Is Everything Declared as Class must be an NSObject? - core-data

I make a category like this:
#interface NSObject (defaultSelector)
+(NSString *) defaultSelector;
-(NSString *)defaultSelector;
Then, I used it like this:
-(void)prefetchShortcutWithTable: (Class) someNSManagedObjectClass forInputArray: (NSArray *) inputArray withDictCache: (NSMutableDictionary *) dictToSave
NSString * attribute = [someNSManagedObjectClass defaultSelector];
[self prefetchShortcutWithTable:NSStringFromClass(someNSManagedObjectClass) forAttribute:attribute forInputArray:inputArray withDictCache:dictToSave];
The whole thing works. However, how does the compiler knows that someNSManagedObjectClass will be a subclass of an NSObject?
In fact, how do I rewrite the function so that -(void)prefetchShortcutWithTable: (Class) someNSManagedObjectClass forInputArray: (NSArray *) inputArray withDictCache: (NSMutableDictionary *) dictToSave only accept subclasses of NSManagedObject?

NSObject is the base class of any someNSManagedObjectClass or anyOtherClass you are going to make.


Why does .ctor call itself?

Why does ctor calls itself and shouldn't this make it loop? I can't quite understand what's going on.
I have looked around online but still can't find an answer.
.method family hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor()
.maxstack 8
ldstr asc_203C // ""
stfld string KGER.BaseConfiguration::_get
**call instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()**
Your constructor is chaining (calling) the constructor of your base class (which is System.Object).
Even though you do not call it in trivial cases (e.g. empty constructor), the compiler will emit the call as every "part" of your object must be properly constructed.

How to use an enumerated type in a class outside of the file where it is declared in system verilog

So I have the following code in
typedef enum {false=0, true=1} bool;
class my_bool_class;
bool my_bool_value;
function new (bool initial_bool_value)
my_bool_value = initial_bool_value;
In I want to do the following:
class checker;
my_bool_class bool_class_handle = new(true)
My question is, will this compile? I imagine the "true" in the new call will be out of the scope of the typedef so it will not. How do I get that "true" in the new call to work?
A typedef for an enumerated type declares all the labels as well as the enumeration at the same level (That is why you cannot declare two different enumerations with overlapping labels in the same scope).
What you should always do is put typedefs and class declarations in a package and then import the package where you want to use bool, false, true, and my_bool.

Groovy's #CompileStatic and map constructors

I'm using #CompileStatic for the first time, and confused as to how Groovy's map constructors work in this situation.
class SomeClass {
Long id
String name
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map map = new HashMap()
map.put("id", 123L)
map.put("name", "test file")
SomeClass someClass1 = new SomeClass(map) // Does not work
SomeClass someClass2 = map as SomeClass // Works
Given the code above I see the following error when trying to compile
Groovyc: Target constructor for constructor call expression hasn't been set
If #CompileStatic is removed, both constructors work properly.
Can anyone explain why new SomeClass(map) does not compile with #CompileStatic? And a possible addition, why does map as SomeClass still work?
Groovy actually does not give you a "Map-Constructor". The constructors
in your class are what you write down. If there are none (like in your case),
then there is the default c'tor.
But what happens, if you use the so called map c'tor (or rather call it
"object construction by map")? The general approach of groovy is like this:
create a new object using the default c'tor (this is the reason, why the
construction-by-map no longer works, if there would be just e.g.
SomeClass(Long id, String name))
then use the passed down map and apply all values to the properties.
If you disassmble your code (with #CompileDynamic (the default)) you see, that
the construction is handled by CallSite.callConstructor(Object,Object),
which boils down to this this code area.
Now bring in the version of this construction by map, that is more familiar
for the regular groovyist:
SomeClass someClass3 = new SomeClass(id: 42L, name: "Douglas").
With the dynamic version of the code, the disassembly of this looks actually
alot like your code with the map. Groovy creates a map from the param(s) and
sends it off to callConstructor - so this is actually the same code path
taken (minus the implicit map creation).
For now ignore the "cast-case", as it is actually the same for both static and
dynamic: it will be sent to ScriptBytecodeAdapter.asType which basically
gives you the dynamic behaviour in any case.
Now the #CompileStatic case: As you have witnessed, your call with an
explicit map for the c'tor no longer works. This is due to the fact, that
there never was an explicit "map-c'tor" in the first place. The class still
only has its default c'tor and with static compilation groovyc now can just
work with the things that are there (or not if there aren't in this case).
What about new SomeClass(id: 42L, name: "Douglas") then? This still works
with static compilation! The reason for this is, that groovyc unrolls this
for you. As you can see, this simply boils down to def o = new SomeClass();
o.setId(42); o.setName('Douglas'):
new #2 // class SomeClass
invokespecial #53 // Method "<init>":()V
ldc2_w #54 // long 42l
invokestatic #45 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/lang/Long;
invokevirtual #59 // Method setId:(Ljava/lang/Long;)V
ldc #61 // String Douglas
astore 5
aload 5
invokevirtual #65 // Method setName:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
As the CompileStatic documentation says:
will actually make sure that the methods which are inferred as being
called will effectively be called at runtime. This annotation turns
the Groovy compiler into a static compiler, where all method calls are
resolved at compile time and the generated bytecode makes sure that
this happens
As a result, a constructor with a Map argument is searched in the static compilation to "resolve it at compile time", but it is not found and thereby there is a compilation error:
Target constructor for constructor call expression hasn't been set
Adding such a constructor solves the issue with the #CompileStatic annotation, since it is resolved at compile time:
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
class SomeClass {
Long id
String name
SomeClass(Map m) {
id = as Long
name = as String
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map map = new HashMap()
map.put("id", 123L)
map.put("name", "test file")
SomeClass someClass1 = new SomeClass(map) // Now it works also
SomeClass someClass2 = map as SomeClass // Works
You can check StaticCompilationVisitor if you want to dig deeper.
Regarding the line
SomeClass someClass2 = map as SomeClass
You are using there the asType() method of Groovy's GDK java.util.Map, so it is therefore solved at runtime even in static compilation:
Coerces this map to the given type, using the map's keys as the public
method names, and values as the implementation. Typically the value
would be a closure which behaves like the method implementation.

Obj-c: Allocating a subclassed object from another object and releasing

While profiling my app with Instruments, I found a leak with an array that I allocated. To my knowledge I was doing this correctly, but it looks like something is wrong.
Let's say I have three classes, class M, A and B.
Subclass B has a unique NSArray property that is not a part of it's super class A.
M allocates and instance of subclass B.
In class M, the instance of subclass B is accessed, and the NSArray property is accessed from that class and allocated.
In subclass B, dealloc is overridden and has a release for the NSArray, and super dealloc is under it.
When I release class M, I get a leak for the NSArray object.
My understanding was that I was able to allocate the NSArray object from class M, for example:
tempClassB.myNSArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:finalArray];
And that I can override dealloc in subclass B to release it's own object that does not exist in it's super class, A. I than can call super dealloc to call dealloc in class A:
- (void) dealloc{
[myNSArray release];
[super dealloc];
The problem I'm having is allocating class B in class M will make class M responsible for releasing it. I should allocate the object in class B and release like I am, or put a release in class M's dealloc for the object.

Why i can't use "this." here?

I don't understand why this code is wrong, i just want to encapsulate voids in the dictionary.
private delegate void LotIs(string path);
private Dictionary<int, LotIs> lots = new Dictionary<int, LotIs>
{0, this.LotIsBanHummer},
{1, this.LotIsDuck},
{2, this.LotIsToy},
{3, this.LotIsDragon},
{4, this.LotIsMoney}
private void LotIsBanHummer(string path)
lotImage.Image = LB10_VAR7.Properties.Resources.banhammer2;
StreamReader str = new StreamReader(path + "BunHummer.txt");
textBox1.Text = str.ReadToEnd();
textBox3.AppendText(textBox1.Lines[1].Split(' ')[1]);
The compiler does not allow you to use this in such an initializer expression because this is assumed to be uninitialized when the expression is evaluated. Remember that such expressions are evaluated before any constructor has been executed.
Within a constructor the use of this is permitted at any point even though some fields may not have been initialized yet, either, but there, it is within your responsibility to not access any uninitialized members.
In your case, therefore, the solution is to initialize your dictionary/add the initial contents in your constructor (or, in the case of several constructors, in a method that you call from each constructor).
From the C# specification:
Instance field initialization
A variable initializer for an instance field cannot refe rence the
instance being created. Thus, it is a compile- time error to reference
this in a variable initializer, as it is a compile-time error for a
variable initializer to reference any instance member through a
You can move your initialiser to the constructor however.
use this in a constructor to define Dictionary like that.
like this:
private Dictionary<int, LotIs> lots = new Dictionary<int, LotIs>();
public YourClass() {
lots[0] = this.LotIsBanHummer;
lots[1] = this.LotIsDuck;
lots[2] = this.LotIsToy;
lots[3] = this.LotIsDragon;
lots[4] = this.LotIsMoney;
If LotIsBanHummer, LotIsDuck etc are defined static then you can initialize without the this.
