How to implement a tab interface similar to sheets in excel app in android? - android-studio

How to implement a tab interface similar to sheets in excel app in android?
Expected Output
I figured that this could be done using tablayout with fragments, but how can I make it possible to edit the text of the tab, as shown in the photo? Or is it done by other means? In which direction should I move?


Android Studio: How to slide between screens? (Kotlin)

I'm trying to do my first app and one of the things that i'm triying is to change between different screens when someone slides the screen with the finger. But i'm just new at this and i don't really know how to do this.
Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance!
PS: I'm using Kotlin
You'll want to use a ViewPager and either BottomNavigationView NavigationView or ActionBar.. Then you will use Fragments and Activitys that contain code to handle the individual parts of your app.
The ViewPager is what gives the swipeability and then you probably want tabs of some type so the user knows which tab they're on. The BottomNavigationView and NavigationView are how you display tabs. I've got examples in my profile (and a finished project on github) but I use Xamarin.Android not kotlin.
This appears to be a good tutorial on how to do it in Kotlin:
It's too much to type out on here.

Is there a way to add custom icons to a ribbon using VBA through a callback to the UI Editor?

I am making a ribbon for my office. I have programmed all the macros already, except for the icons.
In the UI Editor, I have set everything to be done via a callback in VBA.
I have loaded all the icons using the MS Excel stock icons, however I have 9 icons that have to be added as they are not part of the excel standards.
I can't use different icons as the buttons in the ribbon paste the pictures that I need to display as the icons.
In the UI editor, I have set it up that all the buttons use "getimage=getimage" and have programmed a callback in VBA.
I don't seem to be able to change the 9 specific buttons to "image=pic1" and use the icons (pic1-pic9) I have loaded in the UI Editor.
When I try to do that, I get an error saying "the 'Image' attribute is not declared"
So now I am looking for a workaround in VBA.
Current callback code for a standard Icon:
Case "eButton03": RibbonImage = "ObjectPictureFill"
I need the code above to pull in a picture instead of using the standard icon.
let's say the picture is saved in C:\Pic\Pic1.png
Use this list:
You can also use or create custom images, add your picture "yourpic.png" via Excel's "Insert Icons" option in the Custom UI Editor.
Use the code
To use your picture as a custom icon.

Android Menu coming from bottom like Google Drive

I have a floating action button and when the users taps on it I want a layout to be shown, animating from the bottom exactly like the Google Drive app (so not covering the whole screen).
I read someone suggest the open source Umano's AndroidSlidingUpPanel but that is more similar to the Google Play Music app and I don't want that as I don't need the panel to be draggable/slidable.
What component should I use?
This is the Bottom sheet component. Check out its specs:
There are third libraries for the bottom sheet if you don't want to make it your self.

Can I somehow dock the searchbox (ctrl +f) or create a new searchbox in the top menu in Google Sheets so that it is always visible?

I have been searching for a while now but I cannot find an answer to the following question; Is it possible to dock or show the searchbox from Google Sheets somewhere so that it is always visible?
I have some experience with Google Apps Script so any solution from that perspective is also fine!
Ps. I can't use a sidebar.
Everything that you can do to the Google Sheets UI via Google Apps Script is documented in Extending Google Sheets.
You have no control over Google's UI components, such as the Search & Replace dialog.
You could implement your own search dialog, and display it as a modeless dialog that would always be visible. If you've already looked into sidebar and found that didn't work for you, just replace your call to showSidebar() with showModelessDialog().

Visual C++ ListBox as Preference Chooser

So I'm building a tool that allows a user to edit a whole bunch of preferences for various things. There are several groups of settings, too many to use a TabControl without creating arrow sliders to view all of the tabs, so I decided I would try and use a ListBox to list the groups of preferences, and then when they click on them, the settings that they can change show up to the right of the box.
I'm just not sure how to do this. Obviously it would invoke something in the OnSelectionChanged function of the ListBox, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Surely a dialog can have dynamic design, right? Would I mimic the creation of a tabbed-dialog where I create my designs and then bind them to the TabControl, and just do something similar for the ListBox? Again, it's not the ListBox itself that is dynamic. The user will click on "Settings A" from the ListBox, and to the right of the ListBox will be settings 1, 2, and 3 that each have textboxs/radios/checks.
Any hints on how I can accomplish this? I just think it looks nicer than having a whole bunch of tabs lined up across the top of the box. Thanks in advance to any brilliant minds who can help me out. I'm versed in C++, but I'm very much a beginner at VC++.
You can a vertical splitter with two panes:
one which contains the list
another one which contains the configuration dialogs you would normally use in a tab control
Each time the list selection changes you can load the appropriate dialog in the right pane. You can find a splitter tutorial here:
