ServiceM8 and DEAR Inventory - servicem8

[servicem8]Has anyone successfully integrated ServiceM8 and DEAR? If so how please?
I am aware that by using Zapier, you can create 'triggers' to perform 'tasks' between both systems but wondering if there is a better solution/s out there that has successfully been set up?


how to integrate stripe sca 3d secure django oscar

I have seen this same question asked before but I believe the feature in stripe is still relatively new and not much information on Google, I'm a newbie at this but it keeps me up at night, can someone please share ideas of how to implement stripe payment intent in django Oscar and then confirming the payment on the client side? Right now I followed the Google group that discusses how to do it using charges api, I have converted the instructions for creating a Paynent intent but cards requiring authentication each time is failing, I am also not 100 %/ sure how to implement subscriptions when django Oscar checkout process is a 2 step process
Any feedback is greatly appreciated
try thisproject It is strip integrating with django-oscar

Using stripe connect in development without client id

Hi I'm not sure if its a bad question but I've been trying to look for an answer for some time but just couldn't seem to find one. I am building my first personal project using MERN stack and it is a platform that allows sellers to sell their products to users. I found out that stripe connect is very suitable for this purpose but the documentation says that I must register my business in order to be able to use stripe connect. Given that I'm not actually planning to launch this web app, it is merely for my own learning, is there a way that I can still use stripe connect without having to register? help is very much appreciated thanks
You're more than welcome to use all of Stripe's feature's for testing and learning without having to incorporate first. You can sign up and use our all our APIs including our Connect APIs with test keys:
A good place to start after signing up is the development quickstart:
It might also be worthwhile checking out the many Stripe developer office hours videos available on Youtube:
I found out stripe also provides test client id at which I can use to integrate stripe connect into my app.

Azure alert monitor condition always stay the same

I have implemented alerting on my infrastructure. The problem is that the monitor condidition never changes to resolve. Anyone with the same problem?
Kind regards
Summarize from the comments for others' reference:
As stackoverflowusrone mentioned, different types of alerts resolve differently and also provide a sample.
Here I provide some more information about it, we can know the alert's logic by this tutorial
By the way, if you want azure develop team add some feature, you can raise a feedback ticket on this page.

How to better manage Qualys WAS for 30 sites that are scanned monthly

Hello everyone: I was giving the responsibility of a Qualys WAS. There are around 30 sites I need to monthly scan, and check alerts. I need to automate all this process so I'm thinking on this
1- Create an script or application that could easily schedule and start the scan of the sites
2- The same app will also pull the reports from Qualys WAS
Now it comes to the issue:
I need to report on the issues found. And have those reports where they could be accessible for compliance reasons.
I'm assuming a lot of other security engineer here have the same issue. So my question is what do you do about this?
I was thinking about what to do and thought that these could be some options, but I want to hear from people that have already faced the same issue:
Is the best option to create an application that pulls the issues found from Qualys and later, presents them in a system or DB, with a web interface easy to be validated and share with people who need to access that info?
Is there any system that already solve my issue(see above in black), that maybe we can buy?
Could you talk about your experience with this?
I have another question. Do you think that having 30 sites, scanned monthly, validating issues found, and doing some other administrative stuff to keep this part working as perfect as possible, do you think just one skilled engineer is enough 100% on this? Or do you think I will need to ask for more people?
Thanks to #Kapish M for his response
In order to help the community and anyone who faces the same issue, I will post here an answer but will leave the question open just in case some else have other options.
Qualys has no connector/plugin, for direct JIRA integration but API can make any similar integrations possible.  While downloading data from Qualys via API, most times it is NOT very possible to make this communication 2 way unless the other vendor (JIRA etc) be willing to do it.
So it is possible to take one of these two routes to solve this issue:
1- Look for a 2-way integration system, like Service Now, that should make possible to integrate the system much more easier. Today, ServiceNow has 2-way integration.
2- Take care programmatically of
- Downloading Qualys report in CSV format
- Modify the CSF format to adapt it to JIRA as per [2]
- Analyze the issues in JIRA and move the ticket to other groups or close them
3- Because of the high demand of integration of this Security Tool, Qualys has created a Qualys-JIRA integration whitepaper available in [3]
Took information for this answer from:
[1]-Importing CSV into Jira
[2]-Qualys integration
[3]-Qualys Jira integration whitepaper

Mobile check in API with embedded form

I'm looking to pull some information off of the people that check into my location to learn a bit about them. The plan is to offer them a special through foursquare once they've completed the form. Has anyone done this? Is it even possible?
See for information about claiming your venue and for the relevant API endpoints.
