ignore known vulnerability in npm audit - security

npm audit is part of my Bitbucket pipeline. I use quill which introduces an XSS vulnerability. It was shipped via cdn, but now my app serves this dependency itself. npm audit now fails because of the XSS.
I am not sure yet if this vulnerability is even relevant to my use case. But I would like to be able to suppress a vulnerability in npm audit. I tried better-npm-audit, but it doesn`t seem to be able to generate json output needed for the pipeline.
I am confused because it feels like an obvious thing to suppress false positives. But googling around (and also asking chatgpt for help) didn't help.
So: is it possible to suppress false positives in npm audit?


is there a safe way to compile an electron app (with out npm security problems)?

i recently built an electron app using node js , html ,css , js
and have been wanting to compile it ive npm installed all options ifound (packager,build,forge) but npm says all have security issues is there asecure way to compile? (compile for windows)
most of the security vulnerabilities are mostly in "build" packages, things that are run during compile time only, and not when the electron/nodejs app is in use, only when it's built/minified/etc, but they are not included in the final product.
Then also are most of those security vulnerabilities usually highly hypothetical, with a high threshold of prerequisites for the weakness to occur.
If you wish to be certain, read the security risk descriptions, what is required, and evaluate if it applies to your system, if it's in a build time package, or a runtime package, and what kind of vulnerability it represents.
if there is a vulnerability in a package that gets included in the app, and it is one that you need to fix because it would pose a serious threat to your end users, check the repository for the package, to see if someone already submitted a pull request for a fix that hasn't made it to the main branch, and merge that into your version that you use.

Best practice regarding dependencies

Which is the best practice while saving package.json dependencies?
For example, i see that lot's of dependencies are not fixed, like:
"tslint": "~5.11.0"
I would like to have fixed dependencies, so that will not change in the future when new developers join a team.
I have little knowledge about package-lock.json and shrinkwrap, but I'm not sure about the "best practice" on this.
On this case is an Angular app, but it can be everything. Keeping for example package-lock.json on the repo caused some issues in the past (i know! it is a best practice to push it!)
Any thoughts?
Short answer: Carets (^) and committing your package-lock.json is probably your best approach. This ensures developers always get the same dependencies, and is the least surprising.
Why package-lock.json?
npm specifically recommends you commit your package-lock.json.
It is highly recommended you commit the generated package lock to source control: this will allow anyone else on your team, your deployments, your CI/continuous integration, and anyone else who runs npm install in your package source to get the exact same dependency tree that you were developing on.
(from the npm documentation)
You mentioned pushing package-lock.json to your repository caused some issues in the past. I'm guessing this was due to this issue where the package lock was being ignored and rewritten every time anyone installed anything. This was not the correct behaviour and was fixed in npm#5.4.2, according to this answer.
What you should not do is leave out the package-lock.json and just specify exact versions in your package.json. If you do this, your top level dependencies will look nice and consistent, but their dependencies won't have locked down versions. This way, you're almost as likely to run into bugs, but they'll be harder to find.
Why not npm-shrinkwrap.json?
You also mention shrinkwrap files. Shrinkwrap files are meant for
applications deployed through the publishing process on the registry
(from the npm documentation)
You probably aren't npm publishing your angular webapp, so there's no reason to use npm-shrinkwrap.json.
Why use caret ranges?
I can't find any documentation saying caret (^) ranges are best practice, but I believe they are.
npm makes caret ranges the default option, so it's clear they think this is best practice, though I can't find any of their documentation to justify it.
Using the default is the least surprising approach. If I saw any other kind of version in a package.json, I'd assume it was changed for a good reason, and would be hesitant to update the package without knowing what that reason is, even if it really needed to be updated.
If you ever decide to update all your dependencies at once, caret ranges will serve you well. You're dependencies will normally be locked, but deleting your package-lock.json and rerunning npm install will automatically install the latest versions that are supposedly backwards compatible with the versions you specified (see the npm docs for details on the caret range).
In summary, it's standard to use caret ranges and a package-lock.json. This fulfills your requirement of fixed dependencies, and provides a few other benefits, so it's best to do what's standard, unless you find another reason to change.

Does npm's package audit use OWASP?

Does npms internal npm audit command use the OWASP security standards when assessing packages for vulnerabilities?
Is there any background information on how npm's packages get audited?
OWASP security standards, as its name suggests, is only a compilation of standards security checks for web applications.
In fact, the npm audit command check for outdated dependencies or known issues. That command doesn't accomplish an audit on the fly. Security issues are raised from several sources, like Node.js security team or Ubuntu security notices for example, or by users like you.
Based on the information we have from npm, it's actually hard to tell if the npm security team in charge of evaluating packages vulnerabilities follow all the recommendations about security from OWASP organisation, but I'm sure a large part of it stays in their minds as security professionals.
Note that NPM also rely on Google cloud security scanner and AWS Penetration testing platform to evaluate security issues in packages.
I know it's late, but the Node Audit Analyzer of the OWASP dependency-check toolset actually uses the NPM Audit API for analysis.
Here is a post from the npm blog that describes the npm audit command. I couldn't find any valid resource that describes how npm audits packages, but I think it might have a connection with The Node Security Platform.

How can I run a script before install a new nodejs dependecy

I try using preinstall npm scripts, but it only run when I checkout the project into a new space, and run "npm i" standalone
I need a solution to run a script before the new dependency writed into package.json. It doesn't depend the type of dependency: dev or prod. All of them need to check.
For example, when a new developer join to the team, and want to add new dependency which has known vulnerability, this script stops the action before the package.json was changed, and show warning message for the developer
There isn't a way to do that with npm scripts. So, unless you feel like implementing one you're going to have to adjust your process. Start by identifying all the problems you're trying to address with an on-dependency-install hook.
You give the example of preventing the installation of a dependency or dependency version. That's not a problem: it's a solution you've identified for the problem. Figure out what the actual problem is, and then reevaluate your solution to see if it's really the most appropriate measure to take.
Possibly (probably) you are afraid of vulnerable code making it up to production. That's a problem definition you can work with. What possible solutions exist? You've already identified the blacklist. But not only is that not supported by your tooling, even if it were the onus is then on you to keep the blacklist up to date. Given just how quickly the Node world moves, that's enough work to keep several people employed fulltime. And that's not even getting into deploying it to your developers.
The good news is that that's not the only solution: you could establish procedural safeguards against integrating vulnerable code. If you're using a distributed VCS like Git, pull requests are right there: disable pushing commits to the master or development branch, have developers work in feature branches and submit pull requests, then review those pull requests and screen any new dependencies for vulnerabilities when they show up. If you're using something like SVN, you can use feature branches with code reviews to similar effect. Your developers get extra eyes on their code looking for vulnerabilities, optimizations, edge cases, and so forth; you don't waste time screening dependencies that nobody ever tries to integrate. And nobody has to worry about getting the latest copy of the blacklist. For this particular scenario, everybody wins with a process solution over a technical solution.
If you have other reasons for wanting to fire scripts when dependencies are installed, try working back to the root of the problem the same way. The way Node dependency management and module interactions work, you'll probably discover it's preferable to develop better process habits.
If you are using git, you can use pre-commit/push hooks, the result is pretty much the same, no vulnerabilities in code base.
For exemple with husky and nsp you could do something like this :
"scripts": {
"prepush": "nsp check"
Riffing off Gabriel's suggestions, since you are concerned about devs wasting time when the lib they add fails an nsp check... You can use an editor extension to run the nsp check as they code. Then have Husky do a pre-commit nsp check as well.
I would also recommend Greenkeeper.io to prevent vulnerabilities before they are found.
If the main concern is that these vulnerable packages are being run within your network (since there's no way to prevent those devs from using those packages in general), you could mirror a subset of the npm registry that you consider safe, or manually add known safe dependencies to that mirror, and block access to the main registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ at the network level. This would mean your developers are stuck waiting for the mirror to be updated, but would require somebody to at least stop and think before they're able to install a problematic module.

Tool for monitoring of breaking changes?

Do you know any tool that monitors breaking changes in github npm or bower projects?
I'd like to list all changes from commit history that are marked with breaking change and list them.
I am using npm-check-updates, that tells me what is new, but it doesn't tell me what has been changed since.
Recently, I have found greenkeeper.io, but as far as I know it doesn't list what is new, it just simply does upgrade and see if your tests are still running. If tests fails, you have to fix it yourself.
In ideal opensource world author marks every breaking change. Also he writes code without bugs. In the real world is not true. You have opensource packages for free, but with possible bugs and undocumented changes API.
There is only working answer, testing your application for each dependencies update. You should have tests and shrinkwrap file.
greenkeeper.io is amazing tool. It makes pull request with dependency changelog. Check example
