How do I output the row containing the lowest value from a specific column inside a filtered dynamic array? - excel

I have a list of suppliers which contains the product name and the prices. I then formatted the data where there are multiple entries of the product name but under different suppliers. For each product, I need the lowest price and under what supplier I can get that lowest price from.
I don't know if there's an easier method through power query but the solution I used is using FILTER.
What I tried:
I was able to create a FILTER function to output the suppliers and price based on the item I need. Through searching the net, I don't know how to get the minimum number from the filtered list itself.
Output I was able to get through the function:
Since the output is a dynamic array, I don't know how to "read" the 3rd column of this array to get the minimum value.

Solved it.
Instead of using 1 filter function to output the whole row, I used 2 filter functions.
First filter function gets the minimum value with the selected criteria:
Second filter function outputs the row with the minimum value:
So my dynamic table looks like
For clarity sake, I decided to leave the extra 100 there but there is a way to output filter only specific columns and that's what I used


Find Rank of a Variable in my Dataframe within For Loop

I understand how to add a new column that shows the Rank of the number, but I am looking to change this to show the rank of a variable in that column...
list_of_values = [1,14,125,23,12]
df['price'] contains all 500 of my prices, and I'd like to see how 1 compares to these 500 or how 125 ranks (ties should reflect the minimum (e.g. if there are two values of price=1, the ranking should be 500/500 for both))

Excel - getting a value based on the max value off another row in a Table

I'm looking for a solution for a problem I'm facing in Excel. This is my table simplified:
Every sale has an unique ID, but more people can have contributed to a sale. the column "name" and "share of sales(%)" show how many people have contributed and what their percentage was.
Share of sales(%)
Person A
Person B
Person A
Person C
Now I want to add a column to my table that shows the name of the person that has the highest share of sales percentage per Sales_ID. Like this:
Share of sales(%)
Highest sales
Person A
Person A
Person B
Person B
Person A
Person C
Person C
Person C
So when multiple people have contributed the new column shows only the one with the highest value.
I hope someone can help me, thanks in advance!
You can try this on cell D2:
=LET(maxSales, MAXIFS(C2:C5,A2:A5,A2:A5),
INDEX(B2:B5, XMATCH(A2:A5&maxSales,A2:A5&C2:C5)))
or just removing the LET since maxSales is used only one time:
=INDEX(B2:B5, XMATCH(A2:A5&MAXIFS(C2:C5,A2:A5,A2:A5),A2:A5&C2:C5))
On cell E2 I provided another solution via MAP/XLOOKUP:
=LET(maxSales, MAXIFS(C2:C5,A2:A5,A2:A5),
MAP(A2:A5, maxSales, LAMBDA(a,b, XLOOKUP(a&b, A2:A5&C2:C5, B2:B5))))
similarly without LET:
=MAP(A2:A5, MAXIFS(C2:C5,A2:A5,A2:A5),
LAMBDA(a,b, XLOOKUP(a&b, A2:A5&C2:C5, B2:B5)))
and here is the output:
The trick here is to identify the max share of sales per each group and this can be done via MAXIFS(max_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...). The size and shape of the max_range and criteria_rangeN arguments must be the same.
it produces the following output:
MAXIFS will provide an output of the same size as criteria1, so it returns for each row the corresponding maximum sales for each Sale_ID column value.
It is the array version equivalent to the following formula expanding it down:
Having the array with the maximum Shares of sales, we just need to identify the row position via XMATCH to return the corresponding B2:B5 cell via INDEX. We use concatenation (&) to consider more than one criteria to find as part of the XMATCH input arguments.
We use MAP to find for each pair of values (a,b) per row, of the first two MAP input arguments where is the maximum value found for that group and returns the corresponding Name column value. In order to make a lookup based on an additional criteria we use concatenation (&) in XLOOKUP first two input arguments.

Excel: how to NOT sum based on text values?

I am trying to sum values based on another text column.
Let's say my data look like this:
date item amount
4/3/03 book 100
8/3/05 rent 1090
5/6/06 food 5
2/7/09 repair 390
8/3/10 rent 1090
so I want to sum all the spendings (amount) when the "item" section is NOT equal to "rent", but I dont just want a grand sum, I just want a sum that's up to that date.
So the desired output (last column, subtotal) should look something like this:
date item amount subtotal
4/3/03 book 100 100
8/3/05 rent 1090 100
5/6/06 food 5 105
2/7/09 repair 390 495
8/3/10 rent 1090 495
I've tried to sum it up while filtering the rolls to only show anything but rent, but when I clear the filter, all the numbers will sum INCLUDING rent.
I've also tried using SUMIF (I named the top cell in "Amount" column as "first_amount"):
But I dont think I'm using it correctly or maybe it just doesn't work. It shows no value whatsoever.
I found this post and read through the function pages, but still am not being able to do what I wanted to do:
Excel summing values based on multiple conditions
What if I want to exclude both "rent" and "food"?
I'm sure there's a very simple solution out there that I am just too dumb to think of. Any hint/help is truly appreciated!
Assuming A1 is the first cell make D1:
=SUMIF($B$2:B2, "<>rent", $C$2:C2)

How to calculate values dynamically from Excel table

I have a programming issue in Excel that I don't know how to solve it. I want to create an automatic Delivery Cost Program on Excel that will help me calculating the cost more easily.
The input variables are:
Quantity (Values for 1, 2-9,10-49,50+ and more)
Shipping method
Depending on the Quantity Value and Shipping method, Excel should lookup on the table and return the total shipping cost according the following Table:
Delivery | Per shipment fee
| 1 2-9 10-49 50+
Standard | 2,99 1,89 1,5 1,1
Expedited | 5,99 2 1,75 1,25
Priority | 10,99 3,39 2,25 1,35
Let me show you with some examples what I want to get:
1- Example:
- Quantity: 15
- Delivery: Expedited
- Total Cost = 15 * 1,75 = 26,25$
1,75$ is the returned value after looking on the table using the variable Quantity and Shipping Method.
I have tested doing =IF statements but sure that there is an easier way to do it.
I'm not very good on Excel programming so any help will be appreciated
Best regards and have a great day!
Assuming that your table has the delivery types in column A in rows 4 through 6 and that the quantities are in row 3 (columns B through E) the following formula should do it for you:
=INDEX(B4:E6,MATCH(B9,A4:A6,0),MATCH(C9,B3:E3,1)) * Quantity
Note, that the quantities in row 3 must be a number. So, the numbers should be 1, 2, 10, and 50 and not 1, 2-9, 10-59, 50+. There are two possibilities to achieve that:
Create a helper row and hide it (while only showing the row with the "names" as you wish for.
Change the number format on these cells: for the column containing the 2 the number format should then be "2-9" (custom number format). For the number 10 the number format would be "10-49" and the number format for the last column would be "50+". Like this you see what you wan to see while the cells still contain numbers only (for the upper formula to work correctly).

Excel lookup value for multiple criteria and multiple columns

I am helping a friend with some data analysis in Excel.
Here's how our data looks like:
Car producer | Classification | Prices from 9 different vendors in 9 columns
AUDI | C | 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
AUDI | C | 100 900 800 200 700 300 600 400 500
AUDI | B | .. ..
Now, for each classification and each producer, we produced a list that shows which of the 9 vendors has offers the most lowest prices (in terms of count, so for example there are 2 cars from AUDI in the C class, so vendor A would offer the lowest price for both).
What we need: A way to calculate the average price for this vendor. So, if we see that the vendor A has the lowest price for AUDI cars in the C class, then we want to know the average price for vendor A for these cars.
I'm quite stumped since I can't use the "standard" index-match-small approach since the prices are stored in 9 different columns.
I've suggested to use a long if-chain like this: =if(vendor=A,averageif(enter the criteria and select the column of vendor A for average values),if(vendor=B,average(enter the criteria and select the column of vendor B for average values),... etc.).
But this method is obviously limited and does not scale well to higher dimensions.
We also would like to avoid using any addons.
You're going to need to create a separate table that has all unique classifications in the rows and all dealers in the columns (same as yours, but with duplicate rows removed). Then, in each cell, take the average price for that classification*vendor combination. This can be done by using a combination of sumif/countif. For example, if your second table had a column for classifications in cells M2:M[end], calculating the average price for the Audi C class offered by vendor 1 could be:
This would look something like this:
Then you could simply find the cheapest vendor by matching the min price. For example, the cheapest vendor for the audi C class in my example image would be:
A lot this could be done using PivotTables. If it is a one off thing, I would go that route, if it needs to be automated, then try using a multicondtional VLOOKUP (needs to be entered as a Matrix Formula: CTRL+ALT+SHIFT). This is simply an example, not based on your data:
A better explanation is given here at chandoos site:
