Trigger a project based on multiple triggers -

I want to execute a project on a Friday every week at 1:00PM , If the build was not run any time in that particular week.
Could any help me in writting trigger for a Cruise Control Project.

Use interval trigger that is set to run every week at 1:00pm and conditional block to check if last build time ran during that week, like this:
<time unit="hours">168</time>
<msbuild />
<!-- Something else, maybe comment task -->


How to decrease Hybris build time in case the data model does not need an update?

Lets say that a task needs to be done and there are no data model changes needed(i.e items.xml does not need to be touched).
For example a new Interceptor is needed for an existing Item Type. In this case I just need a new spring bean and a new Java class.
After I do the changes, If I run an "ant build" it takes approximately 1:30(one minute and a half), sometimes even more than that.
From what I noticed Hybris tries to check every extension that is included in localExtension.xml with their required extensions as well, and that is taking a lot of time.
How can I perform a faster build ? It should not take that much time since the only thing that is needed in my Interceptor case is to compile the new Interceptor class, and that's it.
I understand that when data model is changed the models.jar needs to be deleted, the new sources need to be generated and compiled in a new models.jar and that requires time. But in the more simple scenario it should work a lot faster.
PS: I know about JRebel but this question addresses the cases in which the developer does not have JRebel.
In platform/build.xml add below ant target:
<target name="compileExtensions" description="Compiles only the provided extensions">
In platform/resources/ant/compiling.xml add the macro definition:
<macrodef name="compile_only_specified_extensions">
<isset property="ext.#{extname}.warextension" />
<extension_compile extname="#{extname}" />
<external_extension_build extname="#{extname}"/>
Define foreachextprovidedincli in platform/resources/ant/util.xml
<macrodef name="foreachextprovidedincli">
<element name="do" optional="false" />
<attribute name="param" default="extname" />
<for list="${}" param="#{param}" delimiter=";">
<do />
Now what I simply have to do to compile my classes is run the following command:
ant compileExtensions"extensionName1;extensionName2;extensionName3"
With above command the build was reduced to 4 seconds.

Automation Steps not firing for custom screen?

I have used automation steps to add an action menu to an existing screen, add approval automation and other automations to an existing screen, and control fields/values of existing screens. Each of those cases appear to work fine. However, I have added a new custom screen that does not require approvals, and automation steps seem to do nothing for me other than adding an action item to the menu.
What would prevent my custom screen from executing my simple automation steps? I have 1 view set as the data member for both the form and tab in a form/tab screen used to break up the data to keep the data simple for the end user to view. The only thing working is that the Action menu option "Convert to Repair" is added to the screen, although it is not disabled as intended nor the status updated when the hold checkbox is changed.
Automation Definition:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Screen ScreenID="ZI302000">
<Step StepID="Hold -> Open" Description="Hold -> Open" GraphName="SSCS.IN.ZZINNcmTagEntry" ViewName="NCMTags" TimeStampName="Tstamp">
<Filter FieldName="Hold" Condition="Equals" Value="False" Value2="False" Operator="And" />
<Filter FieldName="Status" Condition="Equals" Value="H" Operator="And" />
<Action ActionName="*" IsDefault="1">
<Fill FieldName="Status" Value="O" />
<Action ActionName="Action" MenuText="Convert to Repair">
<Fill FieldName="#ActionName" Value="ConvertRepair" />
<Step StepID="On Hold" Description="On Hold" GraphName="SSCS.IN.ZZINNcmTagEntry" ViewName="NCMTags" TimeStampName="Tstamp">
<Filter FieldName="Hold" Condition="Equals" Value="True" Value2="False" Operator="And" />
<Action ActionName="*" IsDefault="1">
<Fill FieldName="Status" Value="H" />
<Action ActionName="Action" MenuText="Convert to Repair" IsDisabled="1">
<Fill FieldName="#ActionName" Value="ConvertRepair" />
As it turns out, it seems the automation steps referenced a node id of an earlier version of the page. After experimenting with some formatting of the page, I removed it and started over. By not removing the old automation steps entirely, the system was firing automation for a page referenced by an outdated node id.
Solution: Delete the automation steps entirely and start over. In my case, I deleted the automation definition as well because I had tried deleting the automation steps before but not the automation definition with no success. I also deleted the site map to the page, the files from the customization project, the files from the OS, and recreated it all from scratch. Once confirmed that automation steps were working on the newly recreated page, I was able to go to a backup copy of the aspx file and paste the contents into my new page aspx file in the customization project to restore all my work on the layout and settings.

Getting intellisense to pick up intermediate cs file

I have an XSD file (a DTD) which I run the XSD tool on to produce a C# file. I have modified my csproj's msbuild file in the following two places:
Added a special type for the item group:
<SchemaFiles Include="Data\DeepZoomSchema.xsd">
And then at the bottom of the file:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" Inputs="#(SchemaFiles)" Outputs="#(SchemaFiles->'$(IntermediateOutputPath)%(Filename).cs')">
<XSD Language="CS" GenerateFromSchema="classes" SuppressStartupBanner="false" Namespace="DZParallelLib.Data" Sources="#(SchemaFiles)" AdditionalOptions="/out:$(IntermediateOutputPath)" />
<Compile Include="#(SchemaFiles->'$(IntermediateOutputPath)%(Filename).cs')">
First of all, this project now compiles just fine. So I guess I have the hard part done. However, intellisense is broken in the sense that it never parses the DeepZoomSchema.cs output file.
In my ideal world, from the VS2012 IDE, I would like the .cs file to be found and parsed. I have found a way to do this, which is the following:
<SchemaFiles Include="Data\DeepZoomSchema.xsd">
<Compile Include="#(SchemaFiles->'$(IntermediateOutputPath)%(Filename).cs')">
And then the build step becomes a lot more simple:
<UsingTask TaskName="XSD" AssemblyName="Microsoft.Build.CppTasks.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" Inputs="#(SchemaFiles)" Outputs="#(SchemaFiles->'$(IntermediateOutputPath)%(Filename).cs')">
<XSD Language="CS" GenerateFromSchema="classes" SuppressStartupBanner="false" Namespace="DZParallelLib.Data" Sources="#(SchemaFiles)" AdditionalOptions="/out:$(IntermediateOutputPath)" />
Now things are correctly parsed by the IDE (and the solution still builds), but it feels wrong. When I've written MS build rules in the past (and I admit, I've not done very many) I've always put the intermediate output files inside the build rule (as I did earlier on). Also, it feels like I should be using the "DependentUpon" tag here, and making them visible, just not shown by default in the IDE (sort of like a code-behind file??). Basically, the first solution feels like it is the "proper" way, but the IDE doesn't like it.
So, my question: Is there a better way to get what I want done than this second solution I've described?

How to disable a remove statement from local.xml in Magento

Is it possible to disable a <remove name="left"> statement defined in a default layout .xml file, from the local.xml file?
For example, in the checkout.xml in the <checkout_cart_index> section, the statement <remove name="left"/> is defined there, but can you disable that line from the local.xml file, so you still see the left menu on the checkout page?
By default Magento doesn't provide an <unremove /> tag for local.xml. However, the Layout system contains the right events, such that you can implement this yourself. And by "yourself", I mean I've created an experimental extension that adds such a tag. Feedback is welcome.
The two ways I do this are;
Use Alan Storm's excellent unremove plugin above.
Re insert the removed block in local.xml with a new name attribute but the same alias or 'as' attribute.
The name attribute needs to be different because Magento's <remove name="foo" /> is global - it removes all instances of <block name="foo" /> even if they are added after the remove instruction. To re add the left column, for example;
<reference name="root">
<block name="left.2" as="left" type="core/text_list">
<!-- New left column is empty, so you'll need to add your left-column blocks into it here. -->
name="left.2" means the remove action won't kill this block, as="left" means that it will still be inserted into your template via <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('left') ?>.
Unfortunately, your newly inserted left column is empty. So you'd have to re insert any blocks in there that you want to show as well. Making Alan Storm's plugin all the more useful, I think.
When a block is removed it is not destroyed, only ignored. You might be able to 're-enable' it with:
<reference name="root">
<action method="append"><block>left</block></action>
I've never used this myself and wouldn't want to, if you are making a custom theme then copy the base layout files and edit them directly just as the other answers recommend.
your answer is not to disable the removal but to add it again in your local.xml
Rather than trying to reconstruct the entire set of blocks, comment the remove inside the original XML. This will be less of a maintenance headache than trying to reconstruct the blocks and worrying about precedence of the XML files, etc.
Turn this
<remove name="left" />
<!-- disabling remove because X -->
<!-- <remove name="left" /> -->

DIV identified by WebDevToolbar isnt in file?

I'm trying to use Magento for my shopping cart and want to switch from a right col layout to left col. I've turned on ID/CLASS display on the Web Developer Toolbar in firefox, and am seeing ".main col2-right-layout", which i believe i must switch to ".main col2-left-layout", the alternate style is predefined. but running searches for files with the phrase "col2-right-layout" in them is only pulling up the style sheet. I am searching THE ENTIRE Magento directory. How is this possible? Not case sensitive, and I'm even searching hidden folders. How can it be?
**i have looked in that file, the div is not mentioned. **
Files are in app/layout/default/default/templates/page/
I've not got a dev copy of magento at home, thats all I can remember off the top of my head - will try and remember to confirm when at work.
If you want to swap the templates, you need to look in app/layout/default/default/layout/page.xml, plus some of the other xml files - the templates are defined there.
(Yes, magento's layout/templating system is complicated, and has a steep learning curve, but its worth it!)
col2-right-layout is mentioned in
or in Magento 1.3
If you want to swap the layout I'd suggest changing it in one of the layout xml files. For the shopping cart edit app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/checkout.xml
<checkout_cart_index translate="label">
<label>Shopping Cart</label>
<remove name="right"/>
<remove name="left"/>
<!-- Mage_Checkout -->
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>
<checkout_cart_index translate="label">
<label>Shopping Cart</label>
<remove name="right"/>
<remove name="left"/>
<!-- Mage_Checkout -->
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
And similarly for the checkout page in the same file change
<checkout_onepage_index translate="label">
<label>One Page Checkout</label>
<!-- Mage_Checkout -->
<remove name="left"/>
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-right.phtml</template></action>
<checkout_onepage_index translate="label">
<label>One Page Checkout</label>
<!-- Mage_Checkout -->
<remove name="left"/>
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
As always it is better to make a copy of the file you are editing to your own theme.
