How to implement string.rfind in Lua - string

In Lua there's only string.find, but sometime string.rfind is needed. For example, to parse directory and file path like:
fullpath = "c:/abc/def/test.lua"
pos = string.rfind(fullpath,'/')
dir = string.sub(fullpath,pos)
How to write such string.rfind?

You can use string.match:
fullpath = "c:/abc/def/test.lua"
dir = string.match(fullpath, ".*/")
file = string.match(fullpath, ".*/(.*)")
Here in the pattern, .* is greedy, so that it will match as much as it can before it matches /
As #Egor Skriptunoff points out, this is better:
dir, file = fullpath:match'(.*/)(.*)'

Yu & Egor's answer works. Another possibility using find would be to reverse the string:
pos = #s - s:reverse():find("/") + 1


Renaming all the files in a folder is renaming the sub folders too

When try to rename the files in a specific folder, the program code renames
all the sub folders too. Is there a way to fix it?
dname = input("\nenter the path\t")
if os.path.isdir(dname):
dst = input("\nenter new file name: \t")
n = 1
for i in os.listdir(dname):
if not os.path.isdir(i):
mystr = ".txt"
src = os.path.join(dname, i)
dd = dst + str(n) + mystr
dd = os.path.join(dname, dd)
os.rename(src, dd)
n += 1
Yours "isdirectory" (os.path.isdir(i)) check doesn't seem to work.
You can precompile the list of files present in the directory using the below code,
files = (file for file in os.listdir (dname)
if os.path.isfile ( os.path.join ( dname, file) ))
And then directly iterate over the files, like,
for i in files:
mystr = ".txt"
src = os.path.join(dname, i)
dd = dst + str(n) + mystr
dd = os.path.join(dname, dd)
os.rename(src, dd)
n += 1
You can also have a look at this answer, which lists all the ways in which you can list files in a given directory.
It seems below the line isn't working for you.
Try out creating the full path before checking :
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dname, i)):

How to get the name of the directory from the name of the directory + the file

In an application, I can get the path to a file which resides in a directory as a string:
In order to write another another file into that same directory, I want to change the string "/path/to/the/file.txt" and remove the part "file.txt" to finally only get
as a string
I could use
string = "/path/to/the/file.txt"
and then glue all the term (except the last one) together with a loop
Is there an easy way to do it?
You can use os.path.basename for getting last part of path and delete it with using replace.
import os
path = "/path/to/the/file.txt"
delete = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(path))
print(delete) # will return file.txt
#Remove file.txt in path
path = path.replace(delete,'')
Let say you have an array include txt files . you can get all path like
new_path = ['file2.txt','file3.txt','file4.txt']
for get_new_path in new_path:
print(path + get_new_path)
Here is what I finally used
iter = len(string.split('/'))-1
directory_path_str = ""
for i in range(0,iter):
directory_path_str = directory_path_str + srtr.split('/')[i] + "/"

History of previously opened m-files in MATLAB

Is anyway to find history of previously opened m-files in MATLAB R2014b from 2 or 3 months ago? (a list of name of files and paths)
Matlab R2014b stores its recent files in:
It's a .xml file so it's easy to load and parse with xmlread. I'm not very familiar with xml parsing syntax, but here is how to get information about files (to be adapted to your needs of course):
function [recentFiles] = GetRecentFiles()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf('MathWorks\\MATLAB\\R%s\\%s', version('-release'), 'MATLAB_Editor_State.xml');
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
This returns a structure like this:
recentFiles =
1x43 struct array with fields:
NB: I've tried to type in matlab command window matlab.desktop.editor.*, but seems there's nothing regarding recent files (anyway there are a lot of interesting things to manipulate the editor from the command line)
Last answer waIs really helpful. I've just modified it to read and open the recent tab files. This works on Matlab R2013a:
function [recentFiles] = recover_tabs()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf('MathWorks\\MATLAB\\R%s\\%s', version('-release'), 'MATLAB_Editor_State.xml');
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
% loop to access files in the tab history
for j=1:length(recentFiles)
arquivo = [recentFiles(j).AbsPath '\' recentFiles(j).Name];
% if exists, then open
if exist(arquivo, 'file') == 2
Base in the answer by CitizenInsane, but for any Matlab version.
To find the .xml file in any Matlab version, use prefdir:
>> prefdir
ans = '/Users/user/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/R2018a'
MATLAB_Editor_State.xml will be stored there. Therefore the fuction would be:
function [recentFiles] = GetRecentFiles()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf([ prefdir '/MATLAB_Editor_State.xml']);
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
In R2018b you can increase the Most recently used file list in Preferences > Editor/Debugger. I like the methods above, but they do not work if you're working across machines (e.g., using Github). I coded a solution that uses the modified file date from the machine, instead of relying on MATLAB itself.

Can Matlab eliminate the path in URL and left only the domain part?

Can Matlab eliminate the path in URL and leave only the domain part? Does Matlab have any function to eliminate the path behind?
Let's say, example 1:
input :
output :
This regexp pattern should do the trick:
>> str = '';
>> out = regexp(str,'\w*://[^/]*','match','once')
out =
The search pattern '\w*://[^/]*' says look for a string that starts with some "word" characters ('\w*) corresponding to the protocol (e.g. http, https, rtsp), followed by the ubiquitous ://, and then any number of characters that are not a forward slash ([^/]*).
Edit: The 'once' option should eliminate a nested cell.
UPDATE: just the hostname, allowing inputs with no protocol.
>> str = {'';
>> out = regexp(str,'([^/]*)(?=/[^/])','match','once')
out =
UPDATE 2: regexp madness!
>> str = {'';
>> out = regexp(str,'.*?[^/](?=(/([^/]|$)|$))','match','once')
out =
% hostname.m
function hostnames = hostname(str)
hostnames = regexp(str,'.*?[^/](?=(/([^/]|$)|$))','match','once');
function output_url = domain_name(input_url)
c1 = strfind(input_url,'//');
ind1 = strfind(input_url,'/');
if isempty(c1) && isempty(ind1)
output_url = input_url; % For case like -
if ~isempty(c1)
if numel(ind1)>2
output_url = input_url(1:ind1(3)-1); % For cases like - or
output_url = input_url; % For case like -
output_url = input_url(1:ind1(1)-1); % For cases like - or
Example runs:
%% Long URLs with extensions
%% Short URLs without HTTP://
%% Short URLs with HTTP://
An alternative method and probably efficient one would be to use REGEXP, but apparently I prefer numbers.
Edit 1: If you prefer to use bunch of URLs at the sametime, you may use a cell array. Obviously, the output would be a cell array too. Look at the following MATLAB script to get a feel of it -
% Input
in_urls_cell = [{''},{''},{''}];
% Get domain name
out_urls_cell = cell(size(in_urls_cell));
for count = 1:numel(in_urls_cell)
% Display only domain name
for count = 1:numel(out_urls_cell)
The above script returns -

Script to rename and copy files to a new directory.

Hi I have recently made this script to rename files I scan for work with a prefix and a date. It works pretty well however it would be great if it could make a directory in the current directory with the same name as the first file then move all the scanned files there. E.g. First file is renamed to 'Scanned As At 22-03-2012 0' then a directory called 'Scanned As At 22-03-2012 0' (Path being M:\Claire\Scanned As At 22-03-2012 0) is made and that file is placed in there.
I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to do this. Thanks in advance!
import os
import datetime
#target = input( 'Enter full directory path: ')
#prefix = input( 'Enter prefix: ')
target = 'M://Claire//'
prefix = 'Scanned As At '
allfiles = os.listdir(target)
count = 0
for filename in allfiles:
t = os.path.getmtime(filename)
v = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
x = v.strftime( ' %d-%m-%Y')
os.rename(filename, prefix + x + " "+str(count) +".pdf")
count +=1
Not quite clear about your requirement. If not rename the file, only put it under the directory, then you can use the following codes (only the for-loop of your example):
for filename in allfiles:
if not os.isfile(filename): continue
t = os.path.getmtime(filename)
v = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
x = v.strftime( ' %d-%m-%Y')
dirname = prefix + x + " " + str(count)
target = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
os.renames(filename, target)
count +=1
You can check help(os.renames).
