Converting sequence of SVG images (which contain Emojis) to a MPEG video - svg

I googled and even asked chatGPT but I'm unable to find a solution and hope to get some guidance here.
First I've to mention that I'm not a programmer but rather a beginner.
Following a short description of what I'm trying to achive and what I've done so far.
I gather data and create a circular visualization using Circos which produces SVG
and PNG images.
(unfortunately the PNG doesn't give me the option of searching for
text an make replaecments), nevertheless I can use them to sucessfuly produce a
MPEG movie using FFmpeg. Therefore I need to use the SVG output to apply the
desired changes.
So I tried to use CairoSVG to render the SVG file to a PNG image but it does not
render emojis by default because the are not part of the SVG specification and
CairoSVG only supports features defined in the SVG specification. The Emojis are
stored as Unicode characters and are not natively supported in SVG
Next I tried to use PIL (Python Imaging Library) as it provides support for Unicode
characters, including emojis, when converting images to and from various formats.
Unfortunately PIL does not have native support for converting SVG files to PNG and
it seems that PIL is primarily designed for creating and manipulating images in a
variety of formats, but does not have built-in support for reading or converting
SVG files.
So now my questions are:
Would FFmpeg give me the desired results, if I compile it using the --enable-
librsvg option so it can convert a sequence of SVG images to a video but i'm not
sure if it supports emojis rendered correctly and want to spare me the hassle as
I'm pretty sure to struggle compiling it on my Mac running Ventura?
Are the maybe other ways or posibilities to solve that problem?
Many thanks in advance for your help or any hint :-)
Have all a nice weekend and take care
NB: an example of the circular visualization can be found here animated graph and the static version annotated graph

Problem solved, I used the html2image Python module which converts the SVG (including embedded Emoji's) nicely to a PNG image an then use those images to create a MPG4 video using FFmpeg.


How to convert existing woff / ttf / otf files to a font file supported by report lab?

Understanding The Problem
I've run into a problem. I have a need to convert an svg file with multiple custom fonts into a png. This is supported by svglib. I actually was able to convert one of the fonts into a proper format for svglib to properly transform an svg to a png with the font. The problem is, I don't necessarily know what fonts are going to be "good" fonts and what fonts are going to be "bad" fonts (otf fonts that load for some reason and otf fonts that don't load for some reason), so ideally, I'd have a function in Python 3.x.x to convert all fonts to the same workable format. According to this google group on the subject, its a complicated beast (as of 2013). However, I could load any font (ttf / otf / woff) into this site and use it to get python to pump out a png file, just by having the font in the same directory as the svg file with the same name as the font file as the font family, with the proper results, but I couldn't get the converted font using Python's fonttools to work with the below provided code:
from import renderPM
from svglib.svglib import svg2rlg
from fontTools import ttLib
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
# Here I tried to take the font (which I had initially as a woff) and convert it to a ttf.
#woff2.decompress("./my_font.woff", "./my_font.ttf")
# Here I tried to take the original otf and convert it to a ttf
# font = ttLib.TTFont("my_font.otf")
# font.flavor = None
buff = BytesIO()
drawing = svg2rlg("./test.svg")
renderPM.drawToFile(drawing, buff, fmt="PNG")
img =
# l, w = image.size
# img = img.resize()
new_buff = BytesIO()"new_test.png", dpi=(600, 600))
Font For Minimal Reproduceable Example
I can upload a demo working font and the same font that is not working with the given format, but before I did that, I wanted to make sure that was part of the SO community guidelines to distribute potentially copyrighted (and other items of this nature with different licenses and EULAs) works - maybe a comment can confirm or deny this (I don't have the EULA, so I will probably find a link to a font that will be reproduceable). I think easiest is for me to find a link to a font online that I can reproduce the problem with, so I will get to looking and update the post with a link, but I mean... come on! I can't be the only person trying to solve this problem?!
Working font example
A non working font example - I could be wrong, but I think if you convert from a ttf to a woff back to a ttf using fonttools that you will be able to reproduce this issue. I'm still looking for an online example.
Problem Statement
So to make sure the problem statement is well articulated, the goal is to: Take any otf / ttf / or woff (even for simplicity sake - just a woff) file and convert it to a ttf file via Python that is supported by reportlab (which would mean it would be supported by svglib).
As unfortunate as it is, I couldn't supply a font to help with the "minimal, reproducible example clause", because finding a font online to replicate this with is very challenging (maybe I wasn't searching in the right place). However, I could convert the font in fontforge and opted for that. I could use the scripting portion of fontforge to accomplish this, so I can use this to convert fonts in bulk, and despite being GPL, after reaching out to the community from fontforge, they said:
We do not consider fonts created with FontForge or scripts run in FontForge to be derivative works of FontForge, which is standard practice for content creation tools and script interpreters. The FontForge license thus has no implication upon the ownership of those fonts and scripts or the owner's right to use and to distribute them. FontForge depends heavily upon a number of GPL libraries at the moment, and that is unlikely to change.
So for my purposes, I am content with this solution. embedded fonts

Does anyone have experience or insights into how to convert SVG to PNG using ImageMagick.NET where the SVG has custom embedded fonts?
I've seen similar posts about this, but I'm specifically interested in and I would like to avoid calling anything from command line. I currently use Batik, but I want to move this to Azure and I don't want to go through starting the JVM so that the JAR file can be executed.
Note additionally, my problem is that I am getting the SVG from another party and most fonts are not freely available, so I can't just pre-install all potential fonts.
Many thanks for any insight.
I don't know anything about azure platform, but I can share some insight on the SVG process within ImageMagick. This is more of a long-winded comment than an answer
ImageMagick (of which sets on top of) performs tasks on raster images, so any vector input must be "decoded" into a raster image before any additional work be be done. For SVG images, I'm aware of three ways ImageMagick can render vector graphics into authenticated pixels.
Use a primitive internal MSVG coder to draw each shape.
Pass the rendering work to librsvg if compiled with delegate library support. (Usually on *NIX systems)
Call an external command-line application. Identical to the suggestions referenced in the links you provided.
If I would map it out, I would imagine it would look something like this.
SVG Fonts with MSVG (option #1)
I believe this is the option your asking about as it would be the default configuration for must ImageMagick installs. For a font to be rendered, the typeface must be found on the system, and supported by freetype (.ttf or .otf files). Embedded fonts are usually base64 ttf files attached inline under the #font-face CSS at-rule. If this is true, you should be able to preprocess the document, extract the font-file to a local/temporary filesystem, and assign it with MagickReadSettings.FontFamily before reading the SVG document. Although I'm not sure if this would work with multiple fonts.
SVG Fonts with RSVG (option #2)
The librsvg offers a lot more support for SVG specs then the internal renderer, but also enforces more restricted approach for external resources. There's also an open issue with adding support to #font-face, so you might be forced to do option #1 anyway.
External Command-line (option #3)
This would be your best option. ImageMagick's delegate.xml file can be altered to call other utilities. Inkscape, for example, can be called by ImageMagick with the following rule..
<delegate decode="svg" command="inkscape.exe -e %o %i"/>
Although I'm not sure if inkscape is a good example as support for CSS fonts are still listed on a wishlist.
... convert SVG to PNG using ImageMagick.NET where the SVG has custom embedded fonts?
All-n-all, it boils down to the right tool for the right job. If your only use-case is converting SVG+CSS to PNG, and you have no additional raster manipulation tasks, a direct utility like batik is more appropriate than ImageMagick. Like it or not, installing a JRE to execute a JAR file might be the best option. by itself doesn't meet your requirements.

why when converted dxf file to svg using inkscape the dimensions of the diagram disappears?

This is the image is done in AutoCAD 2018:
This is how the converted SVG image appears:
How do I fix it?
I have also checked various online DXF to SVG converters but experience the same issue.
It is likely that the conversion programs struggle to handle complex entities such as dimensions, therefore, you may obtain better results if you explode the dimensions (and the resulting arrowhead blocks) prior to converting the DXF to SVG.
I solved the issue by using AutoDWG DWG to SVG Converter and now the dimensions are appearing fine. well, the drawings after converting from DXF to SVG format the lines are lighter because of less stroke-width and they can be changed manually.
thanks for the comment #Lee mac.
well this is the link

WinRT use Vector Images for logos

While I have read in the Microsoft guidelines that we should prefer SVG images over raster images I cannot seem to find anywhere how to use them for the logos in the manifest. Does anyone know if this possible?
As Hans already mentioned only PNG and JPEG images are supported. Here's official documentation on the matter containing complete info on image sizes as well.

ImageMagick convert SVG to PNG not working with RSVG enabled

I'm using ImageMagick's convert utility to convert SVG file to PNG image. At first, I used vanilla installation of IM on OSX (brew install imagemagick) to convert the SVG using:
$ convert file.svg file.png
This worked except that some of the image objects in that file were offset (actual links to images). I then read a related question that suggested ImageMagick to be compiled with rsvg support (homebrew does it with brew install imagemagick --use-rsvg).
Now, when I try to perform the conversion, no images are rendered. I tried using this SVG file, and the resulting PNG was blank. However, if any text exists on the SVG, it's rendered in the proper location. Any ideas how to proceed? thanks.
You should run this command to see a list of all 'delegates' your ImageMagick is trying to use:
convert -list delegate
To discover which delegate command ImageMagick uses for SVG processing, run
convert -list delegate | grep 'svg ='
You should see the binary + commandline parameters your convert tries to use. Im my case it is /opt/local/bin/rsvg-convert (but I'm not using Homebrew, I use MacPorts).
Now check if the binary is present at all on your system:
If yes, run it directly and debug from there.
If no, try to find where your Homebrew installation installed it, and change ImageMagick's configuration file for its delegates. It's called delegates.xml. MacPorts places it into /opt/local/etc/ImageMagick/delegates.xml -- I don't know where Homebrew stores it.
However, since your un-modified installation was already working, there must have been an SVG consuming delegate at work already then. Otherwise you would not have gotten any SVG processed at all.
This internal SVG rendering method of ImageMagick is called MSVG. This is far from being a feature-complete SVG interpreter/renderer.
To see what ImageMagick is doing for which format, run this command:
convert -list format
and for SVG run
convert -list format | grep SVG
Output on my system is:
MSVG SVG rw+ ImageMagick's own SVG internal renderer
SVG SVG rw+ Scalable Vector Graphics (RSVG 2.36.1)
SVGZ SVG rw+ Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics (RSVG 2.36.1)
After you installed rsvg, the internal method to render SVGs will not have gone away. You can still force ImageMagick to use the internal renderer by adding MSVG: to the commandline like this:
convert MSVG:file.svg file.png
Just for completeness' sake...
Oh, I now had a look at the SVG file you linked to.
It contains JavaScript. I do not think that the RSVGlib does support JavaScript inside SVGs. I know for sure that the internal SVG coder named MSVG does not.
I had a similar problem and was just told to install inkscape and it works,
ImageMagick converts svg graph into pdf with tilted x-axis labels, any ideas?
The delegate list did not change but the output did. On further fiddling with forced MSVG I could not get the problem to go away. So another delegate is probably the best solution.
