iOS : Localizing MKMapView wordings - mkmapview

While using MKMapView is used to identify user's location , the location is pinned with Annotation "Current Location".
Can I use change the wordings of "Current Location"?

You can change title and subtitle of current location annotation by setting
mapView.userLocation.subtitle = #"mySubt";
mapView.userLocation.title = #"title";


Acumatica Mobile Modify the Location fields to be able to scan a barcode

We are currently using the Acumatica Mobile to process Bin Transfers. We are also looking at the Scandit app to be able to scan the from and to bin location labels in the warehouse. So far with testing We can scan the locations, but only in the search window. We would like to be able to scan/enter the locations on the main screen without going to the search window. It seems the selector forces you to go to the search window. Is there a way around this in Acumatica Mobile.
This is a fairly old question with a relatively new solution. I am using 2020R1 where we now can leverage the built-in scanning capability in the Mobile App.
Your field must be defined in the ASPX as a textedit. Then simply add the field to the mobile app screen (if not already there) and decorate it with special = BarCodeScan as shown in the example below.
add screen ZZ301000 {
add container "ScanContainer" {
add field "MyBarcode"
special = BarCodeScan
add containerAction "Insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
add recordAction "Save" {
behavior = Save
add recordAction "Cancel" {
behavior = Cancel
add recordAction "Insert" {
behavior = Create
The result will be similar to the image below:
By clicking on the barcode icon, the built-in barcode reader will open to utilize the camera to scan the barcode.
You can try to set ForceType to "String" for the Location field to replace selector with a text edit. This will allow to type values directly on the form, but you will loose all selector functionality, like searching for records. Another option is to set the PickerType property to Searchable. For more information about the Field tag attributes, please refer to Acumatica Product Documentation

Change window title for ActivePivot Live

I want to change the window title for ActivePivot Live, so that users having multiple Live instances open, can better find the right one.
I've tried calling Window.setTitle from my GinBootstrappers.afterApplicationLoaded method, but that seems to only show for a second or less, before being changed back to "ActivePivot Live"
Found my own answer.
GinBootstrapper.APPLICATION_NAME is public and not final,
so in my Bootstrapper, I can simply add this line to the constructor:
APPLICATION_NAME = "My Application Name";
The window title is set by the application and it is not possible to change it.

javafx 2.0 TitledPane how to change the title text to image+text

the default title only contains text, just like the "Apples" title in the above image.
is that possible to add image in the title.
is there a way developer can build a customized TitledPane ?
Use setGraphic method
TitledPane tp = new TitledPane("hi");
tp.setGraphic(new Rectangle(10, 10));
As far as I know, you can set the graphics via the css property "-fx-graphic" as well.
See Oracle Defintion for JFX and CSS, here for elements of type Labeled.
To remove the button completely, you could either
set tp.setCollabsible(false); or
use the .titled-pane CSS class to set the property "-fx-collapsible" to false.
See Here (same side as above, but for TitledPane).

LWUIT: How to assign Label to the Textfield

i want to assign a label to the TextField. I am using the following code
TextField textField = new TextField();
Label label = new Label("Pick a unique username");
the above code is not showing the associated label for the TextField. How can it be done ?
An excerpt of the Component from the LWUIT javadoc # link
public void setLabelForComponent(Label componentLabel)
Allows us to indicate the label associated with this component thus providing
visual feedback related for this component e.g. starting the ticker when the
component receives focus.
componentLabel - a label associated with this component
Hence your are just associating a Label with this Component and now actual binding them together as perceived / visually single group.
I would recommend you use ComponentGroup with TextField and Label added to it, also you can style them as a group. Check this link for more information on ComponentGroup
PS: ComponentGroup is available from LWUIT 1.5.

how can i show two different color's pin annotation in MKMapView?

i am using MKMapView Annotation for Displaying pin's.In my Project there are many number of pin's dropping.i want to just show the difference between current location's pin color and other pin's how can i show two different pin's color for current location and other location.
// Identify which pin is being selected
if([[annotation title] isEqualToString:#"Current Location"])
annView.pinColor = MKPinAnnotationColorRed;
also check this link:
Issue with Map Annotation and MKMapView in iOS 4.2?
