• In math, we think of reduce when a denominator and numerator share the same multiplier and that multiplier is “reduced” to a simpler concept (as in “is divisible by”).
• In math, an aggregate, while similar, does not produce the same value in a reduced form, instead, aggregate will produce a single value that is representative of the whole, the whole being a derived state of the data and used primarily for statistical purposes. For example: “Out of 10 sales people, we generated $60000 in capital sales.”
• https://docs.databricks.com/sql/language-manual/functions/reduce.html
• https://docs.databricks.com/sql/language-manual/functions/aggregate.html
Apparently in Apache Spark, reduce means the same thing as aggregate as explained by Databricks.
Can someone clarify the difference or explain how these two words (reduce and aggregate), with a perceptibly different context, can be considered to be the same?
From the doc. you posted, you can find the explanation of the reduce, that is
This function is a synonym for aggregate function.
This is a follow-up to a suggestion by #DCTLib in the post below.
Cudd_PrintMinterm, accessing the individual minterms in the sum of products
I've been pursuing part (b) of the suggestion and will share some pseudo-code in a separate post.
Meanwhile, in his part (b) suggestion, #DCTLib posted a link to https://github.com/VerifiableRobotics/slugs/blob/master/src/BFAbstractionLibrary/BFCudd.cpp. I've been trying to read this program. There is a recursive function in the classic Somenzi paper, Binary Decision Diagrams, which describes an algo to compute the number of satisfying assignments (below, Fig. 7). I've been trying to compare the two, slugs and Fig. 7. But having a hard time seeing any similarities. But then C is mostly inscrutable to me. Do you know if slugs BFCudd is based on Somenze fig 7, #DCTLib?
It's not exactly the same algorithm.
There are two main differences:
First, the "SatHowMany" function does not take a cube of variables to consider for counting. Rather, that function considers all variables. The fact that "recurse_getNofSatisfyingAssignments" supports cubes manifest in the function potentially returning NaN (not a number) if a variable is found in the BDD that does not appear in the cube. The rest of the differences seem to stem from this support.
Second, SatHowMany returns the number of satisfying assignments to all n variables for a node. This leads, for instance, to the division by 2 in line -4. "recurse_getNofSatisfyingAssignments" only returns the number of assignments for the remaining variables to be considered.
Both algorithms cache information - in "SatHowMany", it's called a table, in "recurse_getNofSatisfyingAssignments" it's called a buffer. Note that in line 24 of "recurse_getNofSatisfyingAssignments", there is a constant string thrown. This means that either the function does not work, or the code is never reached. Most likely it's the latter.
Function "SatHowMany" seems to assume that it gets a BDD node - it cannot be a pointer to a complemented BDD node. Function "recurse_getNofSatisfyingAssignments" works correctly with complemented nodes, as a DdNode* may store a pointer to a complemented node.
Due to the support for cubes, "recurse_getNofSatisfyingAssignments" supports flexible variable ordering (hence the lookup of "cuddI" which denotes for a variable where it is in the current BDD variable ordering). For function SatHowMany, the variable ordering does not make a difference.
Suppose we're given some sort of graph where the feasible region of our optimization problem is given. For example: here is an image
How would I go on about constructing these constraints in an integer optimization problem? Anyone got any tips? Thanks!
Mate, I agree with the others that you should be a little more specific than that paint-ish picture ;). In particular you are neither specifying any objective/objective direction nor are you giving any context, what about this graph should be integer-variable related, except for the existence of disjunctive feasible sets, which may be modeled by MIP-techniques. It seems like your problem is formalization of what you conceptualized. However, in case you are just being lazy and are just interested in modelling disjunctive regions, you should be looking into disjunctive programming techniques, such as "big-M" (Note: big-M reformulations can be problematic). You should be aiming at some convex-hull reformulation if you can attain one (fairly easily).
Back to your picture, it is quite clear that you have a problem in two real dimensions (let's say in R^2), where the constraints bounding the feasible set are linear (the lines making up the feasible polygons).
So you know that you have two dimensions and need two real continuous variables, say x[1] and x[2], to formulate each of your linear constraints (a[i,1]*x[1]+a[i,2]<=rhs[i] for some index i corresponding to the number of lines in your graph). Additionally your variables seem to be constrained to the first orthant so x[1]>=0 and x[2]>=0 should hold. Now, to add disjunctions you want some constraints that only hold when a certain condition is true. Therefore, you can add two binary decision variables, say y[1],y[2] and an additional constraint y[1]+y[2]=1, to tell that only one set of constraints can be active at the same time. You should be able to implement this with the help of big-M by reformulating the constraints as follows:
If you bound things from above with your line:
a[i,1]*x[1]+a[i,2]-rhs[i]<=M*(1-y[1]) if i corresponds to the one polygon,
a[i,1]*x[1]+a[i,2]-rhs[i]<=M*(1-y[2]) if i corresponds to the other polygon,
and if your line bounds things from below:
-M*(1-y[1])<=-a[i,1]*x[1]-a[i,2]+rhs[i] if i corresponds to the one polygon,
-M*(1-y[1])<=-a[i,1]*x[1]-a[i,2]+rhs[i] if i corresponds to the other polygon.
It is important that M is sufficiently large, but not too large to cause numerical issues.
That being said, I am by no means an expert on these disjunctive programming techniques, so feel free to chime in, add corrections or make things clearer.
Also, a more elaborate question typically yields more elaborate and satisfying answers ;) If you had gone to the effort of making up a true small example problem you likely would have gotten a full formulation of your problem or even an executable piece of code in no time.
In every single example I've found for a 1/0 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming where the items have weights(costs) and profits, it never explicitly says to sort the items list, but in all the examples they are sorted by increasing both weight and profit (higher weights have higher profits in the examples). So my question is when adding items in the matrix from the item array/list, can I add them in any order, or do I add the one with the smallest weight or profit? Because from multiple examples I found I'm not sure if its just a coincidence or you do in fact need to put the smallest weight/profit into the matrix each time
The dynamic programming solution is nothing but choosing all the possibilities (using brute force) in an efficient way (just by saving the values for future reference).
Note: We consider all the subsets. Even if the list is sorted or not the total number of subsets will be the same. So in the end all the subsets will get considered.
No, you don't need to sort the weights because every row gives the maximum possible value under the weight limit of that row. The maximum will come in the last column of that row.
Maybe you are looking at bottom-up Dynamic solutions. And there is one characteristic in Dynamic solution when you solve using the bottom-up method.
The second approach is the bottom-up method. This approach typically depends
on some natural notion of the “size” of a subproblem, such that solving any particular
subproblem depends only on solving “smaller” subproblems. We sort the
subproblems by size and solve them in size order, smallest first. When solving a
particular subproblem, we have already solved all of the smaller subproblems its
solution depends upon, and we have saved their solutions. We solve each subproblem
only once, and when we first see it, we have already solved all of its
prerequisite subproblems.
From: Introduction to Algorithm, CORMEN (3rd edition)
The "smaller problem" in this case is just smaller in terms of the number of available items to choose, not about the profits or weights of these items. If given a 3 item list, the sub-problems will be 2 items, and 1 item to choose from.
The smallest problem is first hardcoded (base case), then at each stage of moving from a smaller to bigger problem, the best profit is enumerated, and the max is chosen. At the end, all 2^n combinations would have been considered and the various stages of repeated max will bubble up the largest solution.
Changing the input order, or putting dominated items into the input (like higher weight and lower profit) may just change which argument of max() won at each stage, but the final max result will come from the same selection of items, albeit being selected at different stages in the algorithm for different sort orders or input characteristics.
The answer could be found by some random shuffle experiments.
which I found is: better in ascending order. correct me if i'm wrong.
gist: https://gist.github.com/whille/39cf7bf8cf5dcf6ac933063735ae54de
Problem described in "Algorithm Design", ISBN: 9780321295354, chapter 6.4.
Two methods could be used:
as the chapter used, a M cache to pre-calculated, in which not sub answer is needed.
recursive function, which is simple to understand and test. I found functools.cache of python3.5+ could be use to check how many sub caculation is need, as my gist show: ascending order of test_random() is the smallest in currsize, So it's most efficient, and could extend to float value.
results for 10 random weights(1~100) and 200 knapack:
[(13.527716157276256, 18.371888775465692), (16.18632175987168, 206.88043031085252), (20.14117982372607, 81.52793937986635), (33.28606671929836, 298.8676699147799), (49.12968642850187, 22.037638580809592), (55.279973594800225, 377.3715225559507), (56.56103181962746, 460.9161412820592), (60.38456825749498, 10.721915577913244), (67.98836121062645, 63.47478755362385), (86.49436333909377, 208.06767811169286)]: reverse: False
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=832, maxsize=None, currsize=832)
[(86.49436333909377, 208.06767811169286), (67.98836121062645, 63.47478755362385), (60.38456825749498, 10.721915577913244), (56.56103181962746, 460.9161412820592), (55.279973594800225, 377.3715225559507), (49.12968642850187, 22.037638580809592), (33.28606671929836, 298.8676699147799), (20.14117982372607, 81.52793937986635), (16.18632175987168, 206.88043031085252), (13.527716157276256, 18.371888775465692)]: reverse: True
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1120, maxsize=None, currsize=1120)
Note for method2:
if capacity is much larger, all random orders have equal currsize.
callstack overflow should be avoided for large N, so recurse method should be transformed. Generally a two step method could be used, first map subproblem dependency, and calc. I'ill try later in gist.
I guess, sorting might be required in certain types of knapsack problem. For example consider the problem "Maximum Earnings From Taxi". Here, the input has to be sorted by the starting point of the riders, else we won't get the optimal result.
For example, consider the below input for the above problem:-
[[2,3,1],[2,9,2], [3,6,7],[2,3,6]]
If you apply a typical knapsack implementation in recursive approach, without sorting the input we won't get the optimal solution.
I have read these words:
There are two key attributes that a problem must have in order for dynamic programming to be applicable: optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems. If a problem can be solved by combining optimal solutions to non-overlapping subproblems, the strategy is called "divide and conquer". This is why mergesort and quicksort are not classified as dynamic programming problems.
I have the 3 questions:
Why mergesort and quicksort is not Dynamic programming?
I think mergesort also can be divided small problems and small problems then do the same thing and so on.
Is Dijkstra Algorithm using dynamic algorithm?
Are there applied examples of using Dynamic programming?
The key words here are "overlapping subproblems" and "optimal substructure". When you execute quicksort or mergesort, you are recursively breaking down your array into smaller pieces that do not overlap. You never operate over the same elements of the original array twice during any given level of the recursion. This means there is no opportunity to re-use previous calculations. On the other hand, many problems DO involve performing the same calculations over overlapping subsets, and have the useful characteristic that an optimal solution to a subproblem can be re-used when computing the optimal solution to a larger problem.
Dijkstra's algorithm is a classic example of dynamic programming, as it re-uses prior computations to discover the shortest path between two nodes A and Z. Say that A's immediate neighbors are B and C. We can find the shortest path from A to Z by summing the distance between A and B with our computed shortest path from B to Z; and do similarly for finding the shortest path from C to Z. Then the shortest path from A to Z will be the shorter of these two paths. The key insight here is that we can re-use the shortest path computations for paths of length 2 when computing the shortest paths of length 3, and so on. Doing so results in a much more efficient algorithm.
Dynamic programming can be used to solve many types of problems -- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_programming#Examples:_Computer_algorithms for some examples.
For dynamic programming to be applicable to a problem, there should be
i. An optimal structure in the subproblems:
This means that when you break down your problem into smaller units, those smaller units also need to be broken down into yet smaller units for an optimal solution. For example, in merge sort, a array of numbers can get sorted if we divide it into two subarrays, get them sorted and combine them. While sorting these two subarrays, repeat the same process you followed in the previous sentence. So an optimal solution (a sorted array) is got when we find an optimal solution to its subproblems (we sort the subarrays and combine them). This requirement is fulfilled for merge sort. Also the subproblems must be independent for them to follow an optimal structure. This is also fulfilled by merge sort as the subproblems' solutions do not get affected by each others' solutions. For example, the solutions to the two parts of an array are not affected by each other's sortedness.
ii. Overlapping subproblems:
This means that while solving for the solution, the subproblems you formulate get repeated, and hence need only be solved once. In the case of merge sort, this requirement will be met only rarely in the normal case. An array of numbers like 2 1 3 4 9 4 2 1 3 1 9 4 may be a good candidate for overlapping subproblems for merge sort. In this case, the solution to the subproblem sort(2 1 3) can be stored in a table to be reused, because it will be called twice during the computation. But as you can see, there is a very slim chance that a random array of numbers will have this kind of a repeated contrivance. So it would only be inefficient if we used a dynamic programming technique like memoization for an algorithm like merge sort.
Yes. Dijkstra's algorithm uses dynamic programming as mentioned by #Alan in the comment. link
Yes. If I may quote Wikipedia here,
"Dynamic programming is widely used in bioinformatics for the tasks such as sequence alignment, protein folding, RNA structure prediction and protein-DNA binding." 1
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_programming
I'm looking for a functional data structure that represents finite bijections between two types, that is space-efficient and time-efficient.
For instance, I'd be happy if, considering a bijection f of size n:
extending f with a new pair of elements has complexity O(ln n)
querying f(x) or f^-1(x) has complexity O(ln n)
the internal representation for f is more space efficient than having 2 finite maps (representing f and its inverse)
I am aware of efficient representation of permutations, like this paper, but it does not seem to solve my problem.
Please have a look at my answer for a relatively similar question. The provided code can handle general NxM relations, but also be specialized to just bijections (just as you would for a binary search tree).
Pasting the answer here for completeness:
The simplest way is to use a pair of unidirectional maps. It has some cost, but you won't get much better (you could get a bit better using dedicated binary trees, but you have a huge complexity cost to pay if you have to implement it yourself). In essence, lookups will be just as fast, but addition and deletion will be twice as slow. Which isn't so bad for a logarithmic operation. Another advantage of this technique is that you can use specialized maps types for the key or value type if you have one available. You won't get as much flexibility with a specific generalist data structure.
A different solution is to use a quadtree (instead of considering a NxN relation as a pair of 1xN and Nx1 relations, you see it as a set of elements in the cartesian product (Key*Value) of your types, that is, a spatial plane), but it's not clear to me that the time and memory costs are better than with two maps. I suppose it needs to be tested.
Although it doesn't satisfy your third requirement, bimaps seem like the way to go. (They just make two finite maps, one in each direction, convenient to use.)