helm pull from GitLab package registry gives error - gitlab

I have a helm-chart-0.1.0.tgz on the GitLab Package Registry.
I try to use these commands:
export REGISTRY_URL=registry.gitlab.com/<GROUP_NAME>/<REPO>/<PACKAGE_NAME>
helm pull $REGISTRY_URL --untar --untardir charts/
And than I got this error: Error: repo registry.gitlab.com not found


Workspace binding "ssh-directory" does not match any declared workspace

I am trying to do task git-clone in Tekton pipeline to Gitlab. I have already installed the required pipeline and now I am trying to install Pipeline run but I am receiving an error.
Install pipeline run inside the Tekton pipeline using the git clone. My goal is to deploy source code from Gitlab to Tekton to OpenShift
Reference: https://Tekton.dev/docs/how-to-guides/clone-repository/#full-code-samples
Installed pipeline for Git clone -done
install Pipeline run for Git clone-pending
my configuration of pipeline

How to install gitlab-runner in Azure Kubernetes Service?

I'm trying to install Gitlab Runner inside my cluster in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), but I have 2 errors:
Helm Tiller doesn't appear in the application list of Gitlab CI:
Most of tutorials tell that it has to be installed, but today it is not even proposed as you can see here:
When I install gitlab-runner from this list, I have a message error like
"Something went wrong while installing Gitlab Runner
Operation failed. Check pod logs for install-runner for more details"
So when I check the logs, I have this:
The 2 last lines there is an error, some answers tell that I need to change the repo with Helm command, so I do that from the Azure CLI bash in the portal, but I still have the same error, I execute the code like this :
helm repo rm stable
helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
And then I update, do I need to give more arguments in commands?
GitLab 13.12 (May 2021) does clearly mention:
Helm v2 support
Helm v2 was officially deprecated in November of 2020, with the stable repository being de-listed from the Helm Hub shortly thereafter.
With the release of GitLab 14.0 (June 2021), which will include the 5.0 release of the GitLab Helm chart, Helm v2 will no longer be supported.
Users of the chart should upgrade to Helm v3 to deploy GitLab 14.0 and above.
So that is why Helm Tiller doesn't appear in the application list of Gitlab CI.

Unable to install node module from git repository in CirlcleCI

Following is the scenario
ParentNodeModule in a git repo which consumes ChildNodeModule from another get repo and refers it in package dependency as git+ssh://git#github.com/SomeOrg/ChildNodeModule.git#1.0.0.
Now problem is that ParentNodeModule as a circle ci setup which should run tests and lint checks but its not able to because in cirlce ci its no able to access git#github.com/SomeOrg/ChildNodeModule.git and showing following error
npm ERR! ERROR: Permission to SomeOrg/ChildNodeModule.git denied to deploy key
npm ERR! fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
So how to solve it any clues would be helpful
Within CircleCI, you should grant access to the SomeOrg/ChildNodeModule project so that CircleCI can read that repository. CircleCI will automate this process by adding a Deploy Key to that repository.

Local CircleCI reports "Unexpected environment preparation error: error looking up self container id: Found multiple cgroups for outer container"

I am getting the following error when I run circleci build locally on Ubuntu 18.04. The build runs perfectly inside the hosted CircleCI.
====>> Spin up Environment
Build-agent version 0.0.5359-1e92f70 (2018-05-05T01:50:55+0000)
Error: Unexpected environment preparation error: error looking up self container id: Found multiple cgroups for outer container
Step failed
Task failed
Error: error looking up self container id: Found multiple cgroups for outer container
CircleCI version:
circleci version: 0.0.5358-1e92f70
Build Agent version: 0.0.5359-1e92f70
built: 2018-05-05T01:50:55+0000
Docker-ce version:
Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40
I installed Docker exactly as specified on the website, including setting the usergroup.
I used the instructions here to install CircleCI, which is this command: sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/circleci https://circle-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/releases/build_agent_wrapper/circleci && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/circleci.
Disclaimer: CircleCI Developer Advocate
There is currently a bug with the Local CLI. Should be fixed within 48 hours.Once it's fixed, running circleci update should download the fix.
This type of question would be answered more quickly on CircleCI Discuss.

Gitlab-Omnibus Helm chart not launching

I have launched a Kubernetes managed cluster on Azure [AKS].
I am trying to deploy a Gitlab chart via Helm by downloading the zip file and trying to install it.
I use these charts .
I go to this directory C:\Users\wehappyfew\Documents\Projects\k8s\omnibus\gitlab-omnibus and I use this command
helm install --name gitlab1 --namespace dev .
and I get this error
Error: found in requirements.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: gitlab-runner
The gitlab-runner directory exists in the C:\Users\wehappyfew\Documents\Projects\k8s\omnibus path.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to pull dependencies first.
Follow the following steps:
helm repo add gitlab https://charts.gitlab.io
helm repo list to confirm the repo is added
helm dep build
Then run the helm install command
