chrome extension : how to fill input[type=file]? [duplicate] - google-chrome-extension

How to append blob to input of type file?
<!-- Input of type file -->
<input type="file" name="uploadedFile" id="uploadedFile" accept="image/*"><br>
// I am getting image from webcam and converting it to a blob
function takepicture() {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video, 0, 1, width, height);
var data = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL();
var blob = dataURItoBlob(dataURL);
photo.setAttribute('src', data);
function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {
var binary = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
var array = [];
for(var i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) {
return new Blob([new Uint8Array(array)], {type: 'image/jpeg'});
// How can I append this var blob to "uploadedFile". I want to add this on form submit

It is possible to set value of <input type="file">.
To do this you create File object from blob and new DataTransfer object:
let file = new File([data], "img.jpg",{type:"image/jpeg", lastModified:new Date().getTime()});
let container = new DataTransfer();
Then you add file to container thus populating its 'files' property, which can be assigned to 'files' property of file input:
fileInputElement.files = container.files;
Here is a fiddle with output, showing that file is correctly placed into input.
The file is also passed correctly to server on form submit. This works at least on Chrome 88.
If you need to pass multiple files to input you can just call container.items.add multiple times. So you can add files to input by keeping track of them separately and overwriting its 'files' property as long as this input contains only generated files (meaning not selected by user). This can be useful for image preprocessing, generating complex files from several simple ones (e.g. pdf from several images), etc.
API references:
File object
DataTransfer object

I had a similar problem with a fairly complex form in an angular app, so instead of the form I just sent the blob individually using XMLHttpRequest(). This particular "blob" was created in a WebAudioAPI context, creating an audio track in the user's browser.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', 'someURLForTheUpload', true); //my url had the ID of the item that the blob corresponded to
xhr.responseType = 'Blob';
xhr.setRequestHeader("x-csrf-token",csrf); //if you are doing CSRF stuff
xhr.onload = function(e) { /*irrelevant code*/ };

You can't change the file input but you can use a hidden input to pass data. ex.:
var hidden_elem = document.getElementById("hidden");
hidden_elem.value = blob;

I had take too much time to find how to do "url, blob to input -> preview"
so I had do a example you can check here
image bonus


How to read data from the downloaded excel file content from Google drive api in Dart/Flutter?

I am using google drive API to download an excel file in my Flutter app but I want to store the downloaded file content response in a File and then do some update operations using excel dart package, below is the given code from reading an xlsx file from a path location.
var file = "Path_to_pre_existing_Excel_File/excel_file.xlsx"; //here I want to store the response from drive api
var bytes = File(file).readAsBytesSync();
var excel = Excel.decodeBytes(bytes);
//Do some logic here
for (var table in excel.tables.keys) {
print(table); //sheet Name
for (var row in excel.tables[table].rows) {
//then saving the excel file
// updating the excel sheet to Drive
I have created all the required auth functions, drive scopes and my download function looks like this :
Future<void> downloadFile() async{
String fileId = '1TOa4VKfZBHZe######WLA4M95nOWp';
final response = await driveApi.files.get(
downloadOptions: drive.DownloadOptions.fullMedia
This function is executing correctely and giving Media type response, but I could not able to read this response so that I could store it in a file.
Any help would be truly appreciated, Thanks
I changed my download function to this, as drive.files.get() was returning a Future Object so I changed it to return Future<Media?> by type casting.
String fileId = "19jF3lOVW563LU6m########jXVLNQ7poXY1Z";
drive.Media? response = (await driveApi.files.get(
downloadOptions: drive.DownloadOptions.fullMedia
)) as drive.Media?;
Now response is a Media on which we can listen to the sream to store the response in a file.
To do that first we need to get the app directory by path_provider
final String path = (await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).path;
final String fileName = '$path/Output.xlsx';
File file = File(fileName);
Now we want to write the stream of response Stream<List> into our file object which I found from this link
List<int> dataStore = [];
await response!.stream.listen((data) {
print("DataReceived: ${data.length}");
dataStore.insertAll(dataStore.length, data);
}, onDone: () {
print("Task Done");
print("File saved at ${file.path}");
}, onError: (error) {
print("Some Error");
Now we can do whatever we want to make changes through excel package.

How to save file from HTML2PDFRocket to folder on Server

My Azure Web app calls html2pdfrocket with this code:
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(result.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, stream.ToString());
But I get back an invalid PDF of just a few bytes. I know the URL I pass to html2pdfrocket is valid because I can paste it into their Website to test it. Do I need to async/await or something else to get all the data before attempting to save it to a folder?
No need to use async/await, the .Result does the thing like await.
A similar error in your code, stream.ToString() only converts the stream object itself to a string, but does not contain the content.
I suggest you use byte[] array instead of stream(I did test with stream, but the saved .pdf file is empty even though the content length is correct).
Try use byte[] array like below, and it works at my side:
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("apikey","xxxxx"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("value", "the url")
var result = client.PostAsync("", content).Result;
if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// change the path as per your need
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(#"d:\temp\0618.pdf", result.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result);

NodeJS: Updating Exif data and saving image using PIEXIF

I need to update orientation tag(EXIF data) for the uploaded image. I am using "PIEXIF" for this. I am not using express but swagger. The code I've written is:
//Get the uploaded buffer
var _originalBuffer = req.swagger.params.uploadedFile.value.buffer;
let Duplex = require('stream').Duplex;
//Create stream from buffer. This stream is required later to send to cloud.
let _uploadedFileStream = new Duplex();
//Create base 64 string so that "PIEXIF" can read exif data from it.
const jpegData = "data:image/jpeg;base64, " + createStringFromBuffer(_originalBuffer, 'base64');
//Read exif data.
var _exifData = piexif.load(jpegData);
//Create a copy of exif data. Will be used to create a new image with updated orientation tag.
var _exifDataCopied = {};
for (var key in _exifData) {
_exifDataCopied[key] = _exifData[key];
//Update orientation tag.
if (_exifDataCopied["0th"][piexif.ImageIFD.Orientation])
_exifDataCopied["0th"][piexif.ImageIFD.Orientation] = 1;
//Example taken from
//From here onwards, there seems to be an issue.
var exifbytes = piexif.dump(_exifDataCopied);
var newData = piexif.insert(exifbytes, createStringFromBuffer(_originalBuffer, 'binary'));
var newJpeg = new Buffer(newData);
//Create a new stream and save it as image back.
let _updatedFileStream = new Duplex();
var fs = require('fs');
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream("./uploads/" + "Whatever.jpg")
The issue is there is no error thrown by the code. The image is also getting saved in the directory but it is corrupted. I can not preview it. Since, the code does not breaks anywhere, I am confused what could be the issue? The function to convert buffer to string with different encoding(since I need it a lot) is:
var createStringFromBuffer = function(_buffer, _encoding) {
return Buffer.from(_buffer).toString(_encoding);
Can someone point out where I am mistaking? I am using the example given Here

Saving Data URI as Image?

On a node server I would like to save uploaded datauri data as an image. To do this I've tried decoding the content of this png-
And saving it as a .png extension. Looks like there is more too it than that. How do I decode the datauri and save it as a file?
I've created a library to be used with Node.js that helps with encoding and decoding of data URI schemes. I believe it can help you, check:
Using this library, in your case, the code would be:
'use strict';
const ImageDataURI = require('image-data-uri');
const fileName = 'decoded-image.png';
ImageDataURI.outputFile(dataURI, filePath);
I was trying to decode the data using atob and saving this as a png file. I'm instead saving it base64 encoded but specifying the encoding in the write buffer.
fs.writeFileSync('tmp/myfile.png', new Buffer(data, 'base64'));
You can convert your data uri to a blob using below code:
function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {
var byteStr;
if (dataURI.split(',')[0].indexOf('base64') >= 0)
byteStr = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
byteStr = unescape(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
var mimeStr = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];
var arr= new Uint8Array(byteStr.length);
for (var i = 0; i < byteStr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = byteStr.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([arr], {type:mimeStr});
and then you can append this blob data to from data and upload it as a file:
var blob = dataURItoBlob(dataURI);
var fd = new FormData(document.forms[0]);
fd.append("image", blob);

How to get the filename and path from an upload control in xpages

I have a document that the user attaches a file to an upload control called licenseKey. In a SSJS I need to retrieve the content of that file and process it. I know that it is a ASCII text file and I know the general format. I would like to create var inStream:NotesStream for the content of the attachment, but I can't see how to do this in SSJS.
I have tried using getComponent("licenseKey") but don't see what might be next.
This code would actually be run by the user that attaches the file, so the local File Path and File Name would be valid if I could get them from the upLoad Control.
Julian Buss did a nice explanation
here. Quote:
How to process an uploaded file
Place code like this in the beforeRenderResponse event of an XPage to
get a handle to a just-uploaded file:
var con = facesContext.getExternalContext();
var request:com.sun.faces.context.MyHttpServletRequestWrapper = con.getRequest();
var map:java.util.Map = request.getParameterMap();
var fileDataName = "file"; //name of the POST request parameter that contains the file
var = map.get( fileDataName );
var = fileData.getServerFile();
The file is in the "xspupload" directory on the Domino Server and has
some crypting filename. You can get the original filename with
For example, you can attach the file to some Notes document with code
like this:
var correctedFile = new tempFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + +
fileData.getClientFileName() );
var success = tempFile.renameTo(correctedFile); //rtFiles is a rich text item on a notesdocument of your chosing
"", correctedFile.getAbsolutePath(), null);
This snippet renames the temporary file to the orginal filename,
attaches it to a RichText item and renames it back to the cryptic name
(so that it will be deleted by Domino after processing).
Try this in beforerenderResponse:
var = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getParameterMap().get(getClientId('fileUpload1'));
if (fileData != null) {
var = fileData.getServerFile();
