Trying to execute self extracting zip file silently in command line - zip

I have these self extracting zip files that I'm trying to extract on 2008/7 machines remotely. But they are coming in a way of .exe and it require user to double click and choose the extractions location.
On WinZip support site they saying to use the /auto flag so the command will look like that:
C:\deploy\.exe /auto C:\path\\
It starts the process in the task manager but it stuck there foever.
When I'm opening the file in text editor it says: !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
So maybe anyone of you know how I can automate the extraction of the self extraction file silently. Or maybe there is a way to run them with answer file.

I know this is older, but I just found this page trying to do the same thing (for a silent driver install)
What the OP put up above works fine.
For example, my line was:
UPS_319_117.exe /auto .\upstemp\
(This was after having the batch file create the upstemp folder). My guess is either the path was wrong so the self-extracting hit an error in the OP's case, or something along those lines and it just hung up waiting for input that wouldn't happen since it was in auto mode...

You can usually unzip these using a third-party ZIP extraction utility.

I had the same problem. I eventually resolved it with PowerShell. Rename your .exe file to a .zip file. Then run a command like this:
powershell -Command "MD C:\PathWhereFileShouldExtractTo; $shell = New-Object -ComObject shell.application; $zip = $shell.NameSpace('C:\PathToZipFile\'); foreach ($item in $zip.items()) {; $shell.Namespace('C:\PathWhereFileShouldExtractTo').CopyHere($item); }"
I stole the basic PowerShell commands from this article about how to unzip a file with Powershell: How to unzip a file in Powershell?


Translating Linux command prompt to windows PowerShell prompt

Quick background: I previously used a remote Linux server for a project. Here I was able to pull up the Linux command window in the directory where files from another program were located, and enter a command such as lspp c= example_file.cfile -nographics. LSPP in this case is short for LS PrePost - through this command I was able to call LSPP in the background and have it reference the given *.cfile which contains various commands to be executed, such as depositing a given *.csv file with results, its name, etc.
I recently managed to install LSPP for windows locally, and am now trying to essentially translate the functionality of the command I executed in Linux, to Windows. I should add that I have no experience with CMD or Windows PowerShell...
The first thing I tried was to use cd C:\.... to set the directory to where the *.cfile is located and then enter the same lspp c= example_file.cfile -nographics from Linux, however, the response was that "lspp" was either spelled wrong or could not be found.
Next I tried setting the directory to the LSPP program folder, and using start LS-PrePost-4.7-x64 to at least start the program, but this didn't work either.
I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction here - thank you!

Bat file code for zipping Huge size files

We are trying to zip a folder(size ~100GB) on our client server through a bat file. This bat file is triggered via an autosys job. The folder contains files of .dat and a .523 format file
We have tried several options like below:
1. Using PKZIP utility. While unzipping the file it says the files are corrupted and terminates the process.
2. Using Winzip. On completion of zip process, it opens a 'ADD Complete' dialogue box and waits for user to hit 'OK'. Since we are triggering the bat file from autosys, we do not see this dialogue box when we try to log on to the server. We have a interactive version on Winzip installed on server and we cannot install the wzzip version of winzip. The code we used is as follows:
SET ZIPDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinZip"
CALL %ZIPDIR%\WINZIP32.EXE -a -r %CEDEARCH%\BACKUP__%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7, D:\DATA\Test\*.*
after executing this the above code waits for 'OK' to be hit and because of this the autosys job does not terminate. I tried to add a VBS script after it to just hit enter but it does not work.
VBS script:
set oWShell = createobject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 2000
oWShell.Sendkeys "{enter}"
Using 7Zip. After doing some research my colleague tried to use the 7Zip and the zip and unzip works perfectly fine. No manual intervention required. The only problem is it takes around 7 - 9 hrs to complete. That's a LOT of time. Not acceptable. :(
Winzip takes around 3 hrs.
SET ZIPDIR= "C:\Program Files\7-Zip"
CALL %ZIPDIR%\7z.EXE a -r D:\PES_PROD\ARCHIVE\Calc_Backup\CALCITDBACKUP__%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7, D:\PES_PROD\DATA\CALC*.* -mmt
Can anyone suggest any better idea or any other method we have not thought of.
Thanks and

How can I suppress “Terminate batch job (Y/N)” confirmation in PowerShell?

When I press Ctrl+C in PowerShell, I receive:
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Similar to, except for Windows PowerShell.
Does PowerShell provide any more control over batch jobs than what CMD does?
The behavior is neither caused by PowerShell nor can PowerShell change it (as evidenced by the PowerShell source-code repo not containing the prompt message).
The behavior is built into cmd.exe - Powershell, in this case, is calling a .cmd file (batch file), which is interpreted by cmd.exe.
If you explicitly control the invocation of the target executable, you can fix this by moving to Powershell - note this has its own considerations, see below.
If you do not explicitly control the invocation of the target executable, you're out of luck (unless you're willing to install third-party cmd.exe replacements) and must press Ctrl+C twice in order to terminate execution.
A[n ill-advised] workaround is to modify the cmd.exe binary - see article with instructions on how to patch the cmd.exe executable in order to suppress the prompt. Additionally, you can post a feature request on GitHub to request that this behavior be fixed at the source, though that is unlikely to happen for reasons of backward compatbility.
To demonstrate the behavior:
The examples assume that Node.js is installed and that node.exe is therefore in your PATH:
First, invoke node.exe directly, with a tight loop that requires you to press Ctrl+C to terminate the process.
PS> node -e "while (true);"
As you'll see, pressing Ctrl+C instantly terminates the process - no confirmation prompt.
Now, let's create a sample batch file that invokes the same command and invoke that batch file:
PS> "#echo off`nnode -e `"while (true);`"" | Set-Content test.cmd
PS> ./test.cmd
As you'll see, pressing Ctrl+C now presents the undesired Terminate batch job (Y/N)? prompt. (You'd get the same behavior if you ran the batch file from cmd.exe.)
To demonstrate that gulp is a cmd file:
You say you're running your command via gulp's CLI.
On Windows, the entry point for the gulp CLI is gulp.cmd [see update in the bottom section] - i.e., a batch file. That is how it works in general for npm-package "binaries" (executables) implemented as either JS files or shell scripts.
That gulp invokes gulp.cmd can be verified as follows:
# Execute from a project folder that has `gulp` installed as a dependency.
# If `gulp` is installed *globally*
# Note: CLI `npx` requires npm version 5.2.0+
PS C:\some\NodeJs\project> npx where gulp
You'll see something like:
Note that where.exe also lists the extension-less Unix-shell script, ...\gulp; however, from cmd.exe / Powershell such a shell script isn't directly executable, and it is ...\gulp.cmd - the batch file - that is executed.
(If in doubt, place a command such as #set /p dummy="Press a key" at the start of the gulp.cmd file, and you'll see that this command executes when you invoke gulp without the .cmd extension.
Also note that there is no gulp.exe.)
More generally, on Windows, a project's node_modules\.bin subfolder contains pairs of CLI entry points for the CLIs that come with packages that the project depends on locally:
node_modules\.bin\<some-cli> is the Unix shell script (whose executing interpreter is controlled via its shebang line).
node_modules\.bin\<some-cli>.cmd is the helper batch file for Windows.
Updates and future considerations:
In the context of npm modules, the problem would go away if a PowerShell script (*.ps1) were used as the helper script on Windows. There are tickets for npm, yarn and similar software to do this. There are also some drawbacks:
*.ps1 files aren't directly executable from outside of PowerShell, notably from cmd.exe and File Explorer (and changing that is nontrivial).
PowerShell still hasn't fully replaced cmd.exe as the default shell, as of Windows 10 (and won't anytime soon, if ever).
When called from PowerShell, a *.ps1 file would be found and run in-process, so a possible solution is for the npm project to also provide *.ps1 helper scripts, which would take precedence over *.cmd files of the same name.
Recent versions of npm (verified in 6.14.10) indeed DO install such *.ps1 files.
Alternative package manager yarn, since v2 does not seem to use batch files anymore at all, so the original problem is bypassed there; (v1, by contrast, still uses batch files (only); upgrading from v1 must be done on a per-project basis see the migration instructions).
As the other answer notes, the correct fix is to replace cmd scripts with ps1 versions.
However another workaround for users of the Hyper shell is 'Hyper yes', a plugin that automatically hits y for you when the prompt comes up.
best way to avoid it is to not start it, in my case, is not to type npm run devStart but instead type nodemon ./server.js localhost 3000
here's how it looks like
#echo off
start /w "" "C:\myfile.bat" 2>nul|findstr /i "termin"
if errorlevel 1 goto bypass
echo hello by stexup YouTube channel!
timeout /t 5 >nul

Can't run .run file using cygstart

I am trying to run a .run file in cygwin, but I always seem to get this error:
Unable to start '': There is no application associated with the given file name extension.
I needed to be a superuser, so I tried using the command: cygstart --action=runas "$#"
I read somewhere that cygstart is for invoking registered Windows handler, so this may be the problem, but I am unsure. Is there any way that I can run my .run file as a superuser using cygwin?
Well, as has been said, no application is associated with .run files on your
system. So you can do that one of two ways
Call the file with the program, example
cygstart notepad.exe
Tell the registry what to do with unknown extensions
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="notepad.exe \"%1\""
This question is not related to Cygwin but rather to Windows. cygstart works the same as Windows' start. That means, if you use [cyg]start file.extension it works very similarly as if you double-click on that file in Windows Explorer.
Therefore if you configure Windows to do what you need when you double-click on your *.run file, cygstart will work fine too.
I think that easier is to use appropriate extension which Windows already knows. It depends on what you have inside your *.run file. If it's executable, use exe extension, if it's batch script, use cmd or bat, if it's JavaScript, use js etc.
If you use Linux or some derivation, you need to execute the .run file with an absolute path, even if you have already navigated to the appropriate directory containing the file. See here:

psexec error code -1073740771

I'm trying to open up a Unity3D game.exe that is on a remote computer through my main desktop. I had tried to do this through a batch file, but was advised to try PsExec in its place.
So far, I've brought the Psexec program into my game.exe folder. I run the command line required to open the program and the window opens up for a fraction of a second before closing down due to an error. The error code it gives is: -1073740771.
I tried googling what this error actually is but I can't find anything. Does anyone know what this error relates to?
The command line I type is as follows:
psexec \\OtherComputer -i C:\Administrator\Users\Desktop\TargetFolder\Target.exe
I even tried the above line with -d after the -i, quotes around the C:... but it all results in the same thing.
PSExec wont know about other game resources that live without side the EXE. It will simply copy game.exe to the remote machine and execute it.
Try deleting or renaming the resource folder and running it on your local machine - it should do the same thing as its doing on the remote machine.
You cant do what you want with psexec unless the entire application is self contained within one single .exe file.
You may be able to manually copy the resource folders if you have admin access to the other machines and administrative shares are enabled, then execute with psexec using the -w option:
Copy the files to \\OtherComputer\C$\MyGame
Run psexec \\OtherComputer -w C:\MyGame -i C:\Administrator\Users\Desktop\TargetFolder\Target.exe
Might work ;o)
Use the -h parameter to elevate the permissions.
