What programming language has this syntax? - programming-languages

I came across this statement as code, on a programming puzzle web site.
(i. >./) (0 >. +)/#:|.\ a
Wondering, what language has these type of syntax?

That's probably the J programming language. For example, here's a page that mentions the (i. >./) idiom
(I wanted to say Perl as a joke ;)

K has some really weird syntax. Also, on the list are APL, R and some other weird languages, which are pretty powerful for their purposes, and in some cases, use their own character set.
My guess would be that this is closer to K than anything else.

APL had that sort of syntax. Not that exact syntax but near the same level of readability. Did the web site not offer a clue?
Forth, as well, had similar syntax (R> . .#) but it still tended to have spaces between words, unlike your sample.
Actually, it does look like APL or a variant thereof. See this link here for the line:
(i. >./) z NB. Hook. Linear index of pivot
The comments at the top of that file:
NB. AMENDMENT: "A Change for the Better"
NB. Vector, vol. 9, No. 3 (January 1993) p.134-140. Used J Version 5
NB. x i} m Amend was amended in Version 4 and further amended
NB. in J Release 2
NB. Executes with J Release 2.05, March 1995
so it's the J variant of APL. See here if you want to enhance your migraines.

Perfectly valid c++ code. Just give me a couple of #define directives, and this cryptic code will print a "Mary has a little lamb"...
Just kidding, but why not? Preprocessor may translate almost anything into a valid code...


Why an "i" in "for i in range"?

I'm new to programming and Python is my first language of choice to learn. I think it's generally very easy and logical and maybe that's why this minor understanding-issue is driving me nuts...
Why is "i" often used in learning material when illustrating the range function?
Using a random number just seems more logical to me when the range function is dealing with numbers..
Please release me from my pain.
A little extra help!
Asking why we use i is kinda like asking why so many people user the letter x in math problems. It is mostly because i is just a very easy variable to use to represent the current increment in a loop.
I also think you are confused about the place of i in a loop. When you use a range loop you are saying that you want to count one by one from one number until you hit another. Typically it would look like this
for i in range(0, 5):
This means I want to count from 0-4 and set ito the current loop I am currently on.
A great way to test this.
for i in range(0, 5):
print("i currently equals: ", i)
The result will be
i currently equals: 0
i currently equals: 1
i currently equals: 2
i currently equals: 3
i currently equals: 4
In your question you ask why don't you set i to a number and it is because you can not use numbers as variable names. Python can not accept what you are asking, but if it could it would look like this
for 54 in range(0, 5):
Try reading up a little more on what variables are and how to properly use them in programming.
Lastly good luck in your pursuit to become a programmer! Coding is one of the most exciting things in this world to many of us and I hope one day you will feel the same!
i is used across nearly all programming languages to indicate a counting variable for a iteration loop.
Answered here.
i and j have typically been used as subscripts in quite a bit of math for quite some time (e.g., even in papers that predate higher-level languages, you frequently see things like "Xi,j", especially in things like a summation).
When they designed Fortran, they (apparently) decided to allow the same, so all variables starting with "I" through "N" default to integer, and all others to real (floating point). For those who've missed it, this is the source of the old joke "God is real (unless declared integer)".
Most people seem to have seen little reason to change that. It's widely known and understood, and quite succinct. Every once in a while you see something written by some psychotic who thinks there's a real advantage to something like:
for (int outer_index_variable=0; outer_index_variable < 10; outer_index_variable++) for (int inner_index_variable=0; inner_index_variable < 10; inner_index_variable++) x[outer_index_variable][inner_index_variable] = 0;
Thankfully this is pretty rare though, and most style guides now point out that while long, descriptive variable names canbe useful, you don't always need them, especially for something like this where the variable's scope is only a line or two of code.

Programming languages where indexing starts at 1? [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
C programming language is known as a zero index array language. The first item in an array is accessible using 0. For example double arr[2] = {1.5,2.5} The first item in array arr is at position 0. arr[0] === 1.5 What programming languages are 1 based indexes?
I've heard of the these languages start at 1 instead of 0 for array access: Algol, Matlab, Action!, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol. Is this complete?
Specificially, a 1 based array would access the first item with 1, not zero.
A list can be found on wikipedia.
Wolfram Language
Fortran starts at 1. I know that because my Dad used to program Fortran before I was born (I am 33 now) and he really criticizes modern programming languages for starting at 0, saying it's unnatural, not how humans think, unlike maths, and so on.
However, I find things starting at 0 quite natural; my first real programming language was C and *(ptr+n) wouldn't have worked so nicely if n hadn't started at zero!
A pretty big list of languages is on Wikipedia under Comparison of Programming Languages (array) under "Array system cross-reference list" table (Default base index column)
This has a good discussion of 1- vs. 0- indexed and subscriptions in general
To quote from the blog:
EWD831 by E.W. Dijkstra, 1982.
When dealing with a sequence of length N, the elements of which we
wish to distinguish by subscript, the
next vexing question is what subscript
value to assign to its starting
element. Adhering to convention a)
yields, when starting with subscript
1, the subscript range 1 ≤ i < N+1;
starting with 0, however, gives the
nicer range 0 ≤ i < N. So let us let
our ordinals start at zero: an
element's ordinal (subscript) equals
the number of elements preceding it in
the sequence. And the moral of the
story is that we had better regard
—after all those centuries!— zero as a
most natural number.
Remark:: Many programming languages have been designed without due
attention to this detail. In FORTRAN
subscripts always start at 1; in ALGOL
60 and in PASCAL, convention c) has
been adopted; the more recent SASL has
fallen back on the FORTRAN convention:
a sequence in SASL is at the same time
a function on the positive integers.
Pity! (End of Remark.)
Fortran, Matlab, Pascal, Algol, Smalltalk, and many many others.
You can do it in Perl
$[ = 1; # set the base array index to 1
You can also make it start with 42 if you feel like that. This also affects string indexes.
Actually using this feature is highly discouraged.
Also in Ada you can define your array indices as required:
A : array(-5..5) of Integer; -- defines an array with 11 elements
B : array(-1..1, -1..1) of Float; -- defines a 3x3 matrix
Someone might argue that user-defined array index ranges will lead to maintenance problems. However, it is normal to write Ada code in a way which does not depend on the array indices. For this purpose, the language provides element attributes, which are automatically defined for all defined types:
A'first -- this has the value -5
A'last -- this has the value +5
A'range -- returns the range -5..+5 which can be used e.g. in for loops
JDBC (not a language, but an API)
String x = resultSet.getString(1); // the first column
Erlang's tuples and lists index starting at 1.
Lua - disappointingly
Found one - Lua (programming language)
Check Arrays section which says -
"Lua arrays are 1-based: the first index is 1 rather than 0 as it is for many other programming languages (though an explicit index of 0 is allowed)"
VB Classic, at least through
Option Base 1
Strings in Delphi start at 1.
(Static arrays must have lower bound specified explicitly. Dynamic arrays always start at 0.)
ColdFusion - even though it is Java under the hood
Ada and Pascal.
PL/SQL. An upshot of this is when using languages that start from 0 and interacting with Oracle you need to handle the 0-1 conversions yourself for array access by index. In practice if you use a construct like foreach over rows or access columns by name, it's not much of an issue, but you might want the leftmost column, for example, which will be column 1.
Indexes start at one in CFML.
The entire Wirthian line of languages including Pascal, Object Pascal, Modula-2, Modula-3, Oberon, Oberon-2 and Ada (plus a few others I've probably overlooked) allow arrays to be indexed from whatever point you like including, obviously, 1.
Erlang indexes tuples and arrays from 1.
I think—but am no longer positive—that Algol and PL/1 both index from 1. I'm also pretty sure that Cobol indexes from 1.
Basically most high level programming languages before C indexed from 1 (with assembly languages being a notable exception for obvious reasons – and the reason C indexes from 0) and many languages from outside of the C-dominated hegemony still do so to this day.
There is also Smalltalk
Visual FoxPro, FoxPro and Clipper all use arrays where element 1 is the first element of an array... I assume that is what you mean by 1-indexed.
I see that the knowledge of fortran here is still on the '66 version.
Fortran has variable both the lower and the upper bounds of an array.
Meaning, if you declare an array like:
real, dimension (90) :: x
then 1 will be the lower bound (by default).
If you declare it like
real, dimension(0,89) :: x
then however, it will have a lower bound of 0.
If on the other hand you declare it like
real, allocatable :: x(:,:)
then you can allocate it to whatever you like. For example
means the array will have the elements
x(0, 0), x(0, 1), x(0, 2 .... np)
x(1, 0), x(1, 1), ...
x(np, 0) ...
There are also some more interesting combinations possible:
real, dimension(:, :, 0:) :: d
real, dimension(9, 0:99, -99:99) :: iii
which are left as homework for the interested reader :)
These are just the ones I remembered off the top of my head. Since one of fortran's main strengths are array handling capabilities, it is clear that there are lot of other in&outs not mentioned here.
Nobody mentioned XPath.
Mathematica and Maxima, besides other languages already mentioned.
informix, besides other languages already mentioned.
Basic - not just VB, but all the old 1980s era line numbered versions.
FoxPro used arrays starting at index 1.
dBASE used arrays starting at index 1.
Arrays (Beginning) in dBASE
RPG, including modern RPGLE
Although C is by design 0 indexed, it is possible to arrange for an array in C to be accessed as if it were 1 (or any other value) indexed. Not something you would expect a normal C coder to do often, but it sometimes helps.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int zero_based[10];
int* one_based;
int i;
for (i=1;i<=10;i++) one_based[i]=i;
for(i=10;i>=1;i--) printf("one_based[%d] = %d\n", i, one_based[i]);
return 0;

Programming Language with Inflection

Is there a programming language that uses inflections (suffixing a word to add a certain meaning) instead of operators to express instructions? Just wondering.
What I am talking about is using inflections to add a meaning to an identifier such as a variable or type name.
For example:
native type integer
var x : integer = 12
var location : integers = 12, 5, 42
say 0th locationte to_string (( -te replaces "." operator. prints 12 ))
I think Perligata (Perl in Latin) is what you're looking for. :) From the article
There is no reason why programming
languages could not also use
inflexions, rather than position, to
denote lexical roles.
Here's an example program (Sieve of Eratosthenes):
#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
use Lingua::Romana::Perligata;
maximum inquementum tum biguttam egresso scribe.
meo maximo vestibulo perlegamentum da.
da duo tum maximum conscribementa meis listis.
dum listis decapitamentum damentum nexto
fac sic
nextum tum novumversum scribe egresso.
lista sic hoc recidementum nextum cis vannementa da listis.
This is partially facetious, but... assembly language? Things like conditional jump instructions are often variations on a root ("J" for jump or whatnot) with suffixes added to denote the associated condition ("JNZ" for jump-if-not-zero, et cetera).
The excellent (dare I say fascinating) game-design language Inform 7 is inflected like English. But it's so closely integrated with a host of other design decisions that it's hard to peel away as a separate feature.
Anyone who is interested in language designs that are unusual but successful should check out Inform 7.
Presumably any programming language that uses natural language explicitly or closely as a basis, e.g., Natural-Language Programming. There was some research done at MIT into using English to produce high-level skeletons of programs, which is more in the realm of natural-language processing; the tool they created is called Metafor.
As far as I know, no existing language has support for, say, modifying or extending keywords with inflection. Now you've got me interested, though, so I'm sure I'll come up with something soon!
Of the 40 or so languages I know, the only thing that comes to mind is some rare SQL implementations which include friendly aliases. For example to select a default database after connecting, the standard is USE <some database name> but one I used somewhere which also allowed USING <some database name>.
FORTRAN uses the first letter of the name to determine the type of an implicitly-declared variable.
COBOL has singular and plural versions of its "figurative constants", e.g. SPACE and SPACES.
Python3.7 standard module contextvars has Context Variables, which can be used for inflection..

Is functional Clojure or imperative Groovy more readable?

OK, no cheating now.
No, really, take a minute or two and try this out.
What does "positions" do?
Edit: simplified according to cgrand's suggestion.
(defn redux [[current next] flag] [(if flag current next) (inc next)])
(defn positions [coll]
(map first (reductions redux [1 2] (map = coll (rest coll)))))
Now, how about this version?
def positions(coll) {
def (current, next) = [1, 1]
def previous = coll[0]
coll.collect {
current = (it == previous) ? current : next
previous = it
I'm learning Clojure and I'm loving it, because I've always enjoyed functional programming. It took me longer to come up with the Clojure solution, but I enjoyed having to think of an elegant solution. The Groovy solution is alright, but I'm at the point where I find this type of imperative programming boring and mechanical. After 12 years of Java, I feel in a rut and functional programming with Clojure is the boost I needed.
Right, get to the point. Well, I have to be honest and say that I wonder if I'll understand the Clojure code when I go back to it months later. Sure I could comment the heck out of it, but I don't need to comment my Java code to understand it.
So my question is: is it a question of getting more used to functional programming patterns? Are functional programming gurus reading this code and finding it a breeze to understand? Which version did you find easier to understand?
Edit: what this code does is calculate the positions of players according to their points, while keep track of those who are tied. For example:
Pos Points
1. 36
1. 36
1. 36
4. 34
5. 32
5. 32
5. 32
8. 30
I don't think there's any such thing as intrinsic readability. There's what you're used to, and what you aren't used to. I was able to read both versions of your code OK. I could actually read your Groovy version more easily, even though I don't know Groovy, because I too spent a decade looking at C and Java and only a year looking at Clojure. That doesn't say anything about the languages, it only says something about me.
Similarly I can read English more easily than Spanish, but that doesn't say anything about the intrinsic readability of those languages either. (Spanish is actually probably the "more readable" language of the two in terms of simplicity and consistency, but I still can't read it). I'm learning Japanese right now and having a heck of a hard time, but native Japanese speakers say the same about English.
If you spent most of your life reading Java, of course things that look like Java will be easier to read than things that don't. Until you've spent as much time looking at Lispy languages as looking at C-like languages, this will probably remain true.
To understand a language, among other things you have to be familiar with:
syntax ([vector] vs. (list), hyphens-in-names)
vocabulary (what does reductions mean? How/where can you look it up?)
evaluation rules (does treating functions as objects work? It's an error in most languages.)
idioms, like (map first (some set of reductions with extra accumulated values))
All of these take time and practice and repetition to learn and internalize. But if you spend the next 6 months reading and writing lots of Clojure, not only will you be able to understand that Clojure code 6 months from now, you'll probably understand it better than you do now, and maybe even be able to simplify it. How about this:
(use 'clojure.contrib.seq-utils) ;;'
(defn positions [coll]
(mapcat #(repeat (count %) (inc (ffirst %)))
(partition-by second (indexed coll))))
Looking at Clojure code I wrote a year ago, I'm horrified at how bad it is, but I can read it OK. (Not saying your Clojure code is horrible; I had no trouble reading it at all, and I'm no guru.)
I agree with Timothy: you introduce too much abstractions. I reworked your code and ended with:
(defn positions [coll]
(reductions (fn [[_ prev-score :as prev] [_ score :as curr]]
(if (= prev-score score) prev curr))
(map vector (iterate inc 1) coll)))
About your code,
(defn use-prev [[a b]] (= a b))
(defn pairs [coll] (partition 2 1 coll))
(map use-prev (pairs coll))
can be simply refactored as:
(map = coll (rest coll))
edit: may not be relevant anymore.
The Clojure one is convoluted to me. It contains more abstractions which need to be understood. This is the price of using higher order functions, you have to know what they mean. So in an isolated case, imperative requires less knowledge. But the power of abstractions is in their means of combination. Every imperative loop must be read and understood, whereas sequence abstractions allow you to remove the complexity of a loop and combine powerful opperations.
I would further argue that the Groovy version is at least partially functional as it uses collect, which is really map, a higher order function. It has some state in it also.
Here is how I would write the Clojure version:
(defn positions2 [coll]
(let [current (atom 1)
if-same #(if (= %1 %2) #current (reset! current (inc %3)))]
(map if-same (cons (first coll) coll) coll (range (count coll)))))
This is quite similar to the Groovy version in that it uses a mutable "current", but differs in that it doesn't have a next/prev variable - instead using immutable sequences for those. As Brian elloquently put it, readability is not intrinsic. This version is my preference for this particular case, and seems to sit somewhere in the middle.
The Clojure one is more convoluted at first glance; though it maybe more elegant.
OO is the result to make language more "relatable" at higher-level.
Functional languages seems to have a more "algorithimc"(primitive/elementary) feel to it.
That's just what I felt at the moment.
Maybe that will change when I have more experience working with clojure.
I'm afraid that we are decending into the game of which language can be the most concise or solve a problem in the least line of code.
The issue are 2 folds for me:
How easy at first glance to get a feel of what the code is doing?.
This is important for code maintainers.
How easy is it to guess at the logic behind the code?.
Too verbose/long-winded?. Too terse?
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."
Albert Einstein
I too am learning Clojure and loving it. But at this stage of my development, the Groovy version was easier to understand. What I like about Clojure though is reading the code and having the "Aha!" experience when you finally "get" what is going on. What I really enjoy is the similar experience that happens a few minutes later when you realize all of the ways the code could be applied to other types of data with no changes to the code. I've lost count of the number of times I've worked through some numerical code in Clojure and then, a little while later, thought of how that same code could be used with strings, symbols, widgets, ...
The analogy I use is about learning colors. Remember when you were introduced to the color red? You understood it pretty quickly -- there's all this red stuff in the world. Then you heard the term magenta and were lost for a while. But again, after a little more exposure, you understood the concept and had a much more specific way to describe a particular color. You have to internalize the concept, hold a bit more information in your head, but you end up with something more powerful and concise.
Groovy supports various styles of solving this problem too:
coll.groupBy{it}.inject([]){ c, n -> c + [c.size() + 1] * n.value.size() }
definitely not refactored to be pretty but not too hard to understand.
I know this is not an answer to the question, but I will be able "understand" the code much better if there are tests, such as:
assert positions([1]) == [1]
assert positions([2, 1]) == [1, 2]
assert positions([2, 2, 1]) == [1, 1, 3]
assert positions([3, 2, 1]) == [1, 2, 3]
assert positions([2, 2, 2, 1]) == [1, 1, 1, 4]
That will tell me, one year from now, what the code is expected to do. Much better than any excellent version of the code I have seen here.
Am I really off topic?
The other thing is, I think "readability" depends on the context. It depends who will maintain the code. For example, in order to maintain the "functional" version of the Groovy code (however brilliant), it will take not only Groovy programmers, but functional Groovy programmers...
The other, more relevant, example is: if a few lines of code make it easier to understand for "beginner" Clojure programmers, then the code will overall be more readable because it will be understood by a larger community: no need to have studied Clojure for three years to be able to grasp the code and make edits to it.

Truly multi-lingual programming languages?

I realize most languages support multiple languages, but every language I've seen has always been more-or-less US-centric. By that, I mean the keywords, standard library functions, etc. all have english names. So, as a programmer, you still really need to know at least some english to make sense of it.
Are there any truly "multi-lingual" languages out there with support for language keywords and such in multiple languages?
This is generally a horrible idea, as anyone who's worked in a localized IDE can attest to. Programmers rely heavily on having one common vocabulary. When the compiler gives me the error "missing type specifier - int assumed", I can share this exact error message with others, for example here on SO, and it will be familiar to those others so they can tell me what it means. If the compiler instead generated error messages in Danish, I'd be limited to getting help from the relatively few programmers who speak Danish.
Suddenly my vocabulary is no longer the same as someone in the same position in Germany, France or Japan. We can no longer exchange code, bugs, bug fixes or ideas.
A developer in Spain wouldn't be able to use my code because it was literally written in another language. And if I had trouble with my code, others would be helpless to debug it, because it wouldn't even compile under their localization settings (and if it did, it'd still be unreadable to them).
Ultimately, a programming language is a language. It may have borrowed some words from English, but it is not English, and you do not need to understand English to program in it, any more than I need to understand latin in order to speak English (English borrows latin words as well).
You might as well ask for a multi-lingual English. What would be the point? Yes, it would in theory allow people who didn't speak English to... speak English. It just wouldn't be the same English as every other English-speaker speaks, so it wouldn't actually enable communication between them.
The keyword if in a programming language is not the same as if in the English language. They mean different things, even though one was obviously inspired by the other.
The delegate keyword in C# does not mean the same thing as "delegate" in English. Nor does while, return or "constructor". They are not english words, they are keywords or concepts in C++, Java, C#, Python or any other programming language.
Sounds like a bad idea to me. If I'm writing a program, how am I to know that the variable name I'm typing is actually a keyword in Bulgarian or Korean as transliterated? Do I have to deal with thousands of keywords, or do I have problems combining two routines written by my Swedish and Egyptian colleagues?
Just realize that programming keywords are in English, just like music keywords are in Italian.
This seems like a good place to start: Non-English-based programming languages.
There's a few interesting ones on there, like Python translated to Chinese.
You can make use of the C/C++ preprocessor to redefine all the keywords - and some people have done this. I came across it when working as a trainer/mentor for a Norwegian company. Some bright spark had implemented aheader that translated all the C keywords into Norwegian and enforced its use. The Norwegian staff, all of whom spoke excellent English (or I couldn't have earned my crust with them) all hated it and it died a death.
I've also worked fairly extensively in the Netherlands, and most of the programmers there seem to program in English. The only people I've come across who are resistant to the English hegemony in programming languages are (needless to say) the French.
There is one area where a localized language may be useful and helpful and these are DLSs (Domain Specific Languages) that were designed to be used by non-programmers. Those languages can surely benefit from being localized since business users from non-English speaking countries often don't know English as well as programmers do.
Such localized DSLs can prove advantageous to programmers as well if they deal with a lot of non-translatable terms. One rather successful system I've encountered was used to calculate salaries for personnel in the Israeli military. It used a Hebrew-based syntax together with hundreds of terms that can only be properly expressed in Hebrew. In that particular case the standard logic keywords if, then, else, etc. were translated to Hebrew and the entire code editor was right-to-left. A very large body of business logic is maintained in this manner to this day and, IMHO, rightly so.
It seems like it would be notoriously difficult, unless it was a community effort, but for some languages I don't see why you can't make an existing language multi-lingual, but creating custom libraries that localize standard libraries.
For example, in Java, you can create
public class HoweverYouSayExampleObjectInYourLanguage extends ExampleObjectName {
and then create wrapper functions / methods with names in your target language, but which basically call existing standard methods
private void HoweverYouSayExampleMethodInYourLanguage(parameters) {
// Some error handling code
If you do error handling properly, the stack trace / errors will all reference errors in the standard libraries, unless it was an error speficially with the implementation of your localization library - in which case that should be pointed out via proper error handling in the localization library itself.
The disadvantage would be, as other people have mentioned, sharing source code. If we were all on the same page with an IDE for a given language - I don't see a reason why you couldn't build a really internationalized IDE in which the source code you see on the screen isn't the REAL source code per se, but a local rendering of the real source code via some form of mapping.
I'm going to go ahead and say that everything I just said above is probably at best an okay idea because function names aren't nearly as important as localized documentation for libraries and APIs. something which in my experience is done terribly or not at all for common programming languages / contexts.
You can program Perl in Latin.
Don't try to code in the natural language, that's useless. Learn the "programming" language instead.
For instance, the "switch" word didn't mean anything to me in English, but it was an instruction to decide over several choices.
Later ( when I learn english ) I thought.. Hey, this is funny, English do have a "switch" word too, just like C. ( doh! )
No matter how good or bad your English is, you can't say to java
import java.util.* into my CD-ROM;
Because it is not a valid syntax.
What about languages like APL and J? The keywords in APL are all single symbols; unfortunately, most of these are not on your keyboard, so J came along and replaced most of them with ASCII representations (made up of more than one character in many cases).
Sorted! is bilingual. It can understand both english and german code. To my knowledge, Sorted! is the only programming language that can do this, in the world.
Any useful ones? That's a better question.
To a significant extent, you can program in prolog in any unicode script (because it is a symbolic language). There's a (tiny, weeny) catch - variables are signified by an initial capital Roman letter in all the prolog compilers you are likely to come across and you'll have to redefine the built-ins (but prolog makes this relatively easy*).
I think an example will illustrate what I mean best:
% an algorithm for finding easter dates, given year (as first argument)
復活節( V1, V2, V3) :-
A 是 (V1 mod 19),
B 是 V1// 100,
C 是 V1 mod 100,
D 是 B // 4,
E 是 B mod 4,
F 是 (B + 8) // 25,
G 是 (B - F + 1) // 3,
H 是 (19*A + B - D - G + 15 )mod 30,
I 是 C // 4,
J 是 C mod 4,
K 是 (32 + 2*E + 2*I - H - J) mod 7 ,
L 是 (A + 11*H + 22*K) // 451,
M 是 (H + K - 7*L + 114) // 31,
N 是 (H + K - 7*L + 114)mod 31,
V2 是 M,
V3 是 N + 1.
Example test:
?- 復活節( 2013, V2 , V3).
V2 = 3 ,
V3 = 31
i.e. Easter this year will be on 31st March
this is what I used to redefine the build in 'is' operator (don't shoot me if it's imperfect):
