CloudAnt: return only the last document matching an array of keys - couchdb

Say I have documents in my database with key values "a","b","c", etc.
Now I want to fetch the last matching value of multiple keys, such as keys:["a", "c"], returning the doc for "c" only.
Is there an efficient way to do this in CloudAnt/CouchDB? I'd prefer not to retrieve all matches, just the last. Do I have to use index/selector for this?


pyspark how to pass the values dynamically to countDistinct

I have a csv file that contains (FileName,ColumnName,Rule and RuleDetails) as headers.
I have multiple rules for column Rule like NotNull,Max,Min etc.
For the rule "Unique" there can be multiple columns, I need to pass those columns and perform countDistinct.
If I pass the values dynamically instead of hardcoding I'm getting below error
AnalysisException: Column '`"SITEID", "ASSETNUM"`' does not exist. Did you mean one of the following? [spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.ASSETNUM, spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.HasLD, spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.SITEID, spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.Status, spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.SerialNumber, spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.Description, spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.InstallDate, spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.Classification, spark_catalog.maximo_dq.Assets_new.LongDescription];
Similarly how to get the count of records which are not matching the specified date format.
I need to take check how many records in INSTALLDATE are not in the format of RuleDetails
Use tuple unpacking to pass the values
UNIQUUECOLSString = ['a','b','c'] #keep it in an array *UNIQUUECOLSString ))

Blue Prism - How filter a collection using NOT operator

I need to filter a collection that have "HoldingSubholding" column, that can have lot of different value. I need All the rows with the values except the rows that have value "A".
How can I filter the collection?
I would like to use EQUAL NOT, how could i write that?
"HoldingSubholding =NOT 'A'"
enter image description here
There's a VBO from the digital exchange, utility-collection manipulation. It has an action called filter collection- Input the collection and the filter expression "HoldingSubholding <> 'A'"
Or you can use a loop stage to loop through the collection, and a decision stage to check the condition [Collection.HoldingSubholding] <> "A"
“[Column Name] <>’A’”
<> is exact opposite of = which allows you to deselect or filter out non relevant Data in columns.

Get PartitionedList for partition with more than 2000 documents

I have a partitioned Cloudant database (on the free tier) with a partition that has more than 2000 documents. Unfortunately, running await db.partitionedList('partitionID') returns this object:
total_rows: 2082,
offset: 0,
rows: [...]
where rows is an array of only 2000 objects. Is there a way for me to get those 82 remaining rows, or get a list of all 2082 rows together. Thanks.
Cloudant limits the _partition endpoints to returning a maximum of 2000 rows so you can't get all 2082 rows at once.
The way to get the remaining rows is by storing the doc ID of the last row and using it to make a startkey for a second request, appending \0 to ask the list to start from the next doc ID in the index e.g.
db.partitionedList('partitionID', {
startkey: `${firstResponse.rows[1999].id}\0`
Note that partitionedList is the equivalent of /{db}/_partition/{partitionID}/_all_docs so key and id are the same in each row and you can safely assume they are unique (because it is a doc ID) allowing use the unicode \0 trick. However, if you wanted to do the same with a _view you'd need to store both the key and id and fetch the 2000th row twice.

Is there a vbo to get value from a collection based on value of other fields and save it as a data item?

Relatively new to Blue Prism,
I have a collection that looks like this, with 100+ rows:
8 Apr 2021
I'd like to manipulate the data such that if Results = 'Name', Get the Answer (aka ABC) and put it into a data item.
Is there any way to do this?
I understand I could hardcode i.e. Get value based on Row Index and Column Index, but my data is complex and may not always have the same rox index.
Can you use the collection filter to get a collection output? The utility has an action to filter where you can input a collection and then use
[FieldName] Like "some value"
This would result in every complete row in the collection that matches the filter.

Cassandra-secondary index on part of the composite key?

I am using a composite primary key consisting of 2 strings Name1, Name2, and a timestamp (e.g. 'Joe:Smith:123456'). I want to query a range of timestamps given an equality condition for either Name1 or Name2.
For example, in SQL:
SELECT * FROM testcf WHERE (timestamp > 111111 AND timestamp < 222222 and Name2 = 'Brown');
SELECT * FROM testcf WHERE (timestamp > 111111 AND timestamp < 222222 and Name1 = 'Charlie);
From my understanding, the first part of the composite key is the partition key, so the second query is possible, but the first query would require some kind of index on Name2.
Is it possible to create a separate index on a component of the composite key? Or am I misunderstanding something here?
You will need to manually create and maintain an index of names if you want to use your schema and support the first query. Given this requirement, I question your choice in data model. Your model should be designed with your read pattern in mind. I presume you are also storing some column values as well that you want to query by timestamp. If so, perhaps the following model would serve you better:
"[current_day]:Joe:Smith" {
123456:Field1 : value
123456:Field2 : value
123450:Field1 : value
123450:Field2 : value
With this model you can use the current day (or some known day) as a sentinel value, then filter on first and last names. You can also get a range of columns by timestamp using the composite column names.
