How do I move out of a struct that has a destructor, if I don't want to run the destructor? - rust

Suppose I have a Rust struct that has a destructor:
pub struct D1 {
a: String,
b: String
impl Drop for D1 {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("{0}", self.a)
I want to implement a method that moves some or all of the fields out of the object, destroying it in the process. Obviously, that can't be done safely if the object's destructor gets run – it would attempt to unsafely read from the moved fields. However, it should be safe if the destructor is suppressed somehow. But I can't find a way to suppress the destructor in a way that makes the move safe.
mem::forget doesn't work, because the compiler doesn't treat it specially when it comes to destructors:
impl D1 {
fn into_raw_parts(self) -> (String, String) {
let (a, b) = (self.a, self.b); // cannot move here
(a, b)
and ManuallyDrop doesn't work either – it provides the interior data only via a reference, preventing a move:
use std::mem;
impl D1 {
fn into_raw_parts(self) -> (String, String) {
let md = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self);
(md.a, md.b) // cannot move out of dereference
use std::mem;
impl D1 {
fn into_raw_parts(self) -> (String, String) {
let md = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self);
(md.value.a, md.value.b) // field `value` is private
I could presumably solve this problem by dipping into unsafe code, but I'm wondering whether there's a safe way to do this – have I missed some API or other technique to tell Rust that I can safely move out of a value because I'm not planning to run the destructor?

There is no way in safe code to leave a type implementing Drop uninitialized. However, you can leave it initialized with dummy values:
use std::mem;
impl D1 {
fn into_raw_parts(self) -> (String, String) {
(mem::take(&mut self.a), mem::take(&mut self.b))
This will leave self with empty strings (which do not even allocate any memory). Of course, the Drop implementation has to tolerate this and not do something undesired.
If the fields’ types in your real situation do not have convenient placeholder values, then you can make the fields be Options. This is also a common technique when Drop::drop() itself needs to move out of self.


Is it possible to create a self-referential struct on the stack instead of the heap using Pin?

Is it possible to allocate self-referential structs on stack? The pin documentation shows an example of pinning a struct on the heap. I followed it to write corresponding code:
pub struct Cont {
pub f: i32,
// shall point to 'f' field
ptr_f: NonNull<i32>,
impl Cont {
pub fn read(&self) -> i32 {
unsafe { *self.ptr_f.as_ref() }
pub fn pinned(value: i32) -> Pin<Self> {
// ensures ptr_f = &f
fn main() {
let a = Cont::pinned(5);
let b = Cont::pinned(12);
but I don't know how to write the Cont::pinned function, or even if it's the right signature (if even possible).
but I don't know how to write the Cont::pinned function, or even if it's the right signature (if even possible).
The type parameter to Pin<P> is always a pointer or reference; a Pin never owns its data, except via an owning pointer type such as Box. Given that you want to keep the original value on the stack, the analogue of the function in the example is:
fn pinned(value: i32) -> Pin<&mut Self>;
But this isn't possible because a function can't return a reference to something it created - unless that something is stored on the heap or in static memory. So, if you were to construct a Pin of a stack-allocated value, you'd have to create the unpinned value first, so that that the pin can reference it.
Perhaps you might try to design an API that creates a Pin by mutating some data that is already on the stack:
let a: Option<Cont> = None;
let b: Option<Cont> = None;
let a = Cont::pinned(&mut a, 5);
let b = Cont::pinned(&mut b, 12);
But then the value would live longer than the pin and you can only enforce the pin guarantees while the pin is live, making this unsound.
To make it sound, you would need to somehow enforce that the original values cannot be accessed after the pin is dropped. This would result in a very constrained API. For example:
fn main() {
// setup_conts creates the pinned Cont values and calls the closure
setup_conts(5, 12, |a: Pin<&mut Cont>, b: Pin<&mut Cont>| {
// a and b can only be used inside this closure

Can a type know when a mutable borrow to itself has ended?

I have a struct and I want to call one of the struct's methods every time a mutable borrow to it has ended. To do so, I would need to know when the mutable borrow to it has been dropped. How can this be done?
Disclaimer: The answer that follows describes a possible solution, but it's not a very good one, as described by this comment from Sebastien Redl:
[T]his is a bad way of trying to maintain invariants. Mostly because dropping the reference can be suppressed with mem::forget. This is fine for RefCell, where if you don't drop the ref, you will simply eventually panic because you didn't release the dynamic borrow, but it is bad if violating the "fraction is in shortest form" invariant leads to weird results or subtle performance issues down the line, and it is catastrophic if you need to maintain the "thread doesn't outlive variables in the current scope" invariant.
Nevertheless, it's possible to use a temporary struct as a "staging area" that updates the referent when it's dropped, and thus maintain the invariant correctly; however, that version basically amounts to making a proper wrapper type and a kind of weird way to use it. The best way to solve this problem is through an opaque wrapper struct that doesn't expose its internals except through methods that definitely maintain the invariant.
Without further ado, the original answer:
Not exactly... but pretty close. We can use RefCell<T> as a model for how this can be done. It's a bit of an abstract question, but I'll use a concrete example to demonstrate. (This won't be a complete example, but something to show the general principles.)
Let's say you want to make a Fraction struct that is always in simplest form (fully reduced, e.g. 3/5 instead of 6/10). You write a struct RawFraction that will contain the bare data. RawFraction instances are not always in simplest form, but they have a method fn reduce(&mut self) that reduces them.
Now you need a smart pointer type that you will always use to mutate the RawFraction, which calls .reduce() on the pointed-to struct when it's dropped. Let's call it RefMut, because that's the naming scheme RefCell uses. You implement Deref<Target = RawFraction>, DerefMut, and Drop on it, something like this:
pub struct RefMut<'a>(&'a mut RawFraction);
impl<'a> Deref for RefMut<'a> {
type Target = RawFraction;
fn deref(&self) -> &RawFraction {
impl<'a> DerefMut for RefMut<'a> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut RawFraction {
impl<'a> Drop for RefMut<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
Now, whenever you have a RefMut to a RawFraction and drop it, you know the RawFraction will be in simplest form afterwards. All you need to do at this point is ensure that RefMut is the only way to get &mut access to the RawFraction part of a Fraction.
pub struct Fraction(RawFraction);
impl Fraction {
pub fn new(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> Self {
// create a RawFraction, reduce it and wrap it up
pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> RefMut {
RefMut(&mut self.0)
Pay attention to the pub markings (and lack thereof): I'm using those to ensure the soundness of the exposed interface. All three types should be placed in a module by themselves. It would be incorrect to mark the RawFraction field pub inside Fraction, since then it would be possible (for code outside the module) to create an unreduced Fraction without using new or get a &mut RawFraction without going through RefMut.
Supposing all this code is placed in a module named frac, you can use it something like this (assuming Fraction implements Display):
let f = frac::Fraction::new(3, 10);
println!("{}", f); // prints 3/10
f.borrow_mut().numerator += 3;
println!("{}", f); // prints 3/5
The types encode the invariant: Wherever you have Fraction, you can know that it's fully reduced. When you have a RawFraction, &RawFraction, etc., you can't be sure. If you want, you may also make RawFraction's fields non-pub, so that you can't get an unreduced fraction at all except by calling borrow_mut on a Fraction.
Basically the same thing is done in RefCell. There you want to reduce the runtime borrow-count when a borrow ends. Here you want to perform an arbitrary action.
So let's re-use the concept of writing a function that returns a wrapped reference:
struct Data {
content: i32,
impl Data {
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> DataRef {
DataRef { data: self }
fn check_after_borrow(&self) {
if self.content > 50 {
println!("Hey, content should be <= {:?}!", 50);
struct DataRef<'a> {
data: &'a mut Data
impl<'a> Drop for DataRef<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("borrow ends");
fn main() {
let mut d = Data { content: 42 };
println!("content is {}", d.content);
let b = d.borrow_mut();
//let c = &d; // Compiler won't let you have another borrow at the same time = 123;
println!("content set to {}",;
} // borrow ends here
println!("content is now {}", d.content);
This results in the following output:
content is 42
content set to 123
borrow ends
Hey, content should be <= 50!
content is now 123
Be aware that you can still obtain an unchecked mutable borrow with e.g. let c = &mut d;. This will be silently dropped without calling check_after_borrow.

Why is it useful to use PhantomData to inform the compiler that a struct owns a generic if I already implement Drop?

In the Rustonomicon's guide to PhantomData, there is a part about what happens if a Vec-like struct has *const T field, but no PhantomData<T>:
The drop checker will generously determine that Vec<T> does not own any values of type T. This will in turn make it conclude that it doesn't need to worry about Vec dropping any T's in its destructor for determining drop check soundness. This will in turn allow people to create unsoundness using Vec's destructor.
What does it mean? If I implement Drop for a struct and manually destroy all Ts in it, why should I care if compiler knows that my struct owns some Ts?
The PhantomData<T> within Vec<T> (held indirectly via a Unique<T> within RawVec<T>) communicates to the compiler that the vector may own instances of T, and therefore the vector may run destructors for T when the vector is dropped.
Deep dive: We have a combination of factors here:
We have a Vec<T> which has an impl Drop (i.e. a destructor implementation).
Under the rules of RFC 1238, this would usually imply a relationship between instances of Vec<T> and any lifetimes that occur within T, by requiring that all lifetimes within T strictly outlive the vector.
However, the destructor for Vec<T> specifically opts out of this semantics for just that destructor (of Vec<T> itself) via the use of special unstable attributes (see RFC 1238 and RFC 1327). This allows for a vector to hold references that have the same lifetime of the vector itself. This is considered sound; after all, the vector itself will not dereference data pointed to by such references (all its doing is dropping values and deallocating the backing array), as long as an important caveat holds.
The important caveat: While the vector itself will not dereference pointers within its contained values while destructing itself, it will drop the values held by the vector. If those values of type T themselves have destructors, those destructors for T get run. And if those destructors access the data held within their references, then we would have a problem if we allowed dangling pointers within those references.
So, diving in even more deeply: the way that we confirm dropck validity for a given structure S, we first double check if S itself has an impl Drop for S (and if so, we enforce rules on S with respect to its type parameters). But even after that step, we then recursively descend into the structure of S itself, and double check for each of its fields that everything is kosher according to dropck. (Note that we do this even if a type parameter of S is tagged with #[may_dangle].)
In this specific case, we have a Vec<T> which (indirectly via RawVec<T>/Unique<T>) owns a collection of values of type T, represented in a raw pointer *const T. However, the compiler attaches no ownership semantics to *const T; that field alone in a structure S implies no relationship between S and T, and thus enforces no constraint in terms of the relationship of lifetimes within the types S and T (at least from the viewpoint of dropck).
Therefore, if the Vec<T> had solely a *const T, the recursive descent into the structure of the vector would fail to capture the ownership relation between the vector and the instances of T contained within the vector. That, combined with the #[may_dangle] attribute on T, would cause the compiler to accept unsound code (namely cases where destructors for T end up trying to access data that has already been deallocated).
BUT: Vec<T> does not solely contain a *const T. There is also a PhantomData<T>, and that conveys to the compiler "hey, even though you can assume (due to the #[may_dangle] T) that the destructor for Vec won't access data of T when the vector is dropped, it is still possible that some destructor of T itself will access data of T as the vector is dropped."
The end effect: Given Vec<T>, if T doesn't have a destructor, then the compiler provides you with more flexibility (namely, it allows a vector to hold data with references to data that lives for the same amount of time as the vector itself, even though such data may be torn down before the vector is). But if T does have a destructor (and that destructor is not otherwise communicating to the compiler that it won't access any referenced data), then the compiler is more strict, requiring any referenced data to strictly outlive the vector (thus ensuring that when the destructor for T runs, all the referenced data will still be valid).
If one wants to try to understand this via concrete exploration, you can try comparing how the compiler differs in its treatment of little container types that vary in their use of #[may_dangle] and PhantomData.
Here is some sample code I have whipped up to illustrate this:
// Illustration of a case where PhantomData is providing necessary ownership
// info to rustc.
// MyBox2<T> uses just a `*const T` to hold the `T` it owns.
// MyBox3<T> has both a `*const T` AND a PhantomData<T>; the latter communicates
// its ownership relationship with `T`.
// Skim down to `fn f2()` to see the relevant case,
// and compare it to `fn f3()`. When you run the program,
// the output will include:
// drop PrintOnDrop(mb2b, PrintOnDrop("v2b", 13, INVALID), Valid)
// (However, in the absence of #[may_dangle], the compiler will constrain
// things in a manner that may indeed imply that PhantomData is unnecessary;
// pnkfelix is not 100% sure of this claim yet, though.)
#![feature(alloc, dropck_eyepatch, generic_param_attrs, heap_api)]
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::heap;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum State { INVALID, Valid }
struct PrintOnDrop<T: fmt::Debug>(&'static str, T, State);
impl<T: fmt::Debug> PrintOnDrop<T> {
fn new(name: &'static str, t: T) -> Self {
PrintOnDrop(name, t, State::Valid)
impl<T: fmt::Debug> Drop for PrintOnDrop<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("drop PrintOnDrop({}, {:?}, {:?})",
self.2 = State::INVALID;
struct MyBox1<T> {
v: Box<T>,
impl<T> MyBox1<T> {
fn new(t: T) -> Self {
MyBox1 { v: Box::new(t) }
struct MyBox2<T> {
v: *const T,
impl<T> MyBox2<T> {
fn new(t: T) -> Self {
unsafe {
let p = heap::allocate(mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::align_of::<T>());
let p = p as *mut T;
ptr::write(p, t);
MyBox2 { v: p }
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T> Drop for MyBox2<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// We want this to be *legal*. This destructor is not
// allowed to call methods on `T` (since it may be in
// an invalid state), but it should be allowed to drop
// instances of `T` as it deconstructs itself.
// (Note however that the compiler has no knowledge
// that `MyBox2<T>` owns an instance of `T`.)
heap::deallocate(self.v as *mut u8,
struct MyBox3<T> {
v: *const T,
_pd: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T> MyBox3<T> {
fn new(t: T) -> Self {
unsafe {
let p = heap::allocate(mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::align_of::<T>());
let p = p as *mut T;
ptr::write(p, t);
MyBox3 { v: p, _pd: Default::default() }
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T> Drop for MyBox3<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
heap::deallocate(self.v as *mut u8,
fn f1() {
// `let (v, _mb1);` and `let (_mb1, v)` won't compile due to dropck
let v1; let _mb1;
v1 = PrintOnDrop::new("v1", 13);
_mb1 = MyBox1::new(PrintOnDrop::new("mb1", &v1));
fn f2() {
let (v2a, _mb2a); // Sound, but not distinguished from below by rustc!
v2a = PrintOnDrop::new("v2a", 13);
_mb2a = MyBox2::new(PrintOnDrop::new("mb2a", &v2a));
let (_mb2b, v2b); // Unsound!
v2b = PrintOnDrop::new("v2b", 13);
_mb2b = MyBox2::new(PrintOnDrop::new("mb2b", &v2b));
// namely, v2b dropped before _mb2b, but latter contains
// value that attempts to access v2b when being dropped.
fn f3() {
let v3; let _mb3; // `let (v, mb3);` won't compile due to dropck
v3 = PrintOnDrop::new("v3", 13);
_mb3 = MyBox3::new(PrintOnDrop::new("mb3", &v3));
fn main() {
f1(); f2(); f3();
Caveat emptor — I'm not that strong in the extremely deep theory that truly answers your question. I'm just a layperson who has used Rust a bit and has read the related RFCs. Always refer back to those original sources for a less-diluted version of the truth.
RFC 769 introduced the actual The Drop-Check Rule:
Let v be some value (either temporary or named) and 'a be some
lifetime (scope); if the type of v owns data of type D, where (1.)
D has a lifetime- or type-parametric Drop implementation, and (2.)
the structure of D can reach a reference of type &'a _, and (3.)
(A.) the Drop impl for D instantiates D at 'a
directly, i.e. D<'a>, or,
(B.) the Drop impl for D has some type parameter with a
trait bound T where T is a trait that has at least
one method,
then 'a must strictly outlive the scope of v.
It then goes further to define some of those terms, including what it means for one type to own another. This goes further to mention PhantomData specifically:
Therefore, as an additional special case to the criteria above for when the type E owns data of type D, we include:
If E is PhantomData<T>, then recurse on T.
A key problem occurs when two variables are defined at the same time:
struct Noisy<'a>(&'a str);
impl<'a> Drop for Noisy<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) { println!("Dropping {}", self.0 )}
fn main() -> () {
let (mut v, s) = (Vec::new(), "hi".to_string());
let noisy = Noisy(&s);
As I understand it, without The Drop-Check Rule and indicating that Vec owns Noisy, code like this might compile. When the Vec is dropped, the drop implementation could access an invalid reference; introducing unsafety.
Returning to your points:
If I implement Drop for a struct and manually destroy all Ts in it, why should I care if compiler knows that my struct owns some Ts?
The compiler must know that you own the value because you can/will call drop. Since the implementation of drop is arbitrary, if you are going to call it, the compiler must forbid you from accepting values that would cause unsafe behavior during drop.
Always remember that any arbitrary T can be a value, a reference, a value containing a reference, etc. When trying to puzzle out these types of things, it's important to try to use the most complicated variant for any thought experiments.
All of that should provide enough pieces to connect-the-dots; for full understanding, reading the RFC a few times is probably better than relying on my flawed interpretation.
Then it gets more complicated. RFC 1238 further modifies The Drop-Check Rule, removing this specific reasoning. It does say:
parametricity is a necessary but not sufficient condition to justify the inferences that dropck makes
Continuing to use PhantomData seems the safest thing to do, but it may not be required. An anonymous Twitter benefactor pointed out this code:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
#[derive(Debug)] struct MyGeneric<T> { x: Option<T> }
#[derive(Debug)] struct MyDropper<T> { x: Option<T> }
#[derive(Debug)] struct MyHiddenDropper<T> { x: *const T }
#[derive(Debug)] struct MyHonestHiddenDropper<T> { x: *const T, boo: PhantomData<T> }
impl<T> Drop for MyDropper<T> { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
impl<T> Drop for MyHiddenDropper<T> { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
impl<T> Drop for MyHonestHiddenDropper<T> { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
fn main() {
// Does Compile! (magic annotation on destructor)
let (a, mut b) = (0, vec![]);
// Does Compile! (no destructor)
let (a, mut b) = (0, MyGeneric { x: None });
b.x = Some(&a);
// Doesn't Compile! (has destructor, no attribute)
let (a, mut b) = (0, MyDropper { x: None });
b.x = Some(&a);
let (a, mut b) = (0, MyHiddenDropper { x: 0 as *const _ });
b.x = &&a;
let (a, mut b) = (0, MyHonestHiddenDropper { x: 0 as *const _, boo: PhantomData });
b.x = &&a;
This suggests that the changes in RFC 1238 made the compiler more conservative, such that simply having a lifetime or type parameter is enough to prevent it from compiling.
You can also note that Vec doesn't have this problem because it uses the unsafe_destructor_blind_to_params attribute described in the the RFC.

Drop a Rust void pointer stored in an FFI

I'm wrapping a C API which allows the caller to set/get an arbitrary pointer via function calls. In this way, the C API allows a caller to associate arbitrary data with one of the C API objects. This data is not used in any callbacks, it's just a pointer that a user can stash away and get at later.
My wrapper struct implements the Drop trait for the C object that contains this pointer. What I'd like to be able to do, but am not sure it's possible, is have the data dropped correctly if the pointer is not null when the wrapper struct drops. I'm not sure how I would recover the correct type though from a raw c_void pointer.
Two alternatives I'm thinking of are
Implement the behavior of these two calls in the wrapper. Don't make any calls to the C API.
Don't attempt to offer any kind of safer interface to these functions. Document that the pointer must be managed by the caller of the wrapper.
Is what I want to do possible? If not, is there a generally accepted practice for these kinds of situations?
A naive + fully automatic approach is NOT possible for the following reasons:
freeing memory does not call drop/deconstructors/...: the C API can be used from languages which can have objects which should be deconstructed properly, e.g. C++ or Rust itself. So when you only store a memory pointer you do not know you to call the proper function (you neither know which function not how the calling conventions look like).
which memory allocator?: memory allocation and deallocation isn't a trivial thing. your program needs to request memory from the OS and then manage this resources in an intelligent way to be efficient and correct. This is usually done by a library. In case of Rust, jemalloc is used (but can be changed). So even when you ask the API caller to only pass Plain Old Data (which should be easier to destruct) you still don't know which library function to call to deallocate memory. Just using libc::free won't work (it can but it could horrible fail).
dealloc callback: you can ask the API user to set an additional pointer to, let's say a void destruct(void* ptr) function. If this one is not NULL, you call that function during your drop. You could also use int as an return type to signal when the destruction went wrong. In that case you could for example panic!.
global callback: let's assume you requested your user to only pass POD (plain old data). To know which free function of the memory allocator to call, you could request the user to register a global void (*free)(void* ptr) pointer which is called during drop. You could also make that one optional.
Although I was able to follow the advice in this thread, I wasn't entirely satisfied with my results, so I asked the question on the Rust forums and found the answer I was really looking for. (play)
use std::any::Any;
static mut foreign_ptr: *mut () = 0 as *mut ();
unsafe fn api_set_fp(ptr: *mut ()) {
foreign_ptr = ptr;
unsafe fn api_get_fp() -> *mut() {
struct ApiWrapper {}
impl ApiWrapper {
fn set_foreign<T: Any>(&mut self, value: Box<T>) {
unsafe {
let raw = Box::into_raw(Box::new(value as Box<Any>));
api_set_fp(raw as *mut ());
fn get_foreign_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
unsafe {
let raw = api_get_fp() as *const Box<Any>;
if !raw.is_null() {
let b: &Box<Any> = &*raw;
} else {
fn get_foreign_mut<T: Any>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
unsafe {
let raw = api_get_fp() as *mut Box<Any>;
if !raw.is_null() {
let b: &mut Box<Any> = &mut *raw;
} else {
fn free_foreign(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let raw = api_get_fp() as *mut Box<Any>;
if !raw.is_null() {
impl Drop for ApiWrapper {
fn drop(&mut self) {
struct MyData {
i: i32,
impl Drop for MyData {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("Dropping MyData with value {}", self.i);
fn main() {
let p1 = Box::new(MyData {i: 1});
let mut api = ApiWrapper{};
let p2 = api.get_foreign_ref::<MyData>().unwrap();
println!("i is {}", p2.i);
let p3 = api.get_foreign_ref::<&'static str>().unwrap();
println!("payload is {}", p3);

General pointer type for `Rc`, `Box`, `Arc`

I have a struct which references a value (because it is ?Sized or very big). This value has to live with the struct, of course.
However, the struct shouldn't restrict the user on how to accomplish that. Whether the user wraps the value in a Box or Rc or makes it 'static, the value just has to survive with the struct. Using named lifetimes would be complicated because the reference will be moved around and may outlive our struct. What I am looking for is a general pointer type (if it exists / can exist).
How can the struct make sure the referenced value lives as long as the struct lives, without specifying how?
Example (
type CallBack = Fn(f32) -> f32;
struct Caller {
call_back: Box<CallBack>,
impl Caller {
fn new(call_back: Box<CallBack>) -> Caller {
Caller {call_back: call_back}
fn call(&self, x: f32) -> f32 {
let caller = {
// func goes out of scope
let func = |x| 2.0 * x;
Caller {call_back: Box::new(func)}
// func survives because it is referenced through a `Box` in `caller`
let y =;
assert_eq!(y, 2.0);
Compiles, all good. But if we don't want to use a Box as a pointer to our function (one can call Box a pointer, right?), but something else, like Rc, this wont be possible, since Caller restricts the pointer to be a Box.
let caller = {
// function is used by `Caller` and `main()` => shared resource
// solution: `Rc`
let func = Rc::new(|x| 2.0 * x);
let caller = Caller {call_back: func.clone()}; // ERROR Rc != Box
// we also want to use func now
let y = func(3.0);
// func survives because it is referenced through a `Box` in `caller`
let y =;
assert_eq!(y, 2.0);
Possible solution: Deref? (
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::ops::Deref;
type CallBack = Fn(f32) -> f32;
struct Caller<T>
where T: Deref<Target = Box<CallBack>> {
call_back: T,
impl<T> Caller<T>
where T: Deref<Target = Box<CallBack>> {
fn new(call_back: T) -> Caller<T> {
Caller {call_back: call_back}
fn call(&self, x: f32) -> f32 {
fn main() {
let caller = {
// function is used by `Caller` and `main()` => shared resource
// solution: `Rc`
let func_obj = Box::new(|x: f32| 2.0 * x) as Box<CallBack>;
let func = Rc::new(func_obj);
let caller = Caller::new(func.clone());
// we also want to use func now
let y = func(3.0);
// func survives because it is referenced through a `Box` in `caller`
let y =;
assert_eq!(y, 2.0);
Is this the way to go with Rust? Using Deref? It works at least.
Am I missing something obvious?
This question did not solve my problem, since the value is practically unusable as a T.
While Deref provides the necessary functionality, AsRef and Borrow are more appropriate for this situation (Borrow more so than AsRef in the case of a struct). Both of these traits let your users use Box<T>, Rc<T> and Arc<T>, and Borrow also lets them use &T and T. Your Caller struct could be written like this:
use std::borrow::Borrow;
struct Caller<CB: Borrow<Callback>> {
callback: CB,
Then, when you want to use the callback field, you need to call the borrow() (or as_ref()) method:
impl<CB> Caller<CB>
where CB: Borrow<Callback>
fn new(callback: CB) -> Caller<CB> {
Caller { callback: callback }
fn call(&self, x: f32) -> f32 {
It crashes with the current stable compiler (1.1), but not with beta or nightly (just use your last Playpen link and change the "Channel" setting at the top). I believe that support for Rc<Trait> was only partial in 1.1; there were some changes that didn't make it in time. This is probably why your code doesn't work.
To address the question of using Deref for this... if dereferencing the pointer is all you need... sure. It's really just a question of whether or not the trait(s) you've chosen support the operations you need. If yes, great.
As an aside, you can always write a new trait that expresses the exact semantics you need, and implement that for existing types. From what you've said, it doesn't seem necessary in this case.
