Adding libxml2 to Xcode Errors - search

I've seen like 10239218301 other questions about this but NO solution has worked for me.
I've tried "Other Linker Flags" = -lxml2
I've tried "Search Header Files" = $(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2
I've tried "Search Header Files" = $(SDK_DIR)/usr/include/libxml2
I've tried "Search Header Files" = /usr/include/libxml2
I have tried all combinations of those with "Always Search User Paths" checked and unchecked.
I am trying to get it to xcode to work with KissXML but I have some 860 errors and 400 warnings...

Incase anyone else is looking to solve this, I could not get the files off of the kissXML GitHub to work, but I downloaded the project from the following link and copied over the kissXML files. It worked with the "$(SDK_DIR)/usr/include/libxml2" format.


Pycharm throws FileNotFoundError after refactor for some file [duplicate]

Recently, I'm unable to use relative paths in my code while using PyCharm. For instance, a simple open('test.txt', 'r') will not work - whereupon I am sure the file exists in the same level as the running py file. PyCharm will return this error.
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
After reading answers online on StackOverflow, I have tried multiple options including:
Changing test.txt to ./test.txt
Closing project, deleting the .idea folder, open the folder with code.
Reinstalling as well as installing the latest version of PyCharm.
Invalidating caches and restarting.
None of these options have worked for me. Is there someway I can tell PyCharm to refresh the current working directory (or even to see where it thinks the current working directory is)?
Edit: I should note that running the script in a terminal window will work. This appears to be a problem with PyCharm and not the script.
Run > Edit Configurations > Working directory,
which sets the working directory for a specific project. (This is on a Mac)
I have Pycharm 4.5, so things might have changed a bit.
Try going to Settings > Project > Project Structure
On this dialog, click your folder that has the source code in it, and then click the blue folder in the menu to note it as "source" folder. I believe this fixes a lot of the path issues in Pycharm
Here is the link to "content roots":
Current version 2019.2 somehow ignores "source root" from the "project structure". Here's how to actually enforce it:
Run -> Edit Configurations -> Python -> "Edit Templates" -> fill out "Working Directory"
__file__ refers to file path. So you can use the following to refer file in the same directory:
import os
dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, 'test.txt')
open(filepath, 'r')
In PyCharm, click on "run/edit configurations..."
Then find your script file in the "Python" dropdown menu. Check the "Working Directory" entry and change it if necessary.
click on python (not any specific python script) ONLY SELECT PYTHON
then below right side click on [edit configuration templetes]
select current working dir by going into those blocks
It will change the CWD of all python file that exists in project folder..
then all file will understand the RELATIVE PATH that starts from your actual project name..
i hope this will resolve all your issue related path.
Sometimes it is different. I solved my problem by clicking "Run" at the Pycharm's toolbar and then "Edit Configurations..." and I change my Interpreter to another actual one. Just changing it in the settings does not help, but this opperation already does ;)
I too had the same issue few minutes ago...but,with the latest version of PyCharm it is resolved by simply using the relative path of that file..
For instance, a simple f = open('test', 'r') will work.
A little clarification for mac users. In mac, what #andere said above is correct for setting working directory. However, if your code is in a different folder, say working_dir/src/ (like classic java/scala file structure) in that case you still need to set your Sources Root. In mac's PyCharm this can be done by right clicking on the src/ folder > Mark Directory as > Sources Root. Helped me with lot of similar import issues. Hope this helps someone.

Cmake can't find files even with path provided when configuring

I am trying to build OpenSim from source code using the CMake GUI as per these instructions (Linux) :
I have found several problems in step 3 of this process, at first the program didn't seem to find Simbody even though I have that installed and have the path to the code specified like so:
After I tried to configure the code a few times a new error popped up:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:575 (find_package):
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "BTK" with any of
the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "BTK" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "BTK_DIR"
to a directory containing one of the above files. If "BTK" provides a
separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.
I tried to solve this by specifying the path to the required files (I do have them) in the 'Value' field, but as soon as I hit 'configure' the path is gone and it reverts back to the 'BTK_DIR-NOTFOUND' you see in the picture.
I have closely followed all the instructions listed through the Opensim website but still nothing is working as it should, any help would be immensely appreciated

Setting up Cygwin + Android NDK + cocos2Dx to work with Eclipse

I'm following a tutorial from this website: Monetizing Game Apps by Todd Perkins
Access to all the files are not required for the questions I'm asking. I have done research on how to solve this on stack overflow and discussed it below
I have followed the tutorial and it has asked me to:
Install Cygwin
Download Cocos2dx-2.0.1(I know this is old, but I don't want to deal with deprecating problems until I'm more confident with the environment)
Run create-android-project.bat(works fine).
Open project I created- and move to and run in Cygwin.
Then I open up cygwin.bat, navigate to myproject/ and run ./
$ ./
Using prebuilt externals
./ line 74: /cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64/ndk-build: No such file or directory
So I looked into the files and double-checked my changes:
In create-android-project.bat I modified the following variables:
set _CYGBIN=c:\Cygwin64\bin
set _ANDROIDTOOLS=c:\Program Files (x86)\ADT\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk\tools
set _NDKROOT=c:\android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64
Check line 74 that cygwin complained about in myproject/
echo "Using prebuilt externals"
Double check what NDK_ROOT is pointing to in
My Research:
I surfed SO for quite some time and tried the following from SO:
EOL Conversion in Notepad++ so LF works for windows for the
An answer somewhere said I need to install the make package when installing cygwin.. I'm not getting this problem, so I'm not sure if this applies.
I have searched many ways to set path - NDK_ROOT
What exactly am I doing wrong? Is it the variables are badly set or is cygwin not properly installed?
Thank you to everyone who commented! :)
This is what I ended up doing.
Reinstall Cygwin : When you get to the select packages to install page, make sure to find DEVEL and change the install action from default to install. I know its a lot of megs but it's easier than combing through it. If you do want to comb through it and get only what you need, I suggest using this website: Installing a c++ compiler for windows
Make your paths simple : Like user2359247 suggested.
Finally run the create_android.bat, open your android project. Keep the path location of your file in mind and open your cygwin terminal.
Navigate to the path in cygwin, and run the file with sh At this point everything was quite smooth sailing.
Also I kept using my version of ndk which is r9 instead of r8 in the tutorial, it didn't give me any hiccups.
Thank you SO!

Package Control in Sublime3 not working?

Note: I´ve searched for sublime here at the forum first, in order to post a question, because I wasn´t sure if this question was adequate for this specific forum and wanted to compare it with other posts. If it shouldn´t be here, please tell me so, and I´ll gladly close it here and open it in any other stackoverflow´s forum. Thanks.
I´ve just installed sublime3. After that I´ve installed package control.
But even when I try and install some packages using package control not all packages get installed, even when I get the "successfully installed" message at the bottom of the window.
To install a new package I go to preferences/package control/install package, and after getting the "successfully installed message" I go to /list packages and it´s not there.
I realised that maybe that´s because some packages are not compatible with sublime 3 (even there it shouldn´t be the successfully installed message there).
So, I´ve tried the latest sublime3 version of emmet, but it seems that´s not working (I´ve tried some shortcuts without any success). So I´ve watched Chris Coyer screencast to check out if I´ve missed something, but it still won´t work.
I´ve tried installing it manually: I´ve went to C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages (I´ve installed the x64 package, but for some reason it´s not installed into \Program Files (x86)).
And then I copy/paste the unzipped folders of /emmet-sublime-master and /PyV8 (I´ve tried naming the folder just emmet).
And still, it won´t work. This kinda happened to me with a lot of packages, I´ve installes several of them, and when I go to preferences/package control/list packages, I get only 3 of them.
I came across this issue as well. This thread ( directed me to delete the entry for Package Control under "Ignored Packages" in my User Settings File. Once that was deleted, I restarted, and it worked as expected.
In SublimeText go to Preferences -> Settings. In the opened file Preferences.sublime-settings remove Package Control from ignored_packages list (see below). Save the file and restart Sublime.
"font_size": 11,
"Package Control" <---- REMOVE
For me, Package Control was already removed from ignored_packages, so that didn’t help. But the Sublime Text console held messages which indicated the problem. (Press Ctrl+` to open the console.)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/merged-ca-bundle.crt'
And changing ownership on the Package Control directory allowed me to use Package Control again:
chown -R myuser:myuser '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/'
For me, after try to remove and reinstall the Sublime and verified the ignored_packages, I installed python and restart the sublime. So it worked.
In Terminal:
sudo apt install python python3
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.

Pocketsphinx Android Demo Error ndk-build on cygwin

I tried many solutions posted here in stackoverflow and some other forums and googled till I am totally frustrated. I am using Windows 8 with cygwin. I try to get the PocketSphinxAndroidDemo run, followed the tutorial on
but I had no success. What I have done:
Go through the tutorial,download all resources and installed cygwin and swig. Then, the first thing that´s not working was cd into sphinxbase folder and type command ./ . No matter how I wrote it(./, only, only autogen etc), this doesn´t work. Ok, I then go on with the tutorial and give command configure, make and make install. This worked, but when I try to build with ndk-build, I get the next error message on the cygwin terminal:
jni/pocketsphinx_wrap.c:760:26: fatal error: pocketsphinx.h: No such file or directory
I changed to all posted solutions the Sphinx Path in the PocketSphinxAndroidDemo jni-folder file. I tried all that stuff like
SPHINX_PATH :=$ /cygdrive/c/Programmierung/DeveloperLibs/CMUSphinx
SPHINX_PATH :=$ /c/Programmierung/DeveloperLibs/CMUSphinx
SPHINX_PATH := /cygdrive/c/Programmierung/DeveloperLibs/CMUSphinx
SPHINX_PATH :=$ /home/c/Programmierung/DeveloperLibs/CMUSphinx
SPHINX_PATH :=$ /cygdrive/home/Programmierung/DeveloperLibs/CMUSphinx
and so on, and so on.....nothing helped. By the way the local static libs are defined:
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := pocketsphinx sphinxlm sphinxfeat sphinxfe sphinxutil
this must be right, because this was posted many times to change the order. Even I tried it with
include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) and changed it to include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)
none of this gave me a result, error still exists....what the hell could I do to get it work?
Then, the first thing that´s not working was cd into sphinxbase folder and type command ./ . No matter how I wrote it(./, only, only autogen etc), this doesn´t work.
You do not need to run
This worked, but when I try to build with ndk-build, I get the next error message on the cygwin terminal:
jni/pocketsphinx_wrap.c:760:26: fatal error: pocketsphinx.h: No such file or directory
You need to download an archive with sources, not the one named win32, which is only for Windows. The file pocketsphinx.h is contained in pocketsphinx-0.8.tar.gz/include.
Compiler has the concept of the "header search path" where it finds the includes. Search path is specified in the compiler command line arguments with -I option. If compiler can't find some file, most likely file is in another location or the search path is incorrectly specified. You need to put the file in the right location or specify the search path properly.
Now I got it worked, I don´t like to answer my own question but maybe it helps other poeple with the same problem. Nikolay Shmyrev pointed me to the right direction, many thanks to him. Here is a little tutorial to get pocketsphinx work on windows and android:
