w-]+)$ /$1/index.php?$2 [L]
Aside: (With my Webmasters hat on...) This is not really much of an "improvement" to the URL structure. If this is an established website with many backlinks and good SE ranking then you should think twice about making this change as you could see a dip in rankings at least initially.
If only changing from query is your requirement then try with below, we are using QSD flag to discard our query string after our rule matched.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ([^\s&]+) [NC]
RewriteRule ^ /post/%1 [R=302,L,NE,QSD]

I changed the structure of my site to reach index cards

Excuse me for my english.
I make a brands directory web site.
Before to acces to the brands pages I use requests like this :
where id is the id of the brand in my directory
I change the structure of the brands pages and now use this request:
where id has become id_marq
I try to use a rewritebrule like this:
RewriteRule ^fiche.php$$1 [L,QSA,R=301]
to redirect the old links to the new pages but result dont pass the id_marq value and the url is:
&id= is too.
What am I doing wrong?
Your rule is not evaluating query string and that's why its not capturing id query parameter.
Change your code to:
Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
# Turn mod_rewrite on
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=([^&]+) [NC]
RewriteRule ^fiche\.php$ /annuaire.php?detail=fiche&id_marq=%1 [R=302,L,QSA,NC]
Once you verify it is working fine, replace R=302 to R=301. Avoid using R=301 (Permanent Redirect) while testing your mod_rewrite rules.
Check out Regex Back Reference Availability:
You have to capture the query string. [QSA] passes it forward unaltered, so unless you're using id for anything you don't need that bit of code. Your 301 redirect is correct since this is a permanent redirect. Remember if you add a failed redirect your browser may cache that redirect so it might not look like it's working.
In this string match I'm only catching numbers to prevent someone from passing something like an asterisk * and XSS exploiting your site.
I've not included and [NC] matches in my code because when you allow multiple cases they can seem like different URLs to search engines (bad for SEO).
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} id=([0-9]+)
RewriteRule ^fiche.php$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/annuaire.php?detail=fiche&id_marq=%1 [R=301,L]

Redirecting a URL that contains a question mark

It's been necessary to move the position of my blog and I'm trying to make sure I catch all of the links in via the old link and redirect them to the new one.
The blog has been moved from to
The URLs used to generate with the date before the post name (by default) which I've decided not to do, to keep the URLs memorable.
The issue is that there's a ? character in the original URL (the default URL produced by the CMS I'm using and it's causing problems with the redirect:
RewriteRule ^post.php?s=2012-01-01-blog-post$ /blog/blog-post? [R=301,L]
So I need to escape the ? somehow but I can't work out how!
I could use a more general redirect that avoids the ? but that would redirect to the listings page, not the article itself:
RewriteRule ^post.php$ [R=301,L]
How do I make it read the ? as part of the URL!?
Thanks for taking a look!
Martin :)
I think you need to use a RewriteCond to check for the presence of a QUERY_STRING value and then, assuming the query string matches your blog pattern, capture the blog name and then use the captured value in the RewriteRule. Something like this:
RewriteCond ${QUERY_STRING} ^s=[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-(.*)$
RewriteRule ^post.php$ /blog/%1 [R=permanent,L]
The %1 refers to the first capture pattern in the matching RewriteCond (and the RewriteRule will not trigger unless the RewriteCond is a match).
The reason this is necessary is that a RewriteRule cannot see the query string as part of the request path, so you have to check for (and capture) a query string using a RewriteCond before the RewriteRule.

301 redirect from URL with query string to new domain with different query string

I am trying to figure out how to do a 301 redirect in my htaccess file to redirect some files to a new domain. Here's what I need to know how to do:
The redirects don't have to be automatically created. I can hard-code the pages I need to redirect in the htaccess file, I just don't know the format to use as I've read that a "standard" 301 redirect won't work with query strings.
Basically this is what I want to do, but from my research so far it doesn't sound like it can be done this way.
redirect 301 /index.php?page=news&id=2366
You could use a rewrite rule with a query string match condition, such as:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/index.php$
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^page=news&id=2366$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L]
Checkout this blog page for more information on how this works.
I had the same problem, but still more complicated, because I needed to discard other parameters.
Like this: my-old-page.php?a=1&b=2&c=3
I need to use one of the strings and discard the others, but that solution only worked if I want to use the last parameter (c=3). If I want to use any other (a=1 or b=2) it runs to a 404. After much struggling and searching, I found an answer:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.* ?b=2.* ?$ (without space after the *)
RewriteRule (.*) [R=301,L]
The solution is to add ".*?" before and after the parameter to use.
I don't know if this is the best solution, but it works.
