Javascript Audio Streaming via Audio Worklet Float 32 Array convert to audio file - audio

I am using AudioWorkletProcessor, I need to store all the audio stream data into a single file and play it at the end.
Below is my AudioWorkletProcessor code:
class RecorderProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
// 0. Determine the buffer size (this is the same as the 1st argument of ScriptProcessor)
//bufferSize = 4096
bufferSize = 256
// 1. Track the current buffer fill level
_bytesWritten = 0
// 2. Create a buffer of fixed size
_buffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize)
constructor() {
super(); // exception thrown here when not called
initBuffer() {
this._bytesWritten = 0
isBufferEmpty() {
return this._bytesWritten === 0
isBufferFull() {
return this._bytesWritten === this.bufferSize
* #param {Float32Array[][]} inputs
* #returns {boolean}
process(inputs) {
// Grabbing the 1st channel similar to ScriptProcessorNode
// this.append(outputs[0][0])
return true
* #param {Float32Array} channelData
append(channelData) {
if (this.isBufferFull()) {
if (!channelData) return
for (let i = 0; i < channelData.length; i++) {
this._buffer[this._bytesWritten++] = channelData[i]
flush() {
// trim the buffer if ended prematurely
this._bytesWritten < this.bufferSize
? this._buffer.slice(0, this._bytesWritten)
: this._buffer
registerProcessor("recorderWorkletProcessor", RecorderProcessor)
which returning 32 bit Float array .
Below is my javascript code :
var recordingNode; //audio worklet node
var micSourceNode; //mic node
const chunks = []; // storing all stream audio chunks
try {
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
microphone = navigator.getUserMedia({
audio: true,
video: false
}, onMicrophoneGranted, onMicrophoneDenied);
} catch (e) {
function onMicrophoneDenied() {
async function onMicrophoneGranted(stream) {
context = new AudioContext({
sampleRate: 48000
micSourceNode = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
await context.audioWorklet.addModule('/app_resources/recorderWorkletProcessor.js');
recordingNode = new AudioWorkletNode(context, "recorderWorkletProcessor")
recordingNode.port.onmessage = function(e) {
chunks.push(; //storing chunks in arrau
function stopstream() {
if (micSourceNode)
var blob = new Blob(chunks, {
type: "audio/webm;codecs=opus"
const audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
document.getElementById('song').innerHTML = '<audio id="audio-player" controls="controls" src="' + audioUrl + '" type="audio/mpeg">';
I am unable to convert the float 32 bit array into audio file. i can see the size in the blob but unable to play audio. Please help me understand what can i do here to make it work.


There will be broken sounds at the beginning and end of the playing sound when using Microsoft Azure Text To Speech with Unity

I am using Microsoft Azure Text To Speech with Unity. But there will be broken sounds at the beginning and end of the playing sound. Is this normal, or result.AudioData is broken. Below is the code.
public AudioSource audioSource;
void Start()
public void SynthesisToSpeaker(string text)
var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription("[redacted]", "southeastasia");
config.SpeechSynthesisLanguage = "zh-CN";
config.SpeechSynthesisVoiceName = "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural";
// Creates a speech synthesizer.
// Make sure to dispose the synthesizer after use!
SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(config, null);
Task<SpeechSynthesisResult> task = synthesizer.SpeakTextAsync(text);
StartCoroutine(CheckSynthesizer(task, config, synthesizer));
private IEnumerator CheckSynthesizer(Task<SpeechSynthesisResult> task,
SpeechConfig config,
SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer)
yield return new WaitUntil(() => task.IsCompleted);
var result = task.Result;
// Checks result.
string newMessage = string.Empty;
if (result.Reason == ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted)
var sampleCount = result.AudioData.Length / 2;
var audioData = new float[sampleCount];
for (var i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i)
audioData[i] = (short)(result.AudioData[i * 2 + 1] << 8
| result.AudioData[i * 2]) / 32768.0F;
// The default output audio format is 16K 16bit mono
var audioClip = AudioClip.Create("SynthesizedAudio", sampleCount,
1, 16000, false);
audioClip.SetData(audioData, 0);
audioSource.clip = audioClip;
else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.Canceled)
var cancellation = SpeechSynthesisCancellationDetails.FromResult(result);
The default audio format is Riff16Khz16BitMonoPcm, which has a riff header in the beginning of result.AudioData. If you pass the audioData to audioClip, it will play the header, then you hear some noise.
You can set the format to a raw format without header by speechConfig.SetSpeechSynthesisOutputFormat(SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat.Raw16Khz16BitMonoPcm);, see this sample for details.

streaming audio from mic across websocket. I can see the data being sent but cannot hear it on the receiving client side

I'm trying to broadcast captured mic audio across a websocket. I can see the buffer array is being sent, and the array has actual valid data but the receiving client side cannot hear it. I'm pretty sure my playback function is correct, because I can generate white noise by filling an array with random numbers and using the playback function to hear it. I'm thinking maybe the audio it's broadcasting is too quiet to hear, because the numbers generated in the array are seem to mostly be in the .000### range. Any ideas? Capturing mic audio and broadcasting it seems to be over complicated... :/
//broadcasting side
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true,video: false}) // request cam
.then(stream => {
vid.srcObject = stream;
context = new AudioContext();
var source = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var processor = context.createScriptProcessor(1024, 2, 2);
processor.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
audiodata = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(1);
socket.send(JSON.stringify({sound: audiodata, to: to, from: '$username', text:''}));
return; // returns a Promise
//receiving side object to array
if(typeof (message.sound) != "undefined"){
var json_sound = message.sound;
var array_sound = [];
for(var i in json_sound){
array_sound.push([i, json_sound [i]]);
if(typeof(context) == 'undefined'){
context = new AudioContext();
play_sound(array_sound, context);
// receiving side play sound function
function play_sound(raw,context){
var audioBuffer = context.createBuffer(1, raw.length, context.sampleRate);
var source = context.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = audioBuffer;
For anyone out there trying to figure this out. I ended up encoding it to an int16array, then sent it across the socket, where the client encoded it back into a float32 array and passed it to the play_sound function. I basically just stole a bunch of stuff off stackoverflow and faked it until I made it, cause I'm not that smart :)
capturing mic and converting to int16array, then sending it across the socket
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: {sampleSize: 16, channelCount: 2},video: true}) // request cam
.then(stream => {
vid.srcObject = stream; // don't use createObjectURL(MediaStream)
context = new AudioContext();
var source = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var processor = context.createScriptProcessor(1024, 2, 2);
processor.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
// Do something with the data, i.e Convert this to WAV
audiodata = new Int16Array(convertFloat32ToInt16(e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0)));
socket.send(JSON.stringify({sound: audiodata, to: to, from: '$username', text:''}));
return; // returns a Promise
relevant function for converting captured mic to int16array:
function convertFloat32ToInt16(buffer){
l = buffer.length;
buf = new Int16Array(l);
while (l--)
buf[l] = Math.min(1, buffer[l])*0x7FFF;
return buf.buffer;
receiving client side json object to int16array, then int16array back to float32array:
if(typeof (message.sound) != "undefined"){
//var json_sound = message.sound;
if(typeof(context) == 'undefined'){
context = new AudioContext();
sound_array = [];
for (i in message.sound)
sound_array[i] = (message.sound [i]);
//sound_array16 = new Int16Array(sound_array);
sound_array32 = int16ToFloat32(sound_array);
play_sound(sound_array32, context);
relevant receiving side int16array to float32array function:
function int16ToFloat32(inputArray) {
let int16arr = new Int16Array(inputArray)
var output = new Float32Array(int16arr.length);
for (var i = 0; i < int16arr.length; i++) {
var int = int16arr[i];
var float = (int >= 0x8000) ? -(0x10000 - int) / 0x8000 : int / 0x7FFF;
output[i] = float;
return output;

NAudio Mp3 decoding click and pops

I followed this NAudio Demo modified to play ShoutCast.
In my full code I have to resample the incoming audio and stream it again over the network to a network player. Since I get many "clicks and pops", I came back to the demo code and I found that these artifacts are originated after the decoding block.
If I save the incoming stream in mp3 format, it is pretty clear.
When I save the raw decoded data (without other processing than the decoder) I get many audio artifacts.
I wonder whether I am doing some error, even if my code is almost equal to the NAudio demo.
Here the function from the example as modified by me to save the raw data. It is called as a new Thread.
private void StreamMP3(object state)
//Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
//SettingsSection section = (SettingsSection)config.GetSection("");
this.fullyDownloaded = false;
string url = "";//(string)state;
webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
int metaInt = 0; // blocksize of mp3 data
int framesize = 0;
webRequest.Headers.Add("GET", "/ HTTP/1.0");
// needed to receive metadata informations
webRequest.Headers.Add("Icy-MetaData", "1");
webRequest.UserAgent = "WinampMPEG/5.09";
HttpWebResponse resp = null;
resp = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
catch (WebException e)
if (e.Status != WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled)
byte[] buffer = new byte[16384 * 4]; // needs to be big enough to hold a decompressed frame
// read blocksize to find metadata block
metaInt = Convert.ToInt32(resp.GetResponseHeader("icy-metaint"));
IMp3FrameDecompressor decompressor = null;
byteOut = createNewFile(destPath, "salva", "raw");
using (var responseStream = resp.GetResponseStream())
var readFullyStream = new ReadFullyStream(responseStream);
readFullyStream.metaInt = metaInt;
if (mybufferedWaveProvider != null && mybufferedWaveProvider.BufferLength - mybufferedWaveProvider.BufferedBytes < mybufferedWaveProvider.WaveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond / 4)
Debug.WriteLine("Buffer getting full, taking a break");
Mp3Frame frame = null;
frame = Mp3Frame.LoadFromStream(readFullyStream, true);
if (metaInt > 0)
UpdateSongName("No Song Info in Stream...");
catch (EndOfStreamException)
this.fullyDownloaded = true;
// reached the end of the MP3 file / stream
catch (WebException)
// probably we have aborted download from the GUI thread
if (decompressor == null)
// don't think these details matter too much - just help ACM select the right codec
// however, the buffered provider doesn't know what sample rate it is working at
// until we have a frame
WaveFormat waveFormat = new Mp3WaveFormat(frame.SampleRate, frame.ChannelMode == ChannelMode.Mono ? 1 : 2, frame.FrameLength, frame.BitRate);
decompressor = new AcmMp3FrameDecompressor(waveFormat);
this.mybufferedWaveProvider = new BufferedWaveProvider(decompressor.OutputFormat);
this.mybufferedWaveProvider.BufferDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(200); // allow us to get well ahead of ourselves
framesize = (decompressor.OutputFormat.Channels * decompressor.OutputFormat.SampleRate * (decompressor.OutputFormat.BitsPerSample / 8) * 20) / 1000;
//this.bufferedWaveProvider.BufferedDuration = 250;
int decompressed = decompressor.DecompressFrame(frame, buffer, 0);
//Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Decompressed a frame {0}", decompressed));
mybufferedWaveProvider.AddSamples(buffer, 0, decompressed);
while (mybufferedWaveProvider.BufferedDuration.Milliseconds >= 20)
byte[] read = new byte[framesize];
mybufferedWaveProvider.Read(read, 0, framesize);
byteOut.Write(read, 0, framesize);
} while (playbackState != StreamingPlaybackState.Stopped);
// was doing this in a finally block, but for some reason
// we are hanging on response stream .Dispose so never get there
if (decompressor != null)
OK i found the problem. I included the shoutcast metadata to the MP3Frame.
See the comment "HERE I COLLECT THE BYTES OF THE MP3 FRAME" to locate the correct point to get the MP3 frame with no streaming metadata.
The following code runs without audio artifacts:
private void SHOUTcastReceiverThread()
//-*- String server = "";
//String serverPath = "/";
//String destPath = "C:\\temp\\"; // destination path for saved songs
HttpWebRequest request = null; // web request
HttpWebResponse response = null; // web response
int metaInt = 0; // blocksize of mp3 data
int count = 0; // byte counter
int metadataLength = 0; // length of metadata header
string metadataHeader = ""; // metadata header that contains the actual songtitle
string oldMetadataHeader = null; // previous metadata header, to compare with new header and find next song
//CircularQueueStream framestream = new CircularQueueStream(2048);
QueueStream framestream = new QueueStream();
framestream.Position = 0;
bool bNewSong = false;
byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; // receive buffer
byte[] dec_buffer = new byte[decSIZE];
Mp3Frame frame;
IMp3FrameDecompressor decompressor = null;
Stream socketStream = null; // input stream on the web request
// create web request
request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(server);
// clear old request header and build own header to receive ICY-metadata
request.Headers.Add("GET", serverPath + " HTTP/1.0");
request.Headers.Add("Icy-MetaData", "1"); // needed to receive metadata informations
request.UserAgent = "WinampMPEG/5.09";
// execute request
response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
catch (Exception ex)
// read blocksize to find metadata header
metaInt = Convert.ToInt32(response.GetResponseHeader("icy-metaint"));
// open stream on response
socketStream = response.GetResponseStream();
var readFullyStream = new ReadFullyStream(socketStream);
frame = null;
// rip stream in an endless loop
if (IsBufferNearlyFull)
Debug.WriteLine("Buffer getting full, taking a break");
frame = null;
int bufLen = readFullyStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (framestream.CanRead && framestream.Length > 512)
frame = Mp3Frame.LoadFromStream(framestream);
frame = null;
catch (Exception ex)
frame = null;
if (bufLen < 0)
Debug.WriteLine("Buffer error 1: exit.");
// processing RAW data
for (int i = 0; i < bufLen; i++)
// if there is a header, the 'headerLength' would be set to a value != 0. Then we save the header to a string
if (metadataLength != 0)
metadataHeader += Convert.ToChar(buffer[i]);
if (metadataLength == 0) // all metadata informations were written to the 'metadataHeader' string
string fileName = "";
string fileNameRaw = "";
// if songtitle changes, create a new file
if (!metadataHeader.Equals(oldMetadataHeader))
// flush and close old byteOut stream
if (byteOut != null)
byteOut = null;
if (byteOutRaw != null)
byteOutRaw = null;
timeStart = timeEnd;
// extract songtitle from metadata header. Trim was needed, because some stations don't trim the songtitle
//fileName = Regex.Match(metadataHeader, "(StreamTitle=')(.*)(';StreamUrl)").Groups[2].Value.Trim();
fileName = Regex.Match(metadataHeader, "(StreamTitle=')(.*)(';)").Groups[2].Value.Trim();
// write new songtitle to console for information
if (fileName.Length == 0)
fileName = "shoutcast_test";
fileNameRaw = fileName + "_raw";
SongChanged(this, metadataHeader);
bNewSong = true;
// create new file with the songtitle from header and set a stream on this file
timeEnd = DateTime.Now;
if (bWrite_to_file)
byteOut = createNewFile(destPath, fileName, "mp3");
byteOutRaw = createNewFile(destPath, fileNameRaw, "raw");
timediff = timeEnd - timeStart;
// save new header to 'oldMetadataHeader' string, to compare if there's a new song starting
oldMetadataHeader = metadataHeader;
metadataHeader = "";
else // write mp3 data to file or extract metadata headerlength
if (count++ < metaInt) // write bytes to filestream
framestream.Write(buffer, i, 1);
else // get headerlength from lengthbyte and multiply by 16 to get correct headerlength
metadataLength = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[i]) * 16;
count = 0;
if (bNewSong)
decompressor = createDecompressor(frame);
bNewSong = false;
if (frame != null && decompressor != null)
framedec(decompressor, frame);
// fine Processing dati RAW
}//Buffer is not full
} while (playbackState != StreamingPlaybackState.Stopped);
} //try
catch (Exception ex)
if (byteOut != null)
if (socketStream != null)
if (decompressor != null)
decompressor = null;
if (null != request)
if (null != framestream)
if (null != bufferedWaveProvider)
//if (null != bufferedWaveProviderOut)
// bufferedWaveProviderOut.ClearBuffer();
if (null != mono16bitFsinStream)
if (null != middleStream2)
if (null != resampler)
public class QueueStream : MemoryStream
long ReadPosition = 0;
long WritePosition = 0;
public QueueStream() : base() { }
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
Position = ReadPosition;
var temp = base.Read(buffer, offset, count);
ReadPosition = Position;
return temp;
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
Position = WritePosition;
base.Write(buffer, offset, count);
WritePosition = Position;
public void reSetPosition()
WritePosition = 0;
ReadPosition = 0;
Position = 0;
private void framedec(IMp3FrameDecompressor decompressor, Mp3Frame frame)
int Ndecoded_samples = 0;
byte[] dec_buffer = new byte[decSIZE];
Ndecoded_samples = decompressor.DecompressFrame(frame, dec_buffer, 0);
bufferedWaveProvider.AddSamples(dec_buffer, 0, Ndecoded_samples);
NBufferedSamples += Ndecoded_samples;
if (Ndecoded_samples > decSIZE)
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Too many samples {0}", Ndecoded_samples));
if (byteOut != null)
byteOut.Write(frame.RawData, 0, frame.RawData.Length);
if (byteOutRaw != null) // as long as we don't have a songtitle, we don't open a new file and don't write any bytes
byteOutRaw.Write(dec_buffer, 0, Ndecoded_samples);
frame = null;
private IMp3FrameDecompressor createDecompressor(Mp3Frame frame)
IMp3FrameDecompressor dec = null;
if (frame != null)
// don't think these details matter too much - just help ACM select the right codec
// however, the buffered provider doesn't know what sample rate it is working at
// until we have a frame
WaveFormat srcwaveFormat = new Mp3WaveFormat(frame.SampleRate, frame.ChannelMode == ChannelMode.Mono ? 1 : 2, frame.FrameLength, frame.BitRate);
dec = new AcmMp3FrameDecompressor(srcwaveFormat);
bufferedWaveProvider = new BufferedWaveProvider(dec.OutputFormat);// decompressor.OutputFormat
bufferedWaveProvider.BufferDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(400); // allow us to get well ahead of ourselves
// ------------------------------------------------
//Create an intermediate format with same sampling rate, 16 bit, mono
middlewavformat = new WaveFormat(dec.OutputFormat.SampleRate, 16, 1);
outwavFormat = new WaveFormat(Fs_out, 16, 1);
// wave16ToFloat = new Wave16ToFloatProvider(provider); // I have tried with and without this converter.
wpws = new WaveProviderToWaveStream(bufferedWaveProvider);
//Check middlewavformat.Encoding == WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm;
mono16bitFsinStream = new WaveFormatConversionStream(middlewavformat, wpws);
middleStream2 = new BlockAlignReductionStream(mono16bitFsinStream);
resampler = new MediaFoundationResampler(middleStream2, outwavFormat);
return dec;

Silent microphone audio getUserMedia

I've been banging my head against a wall on this for two days now, and I really hope someone can help on this.
I've taken some code for a getUserMedia microphone recorder from + here. I've stripped out the components I don't need - and somehow, in the process, I've managed to make it so that there is no audio coming through on the generated file.
It looks like it formats correctly - but is completely silent. I'm getting 0 errors to work from.
// navigator.getUserMedia shim
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;
// URL shim
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
// audio context + .createScriptProcessor shim
var audioContext = new AudioContext;
if (audioContext.createScriptProcessor == null) {
audioContext.createScriptProcessor = audioContext.createJavaScriptNode;
// selectors
var $microphone = $('#microphone');
var $cancel = $('#cancel');
var $recordingList = $('#recording-list');
var $timeDisplay = $('#time-display');
var $microphoneLevel = $('#microphone-level');
var microphone = undefined;
var input = audioContext.createGain();
var mixer = audioContext.createGain();
var microphoneLevel = audioContext.createGain();
microphoneLevel.gain.value = 0;
var processor = undefined;
var startTime = null;
var encoder = undefined;
// obtaining microphone input
$ {
navigator.getUserMedia({ audio: true },
function(stream) {
microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
function(error) {
window.alert("Could not get audio input");
// start/stop recording
$ {
if (startTime != null) {
} else {
// cancel recording (without saving)
$ {
// microphone level slider
$microphoneLevel.on('input', function() {
var level = $microphoneLevel[0].valueAsNumber / 100;
microphoneLevel.gain.value = level * level;
function startRecording() {
startTime =;
function startRecordingProcess() {
processor = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(1024, 2, 2);
// wav encoder
encoder = new WavAudioEncoder(audioContext.sampleRate, 2);
processor.onaudioprocess = function(event) {
function getBuffers(event) {
var buffers = [];
for (var ch = 0; ch < 2; ++ch) {
buffers[ch] = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(ch);
return buffers;
function stopRecording(finish) {
startTime = null;
$microphone.html('<i class="start fa fa-microphone fa-5x" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
function stopRecordingProcess(finish) {
if (finish) { // if microphone pressed
} else { // if cancel pressed
function saveRecording(blob) {
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var html = "<p class='recording' recording='" + url + "'><a class='btn btn-default' href='" + url + "' download='recording.wav'>Save Recording</a></p>";
// once we have done all the processing, upload the file to beyond verbal
// uploadFile(blob);
// update the recording timer
function minuteSeconds(n) { return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n; }
function updateDateTime() {
if (startTime !== null) {
var sec = Math.floor(( - startTime) / 1000);
$timeDisplay.html(minuteSeconds(sec / 60 | 0) + ":" + minuteSeconds(sec % 60));
window.setInterval(updateDateTime, 200);
If anyone has run into this before, I'd be really appreciative of a fix.
Thank you all for your time, and have a nice day/night
First check your microphone with general recording demo.
If its working you can try passing only Audio Stream & required mime type to media recorder for basic audio recording.
If you want to play with this webaudio context,
Am suspecting issue with microphoneLevel.gain.value = 0;
change it to microphoneLevel.gain.value = 1; //or 2
gain = 0 means we are muting the audio.
gain = 1 default audio level
gain = 0.1 - 0.9 is reducing volume level
gain = above 1.1 increasing the volume level
print the level values in console on
// microphone level slider
$microphoneLevel.on('input', function() {
var level = $microphoneLevel[0].valueAsNumber / 100;
console.log('value: ' + $microphoneLevel[0].valueAsNumber + ' Level: ' + level);
microphoneLevel.gain.value = level * level; // if level is zero, then its silent
// its better if you have a predefined level values based slider position instead of multiplying it
See my demo and source

Where to retrieve audio file? -- Arduino - Photon project

I have just started with electronics, and doing a project using the Spark Photon, which is based on Arduino. The project website is here:
I uploaded the following two files (.ino and .js) to the Photon, which should then capture and transmit sound (directly I assume). I expected a test.wav would be created. However, where should I find this file so I can check if everything worked?
main.ino file:
#define AUDIO_BUFFER_MAX 8192
int audioStartIdx = 0, audioEndIdx = 0;
uint16_t audioBuffer[AUDIO_BUFFER_MAX];
uint16_t txBuffer[AUDIO_BUFFER_MAX];
// version without timers
unsigned long lastRead = micros();
char myIpAddress[24];
TCPClient audioClient;
TCPClient checkClient;
TCPServer audioServer = TCPServer(3443);
void setup() {
// so we know where to connect, try:
// particle get MY_DEVICE_NAME ipAddress
Spark.variable("ipAddress", myIpAddress, STRING);
IPAddress myIp = WiFi.localIP();
sprintf(myIpAddress, "%d.%d.%d.%d", myIp[0], myIp[1], myIp[2], myIp[3]);
// 1/8000th of a second is 125 microseconds
lastRead = micros();
void loop() {
checkClient = audioServer.available();
if (checkClient.connected()) {
audioClient = checkClient;
//listen for 100ms, taking a sample every 125us,
//and then send that chunk over the network.
void listenAndSend(int delay) {
unsigned long startedListening = millis();
while ((millis() - startedListening) < delay) {
unsigned long time = micros();
if (lastRead > time) {
// time wrapped?
//lets just skip a beat for now, whatever.
lastRead = time;
//125 microseconds is 1/8000th of a second
if ((time - lastRead) > 125) {
lastRead = time;
// Callback for Timer 1
void readMic(void) {
uint16_t value = analogRead(MICROPHONE_PIN);
if (audioEndIdx >= AUDIO_BUFFER_MAX) {
audioEndIdx = 0;
audioBuffer[audioEndIdx++] = value;
void copyAudio(uint16_t *bufferPtr) {
//if end is after start, read from start->end
//if end is before start, then we wrapped, read from start->max, 0->end
int endSnapshotIdx = audioEndIdx;
bool wrapped = endSnapshotIdx < audioStartIdx;
int endIdx = (wrapped) ? AUDIO_BUFFER_MAX : endSnapshotIdx;
int c = 0;
for(int i=audioStartIdx;i<endIdx;i++) {
// do a thing
bufferPtr[c++] = audioBuffer[i];
if (wrapped) {
//we have extra
for(int i=0;i<endSnapshotIdx;i++) {
// do more of a thing.
bufferPtr[c++] = audioBuffer[i];
//and we're done.
audioStartIdx = audioEndIdx;
bufferPtr[c] = -1;
// Callback for Timer 1
void sendAudio(void) {
int i=0;
uint16_t val = 0;
if (audioClient.connected()) {
write_socket(audioClient, txBuffer);
else {
while( (val = txBuffer[i++]) < 65535 ) {
// an audio sample is 16bit, we need to convert it to bytes for sending over the network
void write_socket(TCPClient socket, uint16_t *buffer) {
int i=0;
uint16_t val = 0;
int tcpIdx = 0;
uint8_t tcpBuffer[1024];
while( (val = buffer[i++]) < 65535 ) {
if ((tcpIdx+1) >= 1024) {
socket.write(tcpBuffer, tcpIdx);
tcpIdx = 0;
tcpBuffer[tcpIdx] = val & 0xff;
tcpBuffer[tcpIdx+1] = (val >> 8);
tcpIdx += 2;
// any leftovers?
if (tcpIdx > 0) {
socket.write(tcpBuffer, tcpIdx);
and the waveRecorder.js file:
// make sure you have Node.js Installed!
// Get the IP address of your photon, and put it here:
// CLI command to get your photon's IP address
// particle get MY_DEVICE_NAME ipAddress
// Put your IP here!
var settings = {
ip: "",
port: 3443
* Created by middleca on 7/18/15.
//based on a sample from here
var fs = require("fs");
var samplesLength = 1000;
var sampleRate = 8000;
var outStream = fs.createWriteStream("test.wav");
var writeHeader = function() {
var b = new Buffer(1024);
b.write('RIFF', 0);
/* file length */
b.writeUInt32LE(32 + samplesLength * 2, 4);
//b.writeUint32LE(0, 4);
b.write('WAVE', 8);
/* format chunk identifier */
b.write('fmt ', 12);
/* format chunk length */
b.writeUInt32LE(16, 16);
/* sample format (raw) */
b.writeUInt16LE(1, 20);
/* channel count */
b.writeUInt16LE(1, 22);
/* sample rate */
b.writeUInt32LE(sampleRate, 24);
/* byte rate (sample rate * block align) */
b.writeUInt32LE(sampleRate * 2, 28);
/* block align (channel count * bytes per sample) */
b.writeUInt16LE(2, 32);
/* bits per sample */
b.writeUInt16LE(16, 34);
/* data chunk identifier */
b.write('data', 36);
/* data chunk length */
//b.writeUInt32LE(40, samplesLength * 2);
b.writeUInt32LE(0, 40);
outStream.write(b.slice(0, 50));
var net = require('net');
client = net.connect(settings.port, settings.ip, function () {
client.on("data", function (data) {
try {
console.log("GOT DATA");
console.log("got chunk of " + data.toString('hex'));
catch (ex) {
console.error("Er!" + ex);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('recorded for 10 seconds');
}, 10 * 1000);
Thieme! Such a beginner's question... SO unworthy!
Anyway, I will iron my heart and tell you the answer.
First of all, you misunderstood: the .ino file should go to the Photon and the waveRecorder.js file should be stored on your computer (or server) and called whenever you want to retrieve the audio. As you can read in the code, the .ino file makes sure that every millisecond it will check if something wants to connect, and if so, it will stream the sound to the wav.file stored in the same location as your waveRecorder.js file. "Something wants to connect" happens when you launch waveRecorder.js. Make sure you have node installed.
So, to sum it up:
Download the two files (main.ino and waveRecorder.js) to your computer in a folder ../xx/folderName
Then configure the IPAddress in both files using your photon's IPAddress
Upload main.ino to the photon (type 'particle flash abcdefgh123456578 "xx/../folderName/main.ino"' in the terminal)
Then run waveRecorder.js by typing 'node "xx/../folderName/waveRecorder.js"' in your terminal.
That should do it.. Even I got it working :)
