Bool fonction never returns FALSE... why? - cs50

I am stuck on CS50 week 2 password problem.
I have figured out most of it, but no matter what I input, the return is always TRUE.
What am I missing?
// TODO: Complete the Boolean function below
bool valid(string password)
int validation;
validation = 0;
//find length of string (password)
for (int n = 0; n < strlen(password); n++)
//conditions to achieve for the bool to be true
if (isupper(password[n]))
validation = validation + 1;
if (islower(password[n]))
validation = validation + 1;
if (ispunct(password[n]))
validation = validation + 1;
if (isdigit(password[n]))
validation = validation + 1;
if (validation == 4)
return true;
return false;

You're incrementing validation every time one of the conditions is met, but the conditions may be met by multiple characters in the password.
In fact, if the password contains only characters that are an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, or a punctuation character (pretty much anything except a space!) then you'll increment validation once for each character, so validation will equal the length of the password.
Consider an input TEST: each character matches the uppercase condition, so validation is incremented 4 times, so the final validation == 4, which then returns true, even though it didn't satisfy all the conditions.
Then consider a different input Test1!:
first character T is uppercase, so validation += 1 => 1
second character e is lowercase, so validation += 1 => 2
third character s is lowercase, so validation += 1 => 3
fourth character t is lowercase, so validation += 1 => 4
fifth character 1 is a number, so validation += 1 => 5
sixth character ! is punctuation, so validation += 1 => 6
... which then returns false.
The problem is that it's allowing each satisfied condition multiple times. Your working code will need to consider each condition separately.


How can I switch from operator to another operator?

I'm making a program that can understands human words, and so far it's going great.
My current standpoint is understanding math equations. You can add, subtract, multiply and divide very easily with as many numbers as you'd like, but I'm wondering how I can do addition then multiply the result, like this:
const source = require("./source.js")
var main = source.interpret(
"add 4 and 4 multiply by 4",
And it should output:
Yes I know that there is an easier way of doing this math equation, however in any calculator of any sort you should be able to this kind of switching in any context.
How can I accomplish this?
Here is the full source code;
const source = require("./source.js")
var main = source.interpret(
"add 4 and 4 together then multiply the result by 4",
function output(main) {
function interpret(str) {
const dl = str.split(' ');
const operator = dl.shift(x => x.includes("add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide"))
const numbers = dl.filter(x => Number(x))
switch (operator) {
case "add":
return numbers.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) + Number(b));
case "subtract":
return numbers.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) - Number(b));
case "multiply":
return numbers.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) * Number(b));
case "divide":
return numbers.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) / Number(b));
module.exports = {interpret, output}
The main problem with your interpret function is that after finding a single operator, it will perform that operation on all numbers and immediately return. We can’t simply reduce all the numbers using the first operation we find, because it’s possible that some numbers are related to other operations! In the expression add 2 and 2 multiply by 3, the 3 is related to the multiply operation!
This means that we can't process the entire input like that. An alternative is to iterate over the input, and depending on the operator we find, we perform the related action.
To simplify, let's consider that there's only the add operation. What are we expecting next? It could be [number] and [number], but also, it can be by [number]. The first one just adds the two numbers, but in the second, it should add the new number to the last operation.
A side note: your shift and filter functions are parsing the input, and the switch case is interpreting the parsed structure. Your “human language” is actually a programming language! add 2 and 2 is analogous to 2 + 2 in JavaScript, just different. With that, I will introduce you to some programming language theory terms, it can be easier to search for more help if you deep dive in the topic.
Considering the last paragraph, let's refactor interpret:
// from
function isNumeric(str) {
if (typeof str != "string") return false
return !isNaN(str) && !isNaN(parseFloat(str))
function interpret(input) {
const tokens = input.split(' ') // in fancy programming language terms,
// this is a lexical analysis step
// note that we are not supporting things like
// double spaces, something to think about!
let state = 0 // we are keeping the results from our operation here
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const t = tokens[i] // to keep things shorter
switch (t) {
case "add": // remember: there's two possible uses of this operator
const next = tokens[i + 1]
if (next == "by") {
// we should add the next token (hopefully a number!) to the state
state += parseFloat(tokens[i + 2])
i += 2 // very important! the two tokens we read should be skipped
// by the loop. they were "consumed".
continue // stop processing. we are done with this operation
if (isNumeric(next)) {
const a = tokens[i + 2] // this should be the "and"
if (a != "and") {
throw new Error(`expected "and" token, got: ${a}`)
const b = parseFloat(tokens[i + 3])
state = parseFloat(next) + b
i += 3 // in this case, we are consuming more tokens
throw new Error(`unexpected token: ${next}`)
return state
const input = `add 2 and 2 add by 2 add by 5`
There's a lot to improve from this code, but hopefully, you can get an idea or two. One thing to note is that all your operations are "binary operations": they always take two operands. So all that checking and extracting depending if it's by [number] or a [number] and [number] expression is not specific to add, but all operations. There's many ways to write this, you could have a binary_op function, I will go for possibly the least maintainable option:
// from
function isNumeric(str) {
if (typeof str != "string") return false
return !isNaN(str) && !isNaN(parseFloat(str))
function isOperand(token) {
const ops = ["add", "multiply"]
if (ops.includes(token)) {
return true
return false
function interpret(input) {
const tokens = input.split(' ') // in fancy programming language terms,
// this is a lexical analysis step
// note that we are not supporting things like
// double spaces, something to think about!
let state = 0 // we are keeping the results from our operation here
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const t = tokens[i] // to keep things shorter
if (!isOperand(t)) {
throw new Error(`expected operand token, got: ${t}`)
// all operators are binary, so these variables will hold the operands
// they may be two numbers, or a number and the internal state
let a, b;
const next = tokens[i + 1]
if (next == "by") {
// we should add the next token (hopefully a number!) to the state
a = state
b = parseFloat(tokens[i + 2])
i += 2 // very important! the two tokens we read should be skipped
// by the loop. they were "consumed".
else if (isNumeric(next)) {
const and = tokens[i + 2] // this should be the "and"
if (and != "and") {
throw new Error(`expected "and" token, got: ${and}`)
a = parseFloat(next)
b = parseFloat(tokens[i + 3])
i += 3 // in this case, we are consuming more tokens
} else {
throw new Error(`unexpected token: ${next}`)
switch (t) {
case "add":
state = a + b
case "multiply":
state = a * b
return state
const input = `add 2 and 2 add by 1 multiply by 5`
console.log(interpret(input)) // should log 25
There's much more to explore. We are writing a "single-pass" interpreter, where the parsing and the interpreting are tied together. You can split these two, and have a parsing function that turns the input into a structure that you can then interpret. Another point is precedence, we are applying the operation in the order they appear in the expression, but in math, multiplication should be done first than addition. All of these problems are programming language problems.
If you are interested, I deeply recommend the book for a gentle introduction on writing programming languages, it will definitely help in your endeavor.

Node - Test if string contain element of array replace him by random element of same array (synonym)

I want to change each word that matches the synonym list randomly by another synonym or itself (to randomly keep this keyword).
I test if a string (input) contains one element of an array (words). If it's true, I want to randomly replace this with the element of this same list.
var input = "This is an amazing text blob where this word amazing is replaced by a random word from list_of_words. Isn't this amazing!";
words_synonym = ["amazing", "formidable", "great", "smart"];
// first condition --> true if "input" contain one element of "words_synonym"
input = input.toLowerCase();
console.log(words_synonym.some(word => input.includes(word)));
after, I want to replace the "element" that validated the condition with a random element of the same array (words_synonym).
But I can't select this element. I have just true or false
var random_word = words_synonym[Math.floor(Math.random() * (words_synonym.length))]
input = input.replace(element, random_word, 0)
The way you have it right now, you're checking if any of the synonyms match any of the words (via words_synonym.some(word => input.includes(word))). In order to do what you want, you'll need both the position of the target word and the new word, neither of which you have now. To do this, you'll want to break apart your nested loops.
The code words_synonym.some(word => input.includes(word)) is equivalent to:
let has_synonym = false;
for (word of words_synonym) { // this is a loop
if (input.includes(word)) { // this is also a loop
has_synonym = true;
So to fix your main issue, just replace includes with indexOf.
To handle the case of replacing all of the tokens, I would suggest keeping track of the token you have replaced outside of the loop, otherwise you end up replacing each token many times which may become very expensive. To do this, just keep track of your starting position outside of the loop and increment it with the end index of the replacement word. indexOf already takes a start argument for exactly this use case!
const input = "This is an amazing text blob where this word amazing is replaced by a random word from list_of_words. Isn't this amazing!";
const words_synonym = ["amazing", "formidable", "great", "smart"];
let output = input;
let start = 0; // index of the end of the last replaced token
for (word of words_synonym) {
let index = output.indexOf(word, start);
while (index >= 0) {
const new_word = words_synonym[Math.floor(Math.random() * (words_synonym.length))];
output = output.substr(0, index) + new_word + output.substr(index + word.length, output.length);
start = index + new_word.length + 1; // increment the start
index = output.indexOf(word, start);
console.log("input: ", input);
console.log("output: ", output);
You can use method find:
words_synonym.find(word => input.includes(word))
Which returns
The value of the first element in the array that satisfies the
provided testing function. Otherwise, undefined is returned.
from docs:
i have modify answer of dantiston and i have include a loop in order to change all the word match "words_synonym".
But there is a problem. The program don't check all the word of "words_synonym" but only the first with indexof.
var input = "This is an amazing text blob where this word amazing is replaced by a random word from list_of_words. Isn't this amazing!";
words_synonym = ["amazing", "formidable", "great", "smart"];
let output = input;
for (word of words_synonym) {
let index = output.indexOf(word);
if (index >= 0) {
var indexes = [], i = -1;
while ((i = output.indexOf(word, i+1)) != -1){
index=output.indexOf(word, i);
var new_word = words_synonym[Math.floor(Math.random() * (words_synonym.length))];
output = output.substr(0, index) + new_word + output.substr(index + word.length, output.length);
console.log("input: ", input);
console.log("output: ", output);

why is my string being read this way?

I am trying to recreate atoi and I'm wondering why my function works. I ended up changing it to str[i] for the three top statements because it made sense to me, but it passed everything I threw at it.
i = 0;
result = 0;
negative = 1;
if (str[0] == '-')
negative = -1;
if (str[0] == '+')
while (str[0] <= ' ')
while (str[i] != '\0')
if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
result = result * 10 + str[i] - '0';
return (result * negative);
The first if statement simply checks to see if the number should be a negative.
The second if statement checks to see if the string starts with the optional positive sign
The first while loop should run to infinity if a character who’s ascii is less than the ascii for space(32)
The second while loop simply loops through the string and converts the string to int
Changing the first 3 str[0] to str[i] shouldn’t make much of a difference since i has been initialised to 0. An exception would be if your string started with “-+” which shouldn’t be a valid integer or there’s a space between the signs and the numbers

C# check to see if an input contains only lowercase letters a-z

I'm stuck on a task of trying to print words that contain only lowercase letters a-z. I have already stripped out an inputted string if it contains any number 0-9 and if it contains an Uppercase letter:
String[] textParts;
textParts = text.Split(delimChars);
for (int i = 0; i < textParts.Length; i++) //adds s to words list and checks for capitals
String s = textParts[i];
bool valid = true;
foreach (char c in textParts[i])
if (char.IsUpper(c))
valid = false;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
valid = false;
if (char.IsPunctuation(c))
valid = false;
if (valid) pageIn.words.Add(s);
This is my code so far. The last part I'm trying to check to see if a word contains any punctuation (it's not working) is there an easier way I could do this and how could I get the last part of my code to work?
P.S. I'm not that comfortable with using Regex.
Many Thanks,
Without regex, you can use LINQ (might be less performant)
bool isOnlyLower = s.Count(c => Char.IsLower(c)) == s.Length;
Count will retrieve the number of char that are in lower in the following string. If it match the string's length, string is composed only of lowercase letters.
An alternative would be to check if there's any UpperCase :
bool isOnlyLower = !s.Any(c => Char.IsUpper(c));
var regex = new Regex("^[a-z]+$");
if (!regex.IsMatch(input))
// is't not only lower case letters, remove input
I'm not sure whether I get your question right, but shouldn't the following work?
for (int i = 0; i < textParts.Length; i++) //adds s to words list and checks for capitals
String s = textParts[i];
// string is all lower

Find the missing number in a given string

I found this interview question floating around, and after having given much thought to it, I couldn't really develop a sound algorithm for it.
Given a string of numbers in sequential order, find the missing number.The range of numbers is not given.
Sample Input:"9899100101103104105"
This is a simple problem.
Guess the number of digits for the first number
Read numbers from the string one by one. If the previous number you have read is x, the next number must be either x + 1 or x + 2. If it is x + 2, remember x + 1 as the missed number, continue until the end of the string anyway to verify that the initial guess was correct. If you read something else than x + 1 or x + 2, the initial guess was wrong and you need to restart with (next) guess.
With your example:
First guess length 1
read 9
the next number should be either 10 or 11. Read the next two digits, you get 89.
That is incorrect, so the initial guess was wrong.
Second guess length 2
read 98
the next number should be either 99 or 100. Read the next two digits for 99
the next number should be either 100 or 101. Read the next three digits for 100
... 101
... 103 (remember 102 as the missed number)
... 104
... 105
end of input
Guess of length 2 was verified as correct guess and 102 reported as missing number.
The only dififcult part, of course, is figuring out how many digits the numbers have. I see two approaches.
Try a certain number of digits for the first number, decide what the following number should therefore be (there'll be two options, depending on whether the missing number is the second one), and see if that matches the following string of digits. If so, continue on. If the string doesn't fit the pattern, try again with a different number of digits.
Look at the starting and ending portions of the string, and reason the number of digits based on that and the length of the string. This one's a little more handwavey.
parse the string like the first number conatins digits digits only.
parse the next number and check if it is sequential correct related to the last parsed one
if it decreases, digit+=1, goto 1.
if it is 2 higher than the last parsed, you might found the gap, parse the rest, if parsing the restis not an increasing sequence, digit+=1, goto 2, otherwise you have found the gap.
if it is 1 higher than the last parsed number, goto 3.
digit+=1, goto 2. (I am not sure if this case can ever happen)
given: "131416".
1. digits=1
2. parse '1'
3. parse '3'
4. it does not decrease
5. possibly found the gap: parse the rest '1416' fails, because '1' != '4'
=> digit+=1 (digit=2) goto 2
2. parse '13'
3. parse '14'
4. it does not decrease
5. it is no 2 higher than the last parsed one (13)
6. it is 1 higher (14 = 13+1) => goto 3
3. parse '16'
4. it does not decrease
5. possibly found the gap: parse the rest '' passed because nothing more to parse,
=> found the gab: '15' is the missing number
Here is a working C# solution you can check in LINQPad:
void Main()
FindMissingNumberInString("9899100101103104105").Dump("Should be 102");
FindMissingNumberInString("78910121314").Dump("Should be 11");
FindMissingNumberInString("99899910011002").Dump("Should be 1000");
// will throw InvalidOperationException, we're missing both 1000 and 1002
public static int FindMissingNumberInString(string s)
for (int digits = 1; digits < 4; digits++)
int[] numbers = GetNumbersFromString(s, digits);
int result;
if (FindMissingNumber(numbers, out result))
return result;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to determine the missing number fro '" + s + "'");
public static int[] GetNumbersFromString(string s, int digits)
var result = new List<int>();
int index = digits;
int number = int.Parse(s.Substring(0, digits));
while (index < s.Length)
string part;
digits = number.ToString().Length;
if (s.Length - index < digits)
part = s.Substring(index);
part = s.Substring(index, digits);
index += digits;
return result.ToArray();
public static bool FindMissingNumber(int[] numbers, out int missingNumber)
missingNumber = 0;
int? found = null;
for (int index = 1; index < numbers.Length; index++)
switch (numbers[index] - numbers[index - 1])
case 1:
// sequence continuing OK
case 2:
// gap we expect to occur once
if (found == null)
found = numbers[index] - 1;
// occured twice
return false;
// not the right sequence
return false;
if (found.HasValue)
missingNumber = found.Value;
return true;
return false;
This can likely be vastly simplified but during exploratory coding I like to write out clear and easy to understand code rather than trying to write it in as few lines of code or as fast as possible.
