I'm using twitter4j to stream all statuses with a reply_id, and (trying to get) the status they are replying to. So I stream a bunch of statuses, and on each one do:
Long replyID=status.getInReplyToStatusId();
but then I don't know what to do with my replyID variable to actually find the associated tweet.
(I'm very, very new to twitter4j and the Twitter API)
You can use the replyId to get the actual tweet like :
Status tweet = twitter.showStatus(parent);
BTW what do you mean when you say " stream all statuses with a reply_id",can you elaborate ?
How would you search for all resources for a given patient e.g. encounter, appointment, consent?
I know you could search for it via postman request http://localhost:9090/organId/Patient/12345/$everything and get the result. But I want to be able to execute the search query from my java program.
This is what I have so far, but I know the include part is not good and not working. Googling didn't return any result.
Bundle bundle = myFhirClient
.where(new NumberClientParam(Patient.SP_RES_ID).exactly().number(patientId)).include(new Include("$everything"))
.sort(new SortSpec().setOrder(SortOrderEnum.DESC).setParamName(Patient.SP_RES_ID))
Any help is much appreciated
I had to use Fhir Client operation instead of search. This will return all the reference resources for the given patientId.
Parameters outParams = myFhirClient
.onInstance(new IdType("Patient", patientId))
.withNoParameters(Parameters.class) // No input parameters
I am building a telegram bot where I am attempting to get the user to fill in detail about an event and store them in a dictionary which is itself in a list.
However I want it be link a conversation. I want it to look like:
user: /create
bot-reply: What would you like to call it?
user-reply: Chris' birth day
bot-reply: When is it?
user-reply: 08/11/2021
bot-reply: Event Chris birth day on 08/11/2021 has been saved!
To achieve this I plan to use ForceReply which states in the documentation
This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode.
The problem is the documentation does not seem to explain how to handle responses.
Currently my code looks like this:
async def create_countdown(client, message):
global countdowns
countdown = {
'countdown_id': str(uuid4())[:8],
'countdown_owner_id': message.from_user.id,
'countdown_onwner_username': message.from_user.username,
await message.reply('What do you want to name the countdown?',
except FloodWait as e:
await asyncio.sleep(e.x)
Looking through the form I have found options like this:
python telegram bot ForceReply callback
which are exactly what I am looking for but they are using different libraries like python-telegram-bot which permit them to use ConversationHandler. It seems to not be part of pyrogram
How to I create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces with pyrogram?
Pyrogram doesn't have a ConversationHandler.
You could use a dict with your users' ID as the key and the state they're in as the value, then you can use that dictionary of states as your reference to know where your User is in the conversation.
Dan: (Pyrogram creator)
A conversation-like feature is not available yet in the lib. One way to do that is saving states into a dictionary using user IDs as keys. Check the dictionary before taking actions so that you know in which step your users are and update it once they successfully go past one action
I just started tinkering with Tweepy to see the extent of what's possible, and I'm wondering if I can grab a user's description (the short bio on their profile, under the handle) directly. I know the description can be accessed by using a workaround like this:
api = tweepy.API(auth)
pastrytweet = api.search('pastries')
for twit in pastrytweet:
This gives us an output that is a list (not in the Python sense) of Status objects, each of which contains a ton of information, eg:
Status(_api=<tweepy.api.API object at 0x038F6EF8>, _json={'created_at': 'XXXXXXXXXXX', 'id': XXXXXXXXXXXX, 'id_str': 'XXXXXXXXXXX', 'text': 'RT #XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX pastries XXXXXX', 'description': 'XXXXXXXXX')
I'm trying to access this "description" parameter seen here at the end directly, but any attempt I make returns a "AttributeError: 'Status' object has no attribute 'description'".
So if I wanted, say, to search for a term and grab the bio of a user that published a tweet with that term for some reason, how would I proceed? Or even to search people's bios directly? Is it even possible? I read the Tweepy documentation and I didn't really find an answer.
Each status object return by api.search has an attribute user and under user you'll find the description. The following code should help:
api = tweepy.API(auth)
pastrytweet = api.search('pastries')
for twit in pastrytweet:
I am developing a transaction workflow capsule, and I use the function transaction.retrieve() to get order data from the platform. But it returns only part of the order data.
MyReceipt is a structure stored the order informations, it is defined like this:
structure (MyReceipt) {
description (order info)
// properties
features { activity}
And it is built as a output concept of Commit Action, like this
action (CommitRequest) {
type (Commit)
description ()
collect {
// MyRequest
output (MyReceipt)
I try to get data like this
It is supposed to return all the MyReceipt Data. But it return only part of the Receipt data.Is it right to get all the orders? Or is there other ways to get all the receipt data?
And I have found the sample code use it just like this to get the last Receipt data
transaction.retrieve("bixby.MyCapsule.MyReceipt", "ALL", 1)
but it doesn't explain what these two parameter "ALL" and 1 represent for. And I want to get more details about the usage of this function.
Could you plz tell me how to use the function transaction.retrieve() or other function to get all the Receipt historical data, and How can I check out the transaction data for someone when I try to find the cause of the issue.
Copy the answer from dogethis. (Thanks, man! You do the hard work, I took credit)
We have the DOC ready online here
Basically, ALL is the default to get all state of transaction data, and 1 means only one record. The API page was not there before, so thanks for let us know.
I think it's the 1 cause you not get all record, but it does has a limit 20...
Have fun with Bixby!
I am trying to track all tweets by given hashtag or keyword. The problem is I can stream the tweets when I use a simple keyword like 'animal' but when I change it to say 'animal4666' then it doesn't work. No reply is received. I am using the code below.
twit.stream('statuses/filter', { track: 'animal4666' }, function(stream) {
stream.on('data', function(data) {
I have made two tweets from different account like following:
'#animal4666 a'
'#animal4666 trying to find out what is going on?'
Above tweets are successfully retrieved using search API but because of the rate limitations on search API I need to use stream API so that i can check for new tweets every two seconds with node.js
The addon I am using of node.js: https://github.com/jdub/node-twitter
Can someone please help?
If you look the code of the library you are using, it seems that there is nothing potentially wrong
it only has a workaround when you pass an array in the track param, but is not the case
// Workaround for node-oauth vs. twitter commas-in-params bug
if ( params && params.track && Array.isArray(params.track) ) {
params.track = params.track.join(',')
So looking in to the official api docs for track method, I see two caveats that may are relevant.
Each phrase must be between 1 and 60 bytes, inclusive.
I think yours are shorter but is something to take in mind
And what I think is your real problem:
Exact matching of phrases (equivalent to quoted phrases in most search
engines) is not supported.
Punctuation and special characters will be considered part of the term
they are adjacent to. In this sense, "hello." is a different track
term than "hello". However, matches will ignore punctuation present in
the Tweet. So "hello" will match both "hello world" and "my brother
says hello." Note that punctuation is not considered to be part of a
#hashtag or #mention, so a track term containing punctuation will not match either #hashtags or #mentions.
You can check online your tweet text to see if it match here