Hiding GitHub token in .gitconfig - linux

I would like to store all of my dotfiles on GitHub, including .gitconfig which requires me to hide the GitHub token in the .gitconfig.
To do so I have a ".gitconfig-hidden-token" file which is the file I intend to edit and put under git that hides the token:
user = giuliop
token = --hidden--
And a shell script which I need to launch if I modify the ".gitconfig-hidden-token" file to create the ".gitconfig" file:
cp .gitconfig .gitconfig.backup
sed 's/--hidden--/123456789/' .gitconfig-hidden-token > .gitconfig
The drawback is the need to manually launch the script everytime I modidy the file. Is there a better, fully automated way to do this?

I just fixed this up for myself. The "proper" way to solve the issue is to split your gitconfig into two files, a public one with the alias/config/etc, and a private file that keeps your username and secrets. Like so...
From https://github.com/ddopson/dotfiles ...
# For username / creds / etc
path = ~/.gitconfig.local
user = ddopson
name = Dave Dopson
email = ddopson#gmail.com
token = a123uber456secret789ceprivate000key78
helper = osxkeychain

Add your .gitconfig with git add -N.
Then git add -p it, edit the hunk, replace the token with anything, and push that. No need for an extra file this way.
Addendum: on additional modifications of your file, use git add -p again, and edit the hunk so that your initial manipulation not be overwritten.

You can now include another file in your gitconfig. You could put your github section in that extra file. See this question: Is it possible to include a file in your .gitconfig

I made a script to update my dotfiles repo, it also redacts sensitive information such as my github token. I don't think the github token is used by GitHub anymore though, but correct me if I'm wrong.
You can view my script here.


p4python create and submit a new file

How to create and submit a new file using p4python?
create_and_submit_file(full_path_in_depot, new_file_text_content):
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT)
p4 = get_p4() # implemented
try: # Catch exceptions with try/except
connect_and_login_p4(p4) # implemented
# .. implementation here .. p4.some_call()
except P4Exception:
for e in p4.errors: # Display errors
If the file already exists on the local filesystem within a workspace, all you need to do is p4.run_add(file) and p4.run_submit('-d', 'this is my awesome file').
If the file doesn't exist, you need to create it, and if you don't have a workspace, you need to create that too. For the sake of brevity, here's how you'd do that from the command line completely from scratch (this maps pretty directly to P4Python but I don't know enough about your environment to give you code that'll work out of the box so I won't attempt the translation):
echo "my awesome file content" > my_awesome_file
p4 set P4CLIENT=my_awesome_client
p4 --field "View=//depot/... //my_awesome_client/..." client -o | p4 client -i
p4 add my_awesome_file
p4 submit -d "this is my awesome file"
Check out the example for p4.save_client to see a simple example of how you can create/modify a client spec with P4Python and modify the fields to suit your environment (similar to how I used the --field flag to set the View such that the root of my_awesome_client corresponds to //depot/...):

Hide username and computer name from Git Bash for Windows 10

Is there any way to remove the username and computer name from Git Bash for Window 10?
I already checked this : https://github.com/Maximus5/ConEmu/issues/199
But didn't understand how to do that.
Follow the steps below:
Go to C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile.d\ folder
Find and open the git-prompt.sh file in your favorite text editor
Go to line number 15
Replace the whole line with PS1="$PS1"''
That's it. Start/Restart Git Bash and you should see the username and computer name is gone.
NOTE: You can also hide the annoying MINGW64 text by commenting out the line number 16 and 17 of the same file. To comment out those lines just add a # to the beginning of the line. That's it. Now start/restart Git Bash and it should go away.
Better way!!
Follow the steps as mentioned by #Saabbir, with one big change:
# 👇 comment out the wrapping if-else block
if test -f ~/.config/git/git-prompt.sh
. ~/.config/git/git-prompt.sh
# 👇 leave the content uncommented
Save the file, git-prompt.sh using Save As (in your editor) in this path C:\Users\{current_windows_user}\.config\git
Explanation: You can see on line number 8 that it checks for the same file on ~/.config/git. So it's better to update the config file rather than the actual settings file.

How to keep directory structure with aria2?

I need to download files simultaneously- wget doesn't support that so I want to try aria2. But I don't see an option in aria2 to keep directory structure.
Determine the directory structure first,
then build and use a download description file:
aria2c -i uri.txt
where uri.txt might contain
http://serverA/file1.iso http://mirror-serverB/file1.iso
# parameters must begin with a space, otherwise it's treatened as url!
# not mandatory
http://serverA/file2.iso http://mirror-serverB/file2.iso
Keep in mind that aria2 is a download util - not an sync util, like rsync or lftp.
Referencing an rsync answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4147263/1163786
and an lftp answer: https://superuser.com/a/305236.

How to get %BUGID% in post-commit hook script?

I want to set up Mantis bug tracker and tortoise svn to work together.
I have added properties to tortoise svn like below:
And also I have added below properties to config_inc.php file
$g_source_control_notes_view_status = VS_PUBLIC;
$g_source_control_account = 'xxx';
$g_source_control_set_status_to = OFF;
$g_source_control_regexp = "/\bissue [#]{0,1}(\d+)\b/i";
And my post-commit.bat looks like
svnlook log -r %REV% %REPOS%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
echo SVN Revision:%REV%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
echo Files Changed : >>%DETAILS_FILE%
svnlook changed -r %REV% %REPOS%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
\php.exe \checkin.php <%DETAILS_FILE% >%LOG_FILE%
This works fine if I provide issue ID in commit message.
If I provide issue id in commit message it shows commit message in mantis Notes.
Issue Now I Don't want to put issue id in commit message but want to take %BUGID% that I provide in right most upper corner when doing tortoise svn commit.
i.e. echo Bug ID : %BUGID%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
it is not working for me.
Can any one help me.
And yes Do anyone know how to add html link or html tags in post-commit hook script.
Thanks in advance.

Can't add files in perforce

As far as I can tell, my client is setup correctly:
$ p4 client -o
# A Perforce Client Specification.
# ...
Client: stephen-dev1-stephen
Update: 2014/06/26 17:41:14
Access: 2014/06/26 17:45:47
Owner: StephenRasku
Host: stephen-dev1
Created by StephenRasku.
Root: /home/stephen/Code
Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime rmdir
SubmitOptions: submitunchanged
LineEnd: local
//depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/...
//version/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/version/...
//thirdparty/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/thirdparty/...
//starteam/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/starteam/...
//specs/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/specs/...
//release/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/release/...
//projects/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/projects/...
//main/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/main/...
//features/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/features/...
//dev/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/dev/...
//depot/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/depot/...
The files exist:
$ pwd
$ ls mainline/EBUILD_VERSION mainline/package.sh mainline/ebuild
mainline/ebuild mainline/EBUILD_VERSION mainline/package.sh
But it complains when I try and add them:
$ p4 add mainline/EBUILD_VERSION mainline/package.sh mainline/ebuild
mainline/EBUILD_VERSION - file(s) not in client view.
mainline/package.sh - file(s) not in client view.
mainline/ebuild - file(s) not in client view.
What's the problem? I checked out the file using git p4 clone if that makes a difference.
Check the "View" lines in the client workspace specification to confirm
that the file specification used in your Perforce command (or appearing in the error message)
falls within your workspace view. If you see an error attempting to add a file,
for example, you might want to check your mapping to confirm that the
file resides in a directory that is within your client view.
See the section under 'Client Workspace View':
Are the files under this exact directory structure below?
Judging by the first View mapping line of:
//depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/...
I would guess that is the path they should be under.
If you 'cd' into the '/home/stephen/Code/SpamView-URI/mainline'
directory are you able to add these files?
Your client spec isn't right, as you noticed. With these 2 lines,
//depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/...
//depot/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/depot/...
Your trying to map the files under //depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... to both //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/... and //stephen-dev1-stephen/depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... Since perforce reads top to bottom, it will overwrite your first mapping with the second mapping, basically removing the second mapping. \
Move your //depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/... to the last line, and you should be ok.
