Virtual Environment in ubuntu [closed] - linux

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Closed 2 days ago.
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How do I create a virtual Environment with all base modules of python in it?
Did try searching on the internet,but no avail?
I'm searching for command line that can clone my base environment module in the virtual environment.
I'm working on my data science project and want to work in a virtual Environment.
It is hard to reinstall all the package again.
Thank you


What's the difference between these 4 model deploy methods in Azure Machine Learning? [closed]

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Closed 11 hours ago.
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I'm new to azure machine learning and following the exercise from MS ( when it comes to deploying the model, I saw there are 4 options. Wondering what's the difference between these 4 and what is the best practice to select the correct method?

How to run dockers containers? [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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i instqll docker qnd install the tbprofiler container but when I run the imqge nothing hqppen i try to get qcess to the terminal but is not working.Someone can help please
I unistall the tbprofiler and reinstall it but not working i check if the wsl2 option is selected in docker and it was .but nothing working only the old container are working

Get started with mozilaa os development [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I wan to develop apps for the lastest mozilla mobile os, but I dont where to download SDK and other tools.
I searched a lot but I couldn't find any useful information.
Looking forward to your answers....
you can follow following links...
And you can downlaod the SDK at---
I hope it would help you......

How to change system time to default in Linux [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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currently I am using w32tm /resync in windows to reset the time to default timezone but how would i be able to do it in Linux?
After looking at technet, I suspect the closest solutions are ntpd or sntp. For example, you might use the internet cluster of ntp servers.

How to install Cron on EC2 Instance [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Does Cron come preinstalled on the EC2 linux instances, or do I have to install it separately from yum or anything?
This depends completely on the instance you start from. Most if not all the ones I have used tend to have it, but if you are using one that doesn't have it, just install it ;-)
