Functions that include input/print - cs50

I'm writing a program where you can play blackjack with a computer. I've implemented a class, a "main" and a bunch of others functions. The problem is that almost all of my them are build to get the proper input from the user. For instance:
def get_the_answer():
while True:
answer = input("Write 'reveal' to reveal cards, 'add' to add one more: ")
if answer in ['reveal', 'add']:
return answer
Or this one, which also has some prints in it:
def start_and_greet():
print('', colored('Hi! Shall we play Blackjack?', 'yellow'), '', sep='\n')
while True:
answer = input("Write 'start' / 'exit': ")
if answer in ['start', 'exit']:
return answer
If I put all my inputs and prints in "main" function, there will be almost no additional functions besides "main", so this won't be acceptable by the task.
The main reason why I'm worrying about it is that I don't understand how one should test this...
Thank you in advance for your help!
I know that it is not recommended to use a function with print / input, although I saw how David Malan (CS50P course) uses the similar one in lectures:
def get_number():
while True:
n = int(input("What's n? "))
if n > 0:
return n


How do I get data from one function to another

I read about "random" and it got me thinking about helping my kid in reading and writing by making a program where a word is shown and she needs to type it. Because it's a small program I could do it quite easliy with procedural programming, but to make it more 'attractive' to her I decided to fool around with tkinter.
Tkinter forces to create functions which can be called through 'command' and now I have a problem.. If I run the check() function, it doesn't get the variables from the dictee() function. I found several answer from nesting a function in a function (undefined variable problems), or passing arguments with return (ended up in recursion), using global (the list of words wouldn't empty) etc etc.. I couldn't get any of them working... I've been looking for answers, but I can't find the correct solution.. Anyone care to shed their light?
"""import nescessary."""
import sys
import random
def main():
"""Setting up the game"""
print("Aliyahs reading game.'\n")
begin = input("do you want to start? yes or no.\n\n")
if begin == "yes":
def dictee():
"""Show random words and ask for input."""
words_correct = 0
words_wrong = 0
vocabulary = ['kip', 'hok', 'bal', 'muis', 'gat'
words_passed = []
while True:
if vocabulary == []:
print("\n\nThose were all the words.")
print("Words correct: %d" % words_correct)
print("words wrong: %d" % words_wrong)
one_more_time = input("Do you want to go again? yes or no")
if one_more_time == "no":
print("See you next time.")
input("\nPush enter to close.")
word = random.choice(vocabulary)
answer = input("Write the word you saw:\n\n")
def check():
'''Cross check word shown with answer given'''
if answer == word:
words_correct += 1
words_wrong += 1
try_again = input("\n\nContinue? yes or no\n ")
if try_again.lower() == "no":
def exit_game():
'''summarize results and exit after pushing enter'''
print("Words correct: %d" % words_correct)
print("Words wrong: %d" % words_wrong)
input("\nPress Enter to exit.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Ive just made few changes here, and run it and got no errors because I dont know what to type in order to get the right results. Anyways all the changes are related to global and redefinition of values.
# say these outside all the functions, in the main block
words_correct = 0
words_wrong = 0
vocabulary = ['kip', 'hok', 'bal', 'muis', 'gat']
words_passed = []
def dictee():
global word, answer
..... #same bunch of codes
def check():
global answer, words_correct, words_wrong
.... #same bunch of codes
Why do we have to say global? Basically because when we define variables they either get defined on local scope or global scope, variables defined on main block(outside of all function) are on global scope, while inside functions are on local scope. Variables defined on global scope can be accessed anywhere and that on local can only be accessed from within where its defined.
Where do we have to use global? We say global where we define the variable or we redefine, or at least this is what I know of. We need to say global where we declare the variable, like, a = 'good', we also need to say global if we are changing it, a = 'bad' or a += 'day' because we are assigning a new value to it. Using global outside of all functions, on the main block, is useless.
Why are we declaring words_correct and words_wrong outside all functions? It is simply because if you declare and set its value to 0 inside dictee(), each time the function is run the value of those variables will change to 0, which means score will always be 0 or 1, so we define it once only, in the main block. Same logic applies to the two lists(vocabulary and words_passed), each time function runs they reset the list to the full list of words, so to get rid of that, just define it once in the main block.
I also think using parameters here might need re-structuring of your code as your calling both function from each other.
Note that we only say global on functions, out side functions all defined variables are open to global scope and can be accessed from anywhere in the code.
PS: This is just my understanding of global over the span of 4 months, do correct me if im wrong anywhere, thanks :D

Function that to exit from other function

I wanted to create to a function which, when called in other function it exits the previous function based on the first function's input.
def function_2(checking):
if checking == 'cancel':
# I wanted to exit from the function_1
def function_1():
the_input = input("Enter the text: ")
I wanted the code for the function_2 so that it exits from function_1, I know that I can put the if statement in function_1 itself but ill use this to check more than one in input in the same function or even in different function I cant put the if block everywhere it will look unorganized so i want to create a function and it will be convenient to check for more than one word like if cancel is entered i wanted to exit the programm if hello is entered i wanted to do something, to do something its ok but to exit from the current function with the help of other function code please :) if any doubts ask in the comment ill try to give you more info im using python 3.x.x on Windows8.
Why not simply:
def should_continue(checking):
if checking == 'cancel':
return False
return True
def function_1():
the_input = input("Enter the text: ")
if not should_continue(the_input):
This is the best solution I think.
Another alternative is to raise an Exception, for example:
def function_2(checking):
if checking == 'cancel':
raise KeyboardInterrupt
def function_1():
the_input = input("Enter the text: ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("cancelled by user")

How to edit strings in a list

What I want is this - I have a list of names created from user input. now i have to come up with a way for the user to edit a name by entering the name that they what to edit and then obviously edit it into what they want and store it in the list.
if it helps heres everything I have so far. def edit() is where im struggling.
def mainMenu():
print("\nMAIN MENU")
print("1. Display Members:")
print("2. Add A Member(s):")
print("3. Remove A Member:")
print("4. Edit Member:")
print("5. Exit:")
selection = int(input("\nEnter Choice: "))
if selection == 1:
elif selection == 2:
elif selection == 3:
elif selection == 4:
elif selection == 5:
print("Invalid choice, enter 1-5.")
def display():
#displaying roster...
def add():
#adding team members...
size = int(input("How many players are you adding?"))
global roster
roster = [0] * size
for i in range(size):
roster[i] = input("Enter members name: ")
def remove():
#removing a team member...
roster.remove(input("Enter member to be removed: "))
def edit():
#edit a team member...
roster.insert(input("Enter Name to be edited: "))
Removing and adding elements are pretty easy in python because they are directly supported by the language. Each of them can be translated into only one instruction.
When something doesn't seem very obvious, such as the editing functionality you are trying to implement, try breaking it down to things that can be expressed as a simple operation that holds one one line (even if not in order).
To find the answer I thought this: somewhere in my code, I want to type roster[ind_name_to_edit] = new_name.
I knew then that before typing this, I would want to find the value of ind_name_to_edit. This can be done by roster.index(name_to_edit). And you already know how to get the name to be edited and the name to edit ;)
If you're still unsure how to do what you want to do, re-read this answer and see the documentation of the index method of list in python3 and maybe some examples here.
N.B: If your list is supposed to be sorted in some way, you should implement your own search algorithm instead of using index, and you should consider re-sorting the list after the edit. I know it's a long shot but just in case.

Defining function difficulties ["NameError: name 'number' is not defined"]

Okay, trying to make a simple game of Guessing Numbers but I can't find the mistake in this code. Still pretty new to python so probably the reason why but I can't figure out what is wrong with it.
import random
from time import sleep
def start():
print("Welcome To The Guessing Game \n Try to guess the number I'm thinking of \n Good luck!")
guessCheck(number, numberInput=1)
def restart():
print("Creating new number ...")
def selectRandomNumber():
number = random.randint(0,1000)
tries = 0
def tryAgain():
while True:
again = int(input("Do you want to play again? y/n:"))
except ValueError:
print("Couldn't understand what you tried to say")
if again == "y" or "yes":
print("Awesome! Lets go")
elif again == 'n' or "no":
print("Not a valid option")
def guessCheck(number,numberInput=1):
while True:
numberInput = int(input("What number do you think it is?: "))
except ValueError:
print("Couldn't understand that. Try again")
if numberInput > number:
print("Too high")
tries += 1
elif numberInput < number:
print("Too low")
tries += 1
elif numberInput == number:
print("Congrats! You got my number")
number = selectRandomNumber()
Every time I try to run the program I keep getting the same mistake.
It tells me:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python", line 60, in <module>
File "python", line 8, in start
guessCheck(number, numberInput)
NameError: name 'number' is not defined
Don't quite understand what that means.
Some help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Was able to fix the part about defining the variable but now new problem happened where when I try to run
Same code as before but added
and also added the variable number at the end
number = selectRandomNumber()
when I run it I get this
None # this is from `print(number)` so instead of getting a number here I'm getting `None`
Welcome To The Guessing Game
Try to guess the number I'm thinking of
Good luck!
What number do you think it is?:
The Traceback is telling you this:
We got to start().
start() called guessCheck().
We tried to pass two pieces of information to guessCheck(): the variable names number and numberInput.
We don't have those variables defined yet! numberInput doesn't get defined until once we've already started guessCheck(), and number isn't actually defined anywhere.
As Manoj pointed out in the comments, you probably want number to hold the output of selectRandomNumber(). So, instead of just calling selectRandomNumber() in start(), try number = selectRandomNumber() instead.
You can add a print(number) on the line right after that to make sure number has a value assigned to it.
Now number has a value, going into your call to guessCheck(). That still leaves numberInput undefined though. You can set a default value for function arguments like this:
guessCheck(number, numberInput=1)
That way, when guessCheck is called but numberInput hasn't been defined yet, it will automatically give it the value 1 until you set it explicitly.
You may encounter other issues with your code the way it is. My advice would be to start really simply - build up your game from each individual piece, and only put the pieces together when you're sure you have each one working. That may seem slower, but trying to go too fast will cause misunderstandings like this one.

Text Game - if text input isnot "Var1" or "Var2" then - Python 3

This question references info from my previous question:
Text Game - If statement based of input text - Python
So, now I have this:
#Choice Number1
def introchoice():
print("Do you 'Hesitate? or do you 'Walk forward")
def Hesitate():
print("You hesistate, startled by the sudden illumination of the room. Focusing on the old man who has his back turned to you. He gestures for you to come closer. \n ''Come in, Come in, don't be frightened. I'm but a frail old man'' he says.")
def Walk():
def pick():
while True:
Input = input("")
if Input == "Hesitate":
if Input == "Walk":
Now what I want to do is this;
def pick():
while True:
Input = input("")
if Input == "Hesitate":
if Input == "Walk":
if Input is not "Walk" or "Hesitate":
Now that I have the game determine specific text inputs, I want it to be able to detect if the input was not one of the choices. That way, as typed in the above code, If the input text is not either "Walk" or "hesitate", print Text "INVALID"
How would I do this exactly?
I guess you want to still receiving input if it is "invalid", so the break statements have to be inside the ifs. Otherwise, the loop will only iterate one time.
Also, I would recommend you to use a if-elif-else structure so your code looks more organized.
You can't use is or is not in this case, because these operators are used to check if the objects are the same (same reference). Use the operators == and != to check for equality.
while True:
my_input = input("> ")
if my_input == "Hesitate":
elif my_input == "Walk":
I would recommend you to follow Python naming conventions. Names of variables and methods should start in lowercase.
