Change edge name that appears in popup on hover - pharo

How can I change a text that appears whe you hover over edge in Roasal? I have not found this anywhere on the web

You can add a popup (with custom styling) to a single edge in the following way:
popup := ROPopup text: 'some text'.
popup textColor: Color black.
popup box color: (Color r: 0.9 g: 0.9 b: 0.9); borderWidth: 1; borderColor: (Color r: 0.8 g: 0.8 b: 0.8).
aROEdge # popup.

A complete example of it could be:
view := ROView new.
el1 := ROBox green element extent: 50 # 50.
el2 := ROBox blue element extent: 50 # 50.
el1 # RODraggable.
el2 # RODraggable.
el2 translateTo: 50 # 50.
aROEdge := ROEdge lineFrom: el1 to: el2.
(aROEdge getShape: ROLine) width: 5.
popup := ROPopup text: 'some text'.
popup textColor: Color black.
popup box color: (Color r: 0.9 g: 0.9 b: 0.9); borderWidth: 1; borderColor: (Color r: 0.8 g: 0.8 b: 0.8).
aROEdge # popup.
view addAll: { el1 . el2 . aROEdge }.
view open


How do i calculate four colors linear grdient?

If I have four colours (A, B, C & D) on four points on a line and I want to fill with a gradient that blends nicely between the four colours how would I calculate the colour of the point E?
and A is starting point and D is ending point, before starting point and after ending point fill starting colour and end colour. inside line need to blend colour according to the distance and angle.
The closer E is to any of the other points, the strong that colour should affect the result.
I need like this one.
Any idea how to do that? Speed and simplicity is preferred to accuracy.
Well, in simple terms, take point ß that is halfway between A and B. Assuming the use of RGB colors, if A is red rgb(255, 0, 0) and B is yellow rgb(255, 255, 0), then ß's color will be halfway between these: rgb(255, 128, 0), that is, orange.
As you can see this can be calculated by using a weighted average per color channel - weighted by how close your point is to A and B.
Here's a code example you can run right here:
const slider = document.getElementById("range")
const between = document.getElementById("between")
slider.addEventListener("input", ev => {
const distFromA =
const G = distFromA / 3.92
// Not calculating R and B values, as these don't change in this specific example
const R = 255
const B = 0 = `rgb(${R}, ${G}, ${B})`
#A { background: red; color: white; }
#B { background: yellow; }
#between { background: gainsboro; }
#between, #A, #B { display: inline-block; width: 50px; height: 50px; }
<aside id=A>A</aside>
<aside id=between>ß</aside>
<aside id=B>B</aside>
<nav><input type=range min=0 max=1000 id=range /></nav>
Do this for each pixel and you get a gradient 👍

PIXI.Text as a hole but keeping stroke

I am trying to add text to a PIXI Application as a hole, cutting through the canvas showing what's underneath it, but need to keep the stroke around each letter. I am using a blendMode to cut the text through, but it removes the stroke as well. Is it even possible?
//hacked clearing blendmode
app.renderer.state.blendModes[20] = [0,
//Adding text
var style = new PIXI.TextStyle({
fontFamily: 'din-condensed',
fontSize: '400px',
fontWeight: 400,
stroke: '#25556f',
strokeThickness: 5
var invertedText = new PIXI.Text(text, style);
invertedText.x = 0;
invertedText.y = (height / 2) - ($(heading).height() / 2);
invertedText.blendMode = 20;

Change the border coloring of window

I am trying to create a window with custom coloring. I can see how to change the background color of the window when using something like FL_BORDER_BOX (how to change the background color of Fl_Window by pressing Fl_Button), but I can not find out how to change the border color from black. Any help would be appreciated!
This is using C/C++ and FLTK btw.
Instead of using FL_BORDER_BOX, use FL_BORDER_FRAME. The foreground colour of the frame can be changed.
Fl_Box changeling = new Fl_Box(10, 10, 100, 20);;
A list of the box types can be found in under Box Types
If you wish to have a different colour inside, then draw two boxes
int x = 10, y = 10, w = 180, h = 100;
Fl_Box box(x, y, w, h);;
box.color(FL_BLUE, FL_RED);
Fl_Box inner(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2);;

Can't get susy to use gutter in 'px' while in math:static mode

I want to create a fixed non-flexible very damn static grid of 1200px.
So I figured out, I need 90px for column-width, 12 columnts, 10px of gutter and 1200px of max-width.
Well.. the following are my settings and it gives me an error "invalid null opearation: 11 times null "
$susy: (
flow: ltr,
math: static,
output: float,
gutter-position: after,
container: auto,
container-position: center,
columns: 12,
gutters: 10px,
column-width: 90px,
global-box-sizing: content-box,
last-flow: to,
debug: (
image: show,
color: rgba(#66f, .25),
output: overlay,
toggle: top right,
use-custom: (
background-image: true,
background-options: false,
box-sizing: true,
clearfix: false,
rem: true,
#import "grids";
#include container($susy);
max-width: 1200px;
border: solid thin red;
You need to specify gutters proportionally to your columns.
In this case:
gutters: 1/9,
The end result (being your columns 90px) would be gutters 10px wide. You can specify your gutters width in pixels by expressing it as a proportion.
As per the docs, you can speficy gutter width in pixels, by putting the column width as well. E.g.:
gutters: 10px/90px
Alhtough the result is exactly the same. And if you put in a value that doesn't match with your column width, you won't get the pixel width you say, but the appropriate fraction.
So having:
column-width: 100px,
gutters: 10px/50px,
will leave you with 20px wide gutters. Because of math. :)
Pen showing it working here.
And finally, your layout is 1190px wide and not 1200px because:
12 columns * 90px = 1080px
11 gutters * 10px = 110px.
1180px + 110px = 1190px.

Multi-colored Google Map SVG Symbols

A Google Map marker can take a complex svg path as its icon as in something like:
var baseSvg = {
x1 : "m 0,0 l45,0 l 190,225 l -45,0 l -190,-225 z",
x2 : "m 225,0 l -45,0 l -190,225 l 45,0 l 190,-225 z"
var baseIcon = {
path: "M0,0 " + baseSvg["x1"] + baseSvg["x2"],
fillColor: "#000000",
fillOpacity: 1,
scale: .2,
strokeColor: "black",
strokeWeight: 0,
rotation: 15
which is then fed into a marker:
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(somelat, somelng),
icon: baseIcon
All good. But it only draws in a single colour (black in this example). So, can they only have a single colour or is there a way to have multi-coloured symbols? Using the example code, x1 would be red and x2 would be green.
Note that this construct is borrowed from here: How do I indicate transparency in an SVG path in Google Maps API v3? and it works nicely.
I just did the same thing and I think you have to draw two markers with essentially identical data, but with the path and in this case fillColor properties changed:
var baseSvg = {
x1 : "m 0,0 l45,0 l 190,225 l -45,0 l -190,-225 z",
x2 : "m 225,0 l -45,0 l -190,225 l 45,0 l 190,-225 z"
baseIcon = {
fillOpacity: 1,
scale: .2,
strokeColor: "black",
strokeWeight: 0,
rotation: 15
markerPos = new google.maps.LatLng(somelat, somelng),
// psuedo code for cloning an object since that
// is out of scope for this question
greenIcon = Object.clone(baseIcon),
redIcon = Object.clone(baseIcon);
greenIcon.path = baseSvg.x1;
greenIcon.fillColor = "#0f0";
redIcon.path = baseSvg.x2;
redIcon.fillColor = "#f00";
var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
position: markerPos,
map: map,
icon: greenIcon
var marker2 = new google.maps.Marker({
position: markerPos,
map: map,
icon: redIcon
obviously not optimized js, but you get the idea.
When it comes to opacity, strokeOpacity is your guy. Check the maps.Symbol class for more information on symbol properties.
