Creating a Digital Certificate without signing it - security

I have created a key-pair and now I want to bind my public key with an email id (create a digital certificate). I do not want to do the next step of signing the certificate.
Question: How can I create the digital certificate (hence bind the public key with the identity) and not really sign it for now ? (Using OpenSSL for the same would be fine).
My understanding:
Digital certificate is just packaging the public key with an
Digital signature is a CA assuring/signing the
certificate and embedding the signature in the certificate file
Or is my understanding all wrong ?

Signature is a required part of certificate. You may instead create so-called self-signed certificate, signed by your own key.

if i got your question right, you want to prepare a certificate and stop the process before the actual signing by a CA would happen ...
the thing you are looking for is a so called certificate request ...
have a look at the "openssl req" command ... for examples see (examples section shows generating a new request)


How a client(web browser) use public key on CA certificate to authenticate digital signature on server certificate?

While studying how https works, ssl handshake in https, following points were raised without getting complete answer.
In the flow of https, how client upon receiving server certificate validates its authenticity using digital signature in server certificate and public key of CA certificate.
May anyone explain this in brief?
In brief the idea of asymmetric cryptography is that you can encrypt with one key and decrypt with another key. The idea of digital signature is that you can encrypt with private key and decrypt with public key.
So when CA issues certificate for server it encodes some fields of certificate (described in specification):
TBSCertificate ::= SEQUENCE {
version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,
serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber,
signature AlgorithmIdentifier,
issuer Name,
validity Validity,
subject Name,
subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
issuerUniqueID [1] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
-- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
subjectUniqueID [2] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
-- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
extensions [3] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
-- If present, version MUST be v3
in DER format and then encrypts it with its private key using signatureAlgorithm. When browser receives server certificate it takes the same fields in DER format then it takes CA public key and decrypts the encrypted signature of certificate using signatureAlgorithm.
If they match, that means that the certificate was really signed by CA and it can be trusted.

What does "signing a certificate with another certificate" mean?

I am actually reading about certificates and certificate chains. I understand that a certificate is a piece of data which is signed by the private key of an entity and can only be decrypted by using the public key of the given entity (e.g. the root CA).
However, I came across several places where it reads that a "certificate signs another certificate" (example: Microsoft Iot Edge:
I struggle to understand what this exactly means technically. What happens when I "sign a certificate with another certificate"? For example, if I create a intermediate certificate and sign it with the root CA's certificate, which private key is used? Is this key somehow part of the root CA's certificate (don't think so)? So what private / public keys are used if one says "this certificate signs another certificate"?
When a piece of text says signing with a certificate, it actually means signing with the private key associated with the public key stored in the certificate. The latter is rather a mouthful though, so the former is used.
So in your case, the intermediate CA's certificate is signed by the private key of the Root CA. This Root CA private key was generated along with the Root CA public key when CA was stood up. The private key is kept (extremely) private, while the public key is shared within the Root CA's certificate.

how to validate an X509Certificate chain using a given Certificate

I have an trusted Certificate given by user (may be self-signed). I want to use that certificate to validate https server certificate chain.
I found there was code example like:
Validate X.509 certificate against CA in Java
which only validating if last certificate certs[0] is signed by given certificate.
Following link is using CertPathValidator to validate the certificate.
Java X509 Certificate parsing and validating
Which example should I follow? I suppose if any certificate in certificate chain is signed by given certificate, the validation is passed, is it right?

Certificate & Hash checking?

I'm asking this question in order for be 100% sure.
To validate the certificate to ensure it contains the information
digitally signed by the certificate authority, the web browser
verifies the digital signature. Because the digital signature is an
encrypted hash value that was computed based on the contents of the
certificate, the web browser needs to compare hash values. The web
browser computes a hash value based on the contents of the certificate
it received. It then decrypts the digital signature to determine the
hash value that the certificate authority computed. If the two hash
values match, the web browser is assured that the certificate contains
the information that the certificate authority verified and digitally
questions :
The web browser computes a hash value based on the contents of the
certificate it received
The browser knows in which digest algorithm the certificate was used inside , so he uses it also to calculate a hash - based on the certificate content.
It then decrypts the digital signature to determine the hash value
that the certificate authority computed
The browser knows which CA created the certificate , so he takes the public key from the appropriate computer store location and apply it on the encrypted hash value . the result is the decrypted hash value.
It then see if both the same.
Am I right ?
(You may be interested in this question on Security.SE.)
This is the structure of an X.509 certificate:
Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {
tbsCertificate TBSCertificate,
signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
signatureValue BIT STRING }
TBSCertificate ::= SEQUENCE {
version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,
serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber,
signature AlgorithmIdentifier,
issuer Name,
validity Validity,
subject Name,
subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
issuerUniqueID [1] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
-- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
subjectUniqueID [2] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
-- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
extensions [3] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
-- If present, version MUST be v3
When presented with the certificate, the browser gets the signature algorithm from the certificate itself. Typically, this is something like RSAwithSHA1.
In this case, it can indeed recalculate the SHA-1 digest of the TBSCertificate (the actual content of the certificate).
In addition, from the TBSCertificate, it can find the issuer name: this is what's used to find a trust anchor from the known CA certificates (the issuer name must match the subject of the CA certificate). When it has found the CA certificate with the right name in the list it already trusts, it can get the public RSA key from that CA certificate.
Having both the SHA-1 digest and the RSA public key, it can verify that the signatureValue matches.
the digital signature is an encrypted hash value
That's not strictly true, although it's commonly said. Digital signatures are digital signatures, not encryption.
The problem is that RSA uses the same maths to encrypt and sign: encryption with the public key and signature with the private key. Often, one is confused with the other (even in the OpenSSL API). It doesn't make sense to "encrypt" with a private key, since "encrypting" implies hiding (and you're not hiding anything if you're giving the public key away so the it can "decrypt" the signature).
This subtly about hash and encryption with digital signatures wouldn't work with some other algorithms such as DSA, which are for signatures only.
This is why a number of digital signature APIs combine the hash and key usage into a single "sign" or "verify" operation. This is what the Java Signature API does, for example: you tell it to use RSAwithSHA1 or DSAwithSHA1, give it the key and the message, and tell it to sign or verify, you don't have to do the digest or "encryption" manually.
For the purpose of certificate verification: the browser gets the issuer from the cert and find the corresponding public key (from trusted CA certs), it also gets the signature algorithm from the cert, and then verifies the signature with that public key and the TBSCertificate content, according to what the signature algorithm dictates.

What is the difference between the x.509 V3 extensions Basic Constraints and Key Usage to create a CA certificate?

These two actions seem to do the same:
using the Basic Constraints extension in a X.509 Certificate to signify that it is a CA certificate and
using the Key Usage extension e.g. to signify that the public key can be used for certificate signining.
What is the difference between these extensions?
Do they serve same purpose or complement each other?
"Key Usage" defines what can be done with the key contained in the certificate. Examples of usage are: ciphering, signature, signing certificates, signing CRLs.
"Basic Constraints" identifies if the subject of certificates is a CA who is allowed to issue child certificates.
For a certificate that can be used to sign certificates, the info is in some sense duplicated:
X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA: TRUE --- Can sign certificates
X509v3 Key Usage: Key Cert Sign --- Can sign certificates
But "Basic Constraints" will also specify the maximum depth of valid certification chain.
Though it is duplicated, you need to specify both, according to RFC 3280 --- X.509.
This is the relevant paragraph from the RFC (page 29):
The keyCertSign bit is asserted when the subject public key is
used for verifying a signature on public key certificates. If the
keyCertSign bit is asserted, then the cA bit in the basic
constraints extension (section MUST also be asserted.
Key Usage describes intended purposes of the certificate.
Basic Constraints extension describes how deep the certificate chain that has the certificate as it's top can be. In other words, this extension is used by CAs to restrict activity of their sub-CAs when the sub-CA certificate is issued. If toplevel CA gets a sub-CA , it allows sub-CA to issue end-user certificates, but doesn't allow sub-CA have it's own sub-CAs.
