I am trying to make an audio Siamese network while in the training loop I get a size mismatch in my tensors stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [1, 128, 121] at entry 0 and [1, 128, 205] at entry 1.
I am unsure where I messed up with my data since while gathering my data I made sure to pad all my audio clips to same size with background audio. So I have to implement a way to pad the audio clips some other way. I thought about padding clips to a static size bigger than all my clips in my custom dataloader but that still causes me to get the same error. Any ideas where I am messing up?
class OHDataset(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, audio_dir, audio_dataset, transform = "mel_spectrogram"):
self.audio_labels = pd.read_csv(audio_dataset)
self.audio_dir = audio_dir
self.output_format = transform
def __len__(self):
return len(self.audio_labels)
def __getitem__(self, item, n_fft = 200, hop_length = 120):
positive = self.audio_labels.iloc[item, 0]
if(not bool(re.search(r'\d', positive))):
positive = self.audio_labels.iloc[item+1, 0]
anchor = re.sub(r'\d+', '', self.audio_labels.iloc[item, 0])
negative = self.audio_labels.iloc[random.randint(0, len(self.audio_labels)), 0]
pos_audio_path = os.path.join(self.audio_dir, positive + ".wav")
neg_audio_path = os.path.join(self.audio_dir, negative + ".wav")
anchor_audio_path = os.path.join(self.audio_dir, anchor + ".wav")
if(self.output_format == "spectrogram"):
pos_spectrogram = getSpectrogram(pos_audio_path, n_fft, hop_length)
neg_spectrogram = getSpectrogram(neg_audio_path, n_fft, hop_length)
anchor_spectrogram = getSpectrogram(anchor_audio_path, n_fft, hop_length)
return anchor_spectrogram, pos_spectrogram, neg_spectrogram
elif(self.output_format == "mel_spectrogram"):
pos_mel_spectrogram = getMELSpectrogram(pos_audio_path, n_fft, hop_length)
neg_mel_spectrogram = getMELSpectrogram(neg_audio_path, n_fft, hop_length)
anchor_mel_spectrogram = getMELSpectrogram(anchor_audio_path, n_fft, hop_length)
return anchor_mel_spectrogram, pos_mel_spectrogram, neg_mel_spectrogram
def train(dataloader, model, loss_fn, optimizer):
size = len(dataloader.dataset)
for batch, (A, P, N) in enumerate(dataloader):
anchor = model(A).to(device)
positive = model(P).to(device)
negative = model(N).to(device)
loss = loss_fn(anchor, positive, negative)
I am getting
AttributeError: 'CrossEntropyLoss' object has no attribute 'dim'
This is the code block which I run and got the error
decoder1 =DecoderRNN(hidden_size, vcd.lang_object.n_words).to(device)
trainIters_modified(encoder1, decoder1,encoder_hidden)
A more detailed code of each layer.
trainIters_modified - It just a function that trains for a multiple number of times.
def trainIters_modified(encoder,decoder,encoder_hidden,print_every=10,plot_every=10):
print_loss_total=0 # Reset every print
plot_loss_total=0 #plot every
encoder_optimizer = optim.Adagrad(encoder.parameters())
decoder_optimizer = optim.Adagrad(decoder.parameters())
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
for ep in range(1):
for vid,lab in train_loader:
for iter in range(1, n_iters + 1):
input_tensor = vid[iter-1]
target_tensor = lab[iter-1]
loss,encoder_hidden = train(input_tensor, target_tensor, encoder,decoder, encoder_optimizer, decoder_optimizer, criterion,encoder_hidden)
print_loss_total += loss
plot_loss_total += loss
if iter % print_every == 0:
print_loss_avg = print_loss_total / print_every
print_loss_total = 0
print('%s (%d %d%%) %.4f' % (timeSince(start, iter / n_iters),iter, iter / n_iters * 100, print_loss_avg))
if iter % plot_every == 0:
plot_loss_avg = plot_loss_total / plot_every
plot_loss_total = 0
train function
def train(input_tensor,target_tensor,encoder,decoder,encoder_optimizer,decoder_optimizer,encoder_hidden,criterion,max_length=MAX_LENGTH):
encoder_optimizer.zero_grad() #set's encoder gradients to zero
decoder_optimizer.zero_grad() #set's decoder gradients to zero
input_length = input_tensor.size(0) #no_of_wordsin*
target_length = target_tensor.size(0)
encoder_outputs = torch.zeros(max_length, encoder.hidden_size, device=device)
loss = 0
for ei in range(input_length):
#print("passing input tensor.shape",in_tensor.shape) #torch.Size([1])
#print("encoder_hidden.shape:",encoder_hidden.shape) #torch.Size([1, 1, 256])
encoder_output, encoder_hidden = encoder(in_tensor, encoder_hidden) #
#the outputs are being stored in encoder_outputs matrix
#after we have trained encoder for one epoch
decoder_input = torch.tensor([[SOS_token]], device=device) #SOS_token and EOS_token where defined above.
#set the encoder hidden as decoder hidden state
decoder_hidden = encoder_output
use_teacher_forcing = True if random.random() < teacher_forcing_ratio else False
if use_teacher_forcing:
#teacher forcing , feed the target as next input
for di in range(target_length):
decoder_output,decoder_hidden = decoder(decoder_input,decoder_hidden)
loss += criterion(decoder_output, target_tensor[di])
decoder_input = target_tensor[di]
# Without teacher forcing: use its own predictions as the next input
for di in range(target_length):
decoder_output, decoder_hidden = decoder(decoder_input, decoder_hidden)
topv, topi = decoder_output.topk(1)
decoder_input = topi.squeeze().detach() # detach from history as input
loss += criterion(decoder_output, target_tensor[di])
if decoder_input.item() == EOS_token:
return (loss.item() / target_length) ,encoder_hidden
class VideoEncoderGRU(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,hidden_size):
nn.Linear(512 * 7 * 7, 1024)
def initHidden(self):
return torch.rand(1, 1, self.hidden_size, device=device)
def forward(self,input,hidden):
return out,hidden
class DecoderRNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_size, output_size):
super(DecoderRNN, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(output_size, hidden_size)
self.gru = nn.GRU(hidden_size, hidden_size)
self.out = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
self.softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
def forward(self, input, hidden):
output = self.embedding(input).view(1, 1, -1)
output = F.relu(output)
output, hidden = self.gru(output, hidden)
output = self.softmax(self.out(output[0]))
return output, hidden
def initHidden(self):
return torch.rand(1, 1, self.hidden_size, device=device)
My dataset consists of videos stored in a folder and csv file containing names of video along with thier captions. I think I have loaded my data correctly and convert it into a video of frame size =8 and each caption is changed to a tensor of max_length =8 containing indices of each wod in caption.
You can look at my whole source code in this notebook file
There might be a simple logical error I just knew the theory behind this problem and so I coded it
I tried to implement an LSTM encoder which takes frames of video as input. These frames are first directly passed into vgg16 network which encodes it and encoded representation is passed into each frame and final output of encoder is passed as initial hidden state to decoder along with SOS_token as first input to decoder. I wanted this model to work and predict output
PyTorch: how to use torchvision.transforms.AugMIx with torch.float32?
I am trying to apply data augmentation in image dataset by using torchvision.transforms.AugMIx, but I have the following error: TypeError: Only torch.uint8 image tensors are supported, but found torch.float32.
I tried to convert it to int, but I have another error.
My code where I am trying to use the AugMix function:
transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose(
torchvision.transforms.Resize((224, 224)), # resize to 224*224
torchvision.transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)), # normalization
to_tensor = torchvision.transforms.ToTensor()
class BreastDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, json_path, data_dir_path='./dataset', clinical_data_path=None, is_preloading=True):
self.data_dir_path = data_dir_path
self.is_preloading = is_preloading
with open(json_path) as f:
print(f"load data from {json_path}")
self.json_data = json.load(f)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.json_data)
def __getitem__(self, index):
label = int(self.json_data[index]["label"])
patient_id = self.json_data[index]["id"]
patch_paths = self.json_data[index]["patch_paths"]
data = {}
if self.is_preloading:
data["bag_tensor"] = self.bag_tensor_list[index]
data["bag_tensor"] = self.load_bag_tensor([os.path.join(self.data_dir_path, p_path) for p_path in patch_paths])
data["label"] = label
data["patient_id"] = patient_id
data["patch_paths"] = patch_paths
return data
def load_bag_tensor(self, patch_paths):
"""Load a bag data as tensor with shape [N, C, H, W]"""
patch_tensor_list = []
for p_path in patch_paths:
patch = Image.open(p_path).convert("RGB")
patch_tensor = transform(patch) # [C, H, W]
patch_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(patch_tensor, dim=0) # [1, C, H, W]
bag_tensor = torch.cat(patch_tensor_list, dim=0) # [N, C, H, W]
return bag_tensor
Any help is appreciated! Thank you in advance!
For me applying AugMix first and then ToTensor() worked
transformation = transforms.Compose([
transforms.AugMix(severity= 6,mixture_width=2),
transforms.RandomGrayscale(p = 0.35)
torchvision.transforms.AugMix takes images at format uint8. It means that every pixels is 1 (gray) or 3 (rgb) numbers between 0 and 255 that is a classic format of image.
torch.Tensor.type(torch.float32) cast a uint8 tensor to float32 but it is not likely the single transformation that was applied in your image. The float32 images are often normalized to be in range [-1, 1] or [0, 1]. The common way to do so are:
img = img.type(torch.float32) / 128.0 - 1.0 # [-1, 1]
img = img.type(torch.float32) / 255.0 # [0, 1]
When you know in what cases you are you can recast to uint8:
img = (img + 1.0) * 128.0 # case [-1, 1]
img = img * 255.0 # case [0, 1]
img = torch.clip(img, 0.0, 255.0)
img = img.type(torch.uint8)
I have found the code below that defines supervised contrastive loss for classification task.
class SupConLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, temperature=0.07, contrast_mode='all',
super(SupConLoss, self).__init__()
self.temperature = temperature
self.contrast_mode = contrast_mode
self.base_temperature = base_temperature
def forward(self, features, labels=None, mask=None):
features: hidden vector of shape [bsz, n_views, ...].
labels: ground truth of shape [bsz].
mask: contrastive mask of shape [bsz, bsz], mask_{i,j}=1 if sample j
has the same class as sample i. Can be asymmetric.
A loss scalar.
device = (torch.device('cuda')
if features.is_cuda
else torch.device('cpu'))
if len(features.shape) < 3:
raise ValueError('`features` needs to be [bsz, n_views, ...],'
'at least 3 dimensions are required')
if len(features.shape) > 3:
features = features.view(features.shape[0], features.shape[1], -1)
batch_size = features.shape[0]
if labels is not None and mask is not None:
raise ValueError('Cannot define both `labels` and `mask`')
elif labels is None and mask is None:
mask = torch.eye(batch_size, dtype=torch.float32).to(device)
elif labels is not None:
labels = labels.contiguous().view(-1, 1)
if labels.shape[0] != batch_size:
raise ValueError('Num of labels does not match num of features')
mask = torch.eq(labels, labels.T).float().to(device)
mask = mask.float().to(device)
contrast_count = features.shape[1]
contrast_feature = torch.cat(torch.unbind(features, dim=1), dim=0)
if self.contrast_mode == 'one':
anchor_feature = features[:, 0]
anchor_count = 1
elif self.contrast_mode == 'all':
anchor_feature = contrast_feature
anchor_count = contrast_count
raise ValueError('Unknown mode: {}'.format(self.contrast_mode))
# compute logits
anchor_dot_contrast = torch.div(
torch.matmul(anchor_feature, contrast_feature.T),
# for numerical stability
logits_max, _ = torch.max(anchor_dot_contrast, dim=1, keepdim=True)
logits = anchor_dot_contrast - logits_max.detach()
# tile mask
mask = mask.repeat(anchor_count, contrast_count)
# mask-out self-contrast cases
logits_mask = torch.scatter(
torch.arange(batch_size * anchor_count).view(-1, 1).to(device),
mask = mask * logits_mask
# compute log_prob
exp_logits = torch.exp(logits) * logits_mask
log_prob = logits - torch.log(exp_logits.sum(1, keepdim=True))
# compute mean of log-likelihood over positive
mean_log_prob_pos = (mask * log_prob).sum(1) / mask.sum(1)
# loss
loss = - (self.temperature / self.base_temperature) * mean_log_prob_pos
loss = loss.view(anchor_count, batch_size).mean()
return loss
My question is how I can use this loss for a semantic segmentation task on a pixel-wise level, where the input of the model is of size (batch, channels, height, width) and the labels are masks of size (batch, height, width).
I'm trying to understand the code of Transformer (https://github.com/SamLynnEvans/Transformer).
If seeing the train_model function in "train" script, I wonder why need to use the different sequence length of trg_input from trg:
trg_input = trg[:, :-1]
In this case, the sequence length of trg_input is "seq_len(trg) - 1".
It means that trg is like:
<sos> tok1 tok2 tokn <eos>
and trg_input is like:
<sos> tok1 tok2 tokn (no eos token)
Please let me know the reason.
Thank you.
The related code is like below:
for i, batch in enumerate(opt.train):
src = batch.src.transpose(0, 1).to('cuda')
trg = batch.trg.transpose(0, 1).to('cuda')
trg_input = trg[:, :-1]
src_mask, trg_mask = create_masks(src, trg_input, opt)
preds = model(src, trg_input, src_mask, trg_mask)
ys = trg[:, 1:].contiguous().view(-1)
loss = F.cross_entropy(preds.view(-1, preds.size(-1)), ys, ignore_index=opt.trg_pad)
def create_masks(src, trg, opt):
src_mask = (src != opt.src_pad).unsqueeze(-2)
if trg is not None:
trg_mask = (trg != opt.trg_pad).unsqueeze(-2)
size = trg.size(1) # get seq_len for matrix
np_mask = nopeak_mask(size, opt)
if trg.is_cuda:
trg_mask = trg_mask & np_mask
trg_mask = None
return src_mask, trg_mask
That's because the entire aim is to generate the next token based on the tokens we've seen so far. Take a look at the input into the model when we get our predictions. We're not just feeding the source sequence, but also the target sequence up until our current step. The model inside Models.py looks like:
class Transformer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, src_vocab, trg_vocab, d_model, N, heads, dropout):
self.encoder = Encoder(src_vocab, d_model, N, heads, dropout)
self.decoder = Decoder(trg_vocab, d_model, N, heads, dropout)
self.out = nn.Linear(d_model, trg_vocab)
def forward(self, src, trg, src_mask, trg_mask):
e_outputs = self.encoder(src, src_mask)
d_output = self.decoder(trg, e_outputs, src_mask, trg_mask)
output = self.out(d_output)
return output
So you can see that the forward method receives src and trg, which are each fed into the encoder and decoder. This is a bit easier to grasp if you take a look at the model architecture from the original paper:
The "Outputs (shifted right)" corresponds to trg[:, :-1] in the code.
I have two networks. The output of the first network is the input to the other. In order to calculate the loss for the second network, I use vanilla policy gradient. I want to backpropagate this loss into the first network. After checking if the gradeints has changed, I see that they are all none.
I first load the first network (a pre-trained autoencoer in my network this way):
def load_checkpoint(filepath, model):
checkpoint = torch.load(filepath)
for parameter in model.parameters():
parameter.requires_grad = True
return model
Then I define the optimizers for both networks this way:
class MultipleOptimizer(object):
def __init__(self, *op):
self.optimizers = op
def zero_grad(self):
for op in self.optimizers:
def step(self):
for op in self.optimizers:
opt = MultipleOptimizer(SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1, momentum=0.9), Adam(logits_net.parameters(), lr=lr))
the reward function is:
#Reward function
def reward(x, act):
#print('action', act)
#print('x type', type(x))
km = KMeans(act, n_init=20, n_jobs=4)
y_pred = km.fit_predict(x.detach().cpu().numpy())# seems we can only get a centre from batch
#print('k-means output type', type(y_pred))
sil_score = sil(x.detach().cpu().numpy(), y_pred)
#print('sil score', sil_score)
return sil_score
The architecture of the second neural net and an alternative to avoid (logits=logits.mean(0)):
def mlp(sizes, activation=nn.Tanh, output_activation=nn.Identity):
# Build a feedforward neural network. outputs are the logits
layers = []
for j in range(len(sizes)-1):
act = activation if j < len(sizes)-2 else output_activation
layers += [nn.Linear(sizes[j], sizes[j+1]), act()]
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
class mlp2(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(mlp2, self).__init__()
self.linear1 = nn.Linear(10,100)
self.relu1 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(100,100)
self.linear3 = torch.nn.Linear(100,20)
self.linear4 = torch.nn.Linear(2000,100)
self.ident = nn.Identity()
def forward(self, x):
a = self.linear1(x)
a = self.relu1(a)
a = self.linear2(a)
a = self.relu1(a)
a = self.linear3(a)
a = torch.flatten(a)
a = self.linear4(a)
a = self.relu1(a)
a = self.linear3(a)
out = self.ident(a)
return out
Loss is calculated as in the following order:
def get_policy(obs):
logits = logits_net(obs)
return Categorical(logits=logits.mean(0))
def get_action(obs):
return get_policy(obs).sample().item()
def Logp(obs, act):
logp = get_policy(obs).log_prob(act.cuda())
return logp
def compute_loss(logp, weights):
return -(logp * weights).mean()
def train_one_epoch():
# make some empty lists for logging.
batch_obs = [] # for observations
batch_acts = [] # for actions
batch_weights = [] # for R(tau) weighting in policy gradient
batch_logp = []
# reset episode-specific variables
j = 1 # signal from environment that episode is over
ep_rews = [] # list for rewards accrued throughout ep
for i, data in enumerate(train_loader):
#Create the mean image out of those 100 images
x, label = data
x = model(x.cuda())#torch.Size([100, 10])
obs = x.data.cpu().numpy()#[100, 10] - a trajectory with only one state
# Save obs
#act in the environment
#act = get_action(torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32))
act = get_action(x)
print('action type', type(act))
#log probability
#logp = Logp(torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32),act = torch.as_tensor(act, dtype=torch.int32))
logp = Logp(x, act = torch.as_tensor(act, dtype=torch.int32))
#rew = reward(obs, act+2)
rew = reward(x, act+2)
# save action, reward
batch_weights.append(rew)#episode rewards
batch_logp = torch.stack(batch_logp, dim=0)
batch_loss = compute_loss(logp = torch.as_tensor(batch_logp, dtype=torch.float32),
weights = torch.as_tensor(batch_weights, dtype=torch.float32))
batch_loss.backward() #does it return anything? gradients? print them!
for name, param in logits_net.named_parameters():
print(name, param.grad)
I applied some changes with the assumption that maybe recreating some of the tensors maybe the issue:
I have the output of the first network, obs, converted like obs = x.data.cpu().numpy() this and then sent to get_action function: act = get_action(torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32)). I changes this to act = get_action(x) so, x is sent directly to this function. Also, change arguments of logp to logp = Logp(x, act = torch.as_tensor(act, dtype=torch.int32)).
After these changes, I still get the none value for the gradient. Is there anyway possible to backpropagate the gradient when loss is calculated this way? any changes that I can apply?
any help is appreciated.