How to start a graphql server on a particular path? - node.js

Suppose I am building a backend api which can be consumed using rest as well as graphql.
My tech stack : Node.js, Express.js,
Suppose I have the following rest resource paths
Now. I also want to run a graphql server on a different resource path say /graphql on the same server. Is this possible ? If so, then how ?
I have created a graphql server using ApolloServer


How to connect NodeJS with ReactJS front-end

I am new to reactJS. I am working on project which uses following :
Front-end : ReactJS
Backend : NodeJS (Express)
Front-end runs on port 3000
Back-end runs on port 8088.
I am planning to deploy application on amazon AWS.
What i am trying to do is load reactJS front-end when i make request on http://localhost:8088/
I know using axios we can make request on backend server and display fetched data.
What would be standard way of loading ReactJS front from the nodeJS ?
I'm not sure if this is the answer you are looking for, but generally in development you use something called proxy in your package.json in the client (react) folder:
// Other stuff
"proxy": "http://localhost:8088"
and then when you'd want to deploy you'd run npm build for your react folder and serve that generated folder called build. But as I said, you usually do that only when deploying your application onto server, not the actual development.
Also I'd suggest checking some of these videos, that are focused on deployment, because that is what I think you are asking, right ?

Connecting front-end and back-end with react and mongo DB - 404 error

I am trying to connect an app hosted in my localhost:3000 port. The back-end is on the localhost:8080 port (not a remote API but on my own PC. I downloaded a pre-created back-end api and linked the front-end to the back-end with MongoDB using an .env file.
The weird thing is that on MongoDB the connection looks ok, following the tutorial I am using. The backend and the front-end also look alrigh, however, I am unable to login with the form in the screenshot.The error I get when trying to login or create a new user is "xhr.js:178 POST http://localhost:3000/login 404 (Not Found)"
It was a bit hard to put the whole code here, so I am linking you to the front-end repo: and the back-end repo:
I can understand the issue is most likely on the back-end but I could not understand where exactly. I tried to get back to the previous lessons in the tutorial but it still doesn't get solved.
Probably it is easier to solve this issue with a screenshare session, so if anybody would contact me I'll be grateful.
Screenshot --> [1]:
Your screenshot points to what's wrong. You're posting to localhost:3000, as you know this is the frontend webpack server.
You'll want to create an axios config file and set a base url to hit the correct endpoint.
const axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'localhost:8080'
export default axiosInstance;
Also, please add some sort of file structure.

Adding Ember.js frontend app to Node.js backend app

I have a running ember.js frontend app. Also have a node.js backend app which can do basic CRUD operations from MongoDB. Using Postman I can see that my node.js app is returning JSON data properly.
I want my frontend to use the backend to do CRUD operations on MongoDB. I am new to ember.js so I want a guideline where I can understand to use the JSON data from the node.js app and use with ember.js frontend.
My ember.js app already is using a mock server. It has a "dist" folder inside.
My adapter/application.js file in ember.js frontend:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
namespace: 'api'
I want to use my localhost:3000 node server here. Do not know where to add it.
DS.RESTAdapter has a host property that allows you to configure the host used:
// app/adapters/application.js
import RESTAdapter from '#ember-data/adapter/rest';
export default RESTAdapter.extend({
host: ''
But I would not recommend to point that one to a local development server cause that reduces your flexibility. E.g. a team colleague of yours may want to start the local instance on another port. I would recommend to use the --proxy option of Ember CLI's serve command:
ember serve --proxy http://localhost:3000
This will proxy the requests to your local development server.
You may need to customize the adapter and serializer if your API isn't following the defaults of Ember Data's RESTAdapter and RESTSerializer. Please have a look in the guides for a quick introduction to do so.

NodeJS express rest API APP into angular 5 project

I am new in programmation and i follow a tutorial in udemy to create my restful API with express JS.
I have almost finished my API and i want to integrate it in a new angular 5/6 project.
I have tried a lot of tutorials but i cannot launch my express project in an angular project to make a request with postman.
could you show me please ?
Here is my express project
You don't really need to "integrate" your NodeJs app with an Angular application.
You make a NodeJS REST API as you would with any other technology and run it separately on a certain port (Default is 3000 for NodeJS)
Run it with the command node app.js.
Then you make an Angular application, that connects to your API as if it would to any other page. A HTTP call inside a service to your specified link.
public contactAPI(){
var uri = 'localhost:3000'; //Or whatever the link is for your node server
return this.http.get(uri);

Pure NodeJS and GraphQL, no middleware

Is there any example code implementing GraphQL on NodeJS without using any other middleware like Express, Apollo, etc. Just pure NodeJS http server with GraphQL, and any SQL db.
upd: If someone interested, you can check out my implementation on github - pureGraphQLapi
Nothing prevents you from using Node.js and GraphQL only ; you will be writing a little more code though.
Create your HTTP Server with Node.js only
Listen to incoming requests and use POST json body (for example) to pass query and variables to graphql function
