Accidentally deleted local file with TortoiseSVN - tortoisesvn

Had a tree conflict on a folder that was moved, but that I had added an extra file to.
I, in a fit of dumbness, clicked "delete local" without paying attention.
Is it possible to get the file back? Why doesn't things deleted this way by tortoise svn go to the recycling bin?
edit: file recovery tools can find the folder and the file that was moved, however it doesn't seem to find the file I added (and was deleted by tortoise svn)?

If you added the file and the file was not versioned before, no.
The "Delete Unversioned Files" avoids losing unversioned files, moving them to the Recycle Bin: Chapter 4. Daily Use Guide from TortoiseSVN Manual


How to uncompress perforce Depot files

- how to uncompress perforce Depot files?
The files I have now ending with [,v] and some files end with [,d] containing [1.1.gz].
What i did In details:
In P4V I created a Workspace, put some important files, Submitted it to the Depot then decided to delete what's in the Depot by clicking Mark for Delete it just mark it with a red X what I think, So I head to C:\Program Files\Perforce\Server\depot and deleting it from there, now the files in the Recycle Bin but doing so doesn't make it disappear from P4V so I opened P4Abmin in the Depot tap I did Obliterate and its gone finally.
Later discovered that Marking files for Delete in the Depot delets it from the Workspace, and only thing that I have is what I restored from the Recycle Bin and it's compressed files, how can I uncompress it.
Don't touch the Perforce server's depot or db files unless you know what you're doing -- normally the server handles the job of managing those files and the relationships between them, and randomly messing with those files will usually break things, much like if you randomly shuffled blocks on your hard disk around without knowing how your filesystem works. I mention this first so that you'll know for next time, and second so that if you happen to have access to a time machine, you can fix this problem by going back and informing your past self to keep their paws out of P4ROOT. :)
If in the future you want to temporarily delete files from the depot, use the normal "Mark for Delete" command in P4V (or p4 delete in the CLI) followed by "Submit". If you want to permanently delete them, that's what the "obliterate" command is for. In neither case should you be deleting files out from under the server -- everything should happen from the client (that is, P4V, the p4 CLI, P4Win, etc).
If you restore the deleted files to exactly where they were, you should be able to rely on Perforce to get the files back, provided you have not already obliterated them from the db. (Hopefully obliterate noticed the archive files were gone and it failed with an error instead of blasting the db entries...)
If you no longer have the db entries for the files, you can try to extract the archives manually with command line tools (luckily the content isn't encrypted or in a weird proprietary format) -- you should be able to gunzip the .gz files and co (RCS) the ,v files. I'd expect most unzip utilities to understand gzip, but RCS is a pretty old format so you may have to do a little digging to find Windows tools for it (I think Cygwin may have RCS tools bundled with it). Good luck!

Window 7: Files are marked for add in perforce

Accidentally I have selected one folder in perforce and click Add sign. And so many files are showing as “marked for Add” files in Perforce which were auto generated in my local drive and I don't want to add it. How can I reverse that in windows 7? I am using Perforce Visual Client/NTX64/2015.1/1233444.
I believe you can simply Revert those files, they should not be deleted, but they will be removed from the "Marked for Add" list. Right-click on a file and Revert it, see what happens - for me, that works.

Perforce: move directory with keeping history

I have two different directories:
- path/animals/dir1
- path/cars/dir2
I want to move dir1 into path/cars/ with keeping all history of this folder.
I tried several ways: merge, copy and rename/move using P4V,
but all of them leads to erasing history in moved directory.
If there is a way how can I do it?
Thanks in advance!
We have used p4 move extensively in recent versions of P4 to do these kinds of directory moves.
In my experience, if you branch/delete (or more recently move) the files, you'll have the history of the original location intact (with delete/move records), but if you look on a revision graph in P4V, you should see all of the older revisions in the previous locations before they were moved (deleted).
If you use p4 sync with a particular date or changelist, you should also get the original directory back with the versions of the files at that time (and the newly moved versions should be removed after the sync, assuming both directories were in the area that you were syncing).
I have experienced problems (this probably will change in 2013.2, as I've read that Perforce is changing the default integration engine) with integration across move/delete and move/add transactions which require the use "generation 3" integration option, but once that's specified (which you can do by adding a -3 to the command line p4 integrate command, everything works better for me across those moves.
The history of the moved directory has not been erased. I'm guessing you think this is the case because the files are longer visible in P4V. By default, P4V does not display deleted files in the depot tree. Since you moved the files to a new location, they were deleted from their old location and are now no longer displayed. You need to turn on the option to "Show Deleted Depot Files". If you click on the yellow funnel icon to the right of the Depot/Workspace tabs you'll see that option. Check it and P4V will then display the deleted files in their original location.
While moving folder to another destination all history still present but only for appropriate files, not for a directories.
Here is a proof:

SVN: How to get files added to svn and not committed

I have added a file (say SomeFile.cs) to a specific folder. I did not commit as I wanted to do commit at once after achieving the functionality. An svn update worked just fine on this until someone changed the folder name and changed the names of files under it.
Now the next day when I did svn checkout, resulted in tree level conflicts, so I copied my newly added files to this "new" location and did as "Resolve using theirs".
The resolve deleted all my local files and replaced with new folder and files. I could not find my local files (which were in my working copy) in my entire computer (includint recycle bin).
Now is there at least an option to retrieve the files which were added ("Add" option) to svn and NOT committed to svn using "Commit"?
AFAIK, only files committed to svn will be recoverable. But if you merge the conflict with theirs, then it would have overriden the changes locally.
Try to "Update to revision", but as your files were NOT committed it will most likely restore your directory structure in best case scenario.
Generally "Resolve using theirs" option is an equivalent of saying "I screwed up, they are right" -> whatever I have is wrong, and what they have is right -> overwrite my copy.
What you are asking for is pretty much against the workflow of SVN. Things don't get stored in the repository until they are committed, and are thus not "safe". You are supposed to commit often.
If you are trying to work but worried about other people's tree changes getting in your way, consider making a branch.
However, SVN should never overwrite files in your local working copy that have modifications. If you do an svn update, and someone has added/changed something, you will get a "conflict", which you will have to resolve manually. You resolved these conflicts manually, and accidentally overwrote you work. This is why you should commit often. Anything you commit can be recovered.

How to exclude a folder and not its children from SVN Update in Tortoise SVN

I am working on a shared project which is put in SVN. The directory structure of the project is as follows:
- Child_Dir_1
+ GrandChild_Dir_1
+ GrandChild_Dir_2
- Child_Dir_2
Child_Dir_1 contains configuration files (Eclipse's .LAUNCH files), and people put all sorts of file in this folder.
So each time I update my source code (by right clicking on ParentDir and picking Update), I got a lot of configurations that I don't really need, and I have to delete them manually.
I still need to have the children of Child_Dir_1 (which are GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2) to be updated.
I have tried to go to set the "ignore" property of the of Child_Dir_1 to exclude *.LAUNCH files, but each time I update the source code, the ones that I manually deleted are restored to Child_Dir_1.
Since you are using TortoiseSVN:
Go into Child_Dir_1, select GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2 and right click, TortoiseSVN -> Update.
That will update only those two folders.
Ignore is so that you can "ignore" ( from commit, status etc.) untracked files, files that are not checked in.
It could be that manojlds' answer is the solution for you, but I have doubts. The problem here is that those files are really part of the project. They are kind of unavoidable, and must be in sync with the rest of working copy.
Option 1 (best): Remove all configuration files form repository, or better yet have in repository only configuration template files (with, say, $ as first character in file names). Each user could copy those template files to true configuration files and change them accordingly. Configuration files should not ever be committed. Only template files should, but updating template files will not mess with current configuration files of any user.
Option 2 (second best): Ignore those configuration files. Use your own files for your own configuration, with names that don't clash with existing. You may even add your files to SVN, but you may just as well not add them. Does not matter, as long as you don't need your configuration on another machine.
Option 3: Use ignore-on-commit group. Use those configuration files that already exist. Change them to your likings, but don't ever commit them. To ensure that you don't commit them by accident flag them as non-committable (go to commit window, select all non-committable files, right click > Move to changelist > ignore-on-commit). The problem with this is your files are not protected from other users' updates, but may actually be a good thing.
Option 4: Chop the folder out (a horrible hack). Remove Child_Dir_1 from working copy (Right click on it > Update to revision > set Working depth to Exclude). Save the folder elsewhere first, because it will disappear. After that create it again, inside it checkout all subfolders (GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2), and copy your configuration files. Now you have complete control over folder's contents, but update and commit become more complicated.
Edit: There is option 5 in theory, but I doubt it can be implemented successfully. You can try: Use NTFS hard links. Copy the whole tree with all files as hard links to existing files, except .svn folders and their contents. Original directory is used for SVN operations update, commit, add and delete, and new directory is used for editing files. From new directory delete all the files you don't need, and insert all the files you do need that are not the part of SVN. The problem here is minor extra work when deleting files from and adding them to SVN.
