Change connection on the fly - subsonic

I have a SQL server with 50 databases. Each one has the exact same schema.
I used the awesome Subsonic 2.2 create the DAL based on one of them.
I need to loop though a list of database names and connect to each one and perform an update one at a time.
If there a way to alter how subsonic uses the connection string. I believe I would need to store the connection string in memory that way it can keep changing.
Is this possible?
I tried doing a
ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["theConnStrName"].ConnectionString = updated-connection-string-here;
.. but that did not work

Subsonic was designed primarily for one database only.
I've done multiple databases a couple of ways. I had posted a complete sample for creating providers on the fly in the old forums for subsonic. Those posts are gone now. What you can try is set up one provider in the config file (yourProviderName) with a dummy connection string just to initialize subsonic, then set the actual connection string as needed in your code. This only works with one database at a time but I think this is what you needed. If you want to use multiple databases at the same time, and involves more code and some changes to the subsonic 2.x core.
DataProvider provider = DataService.GetInstance(yourProviderName);
foreach(string connString in connectionStrings)
provider.DefaultConnectionString = connString;
DataService.Provider = provider;
// ... do stuff

I don't think it's easy to fix without creating a SubSonic provider for each database.
Instead I would put the SubSonic-source as a project in the solution and debug my way to the best and most clean place to extend the code wwith some sort of connnection string dictionary list and functionality to set the one you want at a given time.


add extra fields to a brightway activity from an existing database

I want to store information in some activities that are modified versions of activities imported from an existing database (ecoinvent).
I know we can add fields to activities created from scratch (example). (I guess this is because the structure of the database has not yet been defined...) but is there a way of adding it to activities of an already defined database without breaking it?
The way around I found is to add entries to the author dict, which I can easily access later on. e.g.
but I admit it is not a very elegant solution.
You can just add whatever data you want. Brightway is a (semi-)schemaless database for exactly this reason.
act['foo'] = 'bar'

How and where do you define your database structure in Meteor?

I am looking at the documentation for Meteor and it gives a few examples. I'm a bit confused about two things: First, where do you build the db (keeping security in mind)? Do I keep it all in the server/private folder to restrict client-side access? And second, how do I define the structure? For example, the code they show:
Rooms = new Meteor.Collection("rooms");
Messages = new Meteor.Collection("messages");
Parties = new Meteor.Collection("parties");
Rooms.insert({name: "Conference Room A"});
var myRooms = Rooms.find({}).fetch();
Messages.insert({text: "Hello world", room: myRooms[0]._id});
Parties.insert({name: "Super Bowl Party"});
I don't understand how a collection's structure is defined. Are they just able to define a collection and throw arbitrary data into it?
To answer your first question about where to put the new Meteor.Collection statements, they should go in a .js file in a folder accessible by both client and server, such as /collections. (With some exceptions: any collections that are never synced to the client, like server logs, should be defined inside /server somewhere; and any local collections should be defined in client code.)
As for your second question about structure: MongoDB is a document database, which by definition has no structure. Per the docs:
A database holds a set of collections. A collection holds a set of
documents. A document is a set of key-value pairs. Documents have
dynamic schema. Dynamic schema means that documents in the same
collection do not need to have the same set of fields or structure,
and common fields in a collection’s documents may hold different types
of data.
You may also have heard this called NoSQL. Each document (record in SQL parlance) can have different fields. Hence, there's no place where you define initial structure for a collection; each document gets its "structure" defined when it's inserted or updated.
In practice, I like to create a block comment above each new Meteor.Collection statement explaining what I intend the structure to be for most or all documents in that collection, so I have something to refer to later on when I insert or update the collection's documents. But it's up to me in those insert or update functions to follow whatever structure I define for myself.
A good practice would probably be defining your collection on both client and server with a single bit of javascript code. In other words, put the following
MyCollection = new Meteor.Collection("rooms");
// ...
anywhere but neither in the client nor in the server directory. Note that this directive alone does not expose any sensitive data to nobody.
A brand new meteor project would contain by default the insecure and autopublish packages. The former will basically allow any client to alter your database in every possible way, i.e. insert, update and remove documents. The latter will make sure that all database content is published to everyone, no matter how ridiculously this may sound. But fear not! Their only goal is to simplify the development process at the very early stage. You should get rid of these to guys from your project as soon as you start considering security issues of any kind.
As soon as the insecure package is removed from your project you can control the database privileges by defining MyCollection.allow and MyCollection.deny rules. Please check the documentation for more details. The only thing I would like to mention here is that this code should probably be considered as a sensitive one, so I guess you should put it into your server directory.
Removing the autopublish package has effect on the set of data that will be sent to your clients. Again you can control it and define privilages of your choice by implementing a custom Meteor.publish routine. This is all documented here. Here, you have no option. The code can only run in the server environment, so the best choice would be to put it in the server directory.
About your second question. The whole buzz about NoSQL databases (like mongodb) is to put as few restrictions on the structure of your database as possible. In other words, how the collections are structured is only up to you. You don't have to define no models and you can change the structure of your documents (and or remove fields) any time you want. Doesn't it sound great? :)

How to use SubSonic SimpleRepository with NON Plural Table Names

I have found out that SubSonic SimpleRepository expectes plural table names however I have started working on a database that doesn't have this and I am unable to change the table names.
Is there a way I can use Subsonic without making database changes?
I have seen one suggestion but I don't fancy that too much.
I'm not tied to using the SimpleRepository I just thought it would be easiest as I need the ability to swap database connections (SQL & Oracle) based on the clients requirements. The schema is the same on both. With SimpleRepository I can just swap out the connection string in the web.config.
You can apply the SubSonicTableNameOverride attribute on your classes you use with Simple Repo and use an arbitrary table name!

Updating the Internal Name using the Content Database

We currently have a field which has the wrong ID. the IDs and Internal Names of Sharepoint Fields are readonly on the domain model. I was wondering if there is a way to update them even by using the content database.
One sure way is to delete the field and recreate it. but it already has data and there are thousands of pages. I was wondering if there is a way just to update the IDs and Internal Name without doing the dropping and recreation of fields.
Even if it may work, don't do it.
Dangerous, as you may skip dependencies
Not supported
Recreating the field using some script to keep data is safer.
We ran into the same problem. Messing with the DB was not an option for us (and shouldn't be for you either), but you can work around it. Unfortunately, it will require touching each page to update the metadata.
First, create the column like it should be in the list. Then, you can copy the data from the old column to the new column in a variety of ways:
DataSheet view
Programmatically via web services (don't need to have access to the server)
Programmatically via console app (will need to run locally on the server)
Honestly, writing a small console app will be the quickest. For example:
string siteUrl = "http://server/sitecollection/";
string webUrl = "subsite1/subsite2/";
string listName = "Your List Name";
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webUrl))
SPList list = web.Lists[listName];
foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items)
item["New_x0020_Column_x0020_Name"] = item["Old_x0020_Column_x0020_Name"];
Also, it would HIGHLY recommend trying this in a DEV environment first. Just do an STSADM restore from your production environment and test your console app. Then, validate your data and delete the old column!
I would not suggest modifying the content database, since it is:
unsupported (if you do it, Microsoft will not help you when you're in real trouble even if you have MS Premier Support)
very complicated to do. You'd have to update a number of tables and you would never be sure if you actually updated all the required things.
What you can try to do - see if the internal name property is actually "read only" or it is defined as "friend" and you cannot call it from a different code assembly. If it's the latter case, you can use .Net reflection to set the property value. See this MSDN documentation link for details.

How to initialize subsonic programmatically at runtime

Would like to initialize # run-time as needed with the connection string coming from a non app.config source
For the Subsonic 3 I think that the answer is all ready on subsonic site
Also if you look the creation of the template, you see where the connection string is called.
For the subsonic 2, there is a similar way, the connection string can used in most of cases to ask for data.
