How do I extract hex values as strings? [closed] - rust

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 days ago.
This post was edited and submitted for review 4 days ago.
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I am trying to extract a hash value from a function output:
let receipt = do_something();
let receipt_txn_hash = receipt.transaction_hash;
println!("receipt_txn_hash: {}", receipt_txn_hash);
let tx = provider.get_transaction(receipt_txn_hash).await?;
println!("tx: {}\n", serde_json::to_string(&tx)?);
let tx_hash = if let Some(txn) = tx {
} else {
"hash_not_found".to_owned() //H256([0; 32])
println!("tx.hash: {}\n", &tx_hash);
And it prints out in the terminal:
TransactionReceipt { transaction_hash: 0xd6a0e48e6a0f80ae4467193f40721da1ad53ec854a738ea57d7201619e60f3b7, ... }
receipt_txn_hash: 0xd6a0…f3b7
tx: {"hash":"0xd6a0e48e6a0f80ae4467193f40721da1ad53ec854a738ea57d7201619e60f3b7",...}
tx.hash: 0xd6a0…f3b7
Somehow Rust-Analyzer identifies this receipt has {unknown} type, but tx has Option<Transaction> type.
But still, both the receipt.transaction_hash, tx.hash have been truncated... *why?
How can I get the original complete hash value and return it as a String?
Here are the dependencies:
ethers = { version = "1.0.2", features = ["legacy", "rustls"] }
ethers-solc = { version = "1.0.2", features = ["full"] }
ethers-providers = "1.0.2"
eyre = "0.6.8"
hex = "0.4.3"
reqwest = { version = "0.11.14", default-features = false }
serde_json = "1.0.93"
Thanks to the answer below, both receipt_txn_hash and tx_hash are of the type H256.
The Display trait of H256 type is defined here:
impl $crate::core_::fmt::Display for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::core_::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::core_::fmt::Result {
$crate::core_::write!(f, "0x")?;
for i in &self.0[0..2] {
$crate::core_::write!(f, "{:02x}", i)?;
$crate::core_::write!(f, "…")?;
for i in &self.0[$n_bytes - 2..$n_bytes] {
$crate::core_::write!(f, "{:02x}", i)?;
From the Display trait definition above, we know Display trait is causing the truncation.
So we need to modify the Display trait(defined in our dependencies).
But we cannot modify or override the foreign trait definition due to: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for types defined outside of the crate. Define and implement a trait or new type instead
So we have to make our local type to modify the foreign trait!
Hence, this question is basically asking how to implement a local type(NewH256), on a foreign trait(fmt::Display)?

Going by a quick search I'm guessing the type is a H256 from here.
This has a Display implementation here which gives you your ellipses.
If you want to show the full hex, you might be best just printing the debug output:
println!("receipt_txn_hash: {:?}", receipt_txn_hash);
If that doesn't work, you can just copy the Display impl and format it however you want.


How to refer to the program name in help strings?

In my CLI program the usage examples are provided as part of the help message. Using the clap derive interface I can do the following
#[derive(Parser, Debug, Default)]
#[clap( after_help = "EXAMPLES:\n $ foo abc.txt")]
pub struct CmdLine {...}
The program name foo is hard coded in the literal string above.
How can I avoid hard-coding the program name and get it dynamically; for example, from std::env::args[0] or clap::App:get_bin_name() ?
clap provides a macro called crate_name! that will take the name from your cargo.toml.
For example, suppose you have this in your cargo.toml.
name = "myapp"
description = "myapp description"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
authors = [ "John Doe" ]
Then, in your application, you can fetch these values using the macros, like this:
let matches = Command::new(clap::crate_name!())
// abbreviated
The section below is appended to respond to the original poster's specific question. See the comments below for context. Also, including some learnings as well.
Appended per the discussion in comments.
Based on the comments/discussion below, initial thought is just to stuff the binary name from the arguments into a string and pass into the after_help() function. For example, something like this:
let bin_name = std::env:args().into_iter().next().unwrap();
let matches = Command::new(bin_name)
.after_help(format!("Text that includes {}", bin_name)) // This won't compile
Taking this approach, you quickly run into a lifetime requirement in the function signature for after_help(). From clap's repo:
pub fn after_help<S: Into<&'help str>>(mut self, help: S)
In fact, if you look, there are many fields in the Command struct that have the lifetime annotation (&'help) on them. The Command::new() method doesn't have this lifetime annotation so it worked fine to just pass it bin_name as shown above.
Below is an abbreviated solution that dynamically generates after-help text in a manner that adheres to the lifetime requirements. Assuming a clean binary (application), called "foo", add the following code:
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "A foo cli application"
authors = [ "John Doe" ]
edition = "2021"
clap = { version = "3.1.6", features = ["cargo"] }
fn main() {
// Get the binary name from the command line
let bin_name = std::env::args().into_iter().next().unwrap();
// Construct text that will be used in after_help.
let after_help_text = format!(
"Some after-help text that includes the binary name: {}",
// clap, by default, will reference the name of your package. So, if you're
// doing the above, you might as well override the usage text too so you're
// being consistent.
let usage_text = format!("{}", bin_name);
if let Err(e) = foo::get_args(bin_name, after_help_text, usage_text).and_then(foo::run) {
use clap::{ArgMatches, Command};
pub fn get_args(
bin_name: String,
after_help_text: String,
usage_text: String,
) -> std::io::Result<ArgMatches> {
let matches = Command::new(bin_name)
// add and configure args...
pub fn run(matches: ArgMatches) -> std::io::Result<()> {
// Do your CLI logic here based on matches.
Running the solution ( cargo run -- --help ) will produce the following output:
./foo 0.1.0
John Doe
A foo cli application
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Some after-help text that includes the binary name: ./foo

Changing out rng as input to DH keying material

I am currently creating some DH keys using the x25519-dalek-ng crate for it.
Using rand_core I can create them like this, with the OSrng:
use x25519_dalek_ng::{self,PublicKey, StaticSecret};
use rand_core::{OsRng};
fn main() {
let i_dh_privkey : StaticSecret = StaticSecret::new(OsRng);
let i_dh_public_key = PublicKey::from(&i_dh_privkey);
But I want to change to a different rng, one that does not require a OS.
So I wanted to shift to rand_chacha.
I then tried doing this:
use x25519_dalek_ng::{self,PublicKey, StaticSecret};
use rand_chacha::{ChaCha8Rng};
fn main() {
let i_dh_privkey : StaticSecret = StaticSecret::new(ChaCha8Rng);
let i_dh_public_key = PublicKey::from(&i_dh_privkey);
And rust doesnt like this, and says:
help: use struct literal syntax instead'
Which I don't really udnerstand, both OSrng and ChaCha8Rng are structs.
StaticSecret::new() takes anything that implements crpytorng, should I do something to implement that for the chacha rng?

How to use mail filter context data?

I am trying to write a mail filter in Rust using the milter crate. I built the example on a Linux VM and it all works fine. However, the example is using u32 as the type of context injected into their handlers, a quite simple example. I instead need to store a string from the handle_header callback through to the handle_eom handler so I can use an incoming header to set the envelope from.
If I log the value of the header in handle_header to console, it writes correctly but by the time it arrives in handle_eom, it has been corrupted/overwritten whatever. I thought that context was supposed to be specifically for this scenario but it seems weird that it uses type inference rather than e.g. a pointer to an object that you can just assign whatever you want to it.
Is my understanding of context wrong or is the code incorrect?
I tried using value and &value in handle_header and it behaves the same way.
use milter::*;
fn main() {
.actions(Actions::ADD_HEADER | Actions::REPLACE_SENDER)
.expect("milter execution failed");
fn handle_header<'a>(mut context: Context<&'a str>, header: &str, value: &'a str) -> milter::Result<Status> {
if header == "Set-Return-Path" {
match {
Some(retpath) => *retpath = &value,
None => {;
fn handle_eom(mut context: Context<&str>) -> milter::Result<Status> {
match {
Ok(result) => {
println!("Set-return-path header is {}", result.unwrap());
context.api.replace_sender(result.unwrap(), None::<&str>)?;
Err(_error) => {}
Thanks to glts on Github, the author of the crate, the problem was that the string slices passed into the handle_header method were not borrowed by the external code that stores the data pointer so by the time that handle_eom is called, the memory has been reused for something else.
All I had to do was change Context<&str> to Context<String> and convert the strings using mystr.to_owned() and in the reverse direction val = &*mystring

Why is clone required to be called explicitly with Strings in some cases but not others?

I was working in coding dojo trying to learn Rust. In the attached link is all our code and test. However, we got stumped as to why we required calling clone() in one function but not the other.
Why do I need to call game.clone() on line 23 of in this link
pub fn say_game_score(game: Game) -> String {
if game.player1.score == game.player2.score {
return say_equal_score(game.player1.score);
if can_be_won(game) { // This line required game.clone() WHY???
return say_winning_situation(game); // This line does NOT require game.clone()
return format!(
"{} {}",
fn say_winning_situation(game: Game) -> String {
if game.player1.score > game.player2.score {
return say_leading_situation(, game.player1.score - game.player2.score);
} else {
return say_leading_situation(, game.player2.score - game.player1.score);
fn can_be_won(game: Game) -> bool {
return game.player1.score > FORTY || game.player2.score > FORTY;
can_be_won(game) causes the variable game to be moved into the function. When you then call say_winning_situation(game) the variable has already moved and cant be used anymore. The Rust compile can actually check these things.
The compiler suggests that you clone the game in the first invocation, so it will be copied instead of moved.
You probably want to use references instead of values in your functions. Only take ownership when you need it. For reading access a reference (which is const by default) is your first choice.
You should read about borrow checking in Rust.

Issue when creating a Vector and assigning it later on [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 1 year ago.
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After reading a LOT of documentation I figured out that I am facing a problem of scope, but I have no idea how to solve it. See the example code below:
fn main() {
let mut bytes_buf:Vec<u8> = Vec::new(); // 1) where I declare the Vector, the compiler force me to initialize it.
loop {
match socket.recv_from(&mut buf) {
Ok((size, src)) => {
if count == 0 {
chunks_cnt = ...
bytes_buf = vec![0; MAX_CHUNK_SIZE * chunks_cnt as usize]; // 2) where I want to set vector size, only ONCE, and after knowing chunks_cnt
bytes_buf[start..end].copy_from_slice(buf); // 3) where I want to gradually fill the vector
For convenience, you can check the full code here
Possible solution
Here the socket fills the slice buf. If it fails an error message is shown. If is succeeds it will enter the loop.
On each iteration of the loop, the buf is converted to a Vec<u8> and appended to bytes_buf. Then if this is the first iteration, then the size value is inserted into the first position. Then the first flag is set to false. After that all iterations will continue appending data to the vector.
The following minimal example should compile fine:
use std::net::{UdpSocket};
const UDP_HEADER: usize = 8;
const IP_HEADER: usize = 20;
const MAX_DATA_LENGTH: usize = (64 * 1024 - 1) - UDP_HEADER - IP_HEADER;
fn main() {
let socket = UdpSocket::bind("").expect("Could not bind socket");
let mut buf= [0u8; MAX_DATA_LENGTH]; // Slice that will be filled by recv_from.
let mut bytes_buf:Vec<u8> = Vec::new(); // Vector where the data will be moved.
let mut first = true; // Flag that indicates if this is our first iteration.
loop {
match socket.recv_from(&mut buf) {
Ok((_size, _src)) => {
// Convert the slice to a vector (to_vec function) and append it to the bytes_buf.
bytes_buf.append(&mut buf.to_vec());
if first {
// Insert function inserts the element at the specified position and shifts
// all elements after it to the right.
bytes_buf.insert(0, 10u8); // IDK What value you need here.
first = false; // Set first to false
Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err) // If we fail display the error.
Side note
Your example was missing lots of variables and context. Despite this, I managed to create a minimal working example of what I believe you are trying to achieve thanks to the link you shared despite being quite different. Please next time provide a minimal reproducible example. More information here: How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example
Have a nice day!
