Iterate through an array and check if text exists in sub object in rust - rust

I am new to rust and got stuck in getting the below data. Using rust for Shopify payment customisation extension.
Reference code from
This is my input for running cargo test
"cart": {
"deliveryGroups": [{
"selectedDeliveryOption": {
"title": "Test"
"paymentMethods": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "Test"
"paymentCustomization": {
"metafield": {
"value": "{\"paymentMethod\": \"Test\", \"shippingMethod\": \"Test\"}"
I need to check if the cart.deliveryGroups.iter().selectedDeliveryOption.title == 'Test'. If yes, return true else false.
This is the is code i am using to check. using Shopify #[shopify_function] to convert the data to input field with object data.
let is_available = input
.find(|&method| {
.map(|method| {
Is the above code to get find the title using iter method correct or there is another way to do this ?
Tried to get the data using the above code, but always getting error.
Current error is
error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'option_result_contains'
--> src/
48 | .contains('Test')
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #62358 <> for more information
// Filter the shipping method to disable
let shipping_method = input
.find(|&method| {
println!("Selected delivery option {:?}", method.selected_delivery_option);
println!("shippping method {:?}", shipping_method);
The above code give output as
Selected delivery option Some(InputCartDeliveryGroupsSelectedDeliveryOption { title: Some("Another delivery method") })
shippping method Some(InputCartDeliveryGroups { selected_delivery_option: Some(InputCartDeliveryGroupsSelectedDeliveryOption { title: Some("Another delivery method") }) })


Yew: Difficulty with nested callbacks

I'm attempting to do something that I feel is pretty basic: I have a pulldown, and I'd like the onchange event for that pulldown to cause the program to fetch some data from the backend based on the user's input. (And then, you know, give the user more options based on the first thing they picked. Really simple, and seems like I ought to have been able to find an easy way to do this.)
Full code for this minimal (failing) example is at:
But the relevant bit, which doesn't behave correctly, is below:
The view function renders, delightfully, an iterated list. I pass in a callback, so it knows what to do on the "onchange" event.
The callback gets executed, which makes me very happy. But it isn't calling the Msg::GetData. This compiles, which is nice, but it doesn't work, which is less nice.
I've spent, I'm ashamed to admit, several weeks of my spare time fighting with this. I think it has something to do with scopes and lifetimes. I think that the way I'm making this compile -- by cloning the context and using "move" disconnects it from the actual context that I need to make this work. But every variation on the theme that I've been able to find in examples and references complains about scope or lifetimes.
Thanks in advance for the help.
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
match msg {
Msg::GetData(value) => {
log::info!("Start 'fetch' with user-selected value: {}", value); {
match fetch_markdown("url_shortened_for_clarity").await {
Ok(md) => Msg::SetMarkdownFetchState(FetchState::Success(md)),
Err(err) => Msg::SetMarkdownFetchState(FetchState::Failed(err)),
Msg::SetMarkdownFetchState(fetch_state) => {
let mut wr = WebReturn { term_id: 0, dow: 0, dep_time_num: 0 };
match fetch_state {
FetchState::Success(s) => { wr = serde_json::from_str(&s).expect(&format!("Poorly formatted JSON! {}", s).to_string()); },
FetchState::Failed(f) => { log::info!("Fetch failed: {}", f); },
FetchState::NotFetching => {},
FetchState::Fetching => {}
log::info!("term_id (3) : {}, dep_time_num (12000) : {}, and dow (3) : {}", wr.term_id, wr.dep_time_num, wr.dow);
fn view(&self, ctx:&Context<Self>) -> Html {
let ctx_link =;
let my_callback: Callback<String> = Callback::from(move |value: String| {
let val_as_num = value.parse::<i32>().unwrap_or(0);
log::info!("Returned value: {}", val_as_num);
ctx_link.callback(|val_as_num: i32| Msg::GetData(val_as_num));
html! {
{ self.render_list(&self.props.term_list, my_callback) }
This line does not "call back" to your component, it creates a callback and then doesn't call it:
ctx_link.callback(|val_as_num: i32| Msg::GetData(val_as_num));
You need to instead call .send_message() in your callback or, better yet, create your original callback with .callback():
let my_callback = ctx_link.callback(|value: String| {
let val_as_num = value.parse::<i32>().unwrap_or(0);
log::info!("Returned value: {}", val_as_num);

Missing element in SOAP API request using Python's Zeep, but the element is in the request dictionary

i'm using Zeep to interact with Workday's SOAP API to edit a someone's Workday username. Here is the following request body to the Human Resources WSDL, v37.2
request_dict = {
"Workday_Account_for_Worker_Update": {
"Worker_Reference": {
"Employee_Reference": {
"Integration_ID_Reference": {
"ID": {
"type": "WD-EMPLID",
"_value_1": user_id
"Workday_Account_for_Worker_Data": {
"User_Name": username
response = client.service.Update_Workday_Account(request_dict)
The error message i receive is
zeep.exceptions.ValidationError: Missing element Workday_Account_for_Worker_Data (Workday_Account_for_Worker_Update.Workday_Account_for_Worker_Data), but the element is clearly there. Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
You are not using the correct method signature to perform the call.
If you do a:
python -mzeep > output.txt
and you look inside the produced output.txt file, you will see that Update_Workday_Account has this signature:
Worker_Reference: ns0:Worker_ReferenceType,
Non_Worker_Reference: ns0:RoleObjectType,
Workday_Account_for_Worker_Data: ns0:Workday_Account_for_Worker_DataType,
version: xsd:string,
_soapheaders={header: ns0:Workday_Common_HeaderType}
) -> None
so your code should probably be something like this:
worker_reference = {
"Employee_Reference": {
"Integration_ID_Reference": {
"ID": {
"type": "WD-EMPLID",
"_value_1": user_id
workday_account_for_worker_data = {
"User_Name": username
client.service.Update_Workday_Account(worker_reference, None, workday_account_for_worker_data)
I can't really test the call from my side so you should substitute appropriate parameters on your side before making the request.

TypeScript / JavaScript gRPC google.protobuf.Struct cannot be read

I have a TypeScript server trying to read a JSON object using a Struct but it seems to be partially working only for objects containing a "fields" key which then expects an object as value. Nonetheless, a Struct should work with any JSON object.
Using BloomRPC I am trying the following message:
"payload": {
"fields": {
"Hello": {
"whatever": 0
The server reads:
{ fields: { Hello: {} } }
If I send:
"payload": {
"anotherfield": {
"HelloWorld": {
"whatever": 0
I get an empty object on the server.
The simplified protobuf file looks like this:
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
// The service definition.
service TestTicketService {
rpc UpdateTicket (UpdateTicketRequest) returns (UpdateTicketResponse);
// The request message containing the required ticket information.
message UpdateTicketRequest {
string ticketId = 1;
google.protobuf.Struct payload = 2;
// The response message containing any potential error message
message UpdateTicketResponse {
string error = 1;
Any idea why google/protobuf/struct.proto doesn't work as expected?
What really confused me is that I was trying to pass normal JSON objects and expecting to read them. The whole point is that from the client side, the JSON object needs to be encoded in a very specific way.
For example:
"payload": {
"fields": {
"name": {
"stringValue": "joe"
"age": {
"numberValue": 28
You can figure out the format of the message by looking at the Struct proto file here:
The idea of a struct is that you can store arbitrary data - but only simple types: null, number, string, bool, array and object.
This maps perfectly to JSON, and this is not by accident.
The google.protobuf.Struct message has a special JSON representation:
The JSON representation for Struct is JSON object.
So you can parse any JSON string into a protobuf Struct, and when serializing to JSON again, you also get the same JSON string again.
It is important to note that the in-memory representation of the parsed Struct is not equal to a JSON object. Protobuf does not have dynamic fields and has to represent JSON data in a more complicated manner. That is why struct.proto defines some other types.
When you want to create a Struct in JavaScript, it is probably the easiest way to just create the JSON object you want:
var jsonObject = {foo: "bar"};
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
Now you can parse you Struct from this jsonObject or jsonString and put set resulting Struct as a field value in another protobuf message.
Since you are already using TypeScript, it might be worth checking out one of the alternative TypeScript implementations for protobuf.
I am the author of protobuf-ts. Creating a Struct is pretty straight-forward:
let struct = Struct.fromJson({foo: "bar"});
First, install #types/google-protobuf and:
let rqm = new UpdateTicketRequest();
whatever: 0,
//and call the api....

Issue in giving plurals in Bixby dialogs

I had a question regarding plurals in dialog.
Let's say I have a structure
structure (MyStructure) {
property (MyConcept) {
type {EnumConcept} max (Many)
And a Value dialog for it:
dialog (Value) {
match: MyConcept(this)
if (this == 'ABC') {
switch(plural(this)) {
case (One) { template("single1") }
default { template ("plural1") }
if (this == 'DEF') {
switch(plural(this)) {
case (One) { template("single2") }
default { template ("plural2") }
By using
I am able to get "plural1" or "plural2" when myStructure has below values and size of myConcept is 1:
myStructure = [
{ myConcept: ABC },
{ myConcept: ABC },
{ myConcept: ABC },
{ myConcept: ABC }
When size of myConcept is 2 and myStructure has below values,
myStructure = [
{ myConcept: ABC },
{ myConcept: ABC },
{ myConcept: DEF },
{ myConcept: DEF }
using the Code:
is giving NLG as
"single1 and single2"
What I want in the NLG:
"plural1 and plural2"
Can someone please help us in giving proper plural NLG for each element of the unique "myConcept" present in the list of "myStructure"?
What I want is to apply plurality to each individual value of an array.
size(myStructure.myConcept) = 2.
I want to apply plural to both the values of myConcept.
I do not think in dialogs we have an for-each kind of thing available.
It's a little hard to tell what's going on in the code above. If this answer isn't helpful, consider sharing the full source code somewhere for live debugging.
You can try something like
The docs has an example like:
Source: in the plural(node) section.

Best way to navigate throught a JSON in Node while validating the path

I'm trying to get some info out of a API call in Nodejs, structured something like a JSON:
I'm not sure about the presence of none of these fields(Json could be incomplete).
Is there a better way to get the value of "name" in without an ugly if to not get errors like "cannot get field 'sport' of undefined"?
Currently, I'm doing
if(json.event && json.event.event_context && {
Is there a better way?
Thank you!
what do you mean by saying "I'm not sure about the presence of none of these fields"?
i don't understand what your'e trying to achieve.
Looks like there is also an interesting package that will allow more conditions on searching json :
let getNested = (path, obj) => {
return path.split(".").reduce( getPath, obj);
let getPath = (path, key) => {
return (path && path[key]) ? path[key] : null
let test = {
"foo": "bar",
"baz": { "one": 1, "two": ["to", "too", "two"] },
"event": { "event_context": { "sport": { "name": "soccer" } } }
console.log(getNested("none", test))
console.log(getNested("", test))
console.log(getNested("baz.two", test))
console.log(getNested("", test))
You can use lodash get to get a potentially deeply-nested value, and also specify a default in case it doesnt exist.
const _ = require('lodash');
const my_object = {
_.get(my_object, ''); // "Soccer"
_.get(my_object, '', 'default val'); // "default val"
You can check by using a function to check object keys like :
function checkProperty(checkObject, checkstring){
return false;
var propertiesKeys = checkstring.split('.');
propertiesKeys.forEach(element => {
if(!checkObject|| !checkObject.hasOwnProperty(element)){
return false;
} else {
checkObject= checkObject[element];
return true;
var objectToCheck = {
if (checkProperty(objectToCheck ,''))
console.log('object to find is : ', objectToCheck;)
Yeah there are better ways!
For example, you could use lodash's get() method to reach a nested value.
var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };
_.get(object, 'a[0].b.c');
// => 3
But there is also a native solution.
Currently (11.2019) only Babel can handle this.
I am speaking of Optional chaining. It's new in the Ecmascript world.
Why I like it? Look here!
// Still checks for errors and is much more readable.
const nameLength = db?.user?.name?.length;
What happens when db, user, or name is undefined or null? With the optional chaining operator, JavaScript initializes nameLength to undefined instead of throwing an error.
If you are using Babel as a compiler then you could use it now.
Related link:
