How to 'implement' functions from inner object onto the outer struct? - rust

given this example
struct Outer<T>(*mut T);
impl<T> Outer<T> {
pub fn new(value: &mut T) -> Outer<T> {
Outer(value as *mut T)
struct Inner(pub i32);
impl Inner {
pub fn do_thing(&self) {
println!("did the thing {}", self.0);
fn main() {
let outer = Outer::new(Inner(2));
outer.do_thing() // error: do_thing doesnt exist
how would i expose the methods of Inner as methods of Outer
im trying to achieve what Box is doing

You have to reborrow the pointer in order to implement Deref (playground):
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Outer<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { &*self.0 }
Answer from before the edit below:
The clean way is to have methods that return the inner type:
impl<T> Outer<T> {
pub fn get(&self) -> &T {
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut self.0
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
This is more useful when the inner type isn't pub (you can just do self.0 for the same effect as all three methods), but is a common pattern that users of rust libraries expect.
The other way is to implement Deref and DerefMut. This is messier because it's a very strong API commitment: you now have all the methods of the inner type added to the outer type unconditionally, and gain any future methods. It also means that any namespace collisions between the wrapper and the target are hard to notice, which is why things like Arc::get_mut are associated functions instead of methods. If you use this, consider changing methods on the wrapper to associated functions (don't take a self parameter).
impl<T> Deref for Outer<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {


Don't allow user to override value of DerefMut struct, but allow it to execute mutable function on it

I'm currently develloping my own library for vectors and matrices, and to simplify my life, I defined my Matrix to be a Vec of Vector, and defined the Deref trait as such:
pub struct Matrix(Vec<RowVector>);
impl Deref for Matrix {
type Target = [RowVector];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for Matrix {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
This work like a charm, but it has one flaw: you can override one row to be a RowVector of a different size of the rest, which is obviously VERY BAD.
Am I doomed? is there a solution to disallow the overwrite but allow to mutate the Vector ?
You could implement Index and IndexMut over a pair (usize, usize):
use std::ops::{IndexMut, Index};
pub struct Matrix(Vec<Vec<usize>>);
impl Index<(usize, usize)> for Matrix {
type Output = usize;
fn index(&self, index: (usize, usize)) -> &Self::Output {
impl IndexMut<(usize, usize)> for Matrix {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: (usize, usize)) -> &mut Self::Output {
Disclaimer: Please take into account that using unwrap is not clean here. Either assert lengths, deal with options or at least use expect depending on your needs.

How to avoid orphan rules for repr transparent wrappers

My problem is I want to have a transparent wrapper and implemented Into<underlying> for it. Unfortunately, rust's orphan rules forbid it. Here is a simple example:
pub struct MyWrapper<T>(pub T);
impl<T> Into<T> for MyWrapper<T> {
fn into(self) -> T {
The question is is there any way I can implement it? I'm using macro to generate impl for all types I'm currently using but it looks very awkward and dirty.
You can implement the Deref trait instead. The Deref docs contain the following example which is almost identical to your code:
use std::ops::Deref;
struct DerefExample<T> {
value: T
impl<T> Deref for DerefExample<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
fn main() {
let x = DerefExample { value: 'a' };
assert_eq!('a', *x);
You can implement it in a regular impl block:
pub struct MyWrapper<T>(pub T);
impl<T> MyWrapper<T> {
pub fn into(self) -> T {
fn main() {
let wrapped : MyWrapper<f32> = MyWrapper::<f32>(3.4f32);
let unwrapped : f32 = wrapped.into();
println!("{}", unwrapped);

Referencing and dereferencing a db connection in rust

My question is about dereferencing and referencing in rust.
I have the following code:
struct PgDbConn(diesel::PgConnection);
fn main() {
.mount("/", routes![find_one, find_all])
#[get("/<id>", format = "json")]
fn find_one(conn: PgDbConn, id: i32) -> Result<Json<Person>, NotFound<String>> {
let one: QueryResult<Person> = person.find(id).first(&*conn); // Notice here deref & ref
I would like to know how my PgDbConn struct ends up as a connection. Can someone please explain the mechanism in detail?
Let's have a look at (part of) the implementation of the database attribute macro:
Ok(quote! {
impl ::std::ops::Deref for #guard_type {
type Target = #conn_type;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for #guard_type {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
#guard_type is PgDbConn and #conn_type is diesel::PgConnection in your example, so the produced code looks like this:
impl ::std::ops::Deref for PgDbConn {
type Target = diesel::PgConnection;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for PgDbConn {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
With Deref and DerefMut, you can implement dereference for your own types, in this case PgDbConn. Now, you can write *conn to get a diesel::PgConnection from your PgDbConn. However, you want a reference to diesel::PgConnection. To get a reference, you have to again reference the dereferenced PgDbConn, so the end result is &*conn.

How do I extend an enum-based multi-type container with a remove method?

This question is based on information given in another recent question of mine. I would like to extend the following Container with a remove method that returns ownership of the stored data to the caller. The accompanying unit test should explain its desired behaviour.
In the previous case (see referenced question), I would have used the downcast method on the Box<Any> object, but I don't know how to approach the problem in the case where enums are used instead. I'm grateful for pointers.
use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
use std::collections::HashMap;
trait GroupTrait {
fn borrow<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T>;
struct Container<G> {
inner: HashMap<TypeId, G>,
impl<G> Default for Container<G>
G: GroupTrait,
fn default() -> Self {
Container {
inner: Default::default(),
impl<G> Container<G>
G: GroupTrait,
pub fn insert<T: Any + Into<G>>(&mut self, data: T) {
self.inner.insert(TypeId::of::<T>(), data.into());
pub fn borrow<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
self.inner.get(&TypeId::of::<T>()).and_then(|g| g.borrow())
pub fn remove<T: Any>(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
/// This should be an user-defined type that implements the Any trait.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct TypeA(u32);
/// This should be an user-defined type that implements the Any trait.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct TypeB(String);
/// This is the enum that should replace boxed `Any` trait objects. Users also need to supply
/// this enum. Maybe they'll need to implement additional traits to get `borrow` to work.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Group {
impl From<TypeA> for Group {
fn from(value: TypeA) -> Self {
impl From<TypeB> for Group {
fn from(value: TypeB) -> Self {
impl GroupTrait for Group {
fn borrow<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
use self::Group::*;
match *self {
A(ref i) => Any::downcast_ref(i),
B(ref i) => Any::downcast_ref(i),
fn insert() {
let mut c: Container<Group> = Default::default();
let data = TypeA(100);
fn borrow() {
let mut c: Container<Group> = Default::default();
let data = TypeA(100);
let borrowed = c.borrow::<TypeA>();
assert_eq!(borrowed, Some(&data));
fn remove() {
let mut c: Container<Group> = Default::default();
let data = TypeA(100);
assert_eq!(c.remove::<TypeA>(), Some(data));
As you mentioned in the comments, TryFrom is possible. However, I'd go with Into<Option<T>>:
pub fn remove<T: Any>(&mut self) -> Option<T>
G: Into<Option<T>>,
self.inner.remove(&TypeId::of::<T>()).and_then(|g| g.into())
I'd choose Into<Option<T>> over TryInto<T> because Into<Option<T>> results in an Option while TryInto<T> results in Result<T, Self::Error>

How can I expose a safe wrapper around an owned pointer?

I'm wrapping a C library that has two structs: one has a pointer to the other.
struct StructA {
void * some_mem;
struct StructB {
void * some_mem;
struct StructA * some_struct;
Both of these structs own memory, so my wrapper has constructors and destructors for both of them.
struct StructA(*mut c_void);
impl StructA {
fn new() -> Self {
impl Drop for StructA {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let StructA(ptr) = self;
There's also a function that takes a pointer to StructB and returns its pointer to StructA:
const struct StructA * get_struct(const struct StructB * obj);
The user of this function should not free the returned pointer, since it will be freed when the user frees obj.
How can I wrap this function? The problem is that the destructor for StructB frees all its memory, including the one for StructA. So if my wrapping of get_struct returns an object, then the wrapped StructA will be freed twice (right?). It could instead return a reference to an object, but where would that object live?
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
It's necessary. The difference between an owned StructA * and a borrowed StructA * is precisely the same as the difference between a Box<T> and a &T. They're both "just a pointer", but the semantics are completely different.
Something along these lines is probably what you want:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct OwnedA(*mut c_void);
impl Drop for OwnedA {
fn drop(&mut self) { }
impl OwnedA {
fn deref(&self) -> RefA { RefA(self.0, PhantomData) }
struct RefA<'a>(*mut c_void, PhantomData<&'a u8>);
struct OwnedB(*mut c_void);
impl Drop for OwnedB {
fn drop(&mut self) { }
impl OwnedB {
fn get_a(&self) -> RefA { RefA(get_struct(self.0), PhantomData) }
In particular, it's worth noting that lifetime parameter on RefA lets the compiler make sure you don't use a RefA after the backing structure has been freed.
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
I believe this would be the accepted pattern. For backup, I'd point to the fact that this is a normal pattern in the Rust library. &str and String, &[T] and Vec<T>, Path and PathBuf, and probably lots of others I can't think of.
The good news is that you can use similar patterns as these pairs, leveraging Deref or DerefMut to call down to shared implementation:
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
enum RawFoo {}
fn c_foo_new() -> *const RawFoo { std::ptr::null() }
fn c_foo_free(_f: *const RawFoo) {}
fn c_foo_count(_f: *const RawFoo) -> u8 { 42 }
fn c_foo_make_awesome(_f: *const RawFoo, _v: bool) { }
struct OwnedFoo(Foo);
impl OwnedFoo {
fn new() -> OwnedFoo {
impl Drop for OwnedFoo {
fn drop(&mut self) { c_foo_free((self.0).0) }
impl Deref for OwnedFoo {
type Target = Foo;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 }
impl DerefMut for OwnedFoo {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 }
struct Foo(*const RawFoo);
impl Foo {
fn count(&self) -> u8 { c_foo_count(self.0) }
fn make_awesome(&mut self, v: bool) { c_foo_make_awesome(self.0, v) }
fn main() {
let mut f = OwnedFoo::new();
println!("{}", f.count());
Then, when you get a borrowed pointer from your other object, just wrap it up in a &Foo:
use std::mem;
fn c_bar_foo_ref() -> *const RawFoo { std::ptr::null() }
// Ignoring boilerplate for wrapping the raw Bar pointer
struct Bar;
impl Bar {
fn new() -> Bar { Bar }
fn foo(&self) -> &Foo {
unsafe { mem::transmute(c_bar_foo_ref()) }
fn foo_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Foo {
unsafe { mem::transmute(c_bar_foo_ref()) }
fn main() {
let mut b = Bar::new();
// Doesn't work - lifetime constrained to Bar
// let nope = Bar::new().foo();
