Is this because the mutex was not released? - rust

I've read this Turning Our Single-Threaded Server into a Multithreaded Server.
And tried to implement it.
I wrote this:
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
type task = dyn FnOnce() + Send + 'static;
pub struct Threadpool {
threads: Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
rx: Arc<Mutex<Receiver<Box<task>>>>,
tx: Sender<Box<task>>,
impl Threadpool {
pub fn new(size: usize) -> Threadpool {
let mut tasks = Vec::with_capacity(size);
let (tx, rx): (Sender<Box<task>>, Receiver<Box<task>>) = channel();
let rx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx));
for _ in 0..size {
let rx = rx.clone();
let task = thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
let job= rx.lock().unwrap().recv().unwrap();
Threadpool {
threads: tasks,
pub fn execute<F>(&self, f: F)
F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
It works.
But when I change
let job= rx.lock().unwrap().recv().unwrap();
When I open localhost:port/sleep, and then open localhost:port, it will takes 5 seconds.
I set this in main
"GET /sleep HTTP/1.1" => {
("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", "hello.html")
I already knew that while let will cause that.
But I can't figure out why my code above will also lead to that.
Can anybody give me the answer.

In Rust temporary objects are dropped at the end of the expression that contains them (with a few caveats not relevant here).
And the temporary we are interested in is the guard of the mutex, whose drop is responsible of releasing the mutex lock.
So, writingh the drop explicitly, your first code:
let job = rx.lock().unwrap().recv().unwrap();
Is equivalent to:
let mut guard = rx.lock().unwrap();
let job = guard.recv().unwrap();
And your second code:
Is equivalent to:
let mut guard = rx.lock().unwrap();
let job = guard.recv().unwrap()
As you can see, now you are calling the job() function with the mutex still locked.

Is this because the mutex was not released?
Yes, you are basically doing this
let rx = rx.lock().unwrap(); // got the lock
let job = rx.recv().unwrap(); // got the job
// going to sleep while still holding mutex lock
job(); // std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5))
drop(rx); // lock is released
As all the threads share the mutex, and will try to acquire lock, they are effectively blocked until sleeping thread with lock wakes up. Which is why after requesting sleep endpoint, other threads are unable to perform any other job.
There's another issue however. Even if it didn't sleep, it still calls Receiver::recv() while still holding the lock, which blocks the current thread (goes to sleep) until something is sent down the channel. But considering that one thread will only block others if there's no jobs on the channel, I guess that is by design.


Avoid deadlock in rust when multiple spawns execute code in a loop

I am trying to run 2 threads in parallel and share some data between them. When either one of the threads contain a loop statement, the shared data in the other thread goes into a deadlock.
But if I were to add a line to code to break out of the loop statement after a certain number of iterations, the deadlock gets released and the operation in the next thread starts.
Rust Playground
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct SomeNetwork {
is_connected: bool,
impl SomeNetwork {
fn connection_manager(&mut self) {
loop {
// if I exit the loop after a few iterations then the deadlock is removed
// eg: when I use `for i in 0..10 {` instead of `loop`
println!("connection_manager thread...");
fn api_calls(&self) {
loop {
if self.is_connected {
println!("api_calls thread...");
pub fn start() {
let self_arc = SomeNetwork {
is_connected: false,
let self_arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self_arc));
let self_cloned1 = Arc::clone(&self_arc);
let self_cloned2 = Arc::clone(&self_arc);
.spawn(move || {
let mut n = self_cloned1.lock().unwrap();
.spawn(move || {
let n = self_cloned2.lock().unwrap(); // <---- deadlock here
loop {
fn main() {
connection_manager thread...
connection_manager thread...
connection_manager thread...
connection_manager thread...
connection_manager thread...
Wouldn't the underlying OS take care of the scheduling once a thread goes into sleep?
What could be done here, so that I can run both threads in parallel?
The issue is the mutex you created stays locked during connection_manager.
The way you use a mutex in Rust is that it wraps the data it locks. When you lock the mutex, it blocks the current thread until it can obtain the mutex. Once it has, it gives you a MutexGuard which you can think of as a wrapper for a reference to the mutex. The MutexGuard gives you mutable access to the data inside the mutex. Then once the MutexGuard is no longer needed Rust invokes MutexGuard's implementation of Drop which unlocks the mutex and allows other threads to obtain it.
// Block until mutex is locked for this thread and return MutexGuard
let mut n = self_cloned1.lock().unwrap();
// Do stuff with the locked mutex
// MutexGuard is no longer needed so it gets dropped and the mutex is released
As you can see, if connection_manager never exits the mutex will remain locked for the first thread to obtain the mutex.
What you want is probably to use a mutex with a condvar so the mutex can be released while the thread is sleeping.
Here is a rough idea of what that using condvars to handle connecting and channels to pass jobs to workers would look like. Playground Link
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Condvar};
use std::thread::{self, current};
use std::time::Duration;
use crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver};
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct SomeNetwork {
is_connected: bool,
const TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
impl SomeNetwork {
fn connect(&mut self) {
println!("connection_manager thread...");
self.is_connected = true;
fn api_calls(&self, job: i32) {
//println!("api_calls thread...");
println!("[Worker {:?}] Handling job {}", current().id(), job);
pub fn start_connection_thread(
self_data: Arc<Mutex<Self>>,
connect_condvar: Arc<Condvar>,
worker_condvar: Arc<Condvar>,
) {
.spawn(move || {
let mut guard = self_data.lock().unwrap();
loop {
// Do something with the data
if !guard.is_connected {
// Notify all workers that the connection is ready
// Use condvar to release mutex and wait until signaled to start again
let (new_guard, _) = connect_condvar.wait_timeout(guard, TIMEOUT).unwrap();
guard = new_guard;
pub fn start_worker_thread(
self_data: Arc<Mutex<Self>>,
connect_condvar: Arc<Condvar>,
worker_condvar: Arc<Condvar>,
requests: Receiver<i32>,
) {
.spawn(move || {
loop {
// Wait until a request is received
let request = requests.recv().unwrap();
// Lock mutex once we have a request
let mut guard = self_data.lock().unwrap();
// Make sure we are connected before starting tasks
while !guard.is_connected {
// Wake up 1 connection thread if the connection breaks
// Sleep until signaled that the connection has been fixed
let (new_guard, _) = worker_condvar.wait_timeout(guard, TIMEOUT).unwrap();
guard = new_guard;
// Now that we have verified we are connected, handle the request
pub fn start() {
let self_arc = SomeNetwork {
is_connected: false,
let self_arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self_arc));
let connect_condvar = Arc::new(Condvar::new());
let worker_condvar = Arc::new(Condvar::new());
// Create a channel to send jobs to workers
let (send, recv) = unbounded();
Self::start_connection_thread(self_arc.clone(), connect_condvar.clone(), worker_condvar.clone());
// Start some workers
for _ in 0..5 {
Self::start_worker_thread(self_arc.clone(), connect_condvar.clone(), worker_condvar.clone(), recv.clone());
// Send messages to workers
for message in 1..100 {
loop {
fn main() {

How to create threads in a for loop and get the return value from each?

I am writing a program that pings a set of targets 100 times, and stores each RTT value returned from the ping into a vector, thus giving me a set of RTT values for each target. Say I have n targets, I would like all of the pinging to be done concurrently. The rust code looks like this:
let mut sample_rtts_map = HashMap::new();
for addr in targets.to_vec() {
let mut sampleRTTvalues: Vec<f32> = vec![];
//sample_rtts_map.insert(addr, sampleRTTvalues);
thread::spawn(move || {
while sampleRTTvalues.len() < 100 {
let sampleRTT = ping(addr);
// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5000));
The hashmap is used to tell which vector of values belongs to which target. The problem is, how do I retrieve the updated sampleRTTvalues from each thread after the thread is done executing? I would like something like:
let (name, sampleRTTvalues) = thread::spawn(...)
The name, being the name of the thread, and sampleRTTvalues being the vector. However, since I'm creating threads in a for loop, each thread is being instantiated the same way, so how I differentiate them?
Is there some better way to do this? I've looked into schedulers, future, etc., but it seems my case can just be done with simple threads.
I go the desired behavior with the following code:
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use rand::Rng;
use std::net::{Ipv4Addr,Ipv6Addr,IpAddr};
const RTT_ONE: IpAddr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127,0,0,1));
const RTT_TWO: IpAddr = IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1));
const RTT_THREE: IpAddr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127,0,1,1));//idk how ip adresses work, forgive if this in invalid but you get the idea
fn ping(address: IpAddr) -> f32 {
fn main() {
let targets = [RTT_ONE,RTT_TWO,RTT_THREE];
let mut sample_rtts_map: HashMap<IpAddr,Vec<f32>> = HashMap::new();
for addr in targets.into_iter() {
let (sample_values,moved_values) = mpsc::channel();
let mut sampleRTTvalues: Vec<f32> = vec![];
thread::spawn(move || {
while sampleRTTvalues.len() < 100 {
let sampleRTT = ping(addr);
note that the use rand::Rng can be removed when implementing, as it is only so the example works. what this does is pass data from the spawned thread to the main thread, and in the method used it waits until the data is ready before adding it to the hash map. If this is problematic (takes a long time, etc.) then you can use try_recv instead of recv which will add an error / option type that will return a recoverable error if the value is ready when unwrapped, or return the value if it's ready
You can use a std::sync::mpsc channel to collect your data:
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::thread;
fn ping(_: &str) -> f32 { 0.0 }
fn main() {
let targets = ["a", "b"]; // just for example
let mut sample_rtts_map = HashMap::new();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
for addr in targets {
let tx = tx.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
for _ in 0..100 {
let sampleRTT = ping(addr);
tx.send((addr, sampleRTT));
// exit loop when all thread's tx have dropped
while let Ok((addr, sampleRTT)) = rx.recv() {
println!("sample_rtts_map: {:?}", sample_rtts_map);
This will run all pinging threads simultaneously, and collect data in main thread synchronously, so that we can avoid using locks. Do not forget to drop sender in main thread after cloning to all pinging threads, or the main thread will hang forever.

How do I run an asynchronous task periodically and also sometimes on demand?

I have a task (downloading something from the Web) that runs regularly with pauses 10 min between runs.
If my program notices that the data is outdated, then it should run the download task immediately unless it is already running. If the download task happened out-of-time, the next task should be after 10 min since the out-of-time task so all future tasks and pauses are shifted later in time.
How do I do this with Tokio?
I made a library to run a sequence of tasks, but trying to use it for my problem failed.
mod tasks_with_regular_pauses;
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::spawn;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use tokio_interruptible_future::{
interruptible, interruptible_sendable, interruptible_straight, InterruptError,
pub type TaskItem = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send>>;
/// Execute futures from a stream of futures in order in a Tokio task. Not tested code.
pub struct TaskQueue {
tx: Sender<TaskItem>,
rx: Arc<Mutex<Receiver<TaskItem>>>,
impl TaskQueue {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = channel(1);
Self {
rx: Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx)),
async fn _task(this: Arc<Mutex<Self>>) {
// let mut rx = ReceiverStream::new(rx);
loop {
let this2 = this.clone();
let fut = {
// block to shorten locks lifetime
let obj = this2.lock().await;
let rx = obj.rx.clone();
let mut rx = rx.lock().await;
if let Some(fut) = fut {
} else {
pub fn spawn(
this: Arc<Mutex<Self>>,
notify_interrupt: async_channel::Receiver<()>,
) -> JoinHandle<Result<(), InterruptError>> {
spawn(interruptible_straight(notify_interrupt, async move {
pub async fn push_task(&self, fut: TaskItem) {
let _ = self.tx.send(fut).await;
I'd recommend using select! instead of interruptible futures to detect one of 3 conditions in your loop:
download task is finished
the data is outdated signal
data expired timeout signal
"The data is outdated" signal can be conveyed using a dedicated channel.
select! allows waiting for futures (like downloading and timeouts), and reading from channels at the same time. See the tutorial for examples of that.
Solution sketch:
loop {
// it is time to download
let download_future = ...; // make your URL request
let download_result = download_future.await;
// if the outdated signal is generated while download
// was in progress, ignore the signal by draining the receiver
while outdated_data_signal_receiver.try_recv().is_ok() {}
// send results upstream for processing
// wait to re-download
select! {
// after a 10 min pause
_ = sleep(Duration::from_minutes(10)) => break,
// or by an external signal
_ = outdated_data_signal_receiver.recv() => break,
This logic can be simplified further by the timeout primitive:
loop {
// it is time to download
let download_future = ...; // make your URL request
let download_result = download_future.await;
// if the outdated signal is generated while download
// was in progress, ignore the signal by draining the receiver
while outdated_data_signal_receiver.try_recv().is_ok() {}
// send results upstream for processing
// re-download by a signal, or timeout (whichever comes first)
_ = timeout(Duration::from_minutes(10), outdated_data_signal_receiver.recv()).await;

Is there an API to race N threads (or N closures on N threads) to completion?

Given several threads that complete with an Output value, how do I get the first Output that's produced? Ideally while still being able to get the remaining Outputs later in the order they're produced, and bearing in mind that some threads may or may not terminate.
struct Output(i32);
fn main() {
let mut spawned_threads = Vec::new();
for i in 0..10 {
let join_handle: ::std::thread::JoinHandle<Output> = ::std::thread::spawn(move || {
// pretend to do some work that takes some amount of time
(1000 - (100 * i)) as u64,
Output(i) // then pretend to return the `Output` of that work
// I can do this to wait for each thread to finish and collect all `Output`s
let outputs_in_order_of_thread_spawning = spawned_threads
// but how would I get the `Output`s in order of completed threads?
I could solve the problem myself using a shared queue/channels/similar, but are there built-in APIs or existing libraries which could solve this use case for me more elegantly?
I'm looking for an API like:
fn race_threads<A: Send>(
threads: Vec<::std::thread::JoinHandle<A>>
) -> (::std::thread::Result<A>, Vec<::std::thread::JoinHandle<A>>) {
unimplemented!("so far this doesn't seem to exist")
(Rayon's join is the closest I could find, but a) it only races 2 closures rather than an arbitrary number of closures, and b) the thread pool w/ work stealing approach doesn't make sense for my use case of having some closures that might run forever.)
It is possible to solve this use case using pointers from How to check if a thread has finished in Rust? just like it's possible to solve this use case using an MPSC channel, however here I'm after a clean API to race n threads (or failing that, n closures on n threads).
These problems can be solved by using a condition variable:
use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex};
struct Output(i32);
enum State {
fn main() {
let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(Vec::new()), Condvar::new()));
let mut spawned_threads = Vec::new();
let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*pair;
for i in 0..10 {
let my_pair = pair.clone();
let join_handle: ::std::thread::JoinHandle<Output> = ::std::thread::spawn(move || {
// pretend to do some work that takes some amount of time
(1000 - (100 * i)) as u64,
let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*my_pair;
let mut joinable = lock.lock().unwrap();
joinable[i] = State::Joinable;
Output(i as i32) // then pretend to return the `Output` of that work
let mut should_stop = false;
while !should_stop {
let locked = lock.lock().unwrap();
let mut locked = cvar.wait(locked).unwrap();
should_stop = true;
for (i, state) in locked.iter_mut().enumerate() {
match *state {
State::Starting => {
should_stop = false;
State::Joinable => {
*state = State::Joined;
println!("{:?}", spawned_threads[i].take().unwrap().join());
State::Joined => (),
(playground link)
I'm not claiming this is the simplest way to do it. The condition variable will awake the main thread every time a child thread is done. The list can show the state of each thread, if one is (about to) finish, it can be joined.
No, there is no such API.
You've already been presented with multiple options to solve your problem:
Use channels
Use a CondVar
Use futures
Sometimes when programming, you have to go beyond sticking pre-made blocks together. This is supposed to be a fun part of programming. I encourage you to embrace it. Go create your ideal API using the components available and publish it to
I really don't see what's so terrible about the channels version:
use std::{sync::mpsc, thread, time::Duration};
struct Output(i32);
fn main() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
for i in 0..10 {
let tx = tx.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis((1000 - (100 * i)) as u64));
// Don't hold on to the sender ourselves
// Otherwise the loop would never terminate
for r in rx {
println!("{:?}", r);

How to terminate or suspend a Rust thread from another thread?

Editor's note — this example was created before Rust 1.0 and the specific types have changed or been removed since then. The general question and concept remains valid.
I have spawned a thread with an infinite loop and timer inside.
thread::spawn(|| {
let mut timer = Timer::new().unwrap();
let periodic = timer.periodic(Duration::milliseconds(200));
loop {
// Do my work here
After a time based on some conditions, I need to terminate this thread from another part of my program. In other words, I want to exit from the infinite loop. How can I do this correctly? Additionally, how could I to suspend this thread and resume it later?
I tried to use a global unsafe flag to break the loop, but I think this solution does not look nice.
For both terminating and suspending a thread you can use channels.
Terminated externally
On each iteration of a worker loop, we check if someone notified us through a channel. If yes or if the other end of the channel has gone out of scope we break the loop.
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::sync::mpsc::{self, TryRecvError};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
println!("Press enter to terminate the child thread");
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || loop {
match rx.try_recv() {
Ok(_) | Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => {}
let mut line = String::new();
let stdin = io::stdin();
let _ = stdin.lock().read_line(&mut line);
let _ = tx.send(());
Suspending and resuming
We use recv() which suspends the thread until something arrives on the channel. In order to resume the thread, you need to send something through the channel; the unit value () in this case. If the transmitting end of the channel is dropped, recv() will return Err(()) - we use this to exit the loop.
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
println!("Press enter to wake up the child thread");
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || loop {
match rx.recv() {
Ok(_) => {
Err(_) => {
let mut line = String::new();
let stdin = io::stdin();
for _ in 0..4 {
let _ = stdin.lock().read_line(&mut line);
let _ = tx.send(());
Other tools
Channels are the easiest and the most natural (IMO) way to do these tasks, but not the most efficient one. There are other concurrency primitives which you can find in the std::sync module. They belong to a lower level than channels but can be more efficient in particular tasks.
The ideal solution would be a Condvar. You can use wait_timeout in the std::sync module, as pointed out by #Vladimir Matveev.
This is the example from the documentation:
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Condvar};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new()));
let pair2 = pair.clone();
thread::spawn(move|| {
let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*pair2;
let mut started = lock.lock().unwrap();
*started = true;
// We notify the condvar that the value has changed.
// wait for the thread to start up
let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*pair;
let mut started = lock.lock().unwrap();
// as long as the value inside the `Mutex` is false, we wait
loop {
let result = cvar.wait_timeout(started, Duration::from_millis(10)).unwrap();
// 10 milliseconds have passed, or maybe the value changed!
started = result.0;
if *started == true {
// We received the notification and the value has been updated, we can leave.
Having been back to this question several times myself, here's what I think addresses OP's intent and others' best practice of getting the thread to stop itself. Building on the accepted answer, Crossbeam is a nice upgrade to mpsc in allowing message endpoints to be cloned and moved. It also has a convenient tick function. The real point here is it has try_recv() which is non-blocking.
I'm not sure how universally useful it'd be to put a message checker in the middle of an operational loop like this. I haven't found that Actix (or previously Akka) could really stop a thread without--as stated above--getting the thread to do it itself. So this is what I'm using for now (wide open to correction here, still learning myself).
// Cargo.toml:
// [dependencies]
// crossbeam-channel = "0.4.4"
use crossbeam_channel::{Sender, Receiver, unbounded, tick};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
fn main() {
let (tx, rx):(Sender<String>, Receiver<String>) = unbounded();
let rx2 = rx.clone();
// crossbeam allows clone and move of receiver
std::thread::spawn(move || {
// OP:
// let mut timer = Timer::new().unwrap();
// let periodic = timer.periodic(Duration::milliseconds(200));
let ticker: Receiver<Instant> = tick(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500));
loop {
// OP:
// periodic.recv();
crossbeam_channel::select! {
recv(ticker) -> _ => {
// OP: Do my work here
println!("Hello, work.");
// Comms Check: keep doing work?
// try_recv is non-blocking
// rx, the single consumer is clone-able in crossbeam
let try_result = rx2.try_recv();
match try_result {
Err(_e) => {},
Ok(msg) => {
match msg.as_str() {
println!("Ending the world.");
_ => {},
_ => {}
// let work continue for 10 seconds then tell that thread to end.
println!("Goodbye, world.");
Using strings as a message device is a tad cringeworthy--to me. Could do the other suspend and restart stuff there in an enum.
