Send message to specific subscription instead of topic in Azure Service Bus - azure

Is it possible to send a message to a specific subscription instead of a topic in Azure Service Bus? I would like to send a message only to one subscription of a topic (which means all subscriptions will receive the message). It is somehow possible in the Azure portal (see screenshot), and I was wondering if it's possible with the REST API (or C# skd).
option to send to a subscription in Azure Portal

Messages are never sent to a subscription. You always publish/send to a topic and subscriptions receive the messages that satisfy the criteria specified for each subscription via subscription rules. If you need a specific message type/payload to be received by only a single subscription, you need to specify the rules on that subscription to be the only subscription to evaluate the rules to true.
Alternatively, use a queue. A queue is good for a scenario when you know the receiver.


How can you set up an alert when a message arrives in the Dead letter Queue in Azure Servicebus

I want to create an alert in Azure when a message hits the dead letter queue in azure servicebus , I checked the monitoring and cant see an option for when a "NEW" message arrives in the queue. Also is there any way of viewing the DeadLetterQueues via Azure itself or via the Azure CLI and NOT using a 3rd Party application?
I want to create an alert in Azure when a message hits the dead letter
queue in azure servicebus , I checked the monitoring and cant see an
option for when a "NEW" message arrives in the queue.
Currently it is not possible to create an alert when a message is dead-lettered. What you can do is either make use of Azure Function with Service Bus Trigger or a Logic App which gets triggered when a message is dead-lettered. There you could take a custom action (like sending an email).
Also is there any way of viewing the DeadLetterQueues via Azure itself
or via the Azure CLI and NOT using a 3rd Party application?
You can view deadletter messages in Azure Portal using Service Bus Explorer (currently in preview). Please see the screenshot below.
While you cannot create an alert when a message is dead lettered, you can create one that fires when you have messages in your Dead letter queue. You should then remove the message from the DLQ which will resolve the alert.
For anyone coming here interested in creating an alert when you have messages in your DLQ you can configure this on your Service Bus resource. Select Alerts and Alert rules in the Azure portal:
Then click Create and select Count of dead-lettered messages in a Queue/Topic as your signal.

how to send a message to azure service bus Topic (subscription using) Logic app send message connector?

I have a Azure service bus Topic with two subscriptions.
I want to send a message to topic from logic app using send message connector. How to send the message to a specific subscription.
Now it takes only topic name and does not have property to accept subscription name, how can i implement the same.
thanks in advance.
Unfortunately, that is not possible (just not with logic apps, but in general)
This is how a topic and subscription works.
A Service Bus topic provides an endpoint for sender applications to
send messages.
Each subscription of a topic gets a copy of the message sent to the topic.
Topics and subscriptions provide a one-to-many form of communication.
Having, said that you can configure filters at the Subscription end. This will facilitate receiving only those messages meeting the criteria from the central pool. When you want a specific subscription to receive it. You could send the message such a way that it matches the filter condition.
So, something like this :
Image Source
100 messages are sent to the topic, but are split to each subscription as 30,45,25 based on the filter rule. the messages that did not meet filter are not made available to the subscription.
In your case, you need set filters for both the subscription. Trigger the message such a way that it matches only for one of the subscription.
Alternatively, if it is going 1:1 - you could make use of the Queue.
References to set up filters at subscription level :
Filters Service Bus
Filtering the Service Bus
Stackthread on the implementation
A subscription in Service Bus is an isolated view into the messages of a Topic, essentially a copy of the messages private to the subscription. This allows multiple consumers to process topic messages without competing with one another.
You can't publish messages messages directly to a subscription, only to the topic that the subscription is associated with. All subscriptions associated with the topic will have access to the message.
If you are looking to send messages for a single consumer (or a set of competing consumers), a Service Bus queue may be a better fit for your scenario.

Send Azure Blob Storage event notifications to Event Hubs on another account

In Azure, I'm trying to send event notifications from a Storage Account in one Active Directory to an Event Hub in another Active Directory.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to share/link the resource.
In AWS, I was able to accomplish this by creating a role in the receiver account, adding the source account by ID, adding the SQS Writer resource permission, and adding the SQS Queue ARN as the bucket notification destination. I'm guessing something similar is possible in Azure..
At the moment, I am looking at Active Directory IAM, which appears to have the EventGrid EventSubscription Contributor property. In the destination account I have added the source account as a contributor, and I received a notification in the source account that I had permissions in the destination account, but when I try to create an event subscription in the source account, the Event Hubs in the destination account don't show as an option.
How can I write event notifications to Event Hubs in one account from a Storage Account in another?
Absolutely yes. I think there are many ways to do that across different subscriptions, such as the two below.
Solution 1 to use Azure Functions. You can use Azure Function with Blob Trigger to get the event notifications of blob changes, and then to request the other Azure Function with HttpTrigger via PUT/POST method to transfer the event message of blob information like blob url with SAS token for accessing in other subscriptions.
Solution 2 to use Azure Logic Apps. You can use the logic flow below to get the blob change events to send the notification message to EventHub in other subscriptions, because Azure Logic Apps allows to configure their connection information manually as below.
Fig 1. The logic flow to get events from Blob Storage and send to EventHub
Fig 2. Click the Manually enter connection information to configure for a service in other subscriptions.
Fig 2-A.
Fig 2-B.
Basically, there are supported two ways in the Azure Event Grid Pub/Sub model for delivery events across the multi-tenants environment, such as:
Tightly coupled delivery of the event messages to the subscriber resource based on the RBAC. At the subscriber (destination) resource, you can
add a built-in role assignment such as EventGrid EventSubscription Contributor for Azure AD user, etc.
or add co-administrator at the Azure subscription level
The following screen snippet shows an example of the case when I am a co-administrator two Azure subscriptions such as the Stage and Development.
Creating an Event Subscription for event driven blob storage topic in the AEG provider at the Stage azure account and delivery its notification events across the azure account boundary to the Subscriber such as an Event Hub located in the Development azure account is straightforward:
Loosely decoupled delivery of the event messages to the Subscribers across the multi-tenants boundary based on the WebHook event handler endpoint. For Pub/Sub integration across the tenant boundary can be used an EventGridTrigger function with an output binding to the Event Hub resource. The following screen snippet shows this example:
The above solution is very straightforward with capability to mediate (pre-processing) an event message to the Event Hub resource.
In the case for distributing the events to another subscribers, etc. in the Fan-Out pattern manner, the Azure Event Grids can be cascaded like is shown in the following screen snippet:
In the above solution, each tenant has own Azure Event Grid provider and there are cascaded via the "plumbing" WebHook event handler endpoint and custom topic endpoint.
More details about the AEG cascading implementation can be found here.

Azure Service Bus Topic subscription concurency

I have following requirement
Message published to the Topic/Queue
Multiple consumers subscribed to the Topic/Queue. So our requirement is to only one consumer should listen to the message. That means no other consumer can get the same message.
I feel queue would be the best fit. But I have advise from our architect to check whether we can achieve it from Topics?.
So any body please let me know whether we can achieve it through Topics and also pros and constrains?
Azure Service Bus Queue is a single message queue. You send it a message and the message receiver will get the message and be able to process it accordingly. Each message will only be handled once.
Azure Service Bus Topic is a more robust message queue than Azure Service Bus Queue. With Topics there can be multiple Subscriptions configured to catch messages based on a Filter. If multiple Subscriptions have a Filter that matches an incoming message, then each of those Subscriptions will get a copy of the messages. With Topics it's up to you to configure the Subscription Filters according to your projects needs.
If you know a message only needs to be handled once in your system and the message queue is being used by a single message receiver application (single or multiple hosted instances) then Azure Service Bus Queue is likely the tool for the job.

durable subscriber pattern with azure service bus

I'm looking to use Azure Service Bus with topics but need to handle the scenario where a subscriber might not be listening for a message it's interested in (e.g. server being rebooted etc.). This is the typical durable subscriber pattern as described here
What I can't work out is how to apply this with Azure Service Bus and I can't seem to find any examples or discussion of this in the documentation. Is this something that Azure service bus provides or should I start looking at alternatives to Azure Service Bus?
This is built straight into Service Bus. As long as a subscription is created it is durable. You create a topic and then create one or more subscriptions. One or more consumers then listen to a subscription when they are active. If they go inactive, such as the server being rebooted, then the subscription stores the messages until a consumer comes back up and asks for one.
Service Bus would only be nondurable if you were creating and destroying subscriptions on the fly as each consumer becomes active or becomes inactive. If there are no subscriptions then messages sent to a topic are lost. Once you create a subscription, any messages sent to the topic (if they pass any filters applied) will be available on the subscription regardless if there are any active consumers using that subscription. Subscriptions exist until you remove them or, if you have the idle removal feature turned on, they surpass the idle deletion time.
You can verify this with a simple console application, or using LinqPad to set up code that does the following:
Create a topic.
Create a subscription on that topic (no filters)
Send a few messages to the topic.
In a different script or console app, create a MessageReceiver for that subscription and pull down the messages.
The messages within a subscription are durable for the life of that subscription, until they are processed (completed, etc.), they are forwarded somewhere else or they expire.
I am not sure where you looked for documentation, following are good to read:
