.htaccess rewrite base url for Wordpress - .htaccess

Ok sorry if this has been asked before but I could not find a working solution. I am using wordpress multisite. This is what I am trying to achieve.
Currently the domain http://mynew.com/ redirects (via my hosting co.) to one of the sites on my wordpress multisite installation as follows http://myold.com/subsite/
But I want to hide/swap the urls as follows, http://myold.com/subsite becomes http://mynew.com and all links that follow (eg. http://myold.com/subsite/another-link becomes http://mynew.com/another-link) without breaking.
I tried this in my .htaccess file which rewrote the url successfully however the links did not work and returned 404 errors.
RewriteRule ^subsite/(.+) http://mynew.com/$1 [R,L]
Hope that makes sense, thanks for your help.

Of course it will get you a 404 error, you redirected the request from the old site to the new site, but the new site does not contain the requested pages, so it through you a 404, what you need to do is to redirect from the new site back to the old site INTERNALY (that means without changing the browser address bar), but this requires your new site to work as a proxy server, see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html


Redirect all pages from old site to my blog homepage in blogger

Old and new site have different structure. Everything is differend.
I don't care about rankinks and SEO, but there are some backlinks that point there and I want to redirect them to the new site homepage. After some months I will delete the whole old site.
I just want a code for .htaccess that redirects any old site url to my new homepage blogger site. I repaeat: To NEW HOMEPAGE, not in related urls.
The old site is hosted as user in my companys domain.
the new one is in google blogger
Note: If you can help, please put this above url's in the code to better understand.
Thank you.
You need something like that:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^users\.example\.com$
RewriteRule ^/?myOLDname(?:/|$) https://myNEWname.blogspot.com/ [R=301]
It is a good idea to start out with a 302 temporary redirection and only change that to a 301 permanent redirection later, once you are certain everything is correctly set up. That prevents caching issues while trying things out...
Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded inside the http server and enabled in the http host. In case you use a distributed configuration file you need to take care that it's interpretation is enabled at all in the host configuration and that it is located in the host's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder.
This implementation will work likewise in the http servers host configuration or inside a distributed configuration file (".htaccess" file).

Trouble 301 redirecting pages from old Wix site to new site

My client's original site was built on Wix, and I have designed and built a new one on a new server.
I'm trying to 301 redirect some pages from the old site to their counterparts on the new one, and it doesn't seem to want to work properly, as each old URL simply goes straight to the home page.
Example case:
old URL: example.com/#!clients/c1pen
new URL: example.com/stay-with-us
I have the redirect set out like so in .htaccess:
Redirect 301 /#!clients/c1pen /stay-with-us
Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Hash-location (http://someurl/#hash-location) typically adresses an anchor in a html page and is not visible to the server rewrite rules. Consequently the matcher #!clients/c1pen does never match. See 'hash' url rewrite in .htaccess

htaccess redirect from development server

The server where I developed a wordpress site was indexed by google. The site is now live with the actual domain, but google searches find links to the site at development server adddress. The site is on the same server where developed, making it live was simply pointing the domain to this new site. I need to redirect these links, but am not having an luck.
Also, the developer server address has a tilda, which was indexed as %7E in google. I have tried various version of the following, all to no avail.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^cardgym\.dcaccess\.net
RewriteRule ^cardgym.dcaccess.net/~chrs/$ http://chrs.org/$1 [R=301,nc]
RewriteRule ^/%7Echrs/(.*)$ http://chrs.org/$1 [R=301,nc]
going to development server results in an 404 error in wordpress: http://cardgym.dcaccess.net/~chrs/
Can you change your internal web server configuration so that the development domain is an alias of the live site? That would be the easiest solution imo.
Otherwise check out the answer by Sigg3.net here RewriteRule for tilde
If I understand you correctly your site is live and you moved it to the new domain.
So it appears you already have the live site up and going at http://chrs.org. So there is nothing you need to do to redirect it as far as Google indexing.
It will take Google time to crawl the new site and index it.
You can help speed up the process by asking Google to index your new site by submitting it here.
.htaccess does not control the way Google indexes the site. If its on the internet it will be indexed unless you prevent it. There are a few options you can do to help make those dev links disappear.
A. Add a robots.txt to the root of the dev site with this code below in it and that will keep Google/search engines that respect robots.txt from indexing it.
# Make changes for all web spiders
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
B. Block the site using htaccess protected directory for the whole site which will stop it from being crawled.
C. Take the dev site down.
It appears you've already moved the dev site to live domain that's why you are getting 404. The links in Google will disappear eventually because they no longer exist. The next time Google tries to crawl your dev site and see's it's not there the links will be removed. The new site will start to show up as Google begins crawling it. There is nothing you can do right now but wait. It can literally take weeks.
If indeed you really are trying to redirect, then you can add an htaccess file on the cardgym.dcaccess.net site using redirect.
Redirect 301 /~chrs http://chrs.org

magento backend url not working

I'm totally lost here, I have several Magento installations where the backend url doesn't work nice.
The problem is this:
In the frontend, all urls are perfectly rewritten so index.php is not in the url and mod_rewrite works.
but for the admin part, all urls that are created have the index.php part still in there, in a normal installation it wouldn't be a problem put now, a url like index.php/admin/dashboard results in a 404 error page. But, the funny part is that when I remove the index.php part of the url, it works.
I fixed this problem with a few .htacces tricks and hacks, but I find these hacks no good. Some parts of the backend still won't work or need their own .htacces redirect, or won't work at all even with the redirect in .htacces.
So, my questions are: Why are my Magento installations giving 404 errors on a index.php/admin call? And how to nicely get rid of the index.php part in the backend urls, without .htacces hacks?
The Magento version for all shops is
The solution is very simple, add "AcceptPathInfo On" to apache configuration.
Credits: http://www.magentocommerce.com/answers/discussion/178/index.phpinstall-was-not-found/p1

IIS URL Rewriting for all Inbound URLs?

Hopefully a simple question although one I have found impossible to answer myself using the Googles!
I have a website on IIS with the URL http://www.contoso.com/ which points to C:\www\public\
There has been a forced directory restructure so now all of the data (Default.aspx, Product.aspx, etc.) that originally resided in C:\www\public\ now resides in C:\www\public\en\ie\ - however, the IIS website document root is still C:\www\public\
So, essentially, I have a lot of inbound links to http://www.contoso.com/Product.aspx?id=1 (etc.) which are now returning 404 errors - the correct link is now http://www.contoso.com/en/ie/Product.aspx?id=1
Please consider that I can make no changes to the directory structure or the IIS document root... so I must solve this issue using URL rewriting.
Is it possible to capture all requests to contoso.com/* and rewrite them to contoso.com/en/ie/* ??
As Ivo suggests, using url rewriting you can set up inbound rules that match the old url pattern and redirect to the new pattern
Change the root directory of your website from C:\www\public\ to C:\www\public\en\ie\ and everything should be fine.
If you cannot do this for any reason, make a custom 404 page and rewrite to url in there and redirect with a 301
See: http://searchengineland.com/url-rewriting-custom-error-pages-in-aspnet-20-12234
