I just installed groovy-4.0.9 and get this error: Error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.groovy.tools.GroovyStarter - groovy

I used the msi that was linked at the Groovy website. I have no clue what else is needed. Thanks
I just need the install to work.


How to solve cannot find module error when using vercel/ncc

I am trying to compile a node js application into a single file using vercel/ncc
I followed the instructions, but when I run the generated file, it fails with the error:
Error: Cannot find module 'bcrypto.node'
Any idea how to fix this?

npm script is unable to locate an existent module

I am trying to execute a ReactJS application on my Windows 10 system using npm.
On running the execution script, it is giving me a compilation error that states:
Module not found: Can't resolve '../assets_new/fonts/lato_bold.woff' in '\src\assets_new\scss'
The file lato_bold.woff does exist in the given path, yet the script isn't able to locate it.
Can someone pls let me know how could this be resolved?
From this message:
Can't resolve '../assets_new/fonts/lato_bold.woff' in '\src\assets_new\scss'
It seems that you are trying to fetch lato_bold.woff from fonts folder in assests_new but you are searching in scss folder of assests_new. Try changing it to fonts folder.

'node-jose' library is using 'zlib' library as a dependency which throws an error. How do I fix it and have you encountered the same problem?

I'm trying to use the node-jose library with angular7 for the use with JWEs. The library uses zlib as a dependency and it throws an error when compiling:
ERROR in ./node_modules/zlib/lib/zlib.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './zlib_bindings' in '~\WebApp\node_modules\zlib\lib'
I opened the 'zlib.js' file and the contents are the following:
module.exports = require('./zlib_bindings');
The problem is that the required file doesn't exist. I inspected the rest of the library and there is no such file in the whole library.
I searched the whole internet and no one has described the same problem as I have. There are some discussions regarding the 'node-jose' library but none of those issues are related to 'zlib'.
I would be extremely thankful if only someone would say they share the same error. Thanks in advance!
I found the answer.
Angular isn't showing an error when compiling but shows an error in the browser. It's because the browser doesn't have 'node' libraries integrated so it can't start the 'zlib' library. Installing the 'zlib' library in 'node_modules' doesn't help since it's deprecated.
Using the 'browserify-zlib' library and changing the ...require('browserify-zlib') in all my dependencies has fixed the issue.
This PR will fix the issue in node-jose
This is published to npm as node-jose-browserify, https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-jose-browserify
npm i node-jose-browserify

NodeJS script on Docker: /lib64/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found

I use sharp library for my image processing in the node js script which in turn is running my test cases using jest-image-snapshot.
I have got this error
/lib64/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found
Found similar issue on NodeJS app on OpenShift: /lib64/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found
and tried preloading the dependency.
But then, I have got error on preloading as well
ERROR: ld.so: object '/opt/app-root/src/node_modules/sharp/vendor/lib/libz.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
Please help to resolve this..
I have been trying this in my Windows OS
NOTE: The same script works fine in a mac OS

FastLogger does not export Logger error with Yesod

I'm trying to install a Yesod project of mine via cabal, moving it from one machine to another. I'm getting the following error:
Foundation.hs:22:31: Module `System.Log.FastLogger' does not export `Logger'
That error is when I install without any bounds on the package versions. When I use the bounds from the original project, monad-logger fails to install.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Found the problem. I had import System.Log.FastLogger (Logger), and I needed import Yesod.Core.Types (Logger). Found the solution by looking at a fresh Foundation.hs generated by yesod init.
