Implicit pattern matching the first 2 items of a list - haskell

Is there a way to do this in an implicit way:
(originalPath:extractPath:ignoredArgs) <- getArgs
considering I only need the first two args and will ignore the others anyway.
This is just a curiosity/exploring/learning question (just started with Haskell), ignoredArgs does not harm if it's left like this.
I tried
(originalPath:extractPath) <- getArgs
But it fails since extractPath will be of [String] type (instead of String)

Use a wildcard, _
(originalPath:extractPath:_) <- getArgs
to ignore everything after the first two arguments.
You need to have something there to have the two names be bound to Strings, and a wildcard pattern (underscore) is the way to tell the compiler and human readers of the code that you are not interested in further arguments.


Why is getArgs evaluated after fmap method argument?

Why does getArgs gets evaluated after the method argument of fmap?
fpath<-fmap head getArgs
putStrLn fpath
I get the error :
Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
It seems it applies head on something that has not been computed yet.
I first assumed that it might be another rule about lazyness that i am not aware of being new to Haskell so i tried with :
a<-fmap head getLine # no problem
a<-fmap head (readFile [filename]) # again no problem
So why is getArgs special that gets evaluated after ?
If head breaks on empty list, that means that getArgs did already evaluate, because the value [] was produced and matched by head.
Most probably you ran your program from ghci, which can produce such an effect. Since head is unsafe, you should check whether there's at least one argument on the list present.

SML Pattern Matching on char lists

I'm trying to pattern match on char lists in SML. I pass in a char list generated from a string as an argument to the helper function, but I get an error saying "non-constructor applied to argument in pattern". The error goes away if instead of
I use:
Any explanations regarding why this happens would be much appreciated, and work-arounds if any. I'm guessing I could use the substring function to check this specific substring in the original string, but I find pattern matching intriguing and wanted to take a shot. Also, I need specific information in the char list located somewhere later in the string, and I was wondering if my pattern could be:
#"some useless characters"::#"list of characters I want"::#"newline character"
I checked out How to do pattern matching on string in SML? but it didn't help.
fun somefunction(#"a"::#"b"::#"c"::#"d"::_::nil) = print("true\n")
| somefunction(_) = print("false\n")
If you add parentheses around the characters the problem goes away:
fun somefunction((#"a")::(#"b")::(#"c")::(#"d")::_::nil) = print("true\n")
| somefunction(_) = print("false\n")
Then somefunction (explode "abcde") prints true and somefunction (explode "abcdef") prints false.
I'm not quite sure why the SML parser had difficulties parsing the original definition. The error message suggests that is was interpreting # as a function which is applied to strings. The problem doesn't arise simply in pattern matching. SML also has difficulty with an expression like #"a"::#"b"::[]. At first it seems like a precedence problem (of # and ::) but that isn't the issue since #"a"::explode "bc" works as expected (matching your observation of how your definition worked when only one # appeared). I suspect that the problem traces to the fact that characters where added to the language with SML 97. The earlier SML 90 viewed characters as strings of length 1. Perhaps there is some sort of behind-the-scenes kludge with the way the symbol # as a part of character literals was grafted onto the language.

Which Monad do I need?

This is something of an extension to this question:
Dispatching to correct function with command line arguments in Haskell
So, as it turns out, I don't have a good solution yet for dispatching "commands" from the command line to other functions. So, I'd like to extend the approach in the question above. It seems cumbersome to have to manually add functions to the table and apply the appropriate transformation function to each function so that it takes a list of the correct size instead of its normal arguments. Instead, I'd like to build a table where I'll add functions and "tag" them with the number of arguments it needs to take from the command line. The "add" procedure, should then take care of composing with the correct "takesXarguments" procedure and adding it to the table.
I'd like to be able to install "packages" of functions into the table, which makes me think I need to be able to keep track of the state of the table, since it will change when packages get installed. Is the Reader Monad or the State Monad what I'm looking for?
No monad necessary. Your tagging idea is on the right track, but that information is encoded probably in a different way than you expected.
I would start with a definition of a command:
type Command = [String] -> IO ()
Then you can make "command maker" functions:
mkCommand1 :: (String -> IO ()) -> Command
mkCommand2 :: (String -> String -> IO ()) -> Command
Which serves as the tag. If you don't like the proliferation of functions, you can also make a "command lambda":
arg :: (String -> Command) -> Command
arg f (x:xs) = f x xs
arg f [] = fail "Wrong number of arguments"
So that you can write commands like:
printHelloName :: Command
printHelloName = arg $ \first -> arg $ \last -> do
putStrLn $ "Hello, Mr(s). " ++ last
putStrLn $ "May I call you " ++ first ++ "?"
Of course mkCommand1 etc. can be easily written in terms of arg, for the best of both worlds.
As for packages, Command sufficiently encapsulates choices between multiple subcommands, but they don't compose. One option here is to change Command to:
type Command = [String] -> Maybe (IO ())
Which allows you to compose multiple Commands into a single one by taking the first action that does not return Nothing. Now your packages are just values of type Command as well. (In general with Haskell we are very interested in these compositions -- rather than packages and lists, think about how you can take two of some object to make a composite object)
To save you from the desire you have surely built up: (1) there is no reasonable way to detect the number of arguments a function takes*, and (2) there is no way to make a type depend on a number, so you won't be able to create a mkCommand which takes as its first argument an Int for the number of arguments.
Hope this helped.
In this case, it turns out that there is, but I recommend against it and think it is a bad habit -- when things get more abstract the technique breaks down. But I'm something of a purist; the more duct-tapey Haskellers might disagree with me.

How to get the literal value of a TemplateHaskell named variable

If I have a Name in TemplateHaskell and want to find out the value of the variable that it names, provided that the variable is declared as a literal, can this be done?
var = "foo"
-- Can `contentsOf` be defined?
$((contentsOf . mkName $ "var") >>= guard . (== "foo"))
In theory, yes. In practice, no.
Finding out stuff about existing names is done using reify :: Name -> Q Info, and for a definition like that you would get back a VarI value, which includes a Maybe Dec field. This would seem to suggest that you might in some cases be able to get the syntax tree for the declaration of the variable, which would allow you to extract the literal, however current versions of GHC always returns Nothing in this field, so you're out of luck for a pure TH solution.
However, TH does allow arbitrary IO actions to be run, so you could potentially work around this by loading and parsing the module yourself using something like haskell-src-exts, however I suspect that would be more trouble than it's worth.

Haskell -- "The last statement in a 'do' construct must be an expression"

Like it says in the title: What does The last statement in a 'do' construct must be an expression mean? I ended my do block with a putStrLn like it shows in several examples I've seen, and i get an error.
main = do args <- getArgs
file <-readFile "TWL06.txt"
putStrLn results
Most of the time, it's because your code is mis-aligned and compiler assumes that your "do" block ended prematurely (or has extra code that dont really belong there)
Your last line isn't something like someVar <- putStrLn "hello", by any chance, is it? You'll get that error if you try to do a variable binding on the last line, because it's equivalent to putStrLn "Hello" >>= \someVar -> — it expects there to be an expression at the end.
Incorrect indentation can lead to this error. Also, is good not to use tabs, only spaces.
