i have one application server and one DB server i have installed MOSS on App server and its content DB is on the DB server. due to policy reasons i had to rename the Sharepoint database server
now the problem is MOSS is not working. So how do i make it work
thier is stsadm command renameserver but that is to change the host name
Go into Central Admin, and under Content Databases, remove the database from the web application. Unfortunately, you can't reattach a content db using Central Admin, so you need to use stsadm. Here's the command:
STSADM –o addcontentdb –url <URL name> -databasename <database name> -databaseserver <database server name>
Are you searching for this command??
stsadm -o setconfigdb
You have to use it when the the database server are renamed or you want to connect the MOSS to other config database.
In case of renaming app db you have to do it with "stsadm -o addcontentdb" like the previuos answer said.
I have a c# web application running on IIS in a windows server core container.
In the dockerfile I create a new user 'myUser' without password.
I add the credentials to my Azure File store in the Dockerfile as well:
USER myUser
RUN powershell "cmdkey /add:mystore.file.core.windows.net /user:AZURE\mystore /pass:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=="
I add a new application pool Identity using 'myUser', and use that application pool for my application.
When I start the container and connect using 'docker exec', I am logged on as the new user.
I can access the path with 'ls \mystore.file.core.windows.net\dockerstore\'
The credentials are listed okay with 'cmdkey /list'.
However, my application which runs under the same user complaints it cannot reach the store. System.IO.IOException reported on Directory.Exists().
I have done this execise on my local box as well, and the application runs without issues.
I have tried using a user with password as well, to no avail.
The application use the full UNC-path to the store.
Tried the same thing on a windows service application. Same thing: Can list files in a powershell session, but my application cannot access it.
Am I missing something?
Edit: Here's what I did:
NET USER myAzureFilesUser myAzureFilesPasswordXXXXXXXXXXX== /add /y
NET LOCALGROUP Administrators /add myAzureFilesUser
Import-Module WebAdministration
$processModelProperties = #{userName='myAzureFilesUser ';password='myAzureFilesPasswordXXXXXXXXXXX==';identitytype=3}
Set-ItemProperty (Join-Path 'IIS:\AppPools\' 'My AppPool Name') -name processModel -value $processModelProperties
You need to create local user account with the same username and password as Azure File storage account and perform some additional tasks as described here. https://blogs.iis.net/davidso/azurefile
Our sharepoint application database ip is now changed, (It is not under my control)
Since it is changed i cannot connect to my web site and cannot connect to central administration.
So how can i find the place where the database ip/name is stored so that i can change the db configration.
i have checked all the web.config files under iis->explore folder
i have changed the 'dsn' key under path
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\14.0\Secure\ConfigDb
You could change the database instance of the application with the SharePoint Management Shell.
If you want to change all application at once you could run following powershell code:
# ForEach schleife
ForEach( $db in get-spdatabase) {
If you want to change only one application you can run following code:
$db = get-spdatabase -identity id
To get the ids of the applications simply run:
To change database server for Central Administration if WSS_Admin is depending on old database run following code:
$centralAdmin=Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? {$_.DisplayName -match ‘SharePoint Central Administration’}
$good=Get-SPWebApplication -identity placeHereTheIdOfAnApplicationThatHasTheCorrectDatabaseInstance
I hope i could help.
I am trying to get the IIS logs to the database. Followed the steps as given in this website http://blog.datacenterfromhell.net/2013/08/how-to-write-iis-logs-to-database-using.html
It doesn't seem to work, got an error in Windows event log..
EventID: 1016
Error: The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not configure logging for site 1. The data field contains the error number.
OS - Windows 7
DB - SQL Server 2008 R2 Express edition
Please help if you have encountered same error previously.
Thanks, Naveen
Steps added:
Step 1: Create DB
Create an empty database on any Microsoft SQL server. Make sure that the identity that used for the Application Pool which is serving the Web Site has write access to this database.
Step 2: Create a table using logtemp.sql script
In C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\ you will find a script called logtemp.sql, use it to create a table in the database you just created.
Step 3: Create System DSN on the web server that points to the
Create a System DSN on the web server that points to the DB created in step 1.
I would recommend to use the identity of the IIS Application Pool to configure the ODBC connection, since this account will later also write the log data to the database. Let's call our DSN IISLoggingDSN.
In this post I explained how to create a System DSN.
Step 4: List ODBCLogging settings
Open elevated cmd and change directory to C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>
To get a list of all ODBCLogging settings configured so far, run this command.
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv> appcmd list config -section:ODBCLogging
This should be empty.
Step 5: Set the ODBCLogging settings
To setup a ODBCLogging connection, issue the following command:
appcmd set config -section:ODBCLogging -datasource:IISLoggingDSN -tableName:InternetLog -username:DOMAIN\IISLogsUser -password:P#SSwoRD$
Let me explain the switches:
-section: SectionName we want to configure
-datasource: the name of the DSN we configured in step 3.
-tableName: name of the table in the database
-username: Active Directory domain account that has permissions to write to the database
-password: password of this user, it will be stored encrypted in the config file
Step 6: Enable ODBCLogging for one web site
To enable the logging for a web site, run this command.
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv> appcmd set sites "Default Web Site" -logFile.logFormat:Custom -logFile.customLogPluginClsid:{FF16065B-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0}
IMPORTANT: The customLogPluginClsid attribute must be set to "{FF16065B-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0}"
This ID I took from the Microsoft documentation. It defines that the custom format is ODBCLogging.
Let me declutter these switches as well:
-sites: the site that will write to the logs, I tested with "Default Web Site"
-logFile.logFormat: by configuring Custom we configure that custom format will be used
-logFile.customLogPluginClsid:{FF16065B-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0}: see above
Naveen, did you meet all prerequisites?
The IIS Web Site which should write its log to a database must be served by an Application Pool that is using an AD Domain account identity to run.
The same AD Domain account must have RW access to the DB that will be target for the IIS logs.
ODBC AND Custom Logging must be installed on the IIS server
I wrote this blog post some months ago. You may also reach out to me via the comments of the blog.
I can't describe this problem but it happened after I restore a site collection from our development machine to the production server. I see the same error page also when I try to access the site collection.
I tried to set customErrors to Off on all web.config files on the server but no luck.
I deleted the Site collection and the web application of that site but nothing changed. other site collections are working just fine.
Please help.
This is what I see when trying to create a new Web Application.
Maybe One reason is There is already a web application with the same name or same port in Central Application ,
Confirm that that is not the case?
You can try to follow steps given below:
Go to Central Admin->System Settings->Mange Service on server
Check status of following service:
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application
If it is stuck at stopping state, follow the steps given below:
Open command Prompt
Navigate to 14 Hive/Bin path
Enter following command
stsadm -o provisionservice -action stop -servicetype spwebservice
perform IISRESET with "Noforce" attribute
Execute following command
stsadm -o provisionservice -action start -servicetype spwebservice
Perform IISRESEt with "Noforce" attribute
Hope this helps
I am connecting to an Analysis Services cube from an Excel Services spreadsheet. SharePoint and SQL Server are configured on separate servers. Am using Excel 2010 / SharePoint 2010 / SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64).
Refreshing all connections (or clicking an item in the slicer) throws an error: "An error occurred during an attempt to establish a connection to the external data source. The following connections failed to refresh: Adventure Works Cube1"
This from the SharePoint logs:
"Refresh failed for 'Adventure Works Cube1' in the workbook 'http://spsatl03t/team/Excel Documents/ExcelServices.xlsx'.
[Session: 1.V21.8D/M51Qif9Y+JASEqZsk390.5.en-US5.en-US73.+0300#0000-11-00-01T02:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-02T02:00:00:0000#-006036.c306da43-6452-40db-9249-6d1e343c79511.N
User: 0#.w|kc\svcdms]"
I have configured the below SPNs for my SharePoint and db servers. All SharePoint services run under a single acct (SVCDMS). The SQL Server/ SSAS services both run as SQLService.
setspn -S http/spsatl03t KC\SVCDMS
setspn -S http/spsatl03t.kilpatrickstockton.ks KC\SVCDMS
setspn -S MSOLAPSvc/ddevatl01 KC\SQLService
setspn -S MSOLAPSvc/ddevatl01.kilpatrickstockton.ks KC\SQLService
setspn -S MSOLAPSvc.3/ddevatl01 KC\SQLService
setspn -S MSOLAPSvc.3/ddevatl01.kilpatrickstockton.ks KC\SQLService
setspn -S MSSQLSVC/ddevatl01 KC\SQLService
setspn -S MSSQLSVC/ddevatl01.kilpatrickstockton.ks KC\SQLService
Also, I have NO issues connecting to the AdventureWorks OLTP database via Excel Services. It's only when connecting to an SSAS cube that I get the error. And Kerberos seems to be working just fine. Verifiable w/ this query:
sys.dm_exec_connections c
inner join
sys.dm_exec_sessions s
on c.session_id = s.session_id
order by host_name, login_name, auth_scheme
Interestingly, I noticed here that this was an issue with the beta release, but I'm using RTM: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepoint2010general/thread/46921dd5-4bf8-4ac1-a6d3-13ac4be8cf25
Configure constrained delegation
Open the Active Directory Object’s properties in Active Directory Users and Computers.
Navigate to the Delegation tab.
Select Trust this user for delegation to specified services only.
Select Use any authentication protocol. This enables protocol transition and is required for the service account to use the C2WTS.
Configure the required local server permissions that the C2WTS requires. You will need to configure these permissions on each server the C2WTS runs on.
Log onto the server and give the C2WTS the following permissions:
a) Add the service account to the local Administrators Groups.
b) In local security policy (secpol.msc) under user rights assignment give the service account the following permissions:
i. Act as part of the operating system
ii. Impersonate a client after authentication
iii. Log on as a service
See this document for more details:
I know this is an old one, but it took me ages to solve this, so I thought that I would post in case it helps anyone else.
I am using Kerberos authentication, SharePoint 2010, SQL 2012. I had the same error when trying to connect to SSAS. If I used a SQL Server DB connection everything worked fine.
In the end it turned out to be cname aliases. I.e if I use a fully qualified name for the SSAS server in the connection string (embedded or Connection file), it all works ok, so instead of just "MySSASServer", if I use "MySSASServer.MyDomain.com" it all works great.
This link pointed me in the right direction:-
Excel Services and SSAS Issue
Hope It helps.