I create a NSSavePanel using this code:
NSSavePanel *savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
savePanel.delegate = self;
savePanel.directoryURL = ...;
savePanel.nameFieldStringValue = ...;
[savePanel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window
completionHandler:^(NSInteger returnCode) {
if (returnCode == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
// the completion handler
If in the save panel the user select an already existing file, appears the alert box "“XXX” already exists. Do you want to replace it?".
If the user press the "Replace" button, in the completion handler the old file is removed with the removeItemAtPath:error: method of NSFileManager, and then the new file is created (in reality: it is created in a temporary location and then moved using moveItemAtPath:toPath:error: method, but I think this is just an implementation detail):
if (returnCode == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
// overwrite the url, because if we are here is because the user has already
// expressed its willingness to overwrite the previous file
NSError *error = nil;
BOOL res = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:savePanel.URL error:&error];
if (res) {
res = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:tmpFilePath toPath:savePanel.URL error:&error];
// ...
In the past, everything has always worked properly. Today, however, I started to use the Lion's Sandbox with the "Read/Write Access" entitlement.
With the sandbox, the removeItemAtPath:error: is successful, but the following moveItemAtPath:toPath:error: returns an error.
It seems reasonable, because Powerbox gives me the rights to access (in reading and writing) a file. When I remove this file, the right granted to me is exhausted.
Is my guess right?
How can I solve this problem?
The problem is that once you delete the file, your rights on that file also vanish. What you need to do instead is overwrite the file, for example using [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:contents:attributes:]. The NSFileManager documentation states the following for this method:
If a file already exists at path, this method overwrites the contents of that file if the current process has the appropriate privileges to do so.
Using methods from NSData/NSMutableData might also be helpful.
Use [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingToURL:error:] followed by writeData: calls for overwriting an existing file. This method works for me in sandboxed app. For a new file, just create it with NSFileManager's method createFileAtPath:contents:attributes: (with contents set to nil if contents do not fit into memory) and then use NSFileHandle for writing data.
If you want to overwrite an image using core graphics see NSSavePanel, CGImageDestinationFinalize and OS X sandbox
I'm following this tutorial exactly, which adds CoreData to an existing app:
When I get to the seedPerson() moc.save(), the app crashes with this error:
CoreData: error: Illegal attempt to save to a file that was never
opened. "This NSPersistentStoreCoordinator has no persistent stores
(unknown). It cannot perform a save operation.". No last error
The NSManagedSubclass has been added.
The DataController is wired up and I can step into it. It isn't until the save() that things go wrong. Any idea what I might have left out to cause this error?
I also followed that YouTube tutorial and had the same problem. I just removed the background thread block that adds the persistent store and it worked. Here's my DataController:
import UIKit
import CoreData
class WellbetDataController: NSObject {
var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext
override init() {
// This resource is the same name as your xcdatamodeld contained in your project.
guard let modelURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("DataModel", withExtension:"momd") else {
fatalError("Error loading model from bundle")
// The managed object model for the application. It is a fatal error for the application not to be able to find and load its model.
guard let mom = NSManagedObjectModel(contentsOfURL: modelURL) else {
fatalError("Error initializing mom from: \(modelURL)")
let psc = NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(managedObjectModel: mom)
self.managedObjectContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .MainQueueConcurrencyType)
self.managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator = psc
let urls = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)
let docURL = urls[urls.endIndex-1]
/* The directory the application uses to store the Core Data store file.
This code uses a file named "DataModel.sqlite" in the application's documents directory.
let storeURL = docURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("DataModel.sqlite")
do {
try psc.addPersistentStoreWithType(NSSQLiteStoreType, configuration: nil, URL: storeURL, options: nil)
} catch {
fatalError("Error migrating store: \(error)")
// dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
// let urls = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)
// let docURL = urls[urls.endIndex-1]
// /* The directory the application uses to store the Core Data store file.
// This code uses a file named "DataModel.sqlite" in the application's documents directory.
// */
// let storeURL = docURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("DataModel.sqlite")
// do {
// try psc.addPersistentStoreWithType(NSSQLiteStoreType, configuration: nil, URL: storeURL, options: nil)
// } catch {
// fatalError("Error migrating store: \(error)")
// }
// }
Unfortunately, that video uses some code from Apple's website, and that code example is flawed. The main flaw is that it caches the MOC before the persistent store has been added to the MOC. Thus, if the creation of the store fails at all, the managed object context will be initialized with a persistent store coordinator that has no store.
You need use the debugger and step through the code that creates the PSC (the DataController.init method) and see why the failure happens. If you cut/paste the same way as in that example, then maybe you also forgot to change the name of your model when instantiating the model.
In any event, the most likely cause is that some initialization code in that function failed, and you are subsequently going happily along with a core data stack that has no stores.
You need to load the persistent stores
let persistentContainer = NSPersistentContainer(name: "DbName")
persistentContainer.loadPersistentStores() { [weak self] _, error in
self?.persistentContainer.viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true
The problem is on these two lines:
guard let modelURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("DataModel", withExtension:"momd") else {
let storeURL = docURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("DataModel.sqlite")
DataModel needs to be changed to the name of your application if your CoreData was created automatically by Xcode. Look for these lines in AppDelegate.swift
If this is the first time that you run the application after you put the core data in it then maybe it could work by removing the app from simulator and run it again.
It was happened to me and it works after I did that.
I'm currently doing a FTP download using MFC. Is a very simple program which takes 2 inputs from user and click a download button in order to download from server. Everything is fine and im able to download it from. But i realized this program can only be executed once. Either successful or fail user has to open the .exe again to download another file. I'm a beginner in C&C++ with a simple knowledge i put OnInitDialog() at the last line of the download function hopping it will loop back and initialize again. Of course it doesn't work. Below are my current codes for the download button
BOOL CFTPDOWNLOADDlg::Log_In(char* path, char* ID, char* password {
m_pFtpConnection = NULL;
// path
// ID
// password
m_pFtpConnection = m_Session.GetFtpConnection(path,
catch(CInternetException *pEx){
m_pFtpConnection = NULL;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
MessageBox("Download Complete");
MessageBox("Download Fail");
return FALSE;
// Log_out Session
if(m_pFtpConnection!=NULL) delete m_pFtpConnection;
else MessageBox("Download Complete");
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
void CFTPDOWNLOADDlg::OnCancel() {
// Log_out Session
delete m_pFtpConnection;
void CFTPDOWNLOADDlg::OnDLButton() {
//get path from user input
// start download
I've tried to search online, i couldn't find anything which is close. Sorry for my poor explanation.
Thank you in advance for your kindness in replying
Here is what you need to do:
You should make CInternetSession m_Session; a member of your CWinApp-derived class.
You should call m_Session.Close() in ExitInstance() method of your CWinApp-derived class.
In your CDialog-derived class you should only deal with CFtpConnection related stuff. So when user clicks on Download button you should call GetFtpConnection() and initialize your m_pFtpConnection and do the rest. When download/upload is done call m_pFtpConnection->Close(); and delete m_pFtpConnection;
Please also use CString instead of char*. There are lots of benefits like automatic UNICODE support, etc.
Please also consider using CString::Format() method instead of sprintf().
You should also consider using threads to perform upload/download tasks in a separate worker thread. Use AfxBeginThread() to start the thread. This way you'll not affect Windows message pump that is a part of main application (GUI) thread. So your GUI wont lock up while you uploading/downloading files.
Occasionally I'm getting temporary oid failures while merging contexts in my app. Here is the code. I can't reproduce this bug while testing, it only seems to happen out in the wild.
- (void)didSave:(NSNotification *)note
if (((NSManagedObjectContext *)note.object).persistentStoreCoordinator != [self managedObjectContext].persistentStoreCoordinator)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// fails on the next line
[[self managedObjectContext] mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:note];
randomly gives me this:
cannot find data for a temporary oid: 0x1464d6b0 <\x-coredata://52C9DDE6-A4F8-4BD7-B9B8-7D59F3876D74/ContactSet/tA3AF19CB-90CD-4610-A15E-33A2821B1AF1220>
Should I be checking the notification type?
(note the concurrency type is set to main thread)
Is it really so simple now in iOS5?
I used to perform a background fetch using this code in my AppDelegate:
dispatch_queue_t downloadQueue = dispatch_queue_create("DownloadQueue", NULL);
dispatch_async(downloadQueue, ^{
self.myDownloadClass = [[MyDownloadClass alloc]initInManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
[self.myDownloadClass download];
My download class performs an NSURLConnection to fetch some XML data, uses NSXMLParser to parse the data, and then updates a complex schema in core data. I would always switch to the main thread to actually update the core data. Messy code, with lots of calls to dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue()....
My new code looks like this:
NSManagedObjectContext *child = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc]initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
[child setParentContext:self.managedObjectContext];
[child performBlock:^{
self.myDownloadClass = [[MyDownloadClass alloc]initInManagedObjectContext:child];
[self.myDownloadClass download];
along with a small change to some other code in my AppDelegate to set the parent model object context type to NSMainQueueConcurrencyType:
- (NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext
if (__managedObjectContext != nil)
return __managedObjectContext;
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *coordinator = [self persistentStoreCoordinator];
if (coordinator != nil)
__managedObjectContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSMainQueueConcurrencyType];
[__managedObjectContext setPersistentStoreCoordinator:coordinator];
return __managedObjectContext;
It seems to work very well. The entire update process still runs in a separate thread, but I did not have to create a thread. Seems like magic.
Just remember if you want to commit your changes to the physical core data files, you have call save: on the parent context as well.
I didn't really ask a question here. I'm posting this so it helps others because everything I found when searching for the new iOS5 managed object context methods only gave high level details with no code examples And all the other searches for fetching core data in the background are old, sometimes very old, and discuss how to do it pre-iOS5.
Yes - it is really that easy now (in iOS 5.0). For iOS 4 compatibility, the previous hurdles remain, but the documentation is not too bad on thread confinement. Maybe you should add this to a wiki section?
I'm trying to understand how this new API is implemented. My usual pattern for multithreaded core data is something like this:
Usually in a NSOperation but simplified using dispatch_async in this example:
dispatch_queue_t coredata_queue; // some static queue
dispatch_async(coredata_queue, ^() {
// get a new context for this thread, based on common persistent coordinator
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [[MyModelSingleton model] threadedContext];
// do something expensive
NSError *error = nil;
BOOL success = [context save:&error];
if (!success) {
// the usual.
// callback on mainthread using dispatch_get_main_queue();
Then the main thread will respond by updating the UI based on NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification to merge the main context.
The new API's seem to be a wrapper around this pattern, where the child context looks like it just takes the persistent coordinator from its parent to create a new context. And specifying NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType on init will make sure the performBlock parameter is executed on the private queue.
The new API doesn't seem to be much less code to type. Any advantages over the 'traditional' threading?
So I was writing a quick application to sort my wallpapers neatly into folders according to aspect ratio. Everything is going smoothly until I try to actually move the files (using FileInfo.MoveTo()). The application throws an exception:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
The only problem is, there is no other process running on my computer that has that particular file open. I thought perhaps that because of the way I was using the file, perhaps some internal system subroutine on a different thread or something has the file open when I try to move it. Sure enough, a few lines above that, I set a property that calls an event that opens the file for reading. I'm assuming at least some of that happens asynchronously. Is there anyway to make it run synchronously? I must change that property or rewrite much of the code.
Here are some relevant bits of code, please forgive the crappy Visual C# default names for things, this isn't really a release quality piece of software yet:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (uint i = 0; i < filebox.Items.Count; i++)
if (!filebox.GetItemChecked((int)i)) continue;
//This calls the selectedIndexChanged event to change the 'selectedImg' variable
filebox.SelectedIndex = (int)i;
if (selectedImg == null) continue;
Size imgAspect = getImgAspect(selectedImg);
//This is gonna be hella hardcoded for now
//In the future this should be changed to be generic
//and use some kind of setting schema to determine
//the sort/filter results
FileInfo file = ((FileInfo)filebox.SelectedItem);
if (imgAspect.Width == 8 && imgAspect.Height == 5)
finalOut = outPath + "\\8x5\\" + file.Name;
else if (imgAspect.Width == 5 && imgAspect.Height == 4)
finalOut = outPath + "\\5x4\\" + file.Name;
finalOut = outPath + "\\Other\\" + file.Name;
//Me trying to tell C# to close the file
previewer.Image = null;
//This is where the exception is thrown
//The suspected event handler
private void filebox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
FileInfo selected;
if (filebox.SelectedIndex >= filebox.Items.Count || filebox.SelectedIndex < 0) return;
selected = (FileInfo)filebox.Items[filebox.SelectedIndex];
//The suspected line of code
selectedImg = new Bitmap((Stream)selected.OpenRead());
catch (Exception) { selectedImg = null; }
if (selectedImg != null)
previewer.Image = ResizeImage(selectedImg, previewer.Size);
previewer.Image = null;
I have a long-fix in mind (that's probably more efficient anyway) but it presents more problems still :/
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Since you are using your selectedImg as a Class scoped variable it is keeping a lock on the File while the Bitmap is open. I would use an using statement and then Clone the Bitmap into the variable you are using this will release the lock that Bitmap is keeping on the file.
Something like this.
using ( Bitmap img = new Bitmap((Stream)selected.OpenRead()))
selectedImg = (Bitmap)img.Clone();
New answer:
I looked at the line where you do an OpenRead(). Clearly, this locks your file. It would be better to provide the file path instead of an stream, because you can't dispose your stream since bitmap would become erroneous.
Another thing I'm looking in your code which could be a bad practice is binding to FileInfo. Better create a data-transfer object/value object and bind to a collection of this type - some object which has the properties you need to show in your control -. That would help in order to avoid file locks.
In the other hand, you can do some trick: why don't you show streched to screen resolution images compressing them so image size would be extremly lower than actual ones and you provide a button called "Show in HQ"? That should solve the problem of preloading HD images. When the user clicks "Show in HQ" button, loads that image in memory, and when this is closed, it gets disposed.
It's ok for you?
If I'm not wrong, FileInfo doesn't block any file. You're not opening it but reading its metadata.
In the other hand, if you application shows images, you should move to memory visible ones and load them to your form from a memory stream.
That's reasonable because you can open a file stream, read its bytes and move them to a memory stream, leaving the lock against that file.
NOTE: This solution is fine for not so large images... Let me know if you're working with HD images.
using(selectedImg = new Bitmap((Stream)selected))
Will that do it?