NSManagedObjectContext save optimization - core-data

I'm just wondering if I really need to dispatch the -[NSManagedObjectContext save:] operation like 0.1s after (and cancelling last request when it comes very shortly) to avoir saving context multiple times when there are several operations enqueued (and I don't know how many they are), or if it's safe to save context for each update, and it handles the multiple call "optimization" part for me?
I suppose the save operation writes on file each time, but may be I'm wrong...


How to process Read Model in CQRS

We want to implement cqrs in our new design. We have some doubts in processing command handler and read model. We got understand that while processing commands we should take optimistic lock on aggregateId. But what approach should be considered while processing readModels. Should we take lock on entire readModel or on aggregateId or never take lock while processing read model.
case 1. when take lock on entire readmodel -> it is safest but is not good in term of speed.
case 2 - take lock on aggregateId. Here two issues may arise. if we take lock aggregateId wise -> then what if read model server restarts. It does not know from where it starts again.
case 3 - Never take lock. in ths approach, I think data may be in corrputed state. For eg say an order inserted event is generated and thorugh some workflow/saga, order updated event took place as well. what if order updated event comes first and order inserted event is not yet processed ?
Hope I am able to address my issue.
If you do not process events concurrently in the Readmodel then there is no need for a lock. This is the case when you have a single instance of the Readmodel, possible in a Microservice, that poll for events and process them sequentially.
If you have a synchronous Readmodel (i.e. in the same process as the Writemodel/Aggregate) then most probably you will need locking.
An important thing to keep in mind is that a Readmodel most probably differs from the Writemodel. There could be a lot of Writemodel types whos events are projected in the same Readmodel. For example, in an ecommerce shop you could have a ListOfProducts that projects event from Vendor and from Product Aggregates. This means that, when we speak about a Readmodel we cannot simply refer to the "Aggregate" because there is not single Aggregate involved. In the case of ecommerce, when we say "the Aggregate" we might refer to the Product Aggregate or Vendor Aggregate.
But what to lock? Here depends on the database technology. You should lock the smallest affected read entity or collection that can be locked. In a Readmodel that consist of a list of products (read entities, not aggregates!), when an event that affects only one product you should lock only that product (i.e. ProductTitleRenamed).
If an event affects more products then you should lock the entire collection. For example, VendorWasBlocked affects all the products (it should remove all the products from that vendor).
You need the locking for the events that have non-idempotent side effects, for the case where the Readmodel's updater fails during the processing of an event, if you want to retry/resume from where it left. If the event has idempotent side effects then it can be retried safely.
In order to know from where to resume in case of a failed Readmodel, you could store inside the Readmodel the sequence of the last processed event. In this case, if the entity update succeeds then the last processed event's sequence is also saved. If it fails then you know that the event was not processed.
For eg say an order inserted event is generated and thorugh some workflow/saga, order updated event took place as well. what if order updated event comes first and order inserted event is not yet processed ?
Read models are usually easier to reason about if you think about them polling for ordered sequences of events, rather than reacting to unordered notifications.
A single read model might depend on events from more than one aggregate, so aggregate locking is unlikely to be your most general answer.
That also means, if we are polling, that we need to keep track of the position of multiple streams of data. In other words, our read model probably includes meta data that tells us what version of each source was used.
The locking is likely to depend on the nature of your backing store / cache. But an optimistic approach
read the current representation
compute the new representation
compare and swap
is, again, usually easy to reason about.

File writing from multiple threads.

I have an application A which calls another application B which does some calculation and writes to a file File.txt
A invokes multiple instances of B through multiple threads and each instances tries to write to same file File.txt
Here comes the actual problem :
Since multiple threads tries to access the same file , the file access throws out which is common.
I tried an approach of using a concurrent queue in a singleton class and each instances of B adds to the queue And another thread in this class takes care of dequeing the items from queue and writes to the file File.txt. The queue is fetched synchronously and write operation succeeded . This works fine .
If I have too many threads and too many items in queue the file writing works but if for some reason my queue crashes or stops abruptly all the information which is supposed to be written to file is lost .
If I make the file writing synchronous from the B without using the queue then it will be slow as it needs to check for file locking but here there are less chances of data being missed as after B immediately writes to file.
What could be there best approach or design to handle this scenario? I don't need the response after file writing is completed . I can't make B wait for the file writing to be completed.
Would async await file writing could be of any use here ?
I think what you've done is the best that can be done. You may have to tune your producer/consumer queue solution if there are still problems, but it seems to me that you've done rather well with this approach.
If an in-memory queue isn't the answer, perhaps externalizing that to a message queue and a pool of listeners would be an improvement.
Relational databases and transaction managers are born to solve this problem. Why continue with a file based solution? Is it possible to explore an alternative?
is there a better approach or design to handle this scenario?
You can make each producer thread write to it's own rolling file instead of queuing the operation. Every X seconds the producers move to new files and some aggregation thread wakes up, read the previous files (of each producer) and writes the results to the final File.txt output file. No read / write locks are required here.
This ensures safe recovery since the rolling files exist until you process and delete them.
This also mean that you always write to disk, which is much slower than queuing tasks in memory and write to disk in bulks. But that's the price you pay for consistency.
Would async await file writing could be of any use here ?
Using asynchronous IO has nothing to do with this. The problems you mentioned were 1) shared resources (the output file) and 2) lack of consistency (when the queue crash), none of which async programming is about.
Why the async is in picture is because I dont want to delay the existing work by B because of this file writing operation
async would indeed help you with that. Whatever pattern you choose to implement (to solve the original problem) it can always be async by merely using the asynchronous IO api's.

EventSourcing race condition

Here is the nice article which describes what is ES and how to deal with it.
Everything is fine there, but one image is bothering me. Here it is
I understand that in distributed event-based systems we are able to achieve eventual consistency only. Anyway ... How do we ensure that we don't book more seats than available? This is especially a problem if there are many concurrent requests.
It may happen that n aggregates are populated with the same amount of reserved seats, and all of these aggregate instances allow reservations.
I understand that in distributes event-based systems we are able to achieve eventual consistency only, anyway ... How to do not allow to book more seats than we have? Especially in terms of many concurrent requests?
All events are private to the command running them until the book of record acknowledges a successful write. So we don't share the events at all, and we don't report back to the caller, without knowing that our version of "what happened next" was accepted by the book of record.
The write of events is analogous to a compare-and-swap of the tail pointer in the aggregate history. If another command has changed the tail pointer while we were running, our swap fails, and we have to mitigate/retry/fail.
In practice, this is usually implemented by having the write command to the book of record include an expected position for the write. (Example: ES-ExpectedVersion in GES).
The book of record is expected to reject the write if the expected position is in the wrong place. Think of the position as a unique key in a table in a RDBMS, and you have the right idea.
This means, effectively, that the writes to the event stream are actually consistent -- the book of record only permits the write if the position you write to is correct, which means that the position hasn't changed since the copy of the history you loaded was written.
It's typical for commands to read event streams directly from the book of record, rather than the eventually consistent read models.
It may happen that n-AggregateRoots will be populated with the same amount of reserved seats, it means having validation in the reserve method won't help, though. Then n-AggregateRoots will emit the event of successful reservation.
Every bit of state needs to be supervised by a single aggregate root. You can have n different copies of that root running, all competing to write to the same history, but the compare and swap operation will only permit one winner, which ensures that "the" aggregate has a single internally consistent history.
There are going to be a couple of ways to deal with such a scenario.
First off, an event stream would have the current version as the version of the last event added. This means that when you would not, or should not, be able to persist the event stream if the event stream is not at the version when loaded. Since the very first write would cause the version of the event stream to be increased, the second write would not be permitted. Since events are not emitted, per se, but rather a result of the event sourcing we would not have the type of race condition in your example.
Well, if your commands are processed behind a queue any failures should be retried. Should it not be possible to process the request you would enter the normal "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that" scenario by letting the user know that they should try something else.
Another option is to start the processing by issuing an update against some table row to serialize any calls to the aggregate. Probably not the most elegant but it does cause a system-wide block on the processing.
I guess, to a large extent, one cannot really trust the read store when it comes to transactional processing.
Hope that helps :)

concurrent saving from two different threads to Core Data persistant store with unique entity Id

I'm implementing multithreaded core data downloader.
I have a problem with doubling objects while saving objects with unique string attribute in Entity.
If 2 threads are downloading from the same url simultaneously (f.e., updater-timer fires and application enters foreground - so user calls update method), I cant check existanse of object with unique attribute value in persistant store, so objects are doubling.
How can I avoid doubling objects and what is the best solution in terms of performance?
description: (sorry, I cant post images yet)
Another approach would be to perform the download/save within an NSOperation, and prior to adding an operation to the queue, you could check to see if there was an existing operation to download that URL in the NSOperationQueue.
The advantage of this approach is that you don't download any more data than is necessary.
I've run into this before and it's a tricky problem.
I solved it by performing by downloads in separate background threads (the same as you are doing now) but all code data write operations happen on a global NSOperation queue with numConcurrentOperations set to 1. When each background download was complete it created an NSOperation and put it onto that queue.
Good: Very simple thread safety - the NSOperationQueue ensured that only one thread was writing to CoreData at any one point.
Bad: Slight hit in terms of performance because the Core Data operations were working in series, not in parallel. This can be mitigated by doing any calculations needed on the data in the download background thread and doing as little as possible in the Core Data operation.

Discarding NSManagedObjects

I create a new managed object context in a new thread an insert some objects into it. Can I discard (just forget them) them by just not saving the context? My problem is this: I start a lenghty process which creates some NSManagedObjects atthe beginning and saves them at the end (merges them back into the main store). This happens in a NSOperation. I want the user to be able to quit the app at any time without having to wait for the process to finish. Can I just kill the operation and be save? My understanding is that this is possible because the context does not persist anything without saving. Right?
Yes, you can do that but you shouldn't if the background operation handles any user data.
The UI grammar on MacOS teachers users to expect that all of their data will be saved unless they specify otherwise.
Since saving is virtually instantaneous (from the user's perspective) in the vast majority of cases, it would be better to send a notification to the background operation telling it to stop and save.
