Generic trait for all containers implementing iter() - rust

I'm trying to implement a trait for all containers that implement iter(), ie. for all containers that provide an IntoIterator<Item=&'a T>. I've tried this, but unfortunately, even for the simplest case it is failing. Maybe someone knows what I'm doing wrong?
trait Monotonic<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized> {
fn is_monotonic(&mut self) -> bool {
return true;
impl<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized, C> Monotonic<'a, T> for C
where C: IntoIterator<Item=&'a T> + ?Sized {}
fn main() {
let v = vec![1u32, 2u32, 3u32];
if v.is_monotonic() {
print!("Is monotonic!");
The compiler complains about not satisfied bounds:
error[E0599]: the method `is_monotonic` exists for struct `Vec<u32>`, but its trait bounds were not satisfied
--> src/
13 | if v.is_monotonic() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ method cannot be called on `Vec<u32>` due to unsatisfied trait bounds
--> /rustc/fc594f15669680fa70d255faec3ca3fb507c3405/library/alloc/src/vec/
| = note: doesn't satisfy `<Vec<u32> as IntoIterator>::Item = &_`
= note: doesn't satisfy `Vec<u32>: Monotonic<'_, _>`
note: trait bound `[u32]: IntoIterator` was not satisfied
--> src/
7 | impl<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized, C> Monotonic<'a, T> for C
| ---------------- -
8 | where C: IntoIterator<Item=&'a T> + ?Sized {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unsatisfied trait bound introduced here
note: the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`<Vec<u32> as IntoIterator>::Item = &_`
`<[u32] as IntoIterator>::Item = &_`
--> src/
7 | impl<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized, C> Monotonic<'a, T> for C
| ---------------- -
8 | where C: IntoIterator<Item=&'a T> + ?Sized {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^ unsatisfied trait bound introduced here
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
I've already tried to solve this on my own, but after several attempts I'm at a point where some help would be highly appreciated!

According to its documentation, Vec<T> implements the following IntoIterator traits:
IntoIterator<Item = &'a T> for &'a Vec<T, A>
IntoIterator<Item = &'a mut T> for &'a mut Vec<T, A>
IntoIterator<Item = T> for Vec<T, A>
The variable v you are calling it on is a Vec<u32>, which only implements IntoIterator<Item = u32>, and not any kind of &'a u32 as your trait requires.
There are a couple of solutions. The first one is to run the code on &v:
trait Monotonic<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized> {
fn is_monotonic(&mut self) -> bool {
return true;
impl<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized, C> Monotonic<'a, T> for C where C: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T> + ?Sized {}
fn main() {
let v = vec![1u32, 2u32, 3u32];
if (&v).is_monotonic() {
print!("Is monotonic!");
Although that's probably not what you want, because I read from your question that you want your Monotonic trait to be implemented as generically as possible. For that, simply remove the & requirement:
trait Monotonic<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized> {
fn is_monotonic(&mut self) -> bool {
return true;
impl<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized, C> Monotonic<'a, T> for C where C: IntoIterator<Item = T> + ?Sized {}
fn main() {
let mut v = vec![1u32, 2u32, 3u32];
if v.is_monotonic() {
print!("Is monotonic!");
Couple of remarks concerning your current code structure, though:
While this technically compiles, it won't be possible to implement your function. IntoIterator consumes the object you call it on, but your is_monotonic function only has &mut access to it, so you won't ever be able to call into_iter here.
What you probably want instead is to have is_monotonic consume the value, but then only implement it for &T.
Your Monotonic function doesn't require any generic parameters, so remove them.
trait Monotonic {
fn is_monotonic(self) -> bool;
impl<'a, T, C> Monotonic for &'a C
&'a C: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
fn is_monotonic(self) -> bool {
let mut iter = self.into_iter();
// Do something with iter
let x =;
// Return result
fn main() {
let v = vec![1u32, 2u32, 3u32];
if v.is_monotonic() {
print!("Is monotonic!");
Here is an example implementation of is_monotonic, assuming it means monotonic rising:
trait Monotonic {
fn is_monotonic(self) -> bool;
impl<'a, T, C> Monotonic for &'a C
&'a C: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: PartialOrd,
fn is_monotonic(self) -> bool {
let mut iter = self.into_iter();
if let Some(first) = {
let mut previous = first;
for next in iter {
if ! {
return false;
previous = next;
} else {
// An iterator without elements is monotonic.
// Although that's probably up for philosophical debate.
fn main() {
let v = vec![1u32, 2u32, 3u32];
if v.is_monotonic() {
println!("Is monotonic!");
println!("{:?}", v);
Is monotonic!
[1, 2, 3]


Automatic trait implementation does not work

On the code below, you can see that I forced the implementation of A for everything that implements AsRef<[T]> and Index[T], so B should implement it, because it implements both of these. However this is not the case. Why?
use std::convert::{AsMut, AsRef};
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use std::slice::SliceIndex;
pub trait A<T, I: SliceIndex<[T], Output = T>>:
AsRef<[T]> + Index<I, Output = T>
fn len(&self) -> usize;
T: AsRef<[T]> + Index<I, Output = T>,
I: SliceIndex<[T], Output = T>,
> A<T, I> for T
fn len(&self) -> usize {
struct B<'a, T>{
data: &'a mut [T]
impl<'a, T> AsRef<[T]> for B<'a, T> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[T] {
impl<'a, T, I: SliceIndex<[T], Output = T>> Index<I> for B<'a, T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(
v: I,
) -> &Self::Output {
fn something<'a, T>(r: &'a mut[T]) -> Box<dyn A<T, usize>> {
let a = B{data: r};
error[E0277]: the trait bound `B<'_, T>: A<T, usize>` is not satisfied
--> src/
46 | Box::new(a)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `A<T, usize>` is not implemented for `B<'_, T>`
= note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn A<T, usize, Output = T>`
You need to introduce an additional type parameter on the blanket impl for A:
impl<T, I, V> A<T, I> for V
V: AsRef<[T]> + Index<I, Output = T>,
I: SliceIndex<[T], Output = T>,
fn len(&self) -> usize {
After fixing that, you'll get a lifetime error since the trait object returned in the box infers a 'static lifetime, so you'll need to bind it to the input slice's 'a lifetime.
fn something<'a, T>(r: &'a mut [T]) -> Box<dyn A<T, usize> + 'a> {
let a = B { data: r };

How to write trait bound that supports += operation whose right hand is reference in complicated case in Rust [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to write a trait bound for adding two references of a generic type?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'd like to write an Add operation supported Vector struct, and write a some trait that uses the Vector struct, so I wrote this.
use std::ops::*;
struct Vector<T>(Vec<T>);
impl<'a, T> Add<&'a Vector<T>> for Vector<T>
T: AddAssign<&'a T>,
type Output = Vector<T>;
fn add(mut self, rhs: &'a Vector<T>) -> Self::Output {
.for_each(|(left, right)| {
*left += right;
trait SomeOperation<'a ,T>
T: AddAssign<&'a T>+Clone + 'a,
fn add(u:Vector<T>,v:&'a Vector<T>)->Vector<T>{
let w = u+v;
let x = v.clone()+&w;
But compilation error occurs.
21 | trait SomeOperation<'a ,T>
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
27 | let x = v.clone()+&w;
| ^^
| |
| borrowed value does not live long enough
| requires that `w` is borrowed for `'a`
28 | x
29 | }
| - `w` dropped here while still borrowed
How can I avoid these types of error.
You talk about implementing AddAssign but your code tries to implement Add. Also, I couldn't figure out what SomeOperation was for. I added the Debug trait to the derive line.
use std::ops::*;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Vector<T>(Vec<T>);
impl<'a, T> AddAssign<&'a Vector<T>> for Vector<T>
T: AddAssign<&'a T>
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'a Vector<T>) {
.for_each(|(left, right)| {
*left += right;
impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<& 'b Vector<T>> for & 'a Vector<T>
Vector<T>: AddAssign<& 'b Vector<T>>,
T: Clone,
type Output = Vector<T>;
fn add(self, other: & 'b Vector<T>) -> Self::Output {
let mut res: Vector<T> = self.clone();
res += other;
fn main() {
let mut v1: Vector<u32> = Vector(vec![1, 2, 3]);
let v2 = Vector(vec![4, 5, 6]);
println!("Add: {:?}", &v1 + &v2);
v1 += &v2;
println!("AddAssign{:?}", v1);

How do I use a &HashSet<&T> as an IntoIterator<Item = &T>?

I have a function that takes a collection of &T (represented by IntoIterator) with the requirement that every element is unique.
fn foo<'a, 'b, T: std::fmt::Debug, I>(elements: &'b I)
&'b I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
T: 'a,
'b: 'a,
I would like to also write a wrapper function which can work even if the elements are not unique, by using a HashSet to remove the duplicate elements first.
I tried the following implementation:
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn wrap<'a, 'b, T: std::fmt::Debug + Eq + std::hash::Hash, J>(elements: &'b J)
&'b J: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
T: 'a,
'b: 'a,
let hashset: HashSet<&T> = elements.into_iter().into_iter().collect();
However, the compiler doesn't seem happy with my assumption that HashSet<&T> implements IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
10 | foo(&hashset);
| ^^^^^^^^ expected type parameter, found struct `std::collections::HashSet`
= note: expected type `&J`
found type `&std::collections::HashSet<&T>`
= help: type parameters must be constrained to match other types
= note: for more information, visit
I know I could use a HashSet<T> by cloning all the input elements, but I want to avoid unnecessary copying and memory use.
If you have a &HashSet<&T> and need an iterator of &T (not &&T) that you can process multiple times, then you can use Iterator::copied to convert the iterator's &&T to a &T:
use std::{collections::HashSet, fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, marker::PhantomData};
struct Collection<T> {
item: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T> Collection<T>
T: Debug,
fn foo<'a, I>(elements: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T> + Clone,
T: 'a,
for element in elements.clone() {
println!("{:?}", element);
for element in elements {
println!("{:?}", element);
Self { item: PhantomData }
impl<T> Collection<T>
T: Debug + Eq + Hash,
fn wrap<'a, I>(elements: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
T: 'a,
let set: HashSet<_> = elements.into_iter().collect();
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo(i32);
fn main() {
let v = vec![Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(4)];
See also:
Using the same iterator multiple times in Rust
Does cloning an iterator copy the entire underlying vector?
Why does cloning my custom type result in &T instead of T?
Note that the rest of this answer made the assumption that a struct named Collection<T> was a collection of values of type T. OP has clarified that this is not true.
That's not your problem, as shown by your later examples. That can be boiled down to this:
struct Collection<T>(T);
impl<T> Collection<T> {
fn new(value: &T) -> Self {
You are taking a reference to a type (&T) and trying to store it where a T is required; these are different types and will generate an error. You are using PhantomData for some reason and accepting references via the iterator, but the problem is the same.
In fact, PhantomData makes the problem harder to see as you can just make up values that don't work. For example, we never have any kind of string here but we "successfully" created the struct:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct Collection<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl Collection<String> {
fn new<T>(value: &T) -> Self {
Ultimately, your wrap function doesn't make sense, either:
impl<T: Eq + Hash> Collection<T> {
fn wrap<I>(elements: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
This is equivalent to
impl<T: Eq + Hash> Collection<T> {
fn wrap<I>(elements: I) -> Collection<T>
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
Which says that, given an iterator of elements T, you will return a collection of those elements. However, you put them in a HashMap and iterate on a reference to it, which yields &T. Thus this function signature cannot be right.
It seems most likely that you want to accept an iterator of owned values instead:
use std::{collections::HashSet, fmt::Debug, hash::Hash};
struct Collection<T> {
item: T,
impl<T> Collection<T> {
fn foo<I>(elements: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
for<'a> &'a I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
T: Debug,
for element in &elements {
println!("{:?}", element);
for element in &elements {
println!("{:?}", element);
Self {
item: elements.into_iter().next().unwrap(),
impl<T> Collection<T>
T: Eq + Hash,
fn wrap<I>(elements: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Debug,
let s: HashSet<_> = elements.into_iter().collect();
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo(i32);
fn main() {
let v = vec![Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(4)];
let c = Collection::wrap(v);
println!("{:?}", c.item)
Here we place a trait bound on the generic iterator type directly and a second higher-ranked trait bound on a reference to the iterator. This allows us to use a reference to the iterator as an iterator itself.
See also:
How does one generically duplicate a value in Rust?
Is there any way to return a reference to a variable created in a function?
How do I write the lifetimes for references in a type constraint when one of them is a local reference?
There were a number of orthogonal issues with my code that Shepmaster pointed out, but to solve the issue of using a HashSet<&T> as an IntoIterator<Item=&T>, I found that one way to solve it is with a wrapper struct:
struct Helper<T, D: Deref<Target = T>>(HashSet<D>);
struct HelperIter<'a, T, D: Deref<Target = T>>(std::collections::hash_set::Iter<'a, D>);
impl<'a, T, D: Deref<Target = T>> Iterator for HelperIter<'a, T, D>
T: 'a,
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|x| x.deref())
impl<'a, T, D: Deref<Target = T>> IntoIterator for &'a Helper<T, D> {
type Item = &'a T;
type IntoIter = HelperIter<'a, T, D>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
Which is used as follows:
struct Collection<T> {
item: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: Debug> Collection<T> {
fn foo<I>(elements: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator + Copy,
I::Item: Deref<Target = T>,
for element in elements {
println!("{:?}", *element);
for element in elements {
println!("{:?}", *element);
return Self { item: PhantomData };
impl<T: Debug + Eq + Hash> Collection<T> {
fn wrap<I>(elements: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator + Copy,
I::Item: Deref<Target = T> + Eq + Hash,
let helper = Helper(elements.into_iter().collect());
return Self { item: PhantomData };
fn main() {
let v = vec![Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(4)];
I'm guessing that some of this may be more complicated than it needs to be, but I'm not sure how.
full playground

Wrong trait chosen based on type parameter

I have a binary trait Resolve.
pub trait Resolve<RHS = Self> {
type Output;
fn resolve(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;
I implemented the trait for something trivial where both arguments are taken by reference (self is &'a Foo and rhs is &'b Foo):
struct Foo;
impl <'a, 'b> Resolve<&'b Foo> for &'a Foo {
type Output = Foo;
fn resolve(self, rhs: &'b Foo) -> Self::Output {
If I now write
fn main() {
let a: &Foo = &Foo;
let b = Foo;
it will compile just fine, but if I try to implement it on my struct Signal, it will not work.
pub struct Signal<'a, T> {
ps: Vec<&'a T>,
impl<'a, T: Resolve<&'a T, Output = T> + 'a> Signal<'a, T> {
pub fn foo(&mut self) {
let a: &T = &[0];
let b = &[1];
error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
--> src/
25 | a.resolve(b);
| ^ cannot move out of borrowed content
How do I get this example working? (playground)
The trait bound on foo only says that T implements Resolve, but you try to call .resolve() on a value of type &T.
To say, instead, that references to T must implement Resolve, you need a higher-ranked trait bound:
impl<'a, T> Signal<'a, T>
for<'b> &'b T: Resolve<&'a T, Output = T>,
pub fn foo(&mut self) { ... }
After thinking about this I came up with a simpler solution that does not rely on HRTB.
impl<'a, T> Signal<'a, T>
&'a T: Resolve<&'a T, Output = T> + 'a,
pub fn foo(&mut self) {
let a: &T = &[0];
let b = &[1];
This does the same, namely describe, that &T implements Resolve, but without the need of HRTB.
You have to use the where clause for this, but apart from that this is a nice and easy solution.

Trait to store structs with different generic parameters

I need to store in the same Vec instances of the same struct, but with different generic parameters. This is the struct definition:
struct Struct<'a, T: 'a> {
items: Vec<&'a T>
The struct has a method returning an iterator to a type that does not depend on the generic type parameter T:
impl<'a, T: 'a> Struct<'a, T> {
fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<&i32> {
I need to access this method for those different structs in the vector, so I've implemented this trait:
type Iter<'a> = Iterator<Item=&'a i32>;
trait Trait {
fn iter(&self) -> Box<Iter>;
And I've implemented the trait for Struct:
impl<'a, T: 'a> Trait for Struct<'a, T> {
fn iter(&self) -> Box<Iter> {
But the compiler complains:
<anon>:21:9: 21:30 error: type mismatch resolving `<core::slice::Iter<'_, &i32> as core::iter::Iterator>::Item == &i32`:
expected &-ptr,
found i32 [E0271]
<anon>:21 Box::new(self.iter())
<anon>:21:9: 21:30 help: see the detailed explanation for E0271
<anon>:21:9: 21:30 note: required for the cast to the object type `core::iter::Iterator<Item=&i32> + 'static`
<anon>:21 Box::new(self.iter())
I've tried different possibilities for lifetime parameters in the trait, but none of them work. How can I make this work?
Rust Playground snippet
As pointed out by #MatthieuM. one problem is that the type alias is not working properly. Here's another example demonstrating this:
use std::slice;
type Iter<'a> = Iterator<Item=&'a i32>;
struct Struct<'a> { _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a i32> }
impl<'a> Struct<'a> {
fn direct<'b>(i: &'b slice::Iter<'a, i32>) -> &'b Iterator<Item=&'a i32>
{ i }
fn aliased<'b>(i: &'b slice::Iter<'a, i32>) -> &'b Iter<'a>
{ i }
In this example, direct compiles, but aliased not, with the error:
<anon>:12:7: 12:8 error: the type `core::slice::Iter<'a, i32>` does not fulfill the required lifetime
<anon>:12 { i }
note: type must outlive the static lifetime
But they seem to be the same thing. What's happening?
Problem 1 — slice::Iter<T> has an Iterator::Item of &T, thus your reference levels are mismatched. Change your method to be
fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<i32>
Problem 2 — Box<SomeTrait> is equivalent to Box<SomeTrait + 'static>, but your iterator does not live for the 'static lifetime. You need to explicitly bring in a lifetime:
Box<SomeTrait + 'a>
Problem 3 — I don't understand how you can create a type alias for a trait, that seems very odd. You probably don't want it anyway. Instead, create a type alias for the whole boxed version:
type IterBox<'a> = Box<Iterator<Item=&'a i32> + 'a>;
Problem 4 — Rearrange your main so that references will live long enough and add mutability:
fn main() {
let i = 3;
let v = vec![&i];
let mut traits : Vec<Box<Trait>> = Vec::new();
traits.push(Box::new(Struct{ items: v }));
All together:
use std::slice;
type IterBox<'a> = Box<Iterator<Item=&'a i32> + 'a>;
trait Trait {
fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> IterBox;
struct Struct<'a, T: 'a> {
items: Vec<&'a T>
impl<'a, T: 'a> Struct<'a, T> {
fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<i32> {
impl<'a, T: 'a> Trait for Struct<'a, T> {
fn iter(&self) -> IterBox {
fn main() {
let i = 3;
let v = vec![&i];
let mut traits: Vec<Box<Trait>> = Vec::new();
traits.push(Box::new(Struct { items: v }));
